
Interlude - PHO 2 : Electric Boogaloo

"Should've gone....for the head!" I gloated as I watched Scion die, before falling limp on the floor entirely.

As my conciousness faded away, I quickly activated the distress beacon, ordering a medic droid to be dispatched to me immediately.

A portal opened before me, and I could hear the clanking of metal footsteps.

Through hazy and muddled thoughts I connected to the droid and saw myself through it's eyes.

My lower half, if that was even what it could be called, given I was now shampoo, i.e, just head and shoulders.

Quickly I got to work, controlling the droid to push an injector needle through the gap between my eye and the the eyelid to directly inject the CodeRed into my brain.

Then with the droid's strength, I scraped and tore off the burned flesh, reopening seared wounds so I could heal.

Slowly, I could feel my breath returning to me as my lungs reformed. Next came my heart and with it getting the blood pumping, a first whiff of clarity.

Then my stomach regrew and my liver and intestines until finally my flesh and bone had been reformed, reknit and skin began to crawl onto it, patchy still but growing fast.

With the droid's eyes I could see the pinkish skin settled onto my body, before gradually turning my usual tan bronze.

I picked up my body and walked back into the portal leaving the others to fend for themselves. Now is the time for some rest and recuperation and wait for my body to become conscious again.

Can't live in a robot all my life now can I?

What happened next is blurry for me but next I awoke was eleven hours later, in my own bed, with a teary faced Star sleeping by my side.

I ran my hand through his hair, patting his head gently.

Poor baby. He must have been so scared seeing me brought in like that.

I kissed his forehead softly and pushed myself to a sitting position.

I stretched, as my body let out satisfying pops and cracks.


With a light groan, I got up, desperately trying to ignore the muscle pain I was having.

It was easy too. I was famished after all. And the hunger did a good enough job of helping me ignore the pain till I reached the medicine counter and downed a handful of painkillers and a very generous breakfast of garlic bread, bacon, ham, eggs and cheese.

A feast that could drive a long insane from jealousy.

Finishing it, I moaned happily, patting my stuffed stomach, as a droid brought me a metabolism serum.

"Just inject it." I ordered, and the droid followed.

Within seconds I could feel the effect. The food in my stomach was already being turned into muscle mass at a visible pace, leaving space for more food to be consumed, though, I had had my fill for the time being.

I leaned on the dining table chair for a moment, relishing the taste of the food, and smiled.

The small pleasures in life.

So nice. So satisfying.

But something nagged at me.

No. Not something. Nothing vague like that. I knew exactly what it was.

Workaholism. Workaholicism. Whatever it was called.

Work. So much of it left to be done.

I sighed.

The One Piece world can't come fast enough.

Almost out of habit, I pushed my technokinesis into my contacts and tried to pull up data.

But nothing happened.

Kindly, the computer reminded.

"Your contacts have been incinerated in the fight."

I sighed again and ordered the droid servants to fetch me another pair.

In the meantime....

"Computer, pull up the data on the fight.

I want statistics.

Who died, who lived, what injuries, what property damage. And track all the tech that was left behind. No one's stealing my tech." I ordered.

"All your tech has been brought into the ship as you programmed. What could not be brought back, was destroyed, thoroughly. The portal gun is safe in the locker. Should I bring it out too?" The A.I. asked.

"No. Keep it there for now. Better safe than sorry."

The droid came over and handed me a case on contacts, as I went over the data.

"Hmmm....So Clockblocker survived huh?

I guess that was only natural. His power was to preserve people in moments of time, making them inviolable entities to any action or effect.

In the battle against Scion, he had been busy stabilizing people by freezing them in time till Panacea could heal them, and so was right in their vicinity when Scion came for them.

He had not only survived but also saved Panacea, Gully, Weld and a highly irradiated Myrrdin. But I guess skin cancer is better than dying?

I can always just heal him in return for his shard.

The casualties were...in the thousands. That was far better than I imagined and worlds more so than the original story where the death toll was in the trillions, so....silver linings?

The property damage.....well, the city was trashed already so not much left to be damaged.

The city was doomed anyway, but maybe that could work to my benefit too.

Not that I care much for it beyond what this PR stunt can get me.

But to check it's efficacy, I opened up some forums and began to go through them.

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♦ Topic: What the Fuck Happened?

In: Boards ► News ► Events ►America

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted on June 7th, 2011:

I admit it. I was wrong. About all of this.

This is a disaster. I think the hero scene is dead now, and forever.

Alexandria is a being manhunted across the globe. Eidolon is a global criminal and was publicly executed by a heretofore unknown massively poweful tinker. Legend died in the fight.

Now the PRT is being disbanded. The Protectorate is done for. Heroes are hanging up their mantle.

Guys, I think this is the beginning of the darkest year of the series just yet.

Yes. I said series. Because this world has become a joke. Everything you knew is a lie. We live in a comic book world it seems because that's what it feels like! Like thise old 80s comics with a plot twist at every turn.

I don't even know what to say.

Penny for your thoughts?

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► Ekul (Brockton Bay Refugee)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

I can't believe this is happening. First Leviathan, now this.

At least the apocalypse is averted.

But what now?

► AverageAlexandros (Cape husband)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

My wife died there. She died trying to save some Case 53 bitch!

Why does she get to live, while my kids lose their mom?!

► Hoeromancer (Verified Cape)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

Jeez, my guy. I feel for you but that's going a bit far. I was there too. Trust me, no one could have done anything. Your wife was a true hero. She saved someone's life. You should be proud of that. Your kids should be proud of that. How many people can truly say they know someone who was good to the end? A real noble soul? Honor her memories by not being racist. Not like this.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:





► Robbythotten

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

Ugh! I hate this. I hate that Void is right. I feel like I'll puke just saying that.

How did this happen?!

What has the world come to?

► Jumbojimmy

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

The Age Of The Void is here! He is the new prophet of our lord, Lol.

► Hoeromancer (Verified Cape)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

Just because he's right doesn't mean he has to rub it in our faces.

Doesn't matter if you're right. If you're an ass, no one wants to give you the satisfaction.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

I'll get my satisfaction alright, when I do ur MOM! Up the butt!

► Chrome

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

@ Void Cowboy: this isn't a CoD lobby. Take your 12 year old bullshit somewhere else.

@ Everyone else: I get that you're upset but has no one considered that maybe we shouldn't trust this GameBreaker so freely? Sure his prrof was real and he did risk his life fighting Scion, but I don't believe that he's just such agood guy that he's doing it for no reason. He has to want something. I just know it!

► Hoeromancer (Verified Cape)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:


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♦ Topic: Is that a Super Robot?!

In: Boards ► Places ► America ►Brockton Bay ►Ground Zero (Private Board)

White Fairy (Veteran Member) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Posted on June 6th, 2011:

Did you guys see that entry? GameBreaker has a Super Robot! Or had before the Endbringers killed it.

Pics here.

What do you guys think?

Are the Endbringers just that strong or was it because it was uo against two of them that it lost?

You guys think he can take on an Endbringer one on one.

Also those names! XD

Power of Friendship and Love Lol.

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► White Fairy (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 6th, 2011:

@Void_Cowboy: you're exactly the type I was talking about. Where do I even begin?

Your posting hours on the site suggest you've got something occupying your time from early in the day to evening. Like maybe school? Except there's no school in Brockton Bay yet (soon). You state your location as the north end of Brockton Bay, profess to have a generator and satellite internet. Ok, not unheard of. Except you've apparently got enoguh gas stockpiled to keep the generator going 24/7 and, oh yeah, you're in Bitch's territory! Bitch would maim or kill you for being in her territory, let alone making the kind of racket a generator does.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 6th, 2011:

I have a quality generator that doesn't make much noise.

► Laser Augment (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 6th, 2011:

But no phone or camera to take a picture of yourself in the city?

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 6th, 2011:

I have a camera, but I don't feel comfortable leaving the house. That's the sort of thing that gets me killed by mutant dogs.

► Laser Augment (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 6th, 2011:

Sorry to interrupt your bitching. Get it?

But do you think he'll let me drive the robot if I ask nicely?

P.S. - Anyone notice he friendzoned that Paige chick? Maybe I have a chance?

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♦ Topic: Future of the Protectorate

In: Boards ► Teams ► Protectorate

Brilliger (Original Poster) (Moderator: Protectorate Main)

Posted on June 7th, 2011:

Word's out, and we're waiting for the Protectorate to give a statement before we get further details. Alexandria is stepping down. Legend's dead. Most of the upper brass are under investigation from the government. I think there was even a talk of a second Nuremberg style trial for everyone involved.

Unless you guys think GameBreaker is going to go full executioner on them?

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► XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

@ Lainerb

It should totally be GameBreaker.

► Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

@ Lainerb

They haven't picked a successor yet because it's a little more complicated than picking the strongest hero. They need someone who works on a number of levels, as a leader (both in terms of day to day paperwork and management and in the field), an ambassador (there's no less than 30 teams around the world that work with the Protectorate to some degree), a powerhouse (can't be weak or you won't be respected) and from a marketing standpoint.

► Coyote-C

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

@ Cowboy

Can't be GameBreaker. He's strong, but he's not from here. Then there's what he's done. I won't say he's an asshole, but people definitely don't walk away from meeting him with that universal "Oh my god he's so nice!".

He feels fake. Like a politician.

► Mock Moniker

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

Not to mention that there's rumors that he's not going to hold up his end of the bargain. There's a lot of animosity being directed at them from certain groups. Look at this link and this one. The monsters in the Protectorate have almost all left. Only one who stayed, I think, are Hunch and Polish. Run off to make their own team.

► Chrome

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

I don't know whether to be sad about it or not. Weld's awesome, and it's great he gets to run his own team, but I was hoping he'd become a big figure in the Protectorate. Why be a big fish in a small pond when you could be a big fish in a big pond?

And don't call them monsters. They are people, like you and me!

► Nod

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

We don't know how big the Irregulars are going to get.

► Chrome

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

But they're never going to be the Protectorate big.

► Weld (Verified Cape) (Irregulars)

Replied on June 8th, 2011:

I dunno, I'm optimistic.

For the record, I harbor no animosity toward the Protectorate. We're still attached, and we're receiving equipment, funding and contacts through them. They were very respectful as a whole, but we got a chance to interact a few weeks ago, and we collectively agreed that while the Protectorate's plan to build a rapport between us Case-53s (as the Protectorate terms us) and the public was sound (making me leader of the Brockton Bay Wards, for example), it was too slow, and we could do more as a group.

► Answer Key

Replied on June 8th, 2011:

@ Weld:

I have questions:

1 – How much did they pay you guys to keep quiet and play nice?

2 – I notice you said you don't have issues with the protectorate 'as a whole'. You're not denying there's issues with one or two prominent members?

3 – How is making you leader of the wards in Brockton Bay a good thing?

@ everyone else:

Question – just wondering. Who's been leading the Protectorate since Legend died?

► Whitecollar (Cape Wife)

Replied on June 8th, 2011:

@ Answer Key – Tinfoil hats ahoy. I can answer that last question, though. Or my hubby can. He says the Protectorate is currently being run by a joint team atm. Chevalier, Myrrdin and Prism are each handling different tasks.

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♦ Topic: The Endbringers, Thread XXXIV

In: Boards ► World News ► Main

Lasersmile (Original Poster)

Posted on June 7th, 2011:

Starting a new topic because the last one hit post limit.

The Simurgh attacked Canberra, Australia on February 24th, 2011. Thread here.

But she's dead now.

The Leviathan attacked Brockton Bay, America on May 15th, 2011. Thread here.

Estimated time for next attack is August 30th, 2011. This time is not exact, and is likely to deviate by as much as 15 days.

Official speculation points to Eastern Europe as the next likely target.

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► Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

Speaking for someone in the thick of it all, I don't think that there's any expectation or assumption that recent events (losing Legend, Case 53s leaving, several other members leaving) will change the outcome of the next attack. The Protectorate and immediately related teams only make up 25-50% of the defending side when outside of North America, and North America isn't a likely target. There's been no policy changes or anything of the sort in the Protectorate that point to that degree of pessmism.

► Space Zombie

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

I'm more inclined to think the PRT is making a mistake than to think they're on the ball.

My money's on a big-ass clusterfuck. This is the first time since Behemoth first showed that we haven't had all our ducks in a row. May's Leviathan attack had the lowest casualty rate we've ever had, but I think the next one's going to hurt us bad.

► Chaosfaith

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

My cousins are traveling through Europe this year. All the analysts say the odds are worse there. Should I try convincing them to delay the trip to Greece?

I think I'm even spooked about there being an attack where I'm at (London, UK). If I wanted to visit somewhere during the crisis point, would anyone have any recommendations? GameBreaker insurance anyone?

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

O_o Definitely tell them to skip Greece. I've seen a fucked up cpuntry and Greece is worse than New England.

Can't let the Endbringers dictate your life though. Live it as you can, know where the nearest shelter is, and keep a well stocked supply closet.

Besides, what's to say there even will be any more attacks. GameBreaker, hallowed be thy name, has killed Eidolon. Maybe it's really the end of the Endbringers?

► ArchmageEin

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

Not with Behemoth and Leviathan still roaming around free. They never attack the same place twice in a row, so the Bay's oddly the safest place to be. The stories are/were bad, and scary stuff happened, but they made it. They're still there. You might find that reassuring?

► Tumbles

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

That's if you don't mind being in a city where supervillains run the scene.

► Xyloloup (Brockton Bay Refugee)

Replied on June 7th, 2011:

I'm sure GameBreaker is going to do something about the villains too. Maybe we get another expose stream?

Please please! Pretty please GameBreaker-sama?!

I sighed, and closed the forum. It was giving me a headache.

I rubbed my temples and yawned when the door opened behind me.

"You idiot!" A voice cried from behind me and before I knew it, pulled me into a hug.

I looked up.


"Oh hey, uh...Paige. Um...sorry abo-"

She kissed me. Forcefully. Very forcefully.

"Ahn... why would you..uhn...risk your life like that?!" She moaned.

"Don't you dare...ahn..eave me like that again....idiot!"

Oh boy. Here we go again.

extra chaoter for the 400 powerstones and today's regular chapter too.

let it not be said i don't keep my promises.

you guys ahve been awesome about this, donating dso many powerstones.

pleas ekeeep doing it!

let's get to 700 powerstones this week ma dudes!

GoldFingercreators' thoughts