
In the World of Sword and Magic as Space Marine

Waking up as Space Marine from Warhammer 40K is crazy enough but living in the world of Sword and Magic is beyond crazy. MC has no idea how he ends up in a fantasy world similar to D&D but one thing he is certain, he has to survive and find out who took him away from his home. I do not own Warhammer 40k or picture for fanfiction cover. Please enjoy this fanfiction and if you are interested in Warhammer please check youtube or google for lore.

ElJonson · ゲーム
156 Chs

Lancer of the Thunder Horde

"If you can see us, we are dangerous indeed. But that is as nothing to the peril you face if you cannot see us, and all you can hear is our laughter."

- White Scars Proverb

Formerly known as Star Hunters and now White Scars, the 5th legion of the Adeptus Astartes are masters of lighting-fast speed and hit-and-run attacks. Hail from the home planet of Chogoris, White Scars bears the ritual scars of bravery with honor and the fighting spirit of tribal savagery while possessing the superhuman ability of the Astartes.

These traditions and war tactics came from White Scars' Primarch Jaghatai Khan, who landed on Chogoris as a baby before the Emperor of Mankind started his Great Crusade. Jaghatai Khan as his last name indicate is based on old Terra's ancient time of Great Khans where tribes' leaders bear the title 'Khan.'

Similar to Genghis Khan's origins, Jaghatai Khan uplifts his people from being one of the weakest tribes to the most powerful on the planet within his early adulthood. Inheriting the position of 'Khan' from his father who was slain by his enemy, Jaghatai Khan slaughtered the rival tribe without mercy. This event led to the total conquest of the Chogoris with each fallen tribe given an option by the Great Khan himself.

"Join me or die."

As he shows no mercy to his enemy who opposes him on the battlefield and at the table of diplomacy, the Great Khan does rule his people effectively and with compassion. To prevent his people from fighting each other due to cultural differences and as former enemies, Jaghatai Khan decided to mix a newly obtained tribe with others equally to assimilate as one large tribe. This practice not only successfully unites a planet into one as a whole but later became a key factor in Star Hunter becoming White Scars when Primarch unites with his legion sons.

White Scars aren't much known among Imperium and even within other Astartes Legions, later Chapters. In their earlier days, the 5th legion is also known as Terra's Forgotten Sons. This is because White Scars doesn't boost their great deeds and achievements like Space Wolves or Ultramarines. It came to a point that there are very few records of Jaghatai Khan's actions during the Siege of Terra except his will to stay loyal to the Golden Throne and his brothers Sanguinius and Rogal Dorn.

Jaghatai Khan himself didn't receive much respect from his brothers during his early years after Emperor found him. Because of his origin on a primitive planet, Jaghatai Khan had many difficulties bonding with his brothers who accomplished many things and ruled a civilization of greater technological advancement. The Great Khan continues his duty as one of the Emperor's generals and his action speaks more than any songs or poems written by the remembrancers (Historians). Jaghatai Khan and his legion managed to break through enemy armies multiple times which would have halted the Emperor's crusade.

No one dare to stop the Great Khan as even the Admechs of Mars couldn't stop Jaghatai Khan from installing more engines into his flagship, the Swordstorm to go faster than any Gloriana class battleship.

White Scars are the brotherhood of the speed and tribal bond. Lives with the tradition of Chogoris, the 5th Legion is disciplined and loyal to the Great Khan and his word of judgment. White Scars have a tradition known as Scrolls of Vengeance. A long scroll where Khan (Captain or above) can write a name of an enemy who has done a great wrong to the Chapter or Imperium and will be put into the possible quarry for the next Great Hunt of the White Scars Chapter. (Not gonna lie, this is literally a Book of Grudges from Warhammer Fantasy and I just realized it as I write this.)

*From a conversation between Khan and Sanguinius during the Siege of Terra.

'Since when was saving mankind from the darkness a sign of weakness?' said the Khan, 'Sanguinius, my brother and comrade, what do you see? Lend me your foresight.' Sanguinius shut his eyes. Like that, he appeared drawn and tired, a funerary monument to himself. Dorn suppressed a shudder.

'My sight is not so clear as father's,' said Sanguinius.

'The Future is ever in flux. Only some events…' He paused, finding the words hard to say.

'Only some events are certain.'

'Do you see me? What will be the consequences of inaction?'

'I see fire, and blood and a world laid to waste if you do not act.'

'If I act?' said the Khan.

Sanguinius opened his eyes to look at him.

'There is a grave risk to you. A confrontation unlooked for, and if you survive, a flight from one danger into greater peril.'

'Who will I face?'

'I cannot divine.'

'Will I save lives?'

Sanguinius nodded. 'Many.'

'That is what I was made for,' said the Khan. 'I will ride out.'




A horde of former White Scars rode their rides as madmen while waving their melee weapons in the air. But when the enemy reaches within firing range, all of them quickly ready themselves with discipline and fearsome speed.

"Fire!!! Unleash the fury of the Great Khan!" The leading Null Marine shout his lungs out even though he is wearing a helmet with a built-in vox caster.

Without a slight hesitation, all of the vehicles open fire and unleash their heavy weaponry onto incoming Tau vehicles as they also fire their weapons. To everyone's surprise, the first vehicle to be destroyed is the former White Scars as a few of the assault bikes blow up after receiving hits from Tau laser guns.

The destruction of the front row didn't stop the Horde of Jaghatai as the rest of them simply speed up their vehicles to go much faster and faster. Soon, the Tau side began to receive casualties due to damages from heavy bolters and even a few hits from passing by power weapons. At this moment, Tau forces received an unexpected enemy from above as Null Marines suddenly landed on the Tau vehicles and proceed to breach the hull of the vehicles using their power weapons.

These Null Marines are equipped with jump packs and they managed to surprise the Tau because they are the first line hordes who fell during the first range of volley fire. Even though Astartes' vehicles are damaged and unable to move, the drivers of the former Khans managed to use their jump packs to ambush their enemy from above.

"For the Emperor and the Khan!" One of the Null Marines shouts in a thundering voice and threw Krak grenades into the exposed vehicle hull. Following the first Astartes' example, others did the same and ignite their jump pack to evade the explosion. A few seconds later, half of the TY7 Devilfish exploded, leaving the rest to the Hordes of Jaghatai as they turn around for the second round.

All of this ended in a matter of three minutes. The walls are down and Tau's reserve units burn to ashes as former White Scars did what they are good at. Going fast.


"This is Chapter Master William. Who is in charge of the reinforcement?" William said in his vox channel to his new company of speed freaks. He is aware that they are under his command but William must at least know the name of the captain of former White Scars.

"This is Goghon Khan, Lancer of the Thunder Horde reporting to Chapter Master. Give us your order and we will bleed your enemy for slaughter." The rough but cheerful voice of the Astartes with a deep Asian accent replies back to William.

"Take front formation of the siege and take out any potential threat." Said William as he sees the horde of vehicles merges in front of William's force.

"Search and destroy?" Said, Goghon Khan.

"Search and destroy." Said, William.

"YES, Chapter Master! Let's go, brothers!" With that, the vox communication ended as Goghon Khan and his men sped up and leave the front formation with an eagerness to kill any enemy they can find. Seeing his new company taking front charge of the battle, William turns around to make his first move of his own.

"Prepare the Thunderhawks for the departure. I will be leading the infiltration to cut the heads of the hydra."

"I will join you as well." A voice spoke behind William and without questioning Chapter Master's authorization, the Living Saint joins William as both leaders board two separate Thunderhawks.

"Rana, are you sure you want to join me? What about our child?"

"And leave our child fatherless if something happens to you? Not on my watch. I'm going with you so you don't do something stupid like dying." Living Saint said to William through a private vox channel and laughed a little as she knows William is stubborn to die.

"This is why I love you. Don't worry, unlike last time I have a surprise of my own and I won't be pushed around by the Alpha Legion." Said William as he watch the Thunderhawk hatch close, darkening the hall of the vehicle.

Joining the Chapter Master and Living Saint are the honor guards of the Blacksouls and veterans Sisters of Battle. Placing themselves in respected Thunderhawks and masters, the battle-hardened group prepares themselves for an upcoming close encounter with the enemy stronghold.

[Thunder one and two are ready for flight. Three, two, one… launch.] The first Thunderhawk pilot announces through the vox channel and at the same time, the Thunderhawk lifts from the ground.

[Everything is good to go, Thunder One, lead the way.] With that, two Thunderhawks left the base camp and proceed to fly toward the enemy castle.

It didn't take long for the two aircraft to receive fire from the enemy's anti-aircraft defense as flyers began to shake. With each large explosion in the air, the Thunderhawk pilots managed to avoid the direct hit and even made a few ariel maneuvers to dodge the incoming fire.

[Approaching enemy fortress in five seconds. Brace for impact.] With a short warning and five seconds later, the Thunderhawk One which William is in, ram right through the stone wall, literally crashing into the enemy castle as if it was a Kool-Aid Man. After receiving the initial impact of William's Thunderhawk, the Tau Fire Caste ready their ion rifles and gather around the front hatch to take out the intruders.

[Successfully infiltrated the enemy fortress. Opening the front hatch. Good hunting to you all.]

The front hatch of the Thunderhawk One opened and before enemy Tau could fire the first shot, the lascannon turrets of the Thunderhawk turned around and fired first.

When the smoke cleared and all Tau Fire Castes are wasted, William's honor guards step out to secure the area. William was the last one to step out as he use his helmet to find the location of the Alpha Legionnaire.

"We have the location of the primary target. Thunderhawk Two is much closer to the target than us. All units, proceed to the primary location with extreme prejudice." William gave his order through a secure vox channel to his men. Armed with his golden halberd, William led the front with intention of fighting his opponent first.

"YES, CHAPTER MASTER!" At once, all of the honor guards respond to William's order in one voice and follow him in formation to defend William with their lives.

Please enjoy the new update and stay safe.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts