

Friedrich lived a life of what we call fulfilled, he was taken care by both if his parents, given a lot of things. With that he even gain the knowledge of everything he needs to know in this world. But will this knowledge be useful in a world where knowledge is nothing but an information meant to support the strength and will of the fighter. Will this dominate the world of primitive structure wherein people disgust the word of knowledge. Will he survive the harshness of the environment that might give him his resting place, or his greater self.

HughBum · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Memories Better Kept

The General Knowledge comprised of most summarize information. They help the person to understand any information without deeply entering its detail.

I have such power.

But it would've been amazing if I have the ones who can enter the deepest detail of any knowledge or information.

However, consistency is what most people need to advance. Quite reverse right? Well, that's because patience help give time to our great inventors or renowned name to achieve what we have now.

Anyways, currently, my mind is being invaded. The people inside drop their jaws in shock as they saw the elements found in my memory.

Mostly are part of wars, the arts of it and some study regarding the situation within those event that transpired.

For example, the battle of Okinawa, Battle of Stalingrad, battle of Moscow, battle of Manila, battle of Leyte Gulf, Battle of Midway, and Pearl Harbor.

They saw it all, even the documented videos, and some caught live. Their expression are terrified, any person, even me will find it terrifying to find myself in the middle of it.

That's why I'm studying it.

"They wield strange metals, they have large steel birds, metal boats that release big sorcery... What kind of world... Is this your world?"

The one who spoke is a lady much younger than me.

"Yes, why?"

"To live such world, yet to want to return... Are you not afraid?"

"Of what?"

"These, steel birds, dropping metal eggs that set fire to the ground, metal boat that eject fire sorcery and struck fear to the enemies. And these... Small boats with people inside, did they all die? There's too many of them. I-it's... "

"Terrifying? Of course anyone will, those soldiers who sacrificed for the greater good are also scared yet they still did."

"Soldiers... You also call them that?"


"What about the metal boats."



"They are fortress-like behemoths that struck fear to their enemy, they were once considered a living Ruler of the sea before. They are the capital ships use in a fleet."

"What about those-"

"They are planes, our world had advanced, yet instead of using it to help people, they use it to kill each other."

I have a stern face as I explain the terrifying Information of such warplanes.

"They carry bombs which we called, and deliver them to the enemy from above."

"T-then... The enemy... They have nothing to..."

"Quite opposite. Back then, our bombers are mere moving targets from the enemy fighters. A fighter is a plane that move around fast and capable of killing them."

"There's... Also that?"

As I was explaining, the son of the king, the prince suddenly asked a question.

"You kept using past tense, why is that?"

I sigh, anymore answers will be bad for the future of this world. However, I will remain answering them since I trust that most information here will remain inside.

"These events that you currently see are not exactly part of my live memory, these are but videos recorded during those event. This event, they transpired 80 years ago, from our world. We call this the second world war."


The two have become interested to my answers. I'm glad that someone find my answer amusing, however, it's better to stop here.

"Wait... Then why is that events the only one appearing?"

"That's because our memories events involved great emotions. I don't have much interest in my life so that's the only part I deeply remember."

The look on the other princess's face looks dissatisfied by my answer, which of course, didn't left it unanswered.

"What I'm talking about is, why are you looking at them. And why do you feel emotions from it, I Might as well add.."

Damn, this situation become more pressuring, I think I'm currently being interview.

"I'm studying them you see, and the reason why I feel emotion to it, is because I find it amusing, the art of War, but I also find it terrifying. I'm trying to empathize the feeling of those who are the middle of it."

"Again, why?"

"To prevent such thing from happening again."

The look on their face immediately change to an approving one. They, who doesn't want war too felt the same as mine.

"You can't prevent a war or death from happening again just because you tried to study it."

This time, the king is the one who answered.

"Actually, we can. I don't know about you. 75 years ago in our world, the most terrifying weapons were created."

As I said so, a mushroom like clouds with the size of a tall building appear.

"This thing is called the atomic bomb, it doesn't only struck fear to the enemy, it also vaporized anything within its vicinity. It is a weapon of mass destruction, a forbidden weapon that we considered as illegal to be created.

After the event where two atomic bombs dropped in two places which killed over 200,000 people, a talk about banning such weapons occur.

However, it didn't stop them from creating such thing. Thus, they study and study, until they were able to pursuade the leaders of each country who wields it.

The beauty of being an intelligent being is they know how to act knowing the consequences.

The weapons of mass destruction creation were banned and every country who wield it made a treaty were it will be only used for defense.

Not that it's perfect, but it was the best outcome."

The room remained silence for awhile after hearing the shocking informations I gave with the help of the visual presented at the wall.

Since no one are speaking, I might as well decide to warn them.

"If the situation deem it necessary, I can and will create some weapons shown in this visual memory of mine, however, I will never let any of you handle it, even the others who were summoned.

Weapons like this are better kept from the public or even from you, this will only create more conflict and worse, the annilihation of every nation of this world, or worst, this entire world.