
In the World of Sword and Magic as Space Marine

Waking up as Space Marine from Warhammer 40K is crazy enough but living in the world of Sword and Magic is beyond crazy. MC has no idea how he ends up in a fantasy world similar to D&D but one thing he is certain, he has to survive and find out who took him away from his home. I do not own Warhammer 40k or picture for fanfiction cover. Please enjoy this fanfiction and if you are interested in Warhammer please check youtube or google for lore.

ElJonson · ゲーム
156 Chs

Apostate’s End

Emperor Class Titan is one of the most significant asset Imperium ever to possess under its massive military might. Titans are the powerhouse of the Imperium; among them, the Emperor Class are the most powerful and destructive ones. On the other side, losing one is also devastating to the Imperium and Adeptus Mechanicus as it is irreplaceable.

Adeptus Mechanicus and all the Forge Worlds consider Emperor Class Titan to be a considerable figure of the Machine God. Admired and worshiped to be the walking avatar of the Machine God in the mortal world, every Magos to lowly adepts, consider Emperor Class to be the God-Engine amongst other Titans.

By design, the Emperor Class Titan has two variants which are Imperator and Warmonger Classes. As these titans are one of a kind but also Admechs can't create them as they are the creations of the Dark Age of Technology. There are many different Emperor types with different heights and sizes but both variants are powerful in their own rights as well as the ability to change the faith of both enemies and allies.

Imperator Class Titan is the first variant of the Emperor Titan, armed with a Hellstorm cannon and Plasma annihilator as primary weapons of war, the Imperator Class Titan is a general-purpose assault platform unit. With extremely powerful weapons and multiple void shields at its disposal, the Imperator Class is a classic one vs one when it comes to facing Gargant which is the Ork equivalent of Imperial Class Titan.

The Warmonger Class Titan has a similar structure and design to its counterparts but is notable regarding weaponry. Unlike Imperator Class, the Warmonger is more long-range and anti-air, using the entire convention of putting more guns and ammunition. Providing more fire support and long-range strike, the Warmonger can level the Hive city more effectively than its cousin and have enough ammunition left to make Orks cry for WAAAGH.

Emperor Class Titans are rarest and only deployed when there is massive Imperial assaults or crusade. The walking mobile fortress is forced to be feared and somewhat reserved in the line unless the situation demands it like Third War for Armageddon. With its signature design of carrying a church on its top, the Emperor Class Titans are the legacy of humanity's lost peak era and a relic.


"Deploying the hellstrike missiles." The pilot of the Thuderhawk Three said to the vox communicator and the fourth Thuderhawk follow the pilot's lead as they fire a volley of missiles upon the line of Plague Marines.

Not even the legendary endurance of the Death Guards couldn't handle the direct firepower of the Hellstrike missiles as two air crafts empty their silos and return for a second run. The extreme temperature of the fire disrupt the entire rear line as Plague Marines lost their footing and were unable to hold the line while Null Marines of the Blacksouls began to push the ambushing enemy.

The second run wasn't devastating like the first one but it was enough to clear the enemy formation completely as twin-linked heavy bolters, lascannons, and turbolasers shredded the traitors as they are about to reach their breaking point.

"That was a good run, Thunder Four. Returning to the main flight to regroup." With that, the pilots of the two air crafts change their flight to rejoin Thunder One and Two.

With air support clearing the enemy from the rear line, the Null Marines break through the Plague Marines while continuing their slaughtering of undead in front. Meanwhile, the continues artillery bombarment from the Death Corp finally rewards them as the mountain fortress crumbles to the ground, burying the reserve army of the undead and whoever the one supplying the zombies. From the distance, Lord Creed saw the two Thunderhawks leaving the front line and rejoining the other two, heading towards the western side of the battlefield.

"Well, about time you return, Lord William." Finally lighting the cigar in his hand, Lord Creed smiled and order his men to make the final push for the front line.


Western Front,

Four aircraft flew over the Western side of the battlefield. The first thing that welcome them were undead creatures with wings but they were immediately taken down by the lascannons. With no enemy to interrupt the deployment, the four aircraft surround the frontline and began to hover.

"Opening the front deployment door, good luck Chapter Master." The pilot said in an open vox channel and a moment later, large beings in power armor dropped a few feet in the air. Laning on top of the undead who previously made contact with the guardsman, William, and his Honour Guards made an entrance to the solid ground.

"For the Emperor!" William broadcast his warcry and punch the first undead he saw in front of him. The powerfist vaporized the undead and his Honour Guards unsheathed the power sword, butchering anything that isn't alive. Following William and his men, more units were deployed from the Thunderhawks, and to everyone's surprise, 15 Devastators landed with heavy-range weapons.

"Form the defensive line center around me!" The captain of the Devastator instructs his battle brothers and began to make breathing room in the middle of the battlefield to divide the enemy numbers. The sheer firepower of the new units crush any undead close to them and if they saw the unique enemy in their sensor, they simply fire the heavy bolters. No undead sorcerers or liches were safe even at long distances as they had no defense against the explosive bolter rounds.

"Commissar Cain, where is Rana and where is the Greater Daemon?" William vox radios Commissar Cain to find out where the greatest powerhouse and leader of the enemy forces are. He knew that Rana's power would be more than enough but considering that no Blood Thirster would command the undead, William knew something was off about this whole ordeal.

"My lord, Living Saint and Greater Daemon are fighting further back in the enemy line. The Living Saint pushed the daemon with brute force to keep it away from us. That is the last thing I saw." Cain, who is now on the open hatch of the Chimera replied to William as he fire his mounted heavy bolter. He was the first one to see the Living Saint charging the daemon and the last one to see her pave the battlefield row of the undead by pushing the daemon's massive body.

"In that case, we need an open path for us to reach her. And I have the right tool for the job." William then went into his inventory and summon the legendary unit into the battlefield, right in the middle of the enemy's side.

At first, there was a blinking golden light in midair. A few seconds later, the air began to suck in towards where the light was as clouds of dust began to show the current of the air. Then suddenly, without a warning, Imperator Class Titan appeared in mid-air and landed on top of the swarm of undead.

BOOOOOOM! Waaaaaahhhhhhh!

Standing nearly 150 meters tall (492 feet) and weighing 1600 tons, the Imperator Class Titan safely land on its two feet and blast an air siren as if Titan was awakened from its long slumber.

[I'm Princeps Santen Von Hall of the Imperator Class Titan, Apostate's End. Who do I receive my instruction from?] The Titan spoke through its vox broadcast and speaker to announce its presence and it didn't disappoint William's side as its massive size can be seen all the way from Lord Creed's base camp.

"I'm William Nullinanis, Chapter Master of the Legion of the Blacksouls. I humbly request the power of the God Engine to clear the enemy with a single swoop." William didn't give an order but submitted a request and hope that massive titan accepts the request. As Chapter Master has utmost authority on the battlefield and in politics, Princeps of the Titan Legion and the one who commands the Emperor Class have their own saying as well. For that reason, even the Grimaldus of the Black Templar and hero of the Helsrech had trouble with Princep when it comes to a battle arrangement.

[I receive your authority clearance. Under the treaty of the Imperium and Titan Legion, I will follow your command until we rejoin the Imperium. May the Omnissiah and Machine God guide you to victory.]

The first thing the Imperator Class Titan adjusts the primary weapons and fired the plasma annihilator, carving the very ground and anything that stands in its way. It didn't end there as another primary weapon, equipped with the hellstorm cannon blast group of minor daemons and superior undead creatures as if they are made out of paper.

Many of the undead near the Titan attempted to crawl the legs or to break through the heavy door near the foot but they couldn't as Titan's void shield prevented them from even touching the holy avatar of the Machine God. Imperator took one step and each step shook the ground every step crush a hundred zombies and skeletons.

"Push forward!" William commands his men and follows the same direction as the Titan. It wasn't just his battle brothers as Commissar Cain and his troops and even Sisters of Battle follow William's leadership and continue to purge the undead as they march ahead.

Enjoy the chapter as the next one will be the final result of the unification of the Legellan.

Stay safe and enjoy.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts