
Do You Forgive Me?

It's been three days since Elsa's arrival into the palace, isabelle finally agreed eat, but after but she never left her room, she always had her meals inside her room.

Elsa sat on her dressing chair while her two hand maids, Vida and Tia, were busy doing her makeup. "All done, your majesty" Vida announced proudly "Thanks, tia, tell luke to arrange my breakfast in the royal garden" "Yes your majesty" she bowed and left "Your majesty, are you planning on getting his majesty back in your side" "Of course vida but I am not going to make it look too obvious" "So what are you going to do about queen isabelle" "Vida stop calling her queen, lucifer hasn't crowned her a queen yet and even if he did, the marriage hasn't been consomated yet so she is just a beneficiary living in my palace" vida was surprised, Elsa stood up and adjusted her gown before trying on different crowns "Vida, what crown do you think will match my dress" "Your majesty,i think this will fit you,it matches your cream colored dress and the jewelries on your neck, hands and ears" she said picking a silver coloured crown with different tiny gems around it. "Your majesty, I have delivered your message" tia said. Tia's character was one to admire. She has a pale skin,her hair is cut short and reaches just below her ears,it is brown in colour. Tia is short for her age (she is nineteen but looks like sixteen.) she was given as a gift to elsa by her mother (Elsa's mother) when tia was twelve. Tia is a cute and adorable young lady who enjoys interacting with nature and animals, she is also very kind and helpful, she hates serving queen Elsa because elsa is so unkind and rude and wicked but she has no choice. Vida on the other hand is tall and chubby with long hair that reaches her shoulders,it is brown in colour, she is twenty two years old and very wicked, she enjoys gossiping with queen Elsa and other people, she also helps Elsa in hatching any of her evil plans/plots.

Elsa and her two hand maids arrived in the garden, vida held out a chair for Elsa to sit on. "Uhm, so what do we have here tia" " Your majesty,we have here a plate of fried eggs, over here we have a loaf of freshly baked and sliced bread,we also have a bowl of fruits,a cup of hot tea, and a plate of cookies" Tia said while opening each plate "wonderful, I trust luke" Elsa said as she began to eat her meal. "Your majesty" tia bowed down and left.


Isabelle P.O.V

I have finally finished reading that novel titled " THE POWER OF A PATIENT QUEEN" which was written by "LENARD MORNINGSTAR". The book was so interesting and inspiring, i made a mental note to visit the author one day.

Isabelle, stood up and went towards her window and looked outside. She half expected to see lucifer, but to her disappointment she only saw Elsa having breakfast by herself, just then, her two maids came in with her breakfast. "Your majesty, here is your breakfast" they served her,her meal,as they were about to leave, isabelle ordered them to wait. "Wait, please sit let's talk because i am feeling so bored" "but your majesty, you are a queen, maids don't sit with queens,we are too filthy" Isabelle was surprised and annoyed. "Who told you that, that's just bull shit you are a human being, you two are very beautiful and smart....., you know what, forget about those useless statements, look at me, before I married his majesty (which was a huge mistake) no one could tell me that I was filthy...., look, just forget about it and sit". Isabelle made space for them on her bed and began to talk to them. "So, I would like to know your names please" "My name is Melissa and my sister here is Monica" "wait, are you both twins" "yes your majesty" Monica said "who is the eldest" "that would be me, your majesty" Melissa said "okay then, uhm, tell me about yourself, like we're your from,how you got here, are you married,any kids, what are your parents like, your characters, your likes and dislikes" "uhm, so how do we start" Melissa asked "maybe, you can start by saying were your from". Isabelle said eagerly. "We are from the kingdom of Dearborn,a kingdom a few miles away from Mebeth,we lived a happy and quiet life with our parents and our older brother, our father was the chief adviser to the king while our mother was the queen's personal hand maid. Our life in dearborn was a really wonderful one, until ten years ago, when his majesty's father decided to wage war against our kingdom, my father was sent by the king to inform all the able body young men to go out and fight. We lost bitterly our father and our king was killed, our mother helped our queen to hide her son and as a result, our mother was killed because she refused to disclose the location of the child,we were taken as slaves to this kingdom, while our brother was taken as a guard in one of the states in Pandemoniom". Melissa said as she recounted the sad experience. "We walked here for a long time as kitchen maids until she got married to the head maid son while I got married to the colonel's son" Monica said "we got married on the same day because my husband, the head maid son who is also the general's step son and a soldier, asked the king for the opportunity for us to get married on the same day and for us to leave the kitchen work and work in the palace garden, until you came and it has been for good,we are so happy that you are here" "yes, melissa, is right,we are happily married and with children" "yes, I have a male child, while she has a female child"


Lucifer P.O.V.

Lucifer brought out his sword and pointed it at James who stood holding his own sword. "Are you ready your majesty" James asked "Do your worst" Lucifer aimed at James and began to fight, with such incredible speed and coordination and not a single hair on his head was out of place "your doing well, your majesty" "thanks James, but when you feel like you are going to give up, just inform me and I'll slow down" lucifer said, slashing even harder at James than before but James was keeping up a good fight he kept on blocking all of lucifer's attacks and also attacking him. James anticipated all of lucifer's attacks until lucifer suddenly threw a surprise move on him,he threw James sword away, kicked him, brought him to his knees and placed his sword on his neck."You seem suprised, James, what's the matter, you didn't expect me to win, but don't forget, I'm a demon" "I know your majesty, but today you are a lot faster" James said, as Lucifer released him "yes" "your majesty, won't you go and see her majesty, queen Isabelle, I haven't seen her this past few days" Mark said "so,how does that concern you, I am the one married to her and I am the one she said she doesn't want to see" "that's cause she was angry, your majesty I will advise you to go and see her before queen Elsa does" James advised.

After some time, Lucifer listened to his guards and went to Isabelle's room, he stopped in front of her door and listened, to his surprise,he heard her voice and two other voices laughing. "Your majesty" Melissa and Monica, curtsied as Lucifer walked in. "I see that you ladies are having fun" Lucifer said, suprised that miades and a queen were actually having fun, not like he believed in that stereotype, but he thought Isabelle would be like Elsa who always hated maids. " Your majesty, we'll like to be on our way" Melissa said, as they curtsied and left."Isabelle" Lucifer said as he locked the door and walked towards her.

Isabelle's P.O.V

Lucifer walked towards me with such an aura, that I had to rest on my dresser to avoid falling down. "What do you want Lucifer" "what i want is your forgiveness" he walked closer towards me, "Isabelle, I am so sorry that I wasn't honest with you, but I promise you that as from now henceforth, there will be no more lies between us" he was now only an arm's length away from me, I closed my eyes as I felt his hands on mine. "Open your eyes Isabelle" his voice was so commanding that I opened up "Listen Lucifer...." I said in a whisper, but I could not complete my sentence as I felt his lips on mine "Lucifer!" I pushed him away, but he came back, held my waist and began to kiss me.

Lucifer used his tongue to open isabelle lips and began to guide her lips on how to respond,he used his tongue to explore her mouth. He sucked and bit her lips as he continued to kiss her hungrily, until she couldn't handle it anymore, she pushed him away and began to hold her chest. "What just happened" she said out of breath, Lucifer smiled and walked towards her.He pushed her hair to the back of her head and kissed her neck "Do you forgive me" he asked "or do I make you forgive me" he began to nibble on her ear "I.....I.....I forgive you" she sighed breathless. He held her waist and lifted her up and slowly kept her on her bed, before kissing her on her forehead,he looked at the empty plate on her table and clapped his hands, two maids came in and carried the plates away.