
Inazuma 11: Another Chance With A System

A young footballer has died in an accident. He gets transported to a bright room. The room was so bright that it hurt his eyes. What will happen next? Guess you just have to read the book to find out.

some_writer · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs


"This is a nice rental car." Isagi muttered as he sat on the front seat of the car.

"Sure is." Kotaro muttered as he started the engine.

"So tomorrow night is when the competition starts huh?" Isagi looked at him. Kotaro nodded.

"When we win our reputation will definitely increase by a lot and our chances of being invited will be even higher. " Jay added from behind.

" So who are we going to face? " Isagi asked him.

" We're definitely going to face players that are better than the ones we faced before. " Peter answered his question. Isagi grinned and looked out of the car window.

"Nice. " Isagi muttered.

"First we have to find a hotel, then we worry about the match." Kotaro muttered and they drove off to the streets of Amsterdam to find a decent hotel to stay in.



"So this is The Boiler... It's pretty exciting." Isagi grinned. He took out his phone and recorded the surroundings of the place.

"These people are ruthless." Peter muttered as he was spectating the ongoing match. Jay nodded.

"We're not getting clowned on like that." Isagi reassured as he put his phone away.

"Really now?" Isagi turned to look at Big T. Big T was smiling at him.

"Hey guys." Big T greeted. They nodded back.

"Why are you here?" Isagi asked curiously as he dapped him up.

"To compete with my crew of course." Big T pointed to a group of people.

"Why are you here?" Big T looked at them.

"Same as you, T." Jay smiled at him. Big T widened his eyes.

"Jay! You're alright! Welcome back!" Big T shook his hand. Jay chuckled.

" So when is it out turn? " Isagi asked him. Big T shook his head.

" Heh. Sorry mate but no one even knows who you guys are." Big T told him.

"Hey!" Everyone looked at the person who call them. He was wearing a white jacket, black pants and had a hat on.

"Kotaro! Jay! Kid! You and your team are up! Welcome to Amsterdam!" The man grinned at them. Isagi looked at Big T.

" That guy knows who we are. " Isagi looked at him and smiled.

" He's Ed Van Gils. The rules are this. 4v4, First to five wins the round. The record of consecutive wins in The Boiler is five. See if you can set a new record yeah?" Big T patted Isagi on the shoulder and walked back to his team.

Isagi looked at his team." Let's go win all of them, yeah?" Isagi smiled at them. Kotaro nodded.

"Let's go!"



Isagi took out a phone tripod and put it on the ground. He adjusted the length of the tripod stand and once he was satisfied with the length, Isagi started a Livestream on his I-gram account.



On the other side of the world. Otonashi and Kino were sitting on the bench watching the team practice when suddenly their phones rang out.

Otonashi took out her phone and widened her eyes. "Guys!!!" She shouted loudly. All eyes turned towards her.

"Isagi started a Livestream!!" Otonashi told them while waving her phone at them.

Endou grinned. "Alright guys! That's enough practice for now. Let's watch Isagi play!!"



Everyone surrounded Otonashi as she opened I-gram and went to Isagi's Livestream. They saw Isagi in front of the camera and smirking.

"Hey, Otonashi-chan. You arrived fast. You must be a big fan." Isagi chuckled. Otonashi blushes while Kino giggles beside her.

"And we have a thousand viewers already. Damn, you guys come quick. Hope you enjoy the matches." Isagi then walked towards the pitch.

"The match is already starting?" Kabeyama muttered.

" Hey, those guys behind Isagi. Aren't they Jayzinho and Kotaro?" Shourinji commented while sitting on Kabeyama's head.

" Man, he's playing with those guys?! Those guys are legends in the street ball community!" Endou shouted with stars in his eyes.



Isagi's team won the coin toss. They're kicking off the match. Jay looked at Isagi. "Try not to give them PTSD okay kid?" Jay told them. Isagi smirked.

"Just give me the ball. " Isagi replied. Jay kicked the ball to him. Isagi caught it and looked at the goal.


Isagi kicked the ball, it blasted towards the goal and shot into it. The goalkeeper could only watch in surprise.



Isagi laughed as the crowd cheered loudly. Jay sighed. "What did I just say?" He asked himself.

The match continued with the opposing team kicking off. Jay rushed in and intercepted the pass. He succeeded and passed it to Isagi who scored easily.

Without saying anything else, they went back yo their positions. The opposing team is kicking off again. Kotaro arrived in front of a player who has a ball.

The player attempted to weave through Kotaro but Kotaro kicked the ball away from the player's feet.

Jay caught the ball and kicked it towards Isagi skillfully. Isagi kicked the ball when it was inches away from him.

It created explosion-like sound effect and the ball was blasted into the goal. The goalkeeper couldn't do anything because his reaction speed was very lousy.

"Let's keep this up." Kotaro told them. They nodded and got back on their positions.

Isagi's team were on full offense mode right now, the opponent can't do anything about it because all of them are too good.

This time, Peter snatched the ball away and flicked the ball above the player he stole the ball from. Isagi caught it and shot it in the goal.

The cheering from the crowd is getting louder and louder. Isagi was getting pumped up by every goal he made.

"1 more." Isagi muttered and they went back to their positions. When the ball was passed to another player, Isagi was already in front of him.

Isagi took the ball and flicked it up to chest height. He grinned manically.


The ball created a small shockwave and blasted toward the goal. The ball slammed into the net and bounced on the ground.

"Let's go!! 5 more and we'll break the record." Isagi looked at them and smirked. They smirked back.



Back with Team Raimon, they were all surprised. They knew the extent of Isagi's football skills but they still couldn't help but be marveled.

"It hasn't even been a minute and a half and they already won." Someoka muttered.

"He made it seem like a warm up." Kabeyama muttered sadly.

"How can we ever catch up to him..." Shourinji muttered. Endou growled.

" Don't think like that! If you have that type of mindset then you'll never catch up! Isagi would want you guys to keep improving and you are. He texted me yesterday saying that he's proud of all of you! So don't ever have that mindset, because that's a loser's mindset! " Endou motivated them energetically. Kabeyama and Shourinji looked at each other, they looked at Endou and nodded.

"Got it captain! " They shouted together. Kino and Otonashi growled angrily

" Will you guys shut up! We're trying to watch the Livestream here!!!

To be continued.....