
Dreams of Fairy Queens

|...| = Art (Martial Art).

{|...|} = Mystic Art


It was so warm in the forest clearing. I lay upon some slightly damp, yet cool grass as the sun shone warmly over my body. It seemed to wrap me in a cozy blanket of sunlight as I lay there, eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

"Hehe. It's such a nice place here, isn't it?" I heard a voice and opened my eyes slowly.

I looked up from my position to find myself resting my lap on the thighs of a beautiful woman. She had rainbow-colored hair and was absolutely divine in terms of appearance. She had some rather sharp ears but I could tell that she wasn't an elf as she looked too ethereal to be made of flesh like elves were.

"Who are you?" I asked, dazed.

The woman smiled and unfurled her insect-like wings behind her. My eyes widened in shock and all of my drowsiness seemed to be burned away.

"I am..."


"Ow!" I yelled as I woke up from my dream by grabbing my head in agony.

My father stood over me, retracting his wooden sword and putting it over his shoulder. He was shirtless and only wearing some dark cloth pants with a rope for a belt. It was also just past sunrise as my entire room was still dark, lit only by the faintest of light slowly turning the dark purple sky into a lighter shade. The stars could still clearly be seen at this time just before daybreak.

"Get up. I've been trying to wake you for a while now. It's time for your morning practice." He said as he walked out of my room and into the hall.

I continued to rub my head and grumble while throwing off my blanket and thinking about last night's dream. I quickly brushed it aside while I got dressed for the day. I walked out of my room and into the dining area only to spot my mother humming along slightly swaying her hips happily as she stirred some eggs into a bowl.

"Ah, Alaster. Perfect timing. Can you be a dear and light the stove for me? I'm making biscuits with breakfast after your training with papa." She asked me radiantly.

"I don't mind, but I guess you don't need me to make a {Candle Light} when you're glowing that much huh?" I replied teasingly as I cast a small {Spark} spell and lit the coals in the oven.

"Eh?" My mother sounded a bit exasperated at my reply but didn't say anything more.

I grabbed a wooden sword from the basket near the back door and proceeded to the backyard where my father was waiting for me. He smiled as he looked through one of the windows that allowed him to spot my mother from his position, or more accurately, spot her back. I approached him with half-closed eyes as I watched him leering at my mother.

"Are we gonna get started now or what?" I asked, a bit annoyed at being ignored.

"Don't interrupt now son. Your mother's just about to..." He started before my mother bent down to put the biscuit batter in the oven to cook.

"Aww yeah. That's right," he said to himself before speaking to me while not letting his eyes off of her. "Son, when you get older, get yourself a wife with a fine ass."

"Dad!" I yelled, too embarrassed at this blatant display of sexual harassment.

He shook his head a bit after my yell and became much more serious. "Alright, son. today I will be showing you the basics about how to control your Aura. This is the first step towards creating the most basic of all Arts known as |Battlewill|. It can be used for anything from strengthening the body to sword slashes like so." He started before casually swinging his sword towards a tree a few meters away from him.

A large sword beam arched from the end of his wooden sword towards the tree and split it in two. After a few moments, the tree began to slip and then eventually fall off of its stump, completely breaking the backyard fence. My father grinned looking at his work.

I widened my eyes in shock. That was definitely a sword beam and it was used with a wooden sword, yet it was able to cut down that huge tree. I could only just recently cut one down with magic. It was something to cut open the belly of a direwolf, it was something else entirely to cut through a tree trunk with nothing but a wooden sword in one strike.

"Kyaa~! Darling is so cool!" I heard my mother scream from the window.

"Thanks, dear." He replied before turning to me. "Now I want you to come at me with your sword."

I hesitated a bit before shaking my head to rid myself of my daze and rushed at my father, putting my full weight behind my strike, I jumped into the air and brought down the sword with all of my might towards his head.

My father simply smirked and put up a single finger and stopped my strike, causing me to tumble to the ground after all my momentum had stopped.

"It also helps you with defense." He said confidently. I got up from the floor and picked up my wooden sword. "Well. Ready to try it?" He said with a smirk.

I didn't reply, only showed a serious expression on my face as I nodded.


"Are you alive?" Evelyn asked me as she poked me with a stick.

I was laying face down in the backyard garden having been beaten and bruised from training with my father and having exhausted all of my mental and physical energy in trying to for my fighting spirit into an Aura. I gave a slight moan to Evelyn who giggled a bit next to me.

"Your father said we could find you back here but I didn't think you'd've trained yourself into the ground," Nolla said, sitting on the stump which was the tree from the backyard this morning.

I turned my head away from the ground and towards Nolla to speak. "I don't think I can move for the moment. Can we do the lesson after we're done?" I asked, a bit pained.

Nolla looked at me for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess that's all right. You need more theory instruction anyway." She responded before summoning a book from who knows where and opening it in front of us.

"We'll start with Spirits, though some people call them Elementals." She started. "Elementals are a race similar to Daemons and Angels in that they are entirely spiritual in nature and do not naturally possess a physical body. As a matter of fact, it's believed that both Angels and Daemons ARE a type of elementals, just that daemons are elementals of darkness while angels are elementals of light."

Nolla continued to explain to me about all the different types of Elementals such as the Salamanders or Gnomes which most Spirit Magicians use to battle as proxies to cast spells instead of using their own magicules, or that whenever a Spirit incarnated into physical form, they become fairies and that this happens mostly by chance. I had known some of this information but a few things surprised me. One of those things was the fact that Elves are the result of the Divine Ancestor mating with fairies of the Wind Element to produce High Elves and Dwarves were made the same way but made from fairies of the Earth Element.

(A/N: I don't know if Twilight Valintine actually mated with Fairies to produce elves and dwarves, but I know he created the High Elves, High Dwarves, Vampires, and High Humans and on the wiki, it says "Elves are the descendants of fairies. They share ties to the dwarf race as both have fairy blood in them," so I'm making a logical connection to what might have been the case. Even if it's wrong, it can just be chalked up to misinformation)

"Any questions?" Nolla asked me and Evelyn who was listening closely.

"No, I don't have any," Evelyn replied.

"I have one. Do you know how to contract with a Spirit?" I asked. it would be a nice addition to my arsenal in the future if I could summon a High Ranking spirit like Ifrit in the future, though this might have been unlikely for now.

"I do but the problem really lies with finding a spirit that likes you enough to lend its power. You can spend all day long summoning spirits and get rejected by each one. Alternatively, it is possible that they won't show up at all and you'll have wasted your magicules." Nolla replied

"I see. I still can't move very well but when I can, can you teach me?" I asked.

Nolla nodded her head while looking at me before her eyes gained a dangerous glint to them and she began to smile seductively.

"Evelyn. Can you be a dear and run back to the house and grab the scroll off of my desk." Nolla asked.

"Yup!" Evelyn said as she jumped up and took off towards the treehouse.

"Fufufu. You still can't move can you, Alaster?" Nolla said with a seductive voice as she slowly sauntered towards my defenseless body.

"Oy! Sensei! You're getting a bit close. Sensei!!!" I began panicking a bit.

"Shh." She put her finger over my lips to silence me. "Don't worry. It'll all be over soon. I've got many more things to 'teach' you today."

"SENSEI!!!" I yelled to the heavens.

(3rd POV)

"What an interesting human indeed." A beautiful woman said as she watched Alaster struggle to crawl away from his already half-naked sensei who was attempting to assault him.

"Mistress what did you think?" A small dryad girl asked from behind.

"Veldanava wanted me to keep a close eye out for fun individuals like him. I feel like he'd have a good affinity with a spirit of light, but there is something that is blocking his way at the moment. Perhaps it is his immaturity." She replied, more to herself than her retainer.

"Either way, Treyni, you've found an excellent specimen for me to watch." She said, ruffling the young Treyni's green hair as the child giggled in happiness.

Don't worry. Alaster wasn't violated on this day. Evelyn came back to ask which scroll she was searching for just in time to rescue Nolla from FBI-kun.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts