
Incest Stories(MILF)

All Your MILF Fantacy In One Place. (All Stories Are From My Preferences. Hope You Like It.)

addictz · 現実
180 Chs


Life was good, or so Liam thought as he relaxed on his father's new 50-foot yacht. It was a warm sunny day and Liam had a cold beer in his hand while he let the warm sun caress him with his eyes closed. His father, Henry, was at the helm, while his two older sisters, Beatrice and Amelia, sat at the stern chatting, each with an umbrella toped cocktail in her hand. Their mother had decided to skip today's sailing, after joining her husband the previous day, and to stay at the exclusive resort they were staying at.

Liam took a sip from the cold bottle in his hand and let out a content sigh. He ran a hand over his smooth exposed chest and took another sip as footsteps came his way.

"So, what do think?" Henry asked his son with a big smile on his face as he took a seat next to him, a glass of bourbon on the rocks in his hand.

"This is pretty great dad" Liam answered and sat up. He lifted his sunglasses and surveyed the vast blue ocean surrounding them before settling his gaze on his old man. "You finally did it!" he told his father with a big smile.

Henry's dream for the past few years, was to get a skipper's license and buy a yacht. Unlike most people, the problem for Henry wasn't the money, he had plenty of that, but he lacked the time for it. He started skipper's lessons several times, but constantly had to cut them short because of a business emergency of some sort. He ended up dragging the lessons over four years, but in the end he did it.

Henry was ecstatic when he finally received his skipper's license. The following week, he flew out to the Philippines and bought a brand new 50-foot yacht that cost him a hefty sum. Henry had never been happier than when he first walked onto his new vessel and looked at her name emblazoned on the starboard side in bold black letters – Ararat.

Henry promised his family, that on the first chance he has, he will fly them all for a luxurious oceanside vacation and a much-awaited cruise on the Ararat. The chance presented itself a few months later during the summer, when Henry took a month-long vacation. He invited his children who did not hesitate to join a 5-star vacation paid for by daddy.

Liam, who was just finishing up his second year of business school, was on summer break, and had no problem immediately accepting his father's invitation. Beatrice, the oldest, was working in her father's company as PR manager and was being groomed by her father to take over his empire. When she told her father with a mocking smile that she wasn't sure her boss would let her off, he started laughing loudly.

Amelia, the younger of the two sisters, had a harder time getting time off. She just finished her first year working for a big music producing company. The invitation was much too tempting, and she had to ask her boss. He didn't seem very pleased with the idea but said he will check. The following day, to her surprise, he told her she could take a full month off. Only after a few weeks, she learned it was her father's doing.

"What about lunch? I'm getting hungry" Amelia called out as she and her sister stopped their chattering and headed to join their younger brother and father.

"I could go for lunch" Liam added and pulled his sunglasses back on. He was wearing leather moccasins, white chino shorts and a thin brown belt. He put down his beer and put on his long-sleeved button-down white shirt, leaving it unbuttoned. With his tall frame, thick mane of golden-brown hair and tan skin, he looked like the poster boy for a yachting club.

"Me too" said Beatrice as she walked out to the deck along with Amelia. She was wearing a pair of tight khaki shorts, reaching down mid -high and showing off a pair of long legs, a loose stripped top that hid a pair firm round breasts, and a pair of brown sandals. Her long dark brown hair was tied up into an elegant bun, and her face was covered by just a hint of makeup.

"Good, daddy?" Amelia asked looking at her father. She was wearing a yellow sundress that reached down to her knees and had a cleavage that displayed a pair of prominent round perky breasts. She wore a pair of white sandals, had no makeup on and wore an expensive floppy hat, her shoulder length light brown hair falling in waves beneath it.

"Yes, I guess I could eat" Henry said to his hungry children and got up. He was wearing a pair of expensive black loafers, navy blue shorts and a long sleeved light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His grey streaked hair was cut short and topped with a white captain's hat.

"Dad, would you please take off that ridiculous hat?" his oldest daughter asked him as they all entered the cabin, but he just laughed and refused.

They entered the cabin and Henry grabbed the 2 gourmet lunch baskets they brought from the resort. His children sat around the dark mahogany table and as their father placed both baskets on the table, they started taking things out.

Their hungry eyes lit up with delight as the table started filling with an assortment of delicacies: Freshly baked bread, artisanal cheeses, smoked meats, fresh vegetables, sliced tropical fruit, and to wash it all down, a cold bottle of Krug. Amelia quickly rose to get the champagne flutes as her brother popped the cork and they poured the expensive champagne. They toasted their father's new boat and dug in.

"So, what do you say about spending the night out here?" Henry asked his children as they sat there stuffed, drinking the last of the Krug.

"I'm in" Amelia said and finished what remained in her glass in a single swig.

"Me too" said Liam with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Did you get things for dinner and for tomorrow?" Beatrice asked her father.

"Yes. I didn't know if we would decide to spend the night, but I brought things in case we would" Henry told his children. He had asked his children if they wanted to spend the night out at sea and sail back tomorrow, but they couldn't reach a decision, so they agreed to decide once they were out on the water.

"Then I guess I'm in too" Beatrice said. She wasn't sure about spending the night before they set sail, but she was really enjoying herself.

"Great, then it's settled" Henry said and got up. The rest of the day went along much of the same, drinks, chatting, sunbathing, napping, reading, more drinks and an occasional snack.

As the sun started to set, painting the horizon with magnificent shades of crimson, Henry checked where they were and dropped anchor. Beatrice was napping on the deck, soaking the last few rays of sun, while Liam and Amelia were at the stern chatting, catching up on work and studies.

"Hey," Henry said as he walked up to his son and daughter "what do say about dinner?" he asked them, interrupting their conversation.

"Dinner sounds good" Amelia said to her brother's nods of agreement.

"Good, I'll start getting it ready" he said and disappeared inside the cabin.

Dinner was excellent. Grilled fresh blue cod served with a lemon garlic butter sauce, grilled asparagus, fresh oysters, and a bottle of exquisite Australian chardonnay. Henry woke up early that day and bought all this at the local market before they set sail.

As they finished eating, the last lights of dusk faded, leaving them in the vast darkness of the sea. After dinner, they all went out to the deck, each with a drink in hand and looked up at the star crested skies. They gazed with awe at the endless blanket above them, the milky way visible with all its belittling glory. They chatted on the Ararat's deck, the warm ocean breeze caressing their sun speckled skins until slowly drowsiness took hold of them.


It was the middle of the night when Liam was awakened by a drop of water on his sleeping face. He was sleeping on the deck, laying on the thick cushions and covered with a light blanket when he opened his eyes and was hit by another drop of water. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep when a barrage of drops hit him, and he sat up angry. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he realized it was starting to rain and quickly stepped over to the cabin. Liam tiptoed inside, careful not to wake his father and sisters, and took a place on an empty sofa. He heard a distant rumbling of thunder, just before he fell asleep again.

"Liam wake up!" Henry said while shaking his son. The boat was rocking ominously as he opened his eyes and looked up at his father.

"What is it?" he asked as he looked around the room. His two sisters were standing next to their father with a freighted expression on their faces as a loud thunder tore through the air.

"It's a storm, it looks bad" Henry said while trying to keep a confident expression on his face "Now get up, quickly" he added. All three children followed their father to the control room where he started looking at the screens with a grim expression. They looked through the large windows, a heavy rain beating on them, before a flash of lightening lit the sky, giving them a glimpse of the rough waves around them.

"Dad, what's going on?" Amelia asked their father as he looked worried at the screen before him.

"It's just a little storm, it should pass soon" he told his children trying not to alarm them. "But just in case…" he added and walked over to the emergency cupboard. He took out four life vests and gave them to his children as they looked at him with horror. "Just a precaution" he said as he showed them how to put it on and put one on himself.

They stood there frightened, looking through the windows as the storm grew more vicious outside. The rain grew heavier, the winds stronger and the waves higher. They stood as the boat rocked intensely, until it suddenly lunged forward.

"Everybody outside!" Henry yelled at his terrified kids.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked his father in alarm.

"We lost the anchor, quick outside" he called again and dragged them outside. They were instantly hit with the heavy rain and strong winds as the Ararat shook all around them. They held onto the railings and looked with fear as the surrounding waves threatened to turn their vessel into driftwood. They walked over to the stern where they sat down in the pouring rain.

After a few miserable minutes, the rain started to ease up and the family let out a sigh of relief. They looked at each other with hopeful expressions, but it was premature. A few seconds later, their eyes filled with terror as a huge wave headed their way. It hit the boat with force, and as effortlessly as a toddler submerging a rubber duck in the bath, it sunk Henry's beloved boat to the depth of the pacific.

If Henry was a better skipper, it might have been different. He was too preoccupied with work and cared much more about getting the license than learning all the necessary skills to be skipper. If he had paid more attention to his meteorology, he might have checked the radar a few more times since they left the harbor. If he had, he would have seen that the powerful storm that was far away and was heading in the opposite direction, had shifted direction and grown stronger, but he didn't. He was more focused on impressing his rich friends and his family than learning how to be a real skipper.

Every part of Henry's body felt stiff and cold as he opened his eyes. The last few hours were a cold dark blur and he wasn't sure he was really feeling something firm beneath his body or if his mind was playing tricks on him. He could feel waves around him, just like he felt all night, but this was different, he was not floating in the water anymore.

Henry rolled over to his back and looked up at a dark moonless sky as his eyes closed again. The next time he opened them he looked up at a clear sky. His mind wandered as he lay there, until everything came rushing back and dread filled him. He rolled over again and tried to pull himself upright.

It took some effort, but Henry managed to get to his feet. Only then did he notice that he was standing on a beach, a dense tropical forest in front of him. "Kids!" he tried to yell, but all that came out was a croak as he recalled what had happened last night.


Amelia started coughing as she regained consciousness. Her body was shivering but she noticed she was not floating out at sea anymore. Land! She realized as she opened her eyes and looked at the wet sand beneath her hands. She never thought she would be this happy to feel sand under her. She tried to calm down and took a few deep breaths. She was still wearing the yellow life vest and she started to take it off when she heard a ruffling in the sand next to her.

Bea! Amelia realized as she looked at her older sister. She managed to remove her life vest and crawled over to her sister. "Bea!" she called out to her as she started shaking her. "Bea!" she called again in a scared voice and saw her sister's eyes open. Amelia helped her sister up, pulled off her life vest and embraced her sister powerfully.

"What's going on? Where are we?" Beatrice asked her younger sister with a sleepy voice. It was dawn, they were both soaking wet and sitting on wet sand.

"I don't know" Amelia told her sister as they helped each other up. They picked up their life vests and dragged themselves onto the dry sand where they sat down. They were both still in shock as they surveyed their new surroundings.

"Do you hear something?" Beatrice asked her sister after they sat in silence for few minutes.

"I don't think so" Amelia said as she strained her ears. They both sat in silence, listening, until they both heard it. It was a distant incoherent shout. "Is that, Liam?" Amelia asked her sister and they both jumped to their feet. They looked to where the sound came from started running towards it.

"Bea! Amelia!" they heard more clearly as they ran on the cool sand. "Liam!" they started to yell back as they ran towards him. A few seconds later they could see his figure running towards them until they met.

Liam hugged his sisters as they jumped on him and hugged him. They were all so relieved to find each other and still panting from the run. After breaking their reunion, Beatrice and Amelia gave their brother a fearful look. "Don't worry," Liam told his sisters as he understood the look on their faces, "dad is fine" he announced.

"What, how do you know?" They asked him immediately.

"He pulled me out of the water about an hour ago" Liam said to his sisters' relief. "We split up to look for you. He went to the opposite side" Liam explained and all three of them continued in the direction he came from.

"Dad! Dad!" they yelled as they briskly walked along the beach.

"Girls?" they suddenly heard their father yell from afar and started shouting louder. A minute later, all four of them were hugging, thankful they were all alive and unharmed.

They walked back to where Henry and Liam left their life vests and tried to put together last night's events. They remembered the yacht going doing and all four of them holding each other in the water. They remembered floating together for some time but that's where things got blurry and no one remembered where they got separated and how. They got to the life vests and sank down onto the sand. It was warm, the sun was coming up, the skies were clear and there was no hint of the storm from last night.

"Where are we?" Beatrice asked, looking around and then at her father.

"I'm not sure" Henry admitted. "I noticed a cluster of islands on the map not very far when the storm hit us, this might be it" he said with uncertainty.

"Islands?" Liam said in a hopeful tone "There might be a resort nearby?"

"There could be, but I wouldn't count on it" Henry told his son. "I think most of the islands in these parts are uninhabited" he said and noticed his children's expression turn grim at the mention of the last word.

"So, what now?" Beatrice asked in a pitiful tone and looked to her father.

"Now we wait for rescue" Henry said and seemed confident about it. "In the meanwhile, we should look around for water and maybe see if there are fruit trees" Henry said. "Girls, where are your life jackets?" he asked realizing they were without them.

"We left them where we washed ashore" Amelia told her father.

"Go get them" Henry told his daughters. "Their bright color could help spot us" he explained. "Meanwhile your brother and I will have a look around" he said and all four of them got up.

They were all wearing the same clothes from the boat. Elegant expensive clothes, clothes for yachting and cocktails, not clothes for running around on islands in. But they couldn't complain, they were all still alive and healthy.

The sisters returned over half an hour later with their life vests and sat down on the warm sand, waiting for their father and brother to return. It was getting hot, the tropical sun shining down on them mercilessly and they felt the dryness in their throats growing. After half an hour of waiting, they heard noises in the bushes behind them and turned around to see their father and brother walking back. They had a satisfied look on their face and each was holding a coconut in his hand.

"Wow, are those coconuts?" Amelia asked as her father and brother neared.

"Did you find anything else interesting?" Beatrice asked, "Some water maybe?"

"We sure did" Henry said with a smile to his girls "there is a small waterfall with a pool of fresh water not far" he told his daughters and they quickly jumped to their feet.

"Where?" they said in unison.

"Come on, I'll show you" Henry said to his daughters, "Liam will stay here and keep a look out for rescue".

Henry guided his daughter's through the dense tropical forest to the waterfall he and his son found. When they got there, his daughters immediately crouched down and started drinking from the clear waters of the pool. When they returned to their brother, he had a victorious expression on his face. He had managed to open both coconuts, crashing them open with large rocks. He handed out bright white coconut nubs to his sisters and father who ate them hungrily.

For the rest of the day, they just sat on the beach and waited for rescue to arrive. Henry was so sure they would be found in no time that he looked very depressed when it turned dark and they were still sitting on the beach waiting.

"Why didn't they find us yet?" Amelia asked on the verge of tears. Her father said they would be here in no time, but it was getting dark and there was no sign of civilization.

"Maybe the storm is delaying them" Henry said skeptical "Could be another day or two" he mumbled. "How about we get some sleep" he said, trying to change the subject.

It was a clear starry night and all four of them lay next to each other on the cool sand and tried to sleep. The air was warm, and a heavily scented sea breeze was blowing. They could feel their weariness growing, their eyes slowly closing when suddenly, a nearby bang of thunder was heard. Within a few minutes, a heavy dark blanket covered the clear sky and rain started pouring.

"Quick, let's get under the trees" Liam yelled as the heavy drops started falling on them. The thick canopy of the trees helped but was not enough. Within a few minutes they were all soaking wet. They looked around for a better shelter, but it was pitch black. All they could do was huddle up together and try to get some sleep.

The rain stopped only an hour before dawn. The entire family was asleep by then, cold, wet, shivering, but asleep. They cuddled into each other for warmth without thinking about it and managed to get a few miserable hours of sleep.

The following morning, Amelia was the first one to wake up. The sun was already out and there was not a cloud in the sky. The only evidence of the night's downpour was their wet surroundings and their very wet and cold bodies. She tried to get up without waking the others, but she was in the middle and ended up waking everyone before she managed to get to her feet shivering.

They slowly rose to their feet, each with a disgruntled look on his face, and stretched their aching limbs. They were shivering from their wet clothes, and quickly made their way to the beach, their wet clothes clinging to their bodies.

The sun has never felt so good as it did the second they stepped from bellow the thick canopy of the trees. They stepped out of their shoes and placed a foot in the warm sand with the sun shining down on their soaked figures, kissing their wrinkly skin with its soft warm rays and resurrecting their spirits. They stood in the tropical sunlight, soaking in the warmth until the chill was gone from their bodies. Only then did they think about doing anything else.

They started the day by walking to the waterfall for a drink, then went back to the beach and thought about what to do next. Neither one of them said a word about rescue and they decided to spend the day making their stay more comfortable, no matter how short they were hoping it would be. They decided that Liam and Amelia would go exploring and try to find something to eat. While Henry and Beatrice would get started on trying to build some sort of shelter.

"So, dad, any idea how to get started?" Bea asked her father after her brother and sister disappeared into the woods.

"I have a general concept in mind" Henry told his daughter, hoping it would yield fruit. "Let's start gathering long thick branches and big leaves" he told his daughter. They walked into the forest and wandered for a few minutes until he found a good stick and showed her. "Like this one" he said as he picked it up.

"Got it" Beatrice said with a nod and started scouring the ground for similar sticks. Half an hour later, there was a sizable heap of sticks on the beach and a stack of large green leaves.

"What now?" Beatrice asked her father as he studied the pile of wood.

"Here is what I thought," he told his daughter as he looked around the sandy beach "we can dig a little in the sand and place two straight sticks here" he said while drawing on the sand. "Then another one on top of them, we can try and tie them together with the leaves. Then place the rest of the branches on top and cover them with leaves and sand."

"Let's try it" Beatrice said as she and her father got to work. They found two thick sticks and buried their hilts in the sand, then took another stick and tied it to the top with leaves, placing all the other branches so that one site was resting on the sand and the other leaning against it.

By the time they started to cover the top, Liam and Amelia had returned with three coconuts in hand and a grim expression. They had managed to climb the cliffs near the waterfall and discovered how small the island they were on was. From there, they saw a few more islands west of them and a thick gray mass of rain clouds heading their way. They all helped to finish cover the shelter with sand and leaves and looked at it pleased. It was no cabana in the Seychelles, but they hoped it would do. They opened the coconuts as the skies above them turned an ugly gray and cramped together under the shelter as it started to trickle.

It was already late in the afternoon as they ate the coconuts in a depressing silence under the shelter. Henry was satisfied with his shelter so far and allowed himself to lay down on his back as it started to rain. The sky gradually got dark and one after the other, they fell asleep.

In the beginning, the shelter protected them nicely. It kept them dry as the rain turned heavier and the beach around them started flowing with rainwater. They were already fast asleep when nature got the better of them. Water started dripping from cracks in the roof and water started flowing in from the sides. They woke up with a cold scream and again cuddled into one another as they tried to sleep through another wet miserable night.

The following morning, just like the one before, the sun was shining, and the sky was clear when they woke up. They crawled out from under the dripping shelter and took comfort in the warm sun.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Amelia asked her father as he removed his wet shirt and started to unbuckle his belt.

"I'm sorry, I just can't stand wearing these wet clothes any longer" he said as he removed his pants, remaining in just his gray briefs.

Amelia and Beatrice looked at their father surprised. He was not the kind of man who would walk around the house in his underwear, and even when he went for a swim in the backyard pool, he would wear a robe as he entered the house. He had a smooth bronze tan chest, muscular arms and tan legs. They could see the outline of his package under the briefs and it hinted that it was impressive.

"That's better" he said as he hung his wet clothes on a low branch for them to dry.

"You got that right dad" Liam said, and his sisters turned around to find him wearing only a pair of tight black boxers, the outline of his penis also quite notable, though his lack of clothes not so surprising comparing to their father's.

"You too?" Beatrice asked her little brother.

"Yeah. Dad's right, this feels so much better" Liam said and stretched after placing his shirt and pants to dry.

Amelia and Beatrice looked at each other as they considered following their brother and father. They were a little embarrassed by the thought of wearing only their bra and panties in front of their father and brother, but the feeling of the wet fabric sticking to their skin was horrible.

"Girls, I hope you're not staying with wet clothes on, on our account" Henry said to his daughters reading their thoughts. "It's just us here and we're all family. There's nothing to be shy about" Henry added.

"I guess you're right dad" Amelia said after exchanging looks with her older sister. She grabbed the hem of her wet sundress and lifted it over her head. She was wearing a conservative yellow 32C bra, tightly cupping her lovely tits. Her tummy was flat and tan, her slightly curvy hips leading down to orange panties and a pair of tone legs. Only when she turned around to hang her dress did all three of them notice she was wearing a thong, her almost bare round plump tushy catching them by surprise. "Oh god, that does feel so much better" Amelia stated after hanging her dress to dry and looked directly at her sister as she said it. She knew Beatrice was shy about her body, even if it was just their brother and father here.

"Yeah, all right" Beatrice said nervously. She slowly pulled her shirt off, revealing a peach colored 34C bra that hugged her round breasts. They were slightly larger than her sister's, and she blushed slightly as her father, brother and sister watched her casually. She handed Amelia her wet shirt and started removing her shorts, unbuttoning and unzipping them as she started pulling them down.

"Em, Bea" Emalia whispered to her sister and made a throat clearing sound as she gestured towards her sister's crotch. Beatrice looked down unsure and noticed that her white panties were wet and turned completely sheer, her pubic hair clearly visible beneath. Beatrice turned bright red and quickly pulled her shorts back up as she looked up to see if her father or brother noticed.

"I think I'll keep my shorts on for now" Beatrice said embarrassed after she noticed an apologetic look on her brother and father's faces.

After shedding most of their clothes, they all walked to the waterfall to get a drink and wash their faces, afterwards starting their day. Amelia and Beatrice volunteered to look for more coconuts, while Liam and Henry set to mending and improving their shelter.

As soon as Henry and Liam started working on the shelter, it fell apart in their hands, turning into a pile of sticks, leaves and sand. They looked at each other frustrated and started from scratch. They decided to move it under a nearby tree on the beach and started working. They used thicker longer sticks to hold it up and made it wider. They made sure everything was tight before applying more sticks to form a roof. They added extra layers of sand and leaves, tightening the beams after, and even dug a small moat around it to stir the rainwater away. Two hours later, Amelia and Beatrice returned. They were carrying two coconuts and something else they found.

"Are those, grapes?" Liam asked his sisters as he and his father joined them in the shade and looked at the cluster they were holding.

"They looked like grapes" Amelia said as she plucked one and studied it.

"Yes, those are seaside grapes" Henry said enthusiastically and watched as his daughter popped one in her mouth.

"We weren't sure if they were all right to eat or not, so we only brought this, but we found a lot more" Beatrice told her father and brother and looked at her sister's face as she tasted it.

"They are a little sour, but good" Amelia told her family and watched as they all grabbed some and started eating. After 2 days of eating only a few mouthfuls of coconut, the sour grapes tasted great. After eating the coconuts too, Liam and Beatrice went to pick some more grapes, while their father and sister finished up the shelter then went swimming in the ocean a little and relaxed on the beach.

"Dad, is there a reason the life vest Liam was wearing is red and all the others are yellow?" Amelia asked her father later that day as they all relaxed on the beach eating grapes. Henry looked at the pile of vests for a few seconds, then surprised everyone when he jumped to his feet and ran towards it.

All three looked at their father like he was mad and quickly followed him as he grabbed the red vest and started studying it.

"Dad, what is it?" Liam asked.

"Yes! Here it is!" their father called out in joy and pushed his hand into a strange pocket in the vest. "I can't believe I forget about this, but this is a captain's vest" he explained as he rummaged around in it.

"What does that mean?" Amelia asked intrigued.

"This is what it means!" Henry said triumphantly and pulled his hand out. He was holding two red plastic sticks.

"What are those?" Beatrice asked her father.

"Flares!" Henry declared.

"Dad," Amelia started saying with a disappointed look "what good are those if we didn't see any boats or planes around?"

"We could use them for…" Henry started saying.

"…lighting a fire" Liam jumped in, excited. His sisters' disappointed expressions brightened as they realized what it meant. "Maybe we can even catch some fish and roast them?" Liam suggested as his mind started racing with possibilities.

Excitement took hold of them for the first time since they found themselves on the island. They raced into the forest and started looking for firewood, but everything was still completely wet. Their father told them to still bring the wood they found, and they spread it on the beach to dry.

That night, not a single drop of rain fell as the family slept heavily inside their shelter. They woke up late the following day, dry, well rested and full of optimism. They gathered some more wood and leaves and set them to dry. They spend the entire day swimming in the ocean, picking grapes and waiting for the wood to dry, touching it every hour until their father declared it was dry enough.

It was just before sunset when they finished building the pyre and stood around it with their fingers crossed. They placed a large amount of dried leaves with twigs on them and placed various sized dried wood around. Their father pulled out the flare, shook it, twisted the top off, and stroked it.

Blazing red sparks immediately started shooting out of it, and Henry quickly pushed it against the center of the unlit bonfire. Within seconds the leaves caught aflame, and shortly after the wood as well. A thick white smoke started rising as they cheered in victory to the roaring fire in front of them. They hugged each other and looked euphoric into the flames. None of them thought they would ever be this happy over getting a fire started.

Things took a turn for the better on the island after that. The following day Henry caught his first fish which he grilled and they all ate hungrily. It stayed dry for most of the next several days and even when it did rain, it wasn't very heavy. They built a small shelter for the fire on the edge of their own, and somehow managed to keep it burning. They were still praying for rescue every day, but life on the island became much more tolerable.

Their days turned into a certain routine. They would wake up and wash up at the waterfall. After, they would have breakfast of grapes and maybe a coconut if they found one. Later, they would fix the shelter if needed, feed the fire and go swimming in the ocean. Henry would go fishing with a crude spear he fashioned, and usually managed to catch at least one fish. They would go and wash the salty water off them in the waterfall, and before it got dark, they would have a dinner of grilled fish or crabs if they were lucky.

It was two weeks after they found themselves on the island. Liam was napping on the beach while his sisters talked next to him. Henry grabbed his trusty harpoon and headed for the water. He was wearing his underwear just like the rest of them and jumped into the ocean.

Amelia and Beatrice kept talking, saying how much they missed their boyfriends, or this food, or this shirt or that drink, as their father disappeared from their view, trying his luck at catching dinner. Half an hour later, they saw him emerge from the ocean with a large fish skewered on his stick. They cheered him from where they sat, not noticing their brother was napping, and went back to talking as their father neared.

"Oh my god dad, what happened?" Amelia called out as she and her sister looked at their father then turned their gaze sideways.

"Sorry girls" Henry said slightly embarrassed. "I dove after a fish and got caught in a sharp rock or something" he told his daughters. Liam sat up to see what all the fuss was about and noticed it too. Their father's briefs, worn out by the water and sun, were completely torn, exposing his limp seven-inch penis to his children.

Henry wedged his fishing spear in the sand and slipped his fingers under the waist band, removing what was left of his underwear and standing nude in front of his children. He was completely smooth down there, not a single pube in sight as his flaccid, yet visibly large penis flapped in the gentle sea breeze.

"Dad, aren't you going to put your pants on?" Beatrice asked her father, embarrassed by the entire situation and still looking away. It was her first time seeing her father's manhood and despite it being very aesthetically pleasing, it was not something she wanted to see.

"I know this a little embarrassing, but it's just us here, and I'd rather not." Henry said, and his girls turned awkwardly to look at him, "They are wet and take forever to dry, I prefer to stay like this if that's alright with you?" he asked. If they were back in civilization he would never dare do this, but they weren't, and after spending two weeks together in just their underwear it didn't seem like such a big deal to him and they all reluctantly nodded in approval.

For the rest of the day, the girls had a hard time getting used to their father being naked. They sat on the beach, went grape picking, took care of the fire and got dinner ready, yet every time they looked at their dad they would be caught off guard and flush. Their gazes were involuntarily drawn to their father's one-eyed snake, and it seemed to be looking back at them slyly.


Two days later, Henry woke up in the shelter to a crisp bright morning. He could feel the gentle morning breeze on his naked body and rolled over in the sand. He was surprised to see only his son sleeping soundly next to him. Henry kept laying down, staring at the ocean until his son started to stir next to him.

"Good morning" Henry said to Liam after he opened his eyes.

"Morning dad" he said sleepily "Where are Bea and Amelia?" he asked his father. They did not usually wake up before them.

"Not sure" his father said unconcerned and got to his feet, "probably just went to wash up" he added and stretched as Liam started rising also. A few minutes later, they heard a ruffling in the bushes as the girls made their way back.

"Where did you two run off to?" Liam asked as he saw his sisters walking towards them.

"Just went to freshen up" Amelia said with a slight edge in her voice. Liam could see Beatrice was holding something in her hand and figured it was a coconut. Only when they stepped out to the beach he realized it wasn't.

"What happened to…" Liam started asking but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Amelia shaking her head and giving him a stern look.

Beatrice was standing in front of them in just her bra. Her shorts, wet and covered in dirt, were rolled into a ball in her hand, and her lower body was completely bare. A dark patch of pubic hair, still looking somewhat trimmed, adorned her exposed vulva. Beatrice gave her father and brother an embarrassed look and turned around to place her dirty shorts to dry, giving her father and brother a look at her gorgeous sculpted ass. "No point in wearing this now" Beatrice added as she removed her bra and placed it next to her shorts before turning around.

There was a long awkward pause as Henry and Liam looked at their thirty-year-old daughter/sister standing in front of them completely naked. She was tall and had a gorgeous pair of round breasts and medium sized pink areolas, her small nipples hard from the gentle breeze on them. Her stomach was tight and flat, her waist narrow, and her entire body very tan, visible tan lines outlining the place where her bra and shorts were. She had long tone legs that ended in tight looking labia. Besides the growing bush, her body was completely smooth.

"Welcome to the club" Henry told his daughter in the hopes of lessening her embarrassment and gave her a smile. "Doesn't that feel nice?" he asked his oldest daughter who gave him a shy nod. She looked down at his manhood and suddenly remembered that her father was naked too. The feeling made her feel a little less shy about her current state but also a little weird. Not only had she never seen her father naked until two days ago and he had never seen her, but to be naked next to each other was even more strange.

"If we're all done starring at Bea's hot body, she and I will go get some grapes for breakfast" Amelia said jokingly as her sister flushed again. "I told you, you don't have anything to be embarrassed about, it's just dad and Liam" Amelia told her sister as they started walking away.

"Son, are you coming to the waterfall?" Henry asked Liam after the girls were out of sight.

"Go ahead dad, I'll be right there" Liam said and his father shrugged as he started to walk away.

As soon as both his father and sisters were out of sight, Liam pulled his boxers down and wrapped his hand around his cock. After two weeks on the island, the image of his older sister nudity was hard for his body to ignore. He did his best not to get a hardon in front of his sisters and succeeded, but now that he was alone, he was immediately hard. He did not like the notion that it was seeing his sister that made him hard, but after two weeks without any kind of sexual release, he wasn't surprised it happened. He tightened his grip around his eight-inch erection and started stroking, thinking about the girl he slept with at the resort the night before they set out on the Ararat.

Liam quickened his strokes as he thought of her and the nasty things they did, and within a few seconds he felt a huge built up. Liam then let out a loud grunt and squirted a massive load all over the dry sand, his body slightly shivering from the powerful and long overdue release.

He quickly pulled his boxers back up, looked around to make sure no one saw him, then quickly followed his father to the waterfall.

Later that day, after they finished their usual chores of mending the shelter and keeping the fire lit, they all sat down to relax on the warm sand. Liam was napping, Henry was trying to sharpen his fishing spear, Beatrice was sunbathing, intent on using her situation to get rid of any tan lines, and Amelia decided to go for a swim in the ocean.

As Amelia headed to the water, Henry could not help looking up and checking out his daughter's juicy tan ass. It looked good, swaying gently in her thong as she walked on the hot sand. Henry could feel a stir in his groin as he looked at his daughter and immediately went back to his spear. The last thing he needed was to get an erection in front of his children.

Half an hour later, after a good swim, Amelia emerged from the water. Liam was awake by then and looked out at the ocean when he noticed his sister walking back onto the beach. He looked at her as she came towards them and noticed something about her looked different. Only when she was in clear view did he realize what it was. Her thong was gone.

"What happened to your…?" Liam asked, and his father and older sister immediately looked up at her. She stood there towering over them, her twenty-six-year-old vagina on display.

"Not sure," Amelia said as her body dripped with water "I think one of the sides tore and fell off" she said and didn't seem to be too embarrassed by it. With her lower body bare, Amelia saw no point in covering the upper part, and with her family looking at her, she unhooked her bra and took it off. She folded it and bent down to place it on the sand, giving her father's cock a quick glance before rising back.

Amelia kept standing in front of them, waiting for the sun and breeze to dry her perfect body as she flaunted it to her father, brother and sister, neither one of them able to look away. Her hair was wet, droplets of water falling from it to her shoulders and down her naked body. She had beautiful round tits, just a little smaller than her sister's, with bright red coin sized areolas and tiny nipples. She had a flat stomach, smooth legs, and slightly curvy hips. Her pubic mound was covered with thin light stubble that grew over the last two weeks over the usually cleanly shaved skin and continued down to a cute little slit.

Beatrice wasn't buying her story. She thought her sister removed her underwear on purpose, to make her feel more comfortable and she really appreciated it. "At least now you can get rid of those tan lines" Beatrice told her sister who smiled back at her in agreement.

"I am going to catch some dinner" Henry announced and rose to his feet. His penis was semi erect and visibly large. He gave his younger daughter another look and quickly headed for the water as his cock hardened.

By the time Henry reached the water his cock was fully erect. He entered the water until it covered him to his chest, then he started wading. He made his way behind a large boulder that was right on the water and walked out, hidden from his children's view. He threw his spear down and wrapped his left hand around his swollen member as he let out a sigh. No matter how good of a father Henry was, and how much he loved and cared for his daughters, after over two weeks without his wife and his only female contact being his daughters, his body began to betray him. Seeing both of their young naked bodies was affecting him in ways he never thought they would. Henry closed his eyes, picturing his wife as he tightened his grip around his shaft and ran his hand along it, letting out a deep groan. He used his right hand to play with his nipples as he began to stroke his long hard shaft. After a few minutes of masturbating, Henry erupted in a powerful orgasm, squirting his sperm into the gentle waves as their sound covered his grunts of pleasure. As the last ripple of pleasure faded from his body, Henry took a deep breath. He looked down at his deflated prick, picked up his spear and jumped into the cool ocean water.


"So, that just leaves you?" Amelia told her brother after their father was gone fishing. She finally dried off and took a seat between him and her sister.

"Huh?" Liam asked as he rose to his feet and stretched.

"You're the only one with clothes on" Amelia explained as she perched herself up on her elbows and looked up at her brother, her nude body proudly displayed. "You can join us if you want" she added nonchalantly.

"No thanks, I'm fine" Liam said and stole a look at the two lovely pairs of boobs in front of him.

"Okay, suit yourself" Amelia said and shrugged. She turned to her sister and whispered something in her ear. They both looked up at their little brother, eyed his package, giggled, then Amelia laid back down and closed her eyes.

"What's so funny?" Liam asked annoyed and blushed. After years of experience, his sisters knew exactly how to tease him. "Fine, I'll take my clothes off too" Liam said as he fell into his sisters' trap.

"You don't have to if you're shy" Amelia added innocently as Liam paused, and put the final nail in his coffin. He gave her a stern look and placed both hands inside the waistband of his boxers. He then took a deep breath and pulled them down, exposing his impressive semi-erect cock.

"Happy?" Liam asked his sisters angrily as they tried to hide their surprise. Beside a mild sense of curiosity, they didn't really care about seeing their brother naked. They just enjoyed teasing him and wanted to see if they could get him to take his boxers off, they had no idea their little brother was hiding such a big package.

Amelia and Beatrice both sat up as they looked up at their brother naked. His thick golden-brown hair was messy, and his usually shaved face was covered with a thin brown beard that grew over the last several days. He had strong and smooth upper body, thick biceps, strong pecks and hard abs that led down to a massive circumcised eight-inch penis. It was very visibly large even when not erect and had a thick mass of dark pubic hair around the base.

After Liam finished stepping out of his boxers, he walked away towards the shelter. "I'm going to get some more wood" Liam declared and walked away, afraid that he might get an erection if he spent any more time next to his naked sisters.

Henry returned almost an hour later with two large fish. He sat down next to his daughters and started to clean the fish. He still couldn't get used to seeing them like this but managed not to stare. A few minutes later, Liam walked back with a stack of wood in his hands. He placed them down at the shelter and joined them.

"I see you decided to join us" Henry said to his son as he noted he was also naked. His eyes briefly ran along his son's cock and he was surprised to see that it looked to be even bigger than his own. Henry went back to preparing the fish as he mused their current situation. Never in his life did he think he will sit around with his kids while they were all nude.

The rest of the day passed awkwardly. They could not get used to seeing each other naked, and they all found themselves staring or getting stared at, at one point or another. There were many embarrassed apologizes going around as they accidently ran into exposed body parts until it turned dark and they all went to sleep.

Things got even more awkward when they all entered the shelter and tried to get comfortable. The shelter wasn't very big, and as they shuffled around, there was plenty of skin touching. Liam, after accidently rubbing against Bea's breast, started getting hard. He was thankful that no one could see his erection in the dark as he turned on his side, looking out at the dark beach.

Next to them, Henry quickly dozed off. Amelia was still awake, and as her father shifted in his sleep, she felt his flaccid dick touch her thigh. She quickly pulled away and turned on her side. There was no one to her right, and after she heard her brother and sister's breathing turn shallow, she slid a hand up her thigh until she found her pussy. With the rest of the family sleeping naked next to her, and after seeing them naked throughout the day, Amelia couldn't help herself. She gently slid a finger inside her wet vagina and commenced pleasuring herself, fingering her pussy and giving it the attention, it begged for. She didn't dare get herself off, afraid they will hear her. She played with herself a little, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The following morning, Liam woke up with a huge erection. He quickly looked around at his naked family and was relieved to find them still asleep. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he rose to his feet, keeping his back to his family, and wandered into the forest. He walked until they were out of ear shot and began to wank himself. He briskly jerked his cock, the recent images of his sisters were so fresh in his mind that he didn't need to think about it, he just kept masturbating until he came hard. Afterwards, he continued to the waterfall to wash up, then returned to camp where his father and sisters were already up.

The rest of the day went on much like every other day: grapes for breakfast, keeping the fire going, mending the shelter and relaxing on the beach. Without the uncomfortable sensation of wet clothes to worry about, they all went swimming in the ocean, enjoying the cool ocean water as they skinny dipped carelessly. Later that day, with Henry out fishing, Beatrice taking a nap, and Liam doing pushups, Amelia decided she wanted to go bathe in the waterfall.

"I'm going to the waterfall to wash the salt off me, want to join?" Amelia asked her brother as she rose to her feet.

"Sure" he said breathless while in the middle of a workout and kept going "just let me finish this set" he added. She waited for him to finish, then they headed together to the waterfall. Rescue had become a taboo word for the family, and on their way there, they discussed ideas for improving their camp.

When they arrived at the waterfall and the small pool at the bottom of it, Amelia immediately entered and walked to the waterfall. She got under it and closed her eyes, taking a shower in its clear waters, then turned around and moved aside so her brother could have a turn. Amelia walked over to a large flat rock and took a seat on it, watching her handsome brother under the water. As Liam stepped out from under the waterfall, Amelia was already resting comfortably on the rock, leaning back perched on her elbows with her legs spread open and her feet dangling in the water.

Liam stepped away from under the waterfall feeling refreshed. He ran a hand through his wet hair and rubbed the water away from his eyes before opening them. When he did, he was met by the erotic sight of his sister spreading her legs towards him, giving him an unobstructed view of her bright pink vagina.

It took a few seconds of Liam staring at her for Amelia to realize she was flashing her pussy to her younger brother. She quickly pressed her legs together but was still very much naked.

She looked at Liam, her gaze drawn to his dick hanging between her legs. He kept looking at her as she sat up, her body glistening with water, and without any ability to resist, he started getting hard.

Amelia could barely breath as her little brother's cock hardened in front of her very eyes. Within seconds it was completely hard, and Amelia's eyes nearly popped out of her head. As large as her brother's cock seamed when it was soft, now that it was hard there was no way to hide how big it was. At almost eight inches long, it was one of the biggest ones she had ever seen, and she couldn't take her eyes off it.

While Amelia gazed at her brother's erect cock, on instinct, she spread her legs and moved a hand down to her pussy. Liam, hypnotized by the sight, wrapped his hand around his shaft. Amelia knew it was her brother and knew she shouldn't be doing what she was, but she couldn't help herself. She licked her fingertips, and while looking at her brother's boner, she brought it down to her vagina and started rubbing it slowly, letting out a quiet moan as she did.

Liam looked over at his sister and could not believe his eyes. His sister, naked, with her lovely boobs exposed and her legs spread, was touching herself in front of him. Her fingers were caressing her pink snatch as she was apparently looking at his very hard member. Liam looked down as well and noticed that without meaning to, he grabbed his dick. He raised his gaze to his sister, then down to his cock, and though he tried as hard as he could to resist it, he started stroking his throbbing member.

They could not look away as each one pleasured himself to the other's eyes. Amelia was rubbing her vulva and looking at her brother while he was stroking his hand along the full length of his shaft. It was perverse and disgusting, brother and sister masturbating in front of each other, but they just could not stop.

Liam tugged on his cock, stroking it slowly as he watched his sister teasing her pussy with her fingers. His mind kept telling his body to stop, but his body failed to comply. He watched Amelia as she continued to play with herself, rubbing her fingers all over her already tan vulva as she moaned gently. He watched her mesmerized, as she touched herself for a little while, then brought her hand to her mouth and licked it. When she brought it back down, she pushed her middle finger into her tight looking slit and began fingering herself.

If the show up until now wasn't hot enough, seeing Amelia fingering herself was the final straw. Liam lost control completely and stroked himself faster and faster, going at full speed, until he felt the familiar sensation of an orgasm coming on. He gave his cock a few more quick tugs, then started groaning as he began to ejaculate. He switched to quick shallow strokes as the orgasm took hold of him, sending waves of warm pleasure across his body as load after load of hot sticky cum shot out of his cock and onto the cool clear water surrounding him.

Amelia watched her brother cumming as she masturbated, and it only encouraged her to go faster. She pumped her finger in and out of her wet cunt as her brother shot the last few spurts of spunk and let go of his cock. She looked at it as it started to recede, then felt her own climax coming on.

"Oohhhh" Amelia moaned and closed her eyes as she feverishly rubbed her clit. She opened her eyes to look at her brother and saw him staring at her, then closed them again as a wave of pleasure tore through her. She ignored the fact that her brother was watching her, and just kept on touching her pussy as her entire body shuddered with sexual pleasure.

Liam stepped out of the water and looked at his sister as she laid back on the rock breathing heavily. He instinctively reached down for his boxers only to remember her didn't have any. He looked at his sister as she rested on the rock for a few more seconds, then sat up and walked out of the water.

With the built-up sexual desire out of their system, Liam and Amelia looked at each other nervously, the realization of what they did in front of one another only now hitting them. They didn't know what to say as they awkwardly looked at each other, not even able to hide their nudity.

"I think we should head back" Amelia managed to say after they stood there nervously for a minute looking at each other.

"Yeah" Liam said back, and they walked back in silence to the camp.

For the rest of the day, Liam and Amelia barely spoke to one another. They were so embarrassed by what they did, they could not look at each other without turning red.

After dinner, as it began to get dark, they all took their place under the shelter. It was a warm night, a gently breeze ruffling the leaves around them as they fell asleep to the soothing sounds of the ocean waves and the fire crackling next to them.

It was after midnight when the wind began to howl, and the weather took a turn for the worse. They did not have serious rain for over a week, yet in a matter of minutes the temperature dropped, and close by rumbling of thunder woke them up.

Henry threw more wood into the fire and surveyed the shelter as it started to rain. He was happy with the way it held firmly as rain started pouring down.

His children woke up as well and started shivering from the sudden chill. Henry and Liam were on both side of the shelter with the girls between them, Amelia next to her father and Bea next to her brother. It wasn't their first cold night on the island, and like every previous cold night, they huddled together for warmth. The girls pulled their shivering bodies together, pressing their round breasts and pubic mounds as each tried to soak up the other's warmth. On both sides of them, their brother and father wrapped their arms around them and pressed into them from behind, spooning them for warmth as their semi erect cocks pushed against the girls' tight tushies.

They said nothing, only closed their eyes and tried to get some sleep as the storm raged around them. While they lay there in a naked heap and tried to get some sleep, Henry could not stop thinking about the fact that his penis was pressed against his youngest daughter's smooth ass. He tried to push the thought from his mind but couldn't until he finally managed to fall asleep.

On the other side of the shelter, Liam just managed to get somewhat comfortable when Beatrice started moving around. She started squirming in place, trying to get comfortable, but as she did so, her ass ground into her brother's dick. She didn't even realize what she was doing until she felt his cock starting to harden. She stopped moving immediately but it was too late, and within a few seconds, to Liam's embarrassment, his cock was fully erect and pressed against his sister's ass and lower back. He tried not to think about it, tightened his grip around her warm waist and tried to go back to sleep.

The following morning, Henry woke up to a gray and chilly day with an erection. His kids were still sleeping, and they were all in the same position, his body pressed tightly against his daughter's warm body. He could feel something warm and soft around his cock, and it took him a few seconds to figure out that his erect penis was resting snugly between Amelia's thighs, the shaft nestled against her warm cunt. As soon as Henry realized where his penis was, he quickly pulled his waist away. He kept his hands around her shoulder and took a few deep breaths until his cock subsided, only then did he let go of her and get to his feet. Henry placed a few branches into the ambers that remained of the fire and blew on it gently until they caught, and a warm fire started burning. He sat in front of the fire, throwing a few more sticks in and warmed up his cold body as one by one his children woke up cold and joined him around the fire.

It rained all through the morning and the four of them stayed inside the shelter, eating the grapes they had with them as they looked around at the miserable weather. They were all in a gloomy mood and stayed mostly quiet as they waited for the rain to stop. It wasn't until the afternoon that the skies cleared up and a bright sun began to shine, warming their cold bodies and raising their spirits as they moved to the beach.

A warm tropical sun was shining, removing any sign of the bleak morning with it. Henry was working on sharpening another fishing spear, Amelia decided to go for a swim in the ocean, Beatrice was laying on her stomach to soak up the sun and Liam was working out. After a few minutes, Beatrice turned over to her back and watched her brother as he finished the last set of pullups. He crawled over next to her, his body glistening with sweat and laid down on his back breathing heavily.

Watching her brother workout, gave Beatrice an idea. She rose to her feet and faced away from her brother and father. She looked at the ocean, her firm butt and bare back to her father and brother and started doing all sort of stretches.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked his sister as she started stretching her smooth lithe body, stretching her hands over her head, and raising her legs in all kinds of poses.

"I'm doing yoga" Bea answered and closed her eyes, listening to the calming sound of the waves.

Henry kept sharpening his spear but kept glancing up at his daughter stretch, just like his son was doing next to him. She did all sort of stretches, some included sticking her lovely ass out and some had her spreading her legs wide and leaning forward, giving her father and brother a rear view of her pussy. After a few minutes of stealing glances at his daughter doing naked yoga, Henry felt his prick begin to swell. He gave his daughter a final look then rose to his feet. "I'm going to catch some fish" Henry announced as his erection grew. He made sure to face away from his kids as he picked up his fishing spear and headed to the water.

Henry was half way to the water when his erection was at full force, standing tall at over seven inches. He let out a sigh of relief, but just then, a figure emerged from the water and started heading his way. He was only fifty feet away as his daughter stepped onto the sand and started walking towards him. There was little chance she missed her father's hard penis flapping in front of him, and all Henry could do was to keep walking towards her.

As Amelia and her father neared, Henry felt extremely embarrassed by his youngest daughter looking straight at his big hard cock. "Hey dad" she said with a smile and raised her gaze to meet his as they passed each other. He gave her a shy smile in return, and as Amelia examined her father's hard package, she couldn't help being impressed by how well-endowed he was. It immediately got her thinking about her brother's package and what she watched him do with it the previous day.

With his dad gone, Liam felt more comfortable staring at his sister doing yoga. She was still with her back to him and he admired her perfect ass as she slowly crouched down on her knees and continued doing more poses. She moved around on the ground, getting on her hands and knees and giving him another great look at her ass, before turning sideways while still on all fours. Liam could feel himself getting excited as he received a side view of his sister, her flawless round breasts swaying as she stretched. After that, Beatrice rose to her feet and continued her yoga, only this time, she was facing Liam.

Liam looked at his sister as she raised her hands over her head and stretched her entire body upwards. She was with her eyes closed and Liam could not look away from her body. He studied her golden tan skin, her round breasts, her long tone legs and her pubic mound, noting how her bush was getting more and more wild. He kept watching her as she spread her legs apart and did splits, revealing her vulva and vagina to him. Before Liam even realized it, he was completely hard.

Beatrice opened her eyes in between poses and was surprised to see her brother with a huge boner. It was her first time seeing him hard, and she blushed as she looked at his big hard cock. Beatrice noticed her brother looking embarrassed as he caught her looking at his manhood. Before things got even more awkward, Bea turned around and continued to the next exercise with her back to her brother.

As Beatrice continued stretching her flexible body, she couldn't stop thinking about how big here brother's cock is. It flattered her that her brother got hard from looking at her body, and although it wasn't intentional, feeling Liam's hard cock pressing against her at night, made her curious to see how big it was hard, and it was definitely big. Bea continued and saw her sister walking towards them. She stopped once she joined them.

"Cool, I didn't know you do yoga" Amelia told her sister.

"Yes, I started a few months ago and I really enjoy it" Bea told her sister.

"Maybe you could teach me a little, later?" Amelia said, and her sister happily agreed. Beatrice sat down next to her brother, and realized he was still hard. Only then did Amelia notice her brother had an erection.

Liam turned a bright red as he noticed his sisters looking at hardon. "I'm going to check on the fire" he mumbled nervously as he got to his feet and walked away. He threw some more wood into the flames before disappearing into the bush for some much-needed masturbation.

After three weeks stranded on the island they were beginning to lose hope. They never imagined they would be here this long, and their old life seemed so long ago. They had managed to set up a nice camp in their time there, and always tried to improve it. Their shelter was now sturdy and waterproof, managing to hold even during the harshest storms. They dug deep trenched in the sand to stir the water away when it rained, managed to stock up a nice pile of coconuts and grapes, and even tried and failed at smoking fish. They built a well sheltered fire pit, that by some miracle managed to keep the fire going all this time without going out. At times they would wake up to a few last ambers, yet somehow managed to get it going again. They had a large pile of dry wood and leaves that they always kept stocked, and they even managed to build a crude water basin from leaves, sticks and sand, that would catch rain water.

They slowly got used to seeing each other naked, and while they still secretly found it arousing from time to time, it was not as weird as it was in the beginning and they felt less awkward if they accidently touched, or Liam or Henry would get an erection. They started to think of the things they missed back home, and even secretly thought what would happen if they ended up spending the rest of their lives on the island.

As they all woke up to their twenty sixth day on the island, Liam rose to his feet and walked over to a tree. He picked up a sharp stone and marked another line in the trunk, symbolling yet another day there. It was a warm sunny day and one after the other, the family climbed out of the shelter and into the warm morning sun. They took a drink of water from the basin and washed their faces with the little water they had left in it.

"I think I'll go to the waterfall for a bit" Liam told his family as he stepped into his ruined shoes.

"Me too" added Beatrice, "I could use a little washing up" she added.

"I'll go get some more grapes" Henry said and headed in the direction where they grew, as his son and daughter headed to the waterfall.

"Do you think we'll ever get rescued?" Beatrice asked her little brother on their way to the waterfall.

"Sure we will" Liam said, eternally optimistic.

"Really, when?" Bea asked skeptical.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we will" Liam exclaimed.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked, annoyed by his optimism.

"Well, you know mom. You think she will stop until she finds us?" Liam asked with a stupid smile on his face.

"Yeah maybe" Beatrice said feeling a little more cheered up but still skeptical. "I really miss her" Beatrice added with a forlorn tone.

"Me too" Liam added as he wrapped an arm around his big sister's shoulder, "what do you miss the most from home?" he asked, opening a pandora's box.

For the next five minutes, until they reached the waterfall, they kept listing all the things they missed: their friends, a soft bed, a hot shower, chicken wings, wine, pancakes, a hair brush, beer, fries, manicures…

"Sex" Liam added to the list as they arrived at the waterfall.

"Oh god yes!" Beatrice said in a frustrated tone, agreeing with her brother. She thought about her boyfriend and the last time she had sex before flying out. She stole a glance at her brother's limp penis shortly after thinking about sex with her boyfriend and quickly moved her gaze away embarrassed.

"When was the last time you, you know…had sex?" Liam asked his sister as they both stepped into the shallow pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

"I'm not telling you" Beatrice snapped back shyly as she looked at her brother. She walked over to the waterfall, stepped under its cascading waters, then stepped back out, her hair wet and her entire body dripping with water. "All I'll say that it's been over four weeks" she said with a shy smile.

Liam let a chuckle and looked at his sister as he also stepped under the waterfall for a few seconds and stepped back out. "Well, it's been twenty-seven days for me" Liam decided to share with his sister as he ran a hand through his wet hair.

"Twenty-seven days?" Beatrice asked surprised as they made their way out of the pool. "That means you had sex the day before we set out?"

"Yeah, I hooked up with a girl at the resort the night before" Liam explained slightly embarrassed and suddenly felt aroused by all the talk of sex.

"You little slut" Bea said to her brother teasingly and gave him a smile. "For me it has been thirty-three or thirty-four days" Bea said, deciding to tell her brother after all. She walked over to a large nearby rock and sat down.

"Jason?" Liam asked and walked over to his sister, facing her standing while she was sitting down.

"Yes, of course it was with Jason" Beatrice said giving her brother a stern look. Who else would she have sex if not with her boyfriend. "I really miss him too" she added and lowered her face into her palms as a few tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

As Bea teared up, she raised her head back up and got to her feet. She looked her little brother in the eyes from only inches away, then wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace, pressing her firm boobs into his muscular chest. Liam returned her embrace, hugging her tightly for a few minutes, when suddenly Bea felt something.

Liam felt extremely awkward as he got an erection in the middle of getting hugged by his older sister who appeared to be in a very vulnerable state. He tried to make it go down while not breaking the hug, but what ended up happening was his hard cock sliding into the gap between his sister's thighs, the shaft gently pressing against her labia from bellow.

Beatrice pulled away from the embrace when she felt her brother's manhood touching her intimate region. Liam froze in embarrassment as his sister looked at him with shock, then down at his penis, still lodged between her thighs. Liam held his breath and turned red as his sister looked down at his shaft. He could not make himself move and watched his sister as she looked down at his cock.

Beatrice looked mesmerized at her brother's cock for a few seconds, then held her hand out and grasped it. Her brother let out a gasp as she tightened her grip on his shaft and started pulling it away from her pussy. A soft tingling sensation swept over Bea as she gently pulled her brother's penis away, sliding the tip along her slit and away. The feeling of a cock caressing her pussy sent a shiver through her body and without meaning to, she let out a soft moan. She kept holding her brother's dick as her pussy started getting wet. The tip of his cock was barely touching the top of her slit, and with the brief delicious pleasure she just felt, she found herself pulling her brother's cock back towards her and rubbing the head gently along her lips.

Liam was in complete and utter shock as he looked down. His big sister was grabbing his cock and rubbing it along her pussy with her eyes closed. She was moaning quietly, and Liam had no idea what to say or do. He just surrendered his cock to his sister's desire and kept quiet despite the perverse pleasure he was experiencing.

Beatrice's lust was growing, and her pussy was getting wetter and wetter as she used her brother's dick to pleasure herself. All the frustration of being stuck on the island, waiting for rescue and missing the outside world had taken a toll on her and without meaning to or thinking about it, she was using her brother to relief the stress. She kept rubbing his prick onto her vulva for some time, enjoying the sensation, but after a few times, her body was telling her it wasn't enough. She kept rubbing her brother's cock onto her dripping womanhood, when suddenly, without any warning, she pressed the stiff shaft to her opening, and slowly eased her brother into her sacred hole.

Liam raised his gaze up to his sister's and looked at her wide eyed as she too opened her eyes. She looked at her brother in shock, realizing what she had done, but she couldn't take it back as the long shaft was already making its way deep inside her crevice.

They both let out a deep, disturbing moan, as Liam instinctively pushed his large penis deep inside his sister's tight vagina. Neither of them could believe what was happening, but the pleasure they were feeling was much too great for them to stop. Liam, his mind in a state euphoric pleasure, found himself pulling his cock out of his sister's hot cunt and shoving it back in to her as she let out a high-pitched moan.

Liam groaned as he shoved his prick into his sister a few more times then stopped. He pulled out of her briefly, only to make her sit down on the large rock behind her. Once she did, she spread her legs for him, and he quickly dove back in, inserting his pulsing member into his sister's heavenly snatch as they both moaned aloud.

Bea leaned back on the cool stone and closed her eyes in pleasure, treasuring the sensation she wasn't she sure she would ever feel again of a cock inside her. She opened her eyes and looked up at her handsome brother as he thrust the entire length of his big dick into her, stretching her pussy to her moans.

Liam looked down at his moaning big sister as he pumped her warm soft snatch. He looked up at her hot body, examining her pretty face as she moaned, her gorgeous tits as they bounced and her tight pussy as it hungrily swallowed his cock with every thrust. He brought his hand over to her smooth thighs and caressed them as he spread her legs even further apart.

Liam was making love to his big sister to their mutual delight. He entered a steady rhythm that he could maintain for a while as he continued plunging his big hard cock into her. After a few minutes of going, Bea's moans seemed to weaken. Liam then removed his right hand from her thigh, slid it along her bush until he reached clitoral hood, then started rubbing her engorged clit as he quickened his thrusts into her pussy.

Bea's moans became louder as her brother started rubbing her clit with his thumb while fucking her harder. Her pleasure heightened as her brother pound her pussy with his big hard dick. She closed her eyes and started moaning louder as her climax approached.

Liam kept plowing his sister's amazing pussy until he felt he was seconds away from cumming. Her entire body was beaded with sweat and her calls of sexual ecstasy were driving him mad. He gave her pussy another few seconds of intensive pounding, then pulled his cock out. He switched hands, rubbing Bea clit with his left one while he used his right one to stroke his cock quickly.

Bea looked at her brother as he pulled his cock out of her and started jacking off. He kept rubbing her clit with his left hand until he stopped. Bea immediately took over and began rubbing her clit like a mad woman, just as Liam began grunting.

Liam's entire body was hit by a wave of raw sexual pleasure as he reached an orgasm. He started letting out guttural groans as he came, shooting his sperm onto his sister naked body. The first load splattered across her stomach, hitting the bottom of her boobs and the second one reached a little above her naval. Liam kept on stroking his cock to his groans and squirted another four or five loads onto his sister's beautiful bush.

As her brother came all over her, Beatrice continued to rub her clit until she too climaxed. She let out deep moans and closed her eyes as an electrifying sensation took over her body. She felt her breath being swept away and opened her eyes to her brother stroking his cock, milking every last drop of cum onto her bush as her orgasm faded away.


Henry returned to the camp with several large clusters of grapes to find only Amelia there. "Where are your brother and sister?" he asked her.

"They're not back yet" she told her father and helped him put the grapes down without dropping any.

"Really? That's strange" Henry said surprised. The waterfall was much closer than the grapes and they were supposed to be back before him. "I'll go check on them" he told his daughter in a calm voice even though he was slightly alarmed that they weren't back yet. Henry hastily made his way to the waterfall, looking around for a sign of his children and hoping they were all right. When he neared the waterfall, he started hearing human sounds but wasn't sure what they were. Only when he was closer he realized he was hearing female moans.

Henry quietly made his way to the waterfall, still not completely sure what it was he was hearing. He moved closer until he spotted two naked figures, one laying on a rock and one standing over it. He let out a sigh of relief at the sight of his children safe, then his eyes went wide as his daughter let out a cock hardening moan and he realized what they were doing.

With the thick bushes as cover, Henry had to be sure his eyes were not deceiving him, and he crouched down and moved closer. His children's moans became louder as he quietly made his way closer. He managed to take cover behind a large boulder fifty feet away and had a clear view of his kids and exactly what they were doing.

Henry peeked from his hideout and could not believe his eyes. Beatrice, his oldest daughter, was leaning back on a high stone with her legs spread wide. Above her, standing on his feet, was his son. Liam's very large penis was completely hard, and he was thrusting it in between his sister's spread legs, fucking her. Both Liam and Beatrice seemed to be enjoying themselves as they kept letting out sexual sounds of pleasure.

Henry watched his kids having sex and could not look away from the perverse incestuous act. He watched his daughter as she moaned, her face euphoric, her beautiful round tits bouncing and her tight, hair crowned pussy stretching as it happily accepted her brother's big shaft. It was one of the most disgusting and simultaneously one of the hottest things Henry had ever seen.

Henry didn't know what to do as he kept spying on his kids having sex. He didn't know if he should walk up to them, stop them or talk to them, so he just stayed there peeping. He watched as his son began rubbing his sister's clit and started pumping her pussy harder to her growing moans. Henry knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he just couldn't stop. He slid a hand down to his penis and found it rock hard as he closed his palm around it and began to masturbate to the sight of his children fucking.

Henry kept watching with self-loathing as Liam pound his cock into his big sister. He listened to her loud erotic moans while jerking himself and watched with fascination as his son pulled his cock out of his daughter and started jerking it while Bea took over the rubbing of her clit. Henry saw his son started to ejaculate onto his sister, covering her stomach and bush with his sperm just as Bea brought herself to her own climax.

He looked at the sight of his daughter's cream covered bush, her face glowing with orgasmic pleasure, and felt his own cock explode. He stifled any noise that might come out of his mouth and looked at his kids as he began to cum. Henry shot an obscene amount of sperm onto the moist ground as a powerful orgasm tore through his mature body. He was appalled with himself for masturbating to his children having sex, but the pleasure was too great from him to care about that now. Only when Henry's orgasm subsided he felt alarmed. He realized how close he was to his kids, and how they could see him in any second if they start heading back to the beach. He peeked back at them to see them looking silently at each other, Liam's cock now soft and Bea still sitting down. Henry gave them a final look, then as quietly and quickly as he could, he made his way back to the camp.


Liam and Beatrice looked at each other breathless as the comprehension of their depraved sexual act started to sink in. Liam let go of his cock as it at went limp and looked down at his cum covered sister as she looked at him wide eyed. They stayed like that for over a minute, looking at each other in disbelief, neither of them knowing what to say to the other. After a long and awkward silence, Bea climbed to her feet, her brother taking a few steps back as she did.

"Let's get back before dad or Melia come to see why we're taking so long" Beatrice said to her brother as she lowered her gaze to the ground, she had a hard time looking at him and started heading back.

"Um, Bea" Liam said nervously and waited for his sister to turn around "you might want to…cleanup" he said gesturing towards her stomach.

"Oh shit" Beatrice said as she remembered she was covered in her brother's cum. She looked down at her stomach and saw her brother's cum dripping down to her bush, which was already covered by numerous globs of his sperm. She quickly stepped under the waterfall and washed all the sticky matter off her body before she and her brother walked back to the camp in dead silence.

"Where are they?" Amelia asked her father as he returned alone to camp. He seemed somewhat flustered, but she thought nothing of it.

"I'm not sure" Henry stuttered as he quickly thought of what to say "I didn't find them" he decided to tell her, thinking it was the safest bet. He quickly walked over to the fire and started tending to it, throwing more wood in and shifting the burning ones. A few minutes later, they heard Liam and Bea's footsteps approaching.

"There you are" Amelia said in a scolding tone as her brother and sister appeared. "Where did you disappear to?" she asked them.

"We, um…" Liam started.

"…Decided to look for coconuts" Bea jumped in decisively. "We saw a few in one of the trees and tried getting them down but they were too high" she continued sounding convincing. Both her brother and father were impressed with her quick thinking.

"That's okay, don't worry about it," Amelia told her sister, buying her credible story "we still have enough coconuts here" she said gesturing to the stock inside the shelter.

For the rest of the day, things were incredibly awkward. Liam and Beatrice could barely talk to each other, and every time they found themselves looking at the other's exposed crotch, even by accident, they immediately looked away. Amelia didn't notice it, but their father did.

Henry also felt uncomfortable as he looked at his son and eldest daughter. He tried to act casual and his kids didn't notice anything out of the ordinary with his behavior, but he kept looking at Liam and Bea, not able to push the image of their bodies pressed together out of his mind.

As darkness fell on the island and all four of them retired to the shelter for some rest, Henry noticed that Bea was waiting for everyone to take a place in the shelter. Only after they were all laying down did she join them, laying down as far away from her brother as possible.

Henry lay between his girls and his mind raced with what he witnessed the passing day. He still wasn't sure if he should talk to Bea or Liam about what he saw them doing, but by how they acted the rest of the day, he figured it was their first time doing it, and hoped it was also the last.