
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Talk with Ameri

Library was empty and quiet, rain started outside and it made perfect ambience for reading in silence or sleeping. Ameri was nowhere to be seen and i sat down on the chair knowing that she'll appear eventually, i looked around and saw usual wooden shelfs with books around me and saw Ameri peeking around the corner which led to upstairs.

I left out girly scream and immediately felt embarrassed from screaming like that, Ameri burst out laughing which made me even more embarrassed now. She came close to me and offered me a handshake, i remember very well what happened last time so just waved.

Her happy expression changed to mad one pretty fast and next moment i was pulled up while she held me by the collar on my cloak. 

"It's pretty rude to refuse a handshake you know?"

She sounds angry as ever, i was put down once again and she again offered me a handshake. There's nothing much i can do so i gave her a handshake praying in myself that, that doesn't happen again. 

Unfortunately for me it happened again and this time she held me and kissed me for more than two minutes, afterwards i was out of breath. I like women but i never imagined myself as a father or married man, or even man with a girlfriend. I didn't liked nor wanted that style of life because of it's limitations and sacrifices i had to make. 

I'm just born to live life of freedom i guess.

After Ameri released me i was blushing and couldn't form proper words, i'm totally inexperienced in handling these type of situations. I managed to sit down again after calming down a little bit and remained quiet for few minutes.

"I want to ask you some questions." 

Ameri looked at me with teasing smile on her face, i need to bring some topic as fast as possible and forget about what happened before. 

"First of all have you heard of Orven's plan to rebel against Athena?"

I asked knowing that Ameri is trustful enough. Her expression turned serious 

"Yea after all i'm part of the rebellion too"

I sighed.

"So i guess you know about the plan?"

I asked and she nodded.

I wanted to ask her why is she accepting that plan but i knew it's pointless to argue, she has her way of thinking and i have mine, arguing about it is completely pointless. She noticed my look and knew what i was thinking about. 

"I'm aware that it may bring destruction but it's the only way."

I looked down trying to think where did it all go wrong but then her hand caressed my cheek.

"It'll be alright Sparrow."

She said with calming tone but that still ease me off, i nodded and went back on the topic.

"I need to ask you why banners of Tsugikuni family stay inside your library?" 

She looked at me with confusion. 

"Tsugikuni banners? If you mean on red banners with flow on them, Athena commanded me to place them here as they are prettier than academic ones."

Is that all? I knew that Athena wasn't strategist nor big thinker but this just proved it, i thought of it as some grand scheme or plot but looks like Athena just wants to have things her own way.

"These banners are banners of family which is Athena part of."

Ameri looked at me and sighed. 

"I should've known."

She got embarrassed as librarian and scholar. I laughed for a second there and made Ameri angry at me.

Seeing this i switched the topic fast and asked another question, 

"Do you know anything about lucid dreams?"

She was still angry but she spoke nonetheless 

"Lucid Dreams are very unique dreams where you have consciousness and powers to do whatever you want."

She continued to speak. 

"Those dreams are very rare if you don't know how to start them by yourself, but that kind of thing only special kind of people know to do." 

She finished her sentence still looking at me somewhat angrily.

"Anything about vibrating body and buzzing sound?"

Ii asked and Ameri looked at me. 

"Are you mocking me Sparrow?"

She asked with a smile but anger was bursting trough it. 

"No of course not." 

 I said panicking a little bit. 

"I'm joking calm down."

She laughed and continued. 

"No i don't know anything about that." 

I sighed out of relief and disappointment for her not having answer.

Her face turned serious when she asked me if i'm participating in the rebellion, when i gave negative answer she was shocked for a moment there but with understanding.

"So when are you guys beginning?" 

I asked with all seriousness. 

"In a two and a half weeks after our preparations fully be ready and everyone armed to the teeth."

I felt very bad for not fighting with them but Orven kicked me out and i didn't want to participate in that suicide plan.

"Do you think you will succeed?" 

I asked again with cold and serious tone to which surprised Ameri a little bit. 

"I'm pretty confident in our abilities." 

She said and with that i stood up and moved to the doors.

I have mixed feelings about this rebellion and Orven's plan, i know that old himself would never accept something crazy and dangerous like that, not when academy depends on it. But i guess people change and only think i can do is accept and stay out of rebellion now. 

As i opened the door Ameri rushed up to me and kissed me again, she released me and wished me good luck. I left in a hurry out of embarrassment and headed towards my Thunderbird, i wanted to spend some time alone.