

"Now tell me your wishes human"

'Wishes huh? What should I wish for?'

Alex had a pensive look on his face as he thought of the wishes he would like to get after all it's not everyday you get to meet an all powerful being that grants your wishes.

"Hey are there any limits to what I can wish for?"

"Yes there are*snaps*"

As the creator spoke he snaps his fingers and a large glass cylinder filled with golden sand materialised in front of Alex.

"Whenever you wished for something the sand present inside of this cylinder would start to deplete representing the worth of the wish you asked for"

"Once sand is completely depleted you can't ask for anything, but even so you can't ask for something like omnipotence, omniscience, immortality etc."

Alex frowned a little hearing the conditions but nodded nevertheless.

"So my first wish is for you to not peep into my life anymore"

"Declined, I granted you all these powers so that I can have my fun, so there is no way I would grant you this"


Alex closed his eyes for a bit for calming himself down and began to think for the wishes.

'Come to think of it, wasn't mc a god in making according to lightnovel?'

"Hey would I get reincarnated same as the MC of the novel? Like meeting the world god who would do the similar things he did with touya"

"Yes, you would live a new life in a different world and would die at the hands of the world god over there and with my intervention you would be reincarnated into same world as the MC of the novel"

"If you worry about the events of that world as the creature there have seen the future dont worry as I have taken care of it"

"The world would be an alternate universe where you would exist in their future so your reincarnation won't be noticed by any of them"

That's convenient thing as it won't cause any suspicion to gods over there who can peek into the future and past and can sense the abnormal presence of Alex.

'If I'm getting the powers of touya as in similar to the anime I'm already overpowered'

'What should I wish for now?'

Mochizuki Touya in the novel was a god in the making, who had enhanced physical status, abnormally high amount of mana, pure divinity from the world god himself, all elemental affinity, abiltiy to use every null magic etc.

"Hurry up human"

The creator's voice sounded breaking Alex's train of thoughts.

"Can I get the powers of any other anime?"

"Any other anime? Well you can if you wish for them but remember supernatural powers would cost you a lot which I don't think you can afford"


Alex was confused hearing the creator's words.

"The golden sand here are your points which you gain from your popullarity"

"You were famous in your previous world but compared to the multiversal standards which are taken into consideration the points you gain isn't enough to grant you powerful superpowers"

"So I can't get any superpowers?"

"It isn't you can't it is that there won't be any powerful ones"

"What about Shadow monarch's power?"

"Not enough points"


"You can't afford that too"

"So what can I afford?"

"Well, affording even weak supernatural powers would cost you more than ninety percent of your points so It is advisable for you to not wish for those things"

"It is better for you to wish for something scientific as those are the only things which you can afford off"

"Scientific things?"

Alex had a pensive look on his face as the being mentioned that he couldn't buy some good superpowers and then a look of confusion appeared on his face when scientific things were mentioned.

'Well I guess I can't be too greedy'

'Touya also brought his smartphone along during his isekai, should I also ask for smartphone? No why would I waste my points for smartphone, I can bring it when I die with me'

'If I have to buy scientific things what should I buy? Iron man's armour? supersoldier serum? Well I guess I have to go with that'

"Can I get an enhanced version of supersoldier serum which not only increase my physical status but grants me with skills like enhanced mastery and adaptation"

"Hmm supersoldier serum with enhanced mastery and adaptation? Yes you can wish for it"

"It would cost you 43 percent of your total points"


"You still have 57 percent of your points left, what do you wish for with them"

"Can I get an advanced type of device with functions similar to smartphone but is way advanced and have access to internet of other dimensions"

"It would cost you 50 percent of your points"

"Is there any other things you want?"

"Can I change my appearance?"

"Change your appearance? You don't have enough points for it now"

"What about improving my charisma?"

"It would cost 8 percent of your total points to make them reach the peak of your species, but as you don't have enough points I can still improve them to a certain level which wouldn't make you the most handsome but then also would increase your charisma by a lot"

"Well then please do that"

Alex accepted the offer by the being.

"Since you have used all of your points it's now time for you to reincarnate, all the best for your new life"


Saying so the being snapped his fingers and Alex disappeared from the void.

"Oh I forgot to tell him that he would forget everything about this place and would retain his memories when he would meet the world god"