
In the world of pokemon

Thanks, Mr Frightknight88 Let's join along with Ash Ketcham in his journey. When Ash was a kid his father went messing it is believe that team rocket was behind this, they were the evilest organisation trying to dominate the world by creating genetic pokemon and capturing legendary pokemon to destroy the world government called S.H.I.E.L.D and rule the world under their command. But when Ash father stole their most valuable resources their plan to rule the world was pushed backwards for ages. After that team rocket viciously captures Kanto region. The shield were defected form the region as a warning to the world that even some of the valuable resource was stolen from them they are still powerful enough to cush other 10 regions. After all, this happens The shield declare war against Team rocket thereafter this two stong forces are fighting against each other. Meanwhile, Ash and his mother are hiding from team rocket in the kanto region. Will Ash defeat team rocket, will he find his lost father and will he be the greatest pokemon trainer in the world? To find out join Ash along with his journey fueled by the vast aura of imagination and suffering be with Ash and help shape the story with your comment also support me on Patreon your financial help is all I need to continue writing the story https://www.patreon.com/Donatefic

Nirjung_Dangi · アニメ&漫画
15 Chs

Chapter-14 Pikachu Vs Empoleon

Last battle Daisy knocked Cubone on one hit, dame I need to focus on cubebone endurance.

Well, today I not only lose a match but also learned that defence is as equal as an attack. A very expensive mistake from my side. But I won't repeat that again this will be my first and last mistake ever.

For a minute I went deep into thinking. Well, what do you expect from me after losing a match without hitting opponent once? Not only I lose a match but this is my first ever match that I had lost since I was transferred into Ash body.

Then when the sorrow of losing went away from my mind I started to focus on work in my hand which was winning the battle.

Meanwhile when I was thinking Daisy was developing a new strategy.

After a few seconds, Daisy shouted: "Oiii, let's start the battle."

It was quite funny I almost forget about the battle cause I was developing strategy which later on I used against Daisy.

Now since She always attacks first this time I acted fast "Pikachu growl."

After listening to my command Daisy"Serious you stupid piece of shit using growl against my strongest pokemon? Are you mad you dump, stupid?"

Yes, I was dump if only I was making myself look dump after losing the match. Well, this was my first strategy and she did fell right into my trap.

"Empoleon fury attack "

Bullseye, now that I have an upper edge on her. Fury attack means punching a pokemon multiples time in a single move, so in order to hit Pikachu Empoleon needs to get closer to Pikachu then I will command Pikachu to use tail whip to decrease its defence status.

Yes, it did work. While Empoleon came close to Pikachu I commanded him to use tail whip. Since Empoleon is a defensive tank pokemon in order to win the battle I need to lower Empoleon defence stats (aura).

After getting critical hit from Pikachu its was still holding its defence but somehow I opened up some of its defence flank. If only I become able to hit it once somehow then the odds will be in my favour.

Well, it though and start to work on my plan but continuously I failed to do so. Every time I try to get into Empoleon defence Empoleon somehow manages to dodge the attack.

Daisy was neither letting me use any of electric attack. To use an electric attack Pikachu needs some second to collect enough aura/electricity to lunch it toward Empoleon.

I was using Daisy strategy against her since water pokemon is weak against electric pokemon then If Pikachu hit once Empoleon with an electric attack then surely Empoleon will take a lot of damage, so she fully focused on not letting Pikachu use an electric attack. While she was doing so she couldn't fully focus on attacking Pikachu, which was backfiring Daisy herself. Not much if counter-attack you thought but wait there's more on it.

The longer the battle took the more Daisy was becoming furious and desperate to win. And that's was my counter-attack, but I was also concerned about Pikachu stamina. Since Pikachu is only level 10 pokemon Empoleon would have more aura and stamina than Pikachu.

I was only waiting for a single moment observing every movement, anticipating every attack and analysing Daisy every move, well shortly I was trying to get into her mind.

Her pride was one the line, but as long the match is going the more Daisy has on the line, now not only pride was on line but her prestige was too.

I was analysing her every weakness that she expose herself, in a sense I was fighting a battle outside the real battle. I don't know how Pikachu was holding himself up in the battle since I was mostly focusing on Daisy herself.

I remember Prof.oak mentioning this pokemon is special but today I was realising all the thing he said about Pikachu. Clearly, my Pikachu was no ordinary pokemon, he was just like my father Pikachu. Huh? My fatherPikachuu? Is he somehow connected with my father?. Stupid stupid!! Don't think about this stuff now just focus on battle.

One critical is enough to end this battle for Daisy and for me its likely 2 critical hits.

I can feel it, I can feel Pikachu losing his stamina. Please God, save me from this. One chance one mistake is what I need to win this battle. One mistake from Daisy is all I need.

While all of this was happening I saw something that no pokemon trainer would see at this moment when their pokemon is losing stamina and opponent is still wise enough not to open up for any critical hit, the thing that I was talking about is hope.

All I had and saw was hope at that moment no more than that. It doesn't matter how weak my opponent is becoming, or when the opponent will make mistake, all it matter is now will I be there to grab the opportunity? Will I survive till to explore opponent mistake? Will I be there?

This was the question I was constantly asking myself. Every moment was tense, every move Pikachu makes decreases his stamina. And every minute Pikachu dodges the attack makes opponent pron to mistake.

While I was vigilant toward Daisy will Pikachu save his skin till the last? That's the question we will find answers at last.

So this is what it takes to be the world best pokemon trainer if this is so then I must tackle it to win against all odds.

My fate is sealed, my fate….huh is to be the world strongest pokemon trainerrrrr…..