
The Morning Walk

"Hmm? I woke up 20 minutes before the alarm even rang. That's weird" said Frayne as she sloppily sits up from her bed.

"Guess I'll just walk to school earlier than usual" Frayne said as continues doing her daily morning routine.

The sun is about to rise, the road still stripped of the noises of vehicles. It's another perfect day for a morning walk to school.

"Hey Frayne? I'm not sure if that's your name." a voice called out to Frayne on the way to school.

Frayne turned around in a heartbeat, looking behind her to see a familiar face, it's Darfell calling out to her. Frayne quickly stopped in her tracks, waiting for Darfell to catch up.

"So uh, I want to apologise for leaving without even telling you." said the nervous Darfell.

"It's not that big of a deal to be honest, you can't ignore your friends just to talk to another new one." said Frayne as she slowly gets flustered.

The road slowly gets built up with vehicles as Frayne and Darfell slowly reach the school while talking to each other.

"Ugh, we finally reached the classroom for God's sake" Frayne said while Darfell was chuckling at her getting agitated over a walk to school.

After a few more minutes of talking, Frayne frowned as she saw Darfell's friend coming over to take him to the canteen again.

"Darfell, do you want to come to the ca-" before Darfell's friend even finished the sentence, he immediately heard.

"No thank you, I am talking with somebody here and I would really appreciate if you find somebody else." said Darfell, not wanting to make Frayne feel annoyed again.

His friend looked at Darfell and Frayne for a second then understood the situation and left.

"Why didn't you go with him?" asked Frayne.

"I thought you would definitely get annoyed again if i did like last time, so i decided not to go" Darfell sheepishly said

As the classroom grew louder and louder, the time flew by, it's almost time for class so both of them went back to their seats. They exchanged glances throughout the time at school, chuckling at each other.