
the prologue

3rd pov

You can see a handsome person who appeared tired he looked as if he would fall over he just finished a comic book 'myr' the end was written in bold letters as he went to sleep on his futuristic bed he couldn't help but fall asleep as soon as he fell on the bed his blue eyes closing and his smooth black hair falling his face couldn't be described as asian or western he looked like an international good looking guy but in this world that was just the average level of beauty.

As he went to deep sleep mode a crashing sound could be heard as fire influged the room of the guy he was 21,as his body turned to particles of atoms only one thing of him was left of him in this world which is called earth,but it was only another version of earth in this vast multiverse.

Mc pov

Well where am i, it seems like i am in a void i look around to see endless darkness as if it was slowly consuming me darkness,i look around to see a silliouthe whose eyes i could barely see which were red.and every other thing about him was indescribable he looked at me sending a chill down my spine

"Well more fun for me "the being said almost in a child like demeanour if it wasn't for his appearance i would think of him as a kid"am i kidnapped or am i dead" but i think it is the first possibility as i was just sleeping but the chance of me getting kidnapped is very low as what will they even do with me but the being before me doesn't look like a human of something i would consider him a god or devil

" you are a copy,of the original clay silver i had sent him to his favourite world but the problem is i mistakenly split his soul (it was not a mistake )forming a copy of him the problem is i can't send you to the same world or give you his powers as your soul is weaker then his but instead i will reincarnate you in a universe of my liking ."

And to this i wasn't sure anymore if he mentioned my favorite world it will be myr

The world of superheros but i can't go there and about being a copy i feel bad and cheated but i couldn't care more as his words seem true and i have a soul of myself.well it's okay with all the courage i could muster i ask him the thing i read in all of isekai wish fulfillment "can i get a wish ?" I wanted a wish so i could atleast get a chance to survive in this world he is sending me to

He stared at me saying nothing and i could see his dissapointment which i was insecure for some reason but he complied which i was happy about "how many wishes do i get?" At this he stated "you could get to choose your race,3 skills of your choice and any other wish in my last one is for a template, if there is no race like that you mentioned in this verse then don't worry i will reincarnate you as it's progenitor "

I smiled at him being so generous despite his evil look ,i state "i want to be a majin,skills i want are a guide which could explain about the world around me

A skill which makes me unable to be sealed ,and finally a skill which lets me retain me a storage and mimicry in whatever form i am in(as buu's mimicry and storage is considerably a lesser version of predator),as for the single template i will choose majin buu but toned down to meet the requirements of this world."

To which he agrees on giving them which i accept and states

"You will be born a majin in the world with the powers of majin buu


1)Great sage


Thought Acceleration :It allows the user to greatly increase the speed of their thought process. The user can adjust the level of acceleration as needed, as well as extend the effect to other individuals.

The exact factor by which their thought process is accelerated varies from several hundred to millions or even hundreds of millions, depending on the individual. The two most common variants are a factor of one thousand, most commonly found under Unique Skills, and a factor of one million, most commonly found under Ultimate Skills.

Analytical Appraisal :Analytical Appraisal releases waves that enter the target of analysis and perform a full scan of their composition, which is then sent back to the user. Through this, the user can gain information such as the material composition of the target, the amount of Magicules it possesses, and if they're under the effects of Skills or Magic.

The strength and precision of Analytical Appraisal varies depending on the level of the user.

Parallel Operation :Allows the user to detach their analysis of phenomena from their regular thoughts.

Chant Annulment :It eliminates the need for chanting when using magic after a spell is analyzed or successfully cast. The spell is stored in the user's mind and available to be instantly cast just by thinking about its activation.

All of Creation :It allows the user to comprehend anything as long as they have a basic understanding of it and it is perceivable to the user.

Analysis : The absorbed target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. If the required materials are present, duplicates can be produced. In the case of successful skill or magic analysis, the same technique can be acquired.



Predation : It absorbs the target into the body. However, if the target is conscious, the success rate greatly decreases. Valid targets include, but aren't limited to; organic matter, inorganic matter, Skills, and Magic.

Analysis : The absorbed target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. If the required materials are present, duplicates can be produced. In the case of successful skill or magic analysis, the same technique can be acquired.

Stomach : The absorbed target can be stored. Items produced via Analysis can also be stored. Anything that is stored in the stomach isn't effected by time.

Mimicry : Replicates an analyzed target's form and racial characteristics, with capabilities equal to or above the original.(you can copy a human and take his appearance

Isolation : Harmful materials or unnecessary for analysis can also be stored. They will be used to replace magic energy.

3)Anti-Skill: is a Spiritual Constitution that can be turned on and off at will. It has the ability to suppress or "seal" all spiritual/magical forces that the user comes into contact with from aura to magic and then use the negated force to counteract kinetic energy. It can also shut down a majority of Skills (including Ultimate Skills) and completely seal their use for a period of time. However, it can only be transmitted through the user's direct touch and not through any mediums such as weapons. It also cannot negate things that have two forces at the same time like Mystic-Art.

"This will be all your skills i couldn't just create personal skills as your soul is weak but this will do will it not,great sage used as a guide,predator used for your other ones you mentioned and anti-skill used to block seals"

I was happy that he was actually giving me all these skills now let's go the father of anime which was still continuing, heck even i don't know how long it will continue

"I cannot give you the current version of the buu in your world but i can give you the the z version of him but i modified him to meet the requirements of your world." Here you go

Majin Buu can fly at high speeds, is superhumanly strong and durable, can manipulate pink Ki Energy in many different forms, and has a completely elastic body. Buu's pink Ki is extremely destructive capabilities, able to easily destroy large planets with minimal effort. Along with being malleable, Buu's body can regenerate on a vast molecular scale.

He can conduct pink electricity through his body to shock anyone that touches him. Buu can fire a beam from his eyes or fingers and tentacles called the Change Beam that changes anything into food or an object it hits into seemingly anything Buu wants to. Buu has strong telekinetic abilities that allow him to easily levitate an entire city.

Buu can absorb beings into his form and assimilate their techniques and physical attributes. When Buu absorbs a being, they are imprisoned inside his head in pods he calls "people pods". Buu has two different ways of absorbing someone: Buu can either turn them into food and eat them. Or he wraps his goo around them and he adds it to his being. Buu can mimic Ki attacks simply by observing another entity using them.(basically predator but a lesser one and remember this are buus original abilites not the one's he will get)

This is how he leaned for Goku's Kamehameha, Vegeta's Galick Shoot, and Old Kai's Instantaneous Movement. Buu's scream can rip open holes within the space-time continuum. He can use these portals to travel between dimensions and use the scream as a shield (this technique is called the Vice Shout). Buu has a very odd Ki Signature that cannot be measured by normal means.

"Is this ok child,i was orderd by God to favour you on this reincarnation so don't thank me personally well i am not sad because i personally reincarnated your original self"i won't interfere in this world as tensura is just a universe acting like a multiverse you can use your screams to go to any world you like

Well now both your original self and copy self are op i wonder what will happen to the one who is still there."

I was happy he made me so op just because i asked thank you god i say.

Then i had a doubt "what are you if you are not God?" He laughs at my question and says "i am dark or void as your original named me i am what all the verses stand on the eternal nothingness and supreme darkness. "

"Well i hope we never meet again and enjoy your new world "he says to which i didn't pry further and just accepted what he said. And as he snaped a portal opend which was producing light in this eternal darkness.

" now go,i will watch your story while god watches your original well if you want anything just call my name in a secluded place " he said to which i smiled and enterd the portal starting my journey

to be continued ....