
In Your Reverence

In a world where humans begin their journey for ascension at the age of 16, Mike is a charismatic and intelligent protagonist with a clear motive: to rule the universe and everything beyond. In this world of ascension, trials take place in a world called Neither World, which is full of an energy called ohm that is also the energy of the universe. Completing these trials means transcending human limits with each trial, and every trial has progressively increasing difficulty. Nexus, a global AI system, conducts these trials and needs ascenders to fight ohmic monsters of varied levels. Against all odds, this is the story of how Mike goes from being ordinary to the ruler of all. However, he will have many companions who won't realize they are just pawns in his grand scheme. The story of these monsters is that ohmic energy is the energy of the universe. It's perfect, so there is no way of detecting it. However, a distant civilization now extinct did detect it and ruled the world with an iron will. Naturally, they made several enemies and together formed a group called the Heroes Legion. They created destroyers, organic monsters that feed on ohm, which were the nemesis of the ruling civilization. However, the heroes did not anticipate that the organic life form they created would evolve and soon become rulers of the universe. The only way to fight them is by cultivating ohm and growing stronger. Mike embarks on his journey with his childhood friend Tan, and together they encounter various challenges that shape them into who they are. The first trial is easy - kill the goblin, take the reward, and then kill the bigger goblin. However, it gets more complicated as they face kings of Neither World, wars between races, politics, relics to collect, and locations to explore. Mike spent almost 200 years in Neither World conquering everything there was to build his kingdom and attain eternal youth. He comes back to earth with his army and various generals, fighting and winning against earth's colonies that occupied the solar system. His empire has a strict policy of nurturing talent and meritocracy, but by the time he returns, Earth has already advanced 2000 years. Mike faces an alliance of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and other mobile stations as they fight against him. An epic battle ensues with galactic fleets battling on multiple planets. Mike is not the only ascender after all, and many others start their journey on the Neither World of their respective planets. Every planet has its own Neither World, and every life form is unique, with various races having their trials. The more Mike conquers, the more he understands, and together these armies capable of fighting anywhere are called fleets. There will be heroes of each planet, memorable characters who come and go, but Mike's ambition is too big to mention them all. Periodic conflicts do happen, and there will be wars between various planets and destroyers. Tim will contain the remaining forces of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars while Mike presses onward with the remaining fleet to fight both destroyers and other planets. However, the destroyers are not focusing on him as there are other people out there who rule multiple galaxies. Mike is just a fly in the grand scheme of things. This story is full of world-building, lots of wars, lots of bloodshed, and memorable characters. It is a story of ambition, power, and how far someone can go to achieve what they want.

J14S07 · 都市
1 Chs


Mike Havelock stood in the middle of a desolate wasteland, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of life. All he could see was destruction and decay. The once bustling city now lay in ruins, its towering skyscrapers reduced to rubble.

He took a deep breath, feeling the acrid stench of burning metal fill his nostrils. It reminded him of everything that had been lost - humanity's potential for greatness included.

Mike himself was unremarkable at first glance; average height with a lean build, short brown hair tousled by wind or sweat (depending on when you looked), piercing blue eyes which seemed to hold secrets only he knew. But there was an intensity about him that set him apart - it shone through even as he kept his thoughts hidden behind steely composure.

"Hey Mike," said Tan Evergreen from beside him, breaking into his reverie. "We should get moving if we want to make it before dark."

Tan's voice brought Mike back to reality with a start. He nodded curtly and started walking towards their destination - one of many abandoned factories scattered across this barren land.

As they walked, Mike couldn't help but be struck by how much things had changed since their childhood days spent playing hide-and-seek among these same ruins. Back then they'd dreamed big dreams together – becoming astronauts who explored new worlds and saved civilizations left right and center—but those were just fantasies now...or maybe not?

Despite all evidence pointing against such impossible aspirations being possible anymore—there are still rumors circulating around about ancient civilizations that have discovered ohm energy sources capable of ruling entire universes! Could it be true? Maybe this is why Mike joined up with Ascension Trials—to test out whether legends can become real...

But no matter what the future held for them both inside those trials—the present remained bleak indeed as they trudged onward: past broken buildings housing scavengers and bandits, through contaminated water sources of the ruins.

Mike gritted his teeth as he felt a sharp pain in his foot from stepping on something jagged. He limped for a few steps before catching up with Tan, who was waiting ahead by an old rusted gate leading to their destination.

"Ready?" asked Mike, trying not to show any weakness or hesitation.

"Always," replied Tan with a grin that showed off perfectly straight teeth (a rare commodity these days).

Together they pushed open the gates and stepped inside - into what would be their home for the next several weeks: one more rundown factory among countless others dotting this haunting landscape.

Mike walked into the crowded mess hall, his eyes scanning the room for a familiar face. He spotted a group of young men huddled together in one corner and made his way over to them.

"Hey, guys," he greeted them with a charming smile. "Mind if I join?"

The group parted slightly to make space for him as Mike settled himself down on an empty crate.

"Got any news?" asked Mike, leaning forward eagerly.

One of the boys shook his head. "Nothing much happening these days except for scavenging runs."

"Ah well," sighed Mike, running a hand through his short brown hair. "I'm just excited about the Ascension Trials starting soon."

"Same here," said another boy enthusiastically. "I can't wait to see what kind of powers we'll get!"

"I hear that it's not just physical abilities but also mental ones like telekinesis or mind control," added a third boy.

Mike's eyes lit up at this new information. The possibilities were endless!

He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes, visions of ruling entire galaxies flashing before him.

But then reality hit him hard - how could someone like him ever hope to achieve such power when they barely had enough food and water to survive?

His thoughts were interrupted by Tan Evergreen entering the mess hall with their meager dinner rations in hand.

"Hey man!" called out Mike cheerfully as Tan approached their table.

Tan smiled warmly at all of them before sitting down next to Mike. They chatted idly for some time until suddenly there was commotion outside: shouting voices followed by gunshots ringing out in rapid succession!

Without hesitation, everyone jumped up from their seats and rushed outside towards where the sounds came from...

As they ran towards danger once again—another day spent surviving rather than thriving—Mike couldn't help but feel even more eager for those trials...if only so he could finally take control of his own destiny and leave this bleak world behind.

The sun had long set, and the world was bathed in darkness. Mike sat on his bunk bed, staring at the ceiling of their makeshift shelter with a deep sense of longing. He couldn't shake off the excitement that bubbled inside him as he thought about what lay ahead.

"Hey man," came Tan's voice from across the room. "You excited?"

Mike turned to look at his friend, who was sitting cross-legged on his own bunk bed with an eager expression on his face.

"Of course I am!" replied Mike enthusiastically. "I can't wait to see what kind of powers we'll get."

Tan nodded in agreement before adding, "And it will be great to finally leave this place behind us."

Their home was nothing more than a concrete shell with no windows or doors - barely enough space for four people to live cramped together like sardines.

"Definitely," said Mike wistfully as he imagined himself soaring through galaxies and leaving all their struggles behind them.

Suddenly there was a loud thud outside followed by muffled voices that grew louder until they were clearly audible even through the thick walls.

Both boys jumped up simultaneously and rushed towards the door only to find one of their fellow survivors lying unconscious just beyond reach while three others struggled against masked assailants whose weapons gleamed ominously under dim light-globes hanging overhead.

Without hesitation, they both sprang into action—tan grabbing whatever blunt object he could find while mike carefully assessed where each attacker stood relative to him before pouncing forward without fear or remorse—together managing fend off attackers despite being outnumbered two-to-five; though not unscathed themselves: cuts here & bruises there left over from fighting teeth-and-nail alongside those whom society has abandoned...

It took several minutes longer than anticipated but eventually peace returned once again allowing everyone present time catch breath after conflict subsided bit more permanently...

As adrenaline faded away slowly though, Mike couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over him. He knew that the trials would be even more dangerous than this and he needed to prepare himself mentally as well as physically.

"Hey Tan," said Mike thoughtfully. "I think we need to start training harder for those ascension trials."

Tan nodded in agreement, his unwavering support evident on his face.

"Whatever you say man," replied Tan with a smile. "We'll get through this together."

Mike stood at the entrance of a dark, cavernous room, his heart pounding as he observed the other candidates preparing for their ascension trials. He couldn't help but feel intimidated by their sheer size and strength.

The legends of ancient civilizations that once ruled the universe with ohm energy echoed in his mind as he watched them. Mike's ambition to obtain such power consumed him, driving him forward despite the challenges he would face.

"Hey Havelock," said a gruff voice behind him.

Mike turned around to see one of his opponents smirking down at him. "What do you want?" asked Mike coolly.

"Just wanted to remind you that this isn't going to be easy," replied the opponent menacingly. "You might think you're hot stuff now, but out there on those platforms it's every man for himself."

Mike clenched his fists tightly, feeling anger boiling within him. He knew what was at stake and wouldn't let anyone stand in his way.

As they moved towards their starting positions on opposite sides of an arena-like space filled with obstacles and pitfalls designed to test each candidate's skill set, Mike took deep breaths while trying not show any sign discomfort or anxiety; even though everything felt like it could go wrong so easily if just one mistake were made...

Suddenly a loud buzzer sounded across entire area signaling start time had begun causing everyone except mike remain frozen momentarily before quickly scrambling through opening doorways & up sloping ramps leading onto various elevated stages which dotted landscape ahead whereupon all sorts traps awaited unwary feet ready spring forth anytime someone stepped carelessly upon trigger plates scattered throughout testing ground itself making survival challenging task almost impossible achieve unless certain precautions taken beforehand lest fate catch up unexpectedly leaving no chance escape its iron grasp...

Despite these dangers looming over head however nothing seemed deter young ambitious contestant from pursuing goal obtaining ultimate prize-of-power beyond imagining!

The air was thick with an acrid scent, a mix of sweat and fear that permeated the crowded waiting area. Mike Havelock stood among the other candidates for the ascension trials, his eyes scanning their faces as they waited to be called forward.

"May the strongest survive," one candidate muttered under his breath, eyeing Mike warily.

Mike said nothing in response but felt a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He knew he was stronger than any of them - physically and mentally. And he would prove it when given the chance on those platforms ahead.

As if on cue, a voice boomed over loudspeakers: "Candidates for Ascension Trials 014-17 report to your starting positions."

Mike took deep breaths through his nose, inhaling deeply as he moved towards his designated starting point. The ground beneath him trembled slightly from distant explosions; somewhere beyond this testing facility lay remnants of destruction left behind by wars both old and new fought across countless galaxies.

He looked up briefly at what appeared to be an endless expanse above him – artificial lights illuminated every corner casting long shadows upon everything below making everything seem darker or brighter depending where you happened stand while others were shrouded darkness altogether giving illusion there might not even exist anything worth looking further into anyway...

But despite all odds against him including harsh reality world around them nevertheless Mike remained undeterred determined pursue goal obtaining ultimate prize-of-power beyond imagining!

Suddenly horns blared signaling start time had begun sending everyone scrambling through opening doorways & up sloping ramps leading onto various elevated stages which dotted landscape ahead ready test abilities each contestant compete head-to-head until only one emerged victorious earning right rule universe itself!

Mike watched intently as other contestants stumbled along uneven terrain trying avoid pitfalls laying hidden throughout path before finally reaching first obstacle course requiring quick thinking reflexes order navigate twists turns without falling prey deadly traps lurking underneath...

His thoughts raced as he mentally prepared himself for what was to come. He had studied the layout of these trials thoroughly, noting every trap and obstacle in his mind's eye.

"Focus," he muttered under his breath, steeling himself against any potential threat that lay ahead.

The first obstacle appeared - a series of narrow beams suspended over a pit filled with scalding hot lava. Mike didn't hesitate; he leapt onto the first beam, balancing carefully as it swayed beneath him. His body tensed as he made each leap from one platform to another always keeping aware surroundings ready react at moment's notice should anything unexpected happen along way...

In this harsh world where survival meant everything only those strong enough could hope achieve greatness!

Mike and Tan were making their way through the dark alleyways of the city, dodging piles of garbage and debris as they went. The stench was overpowering - a mix of rotting food and human waste that seemed to cling to everything in sight.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Tan asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he scanned their surroundings nervously.

"Positive," Mike replied with a smirk. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

They finally reached their destination: an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. As soon as they entered, Mike could feel eyes watching them from every corner.

"Welcome," came a deep voice from behind them. Mike turned around slowly to face the speaker - a massive man with scars criss-crossing his face like tribal tattoos.

"We're here for the trials," Mike said confidently, trying not to show any fear even though his heart was pounding in his chest.

The scarred man just laughed. "You boys have no idea what you're getting into," he snarled before leading them deeper into the warehouse's depths.

As they walked further down dimly-lit corridors lined with peeling wallpaper and flickering lights overhead, Mike couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake coming here. But it was too late now; there was no turning back.

Suddenly, they heard screams echoing through the halls ahead - agonized cries that sent shivers down their spines. They quickened their pace until they saw several contestants lying motionless on the ground ahead with blood pooling beneath them.

"Looks like we've got some competition after all," Tan muttered under his breath.

Just then, something whizzed past Mike's ear so fast it almost sounded like a bullet zipping by him- only far more deadly! It took out one contestant who fell lifelessly at once!

"Get ready!" He shouted, as he drew out his weapon.