
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Etheric Realm

As i blinked i found myself standing in the open land or more like open sky with clouds above me and reflection of them below. 

"Wait this is a dream"

I suddenly said realizing that i'm having lucid dream for first time in my life. I looked around and then touched my face to check if i can feel and i could feel every touch and think rationally like in the real world. 

Then a voice behind me spoke

"This isn't a dream young man"

Calm and strong voice spoke behind me which spooked me to the bones. I turned around quickly and saw tall figure of a man standing there with no expression, looking at me. He has long brown hair, face that most of women would find very attractive and he was wearing some kind of golden armor with weird runes on it. 

My gaze directed towards weird flashy runes who glowed yellow color out of them blinking from time to time. I couldn't read them so i gave up on translating them, man slowly started approaching me still having neutral expression on his face which creeped me a little. He stood two feet's in front of me and glared me with face i couldn't read. I didn't know what he was thinking or planning to do with me and why i can't wake up from this dream. 

"Don't you worry i won't hurt you, even if i wanted to i couldn't." 

Still i was on alert but those words calmed me a little bit. 

"What do you mean you couldn't?"

My question seemed to surprise him a little bit 

"You should know that, i mean you are experienced traveler am i right?"

His words confused me even more now, i'm only aviator not some sort of traveler or adventurer. 

"I'm just aviator not a traveler"

I said still creeped out and confused. 

"So how are you even here?" 

That question made me think. 

"I really don't know, i don't even know what is all of this" 

Man looked at me shocked seeming very surprised to hear that for some unknown reason. 

"Young man, you currently are inside Etheric realm"

I really don't know what Etheric realm is but my grandpa once told me about hidden crucial element called Ether but he never told me anything more than that. 

"Only people who unlock their true natural powers can enter this realm, only four of them existed since entire existence started but, i guess you are now fifth."

My mind couldn't process everything going on so i looked around me once again and turned my eyes back to mysterious man standing before me.

"And can you explain me more about this realm right here?"

I asked curiously while man was looking at me still with surprised look on his face. 

"I don't think you can comprehend any information i further give you about this place, since you didn't come here by your will."

I was little bit disappointed in the answer he gave me so i asked another question. 

"Okay then but can you at least tell me how i got in here?" 

He placed a finger on his chin and went silent for couple of seconds 

"I really don't know how, sorry but it looks like your time here is up."

He pointed at me and i turned my head down to only see my body emitting blue color. 

"Take care young man."

A mysterious man said before he disappeared.

I was awoken by someone caressing my cheek and quietly telling me to wake up, i opened my eyes slowly and saw Ameri's face right in front of mine. I wasn't realizing for first seconds what was happening but as soon my brain wakened, blood rushed to my face and made me blush like a tomato. 


I called out to her startled and embarrassed while she giggled.

"Wake up sleepy head, you slept for three hours." 

I looked at her confused, pretty sure that i got enough amount of sleep before.

"You sure got lazy Sparrow, you never slept this much before."

 Ameri pointed out teasingly while i stood thinking about dream i just had. 

"Ameri do you have time for talk right now?" 

She nodded and we both went down into main section of library sitting in the table we sat three hours ago.

Cookies and new portion of coffee is on the table and with that Ameri grabbed couple of them and began eating, my stomach couldn't contain anymore food right now i took sip of coffee and turned my head on Ameri with intent to start conversation. 

"Ameri do you know anything about Etheric Realm?"

 I asked her, taking a sip of coffee in the process.

Her orange eyes focused on me 

"Sparrow since when do you read hero tales?" 

She asked and tilted her eyebrow as she ate a cookie.

 "Just answer me, please."

I said little bit tired of everything that was happening to me in past two weeks. She nodded and stood up heading deeper between bookshelves. After five minutes of waiting, Ameri came back holding a book in her hand and dropping it on table. 

"Don't you mean of Etheric Realm from this book Sparrow?"

She asked as she pointed out on book.

Book looked like any other but this one had one shiny blue title on it saying Tales of Emil. That name rang in my head thinking why does it sounds so familiar, but then i remembered that Shane mentioned Emil not long ago. 

"Emil a tale of a man who escaped Abyssal Mists"

Ameri said looking directly in my eyes.

"In this book you have one small text saying that Emil went into some kind of dimension called Etheric Realm but it's not said how"

I looked back at Ameri.

"Can you point me the page?"

 I asked her and she proceed to search for that page.

Book opened and pages turned and my eyes saw pages flying until it stopped, it stopped right at small portion of text. Ameri finger pointed out 

"Here it is." 

I took the book closer to me and started reading. 

As my awakening happened fast in young age i could see what others couldn't, i could see energy flowing around this world and it sure was full of it. By the age of nineteen i achieved what simple human can not and entered Etheric Realm. It looked like open blue sky with floor as reflection of a above and i felt inner peace.

My eyes widened as i was reading, knowing that what i have experienced was not a mere dream but something much greater. Ameri was looking at me little bit worried after i closed the book and gave it to her. 

"Sparrow are you okay?"

She asked with worry on her face 

"Don't worry Ameri i'm fine."

My answer didn't sound much believable but she let it go. 

I sighed and finished coffee and looked out from the window, seeing rain still falling even harder now. 

"What are your plans now Sparrow? Athena for sure has some plans for you."

Hearing that name flicks my nerve. 

"I don't know." 

I said with depressed tone, i truly didn't know what to do even since i found that old man was killed by Athena. 

"If you decide you can always stand here with me, working as my assistant." 

Ameri said with smug on her face. 

"That doesn't sounds so bad, but i know what it's possible since that woman probably wants me on frontline." 

I said with little worried smile on my face. She was little taken off guard probably not expecting me willing to accept the offer."

"Yeah i guessed so."

She said with sad tone in her voice. 

I stood up from the chair slowly and put my gloves back on my hands 

"You are going already?"

She said sounding sad for the fact that i'm leaving. 

"I want to go for a walk around town, maybe even check up on airship dock." 

Heavy doors opened and i was outside at doorway with Ameri standing beside me. 

"I will visit more often since i'm back now."

I said to brighten up her up. 

"Well at least give ma proper handshake before you go."

 I nodded and extended my arm up to hers.

When our hands met each other she used her strength and pulled me close like with ease, i mean she is librarian but she served in military too, i said in myself thinking how looks can be deceiving.

But then moment of realization came up to me as she pressed her face on me and kissed me for a moment there. 

"Take care Sparrow."

She said with grin as she released me from her grip and i without saying a word just waved at her and started moving. 

"Well that was embarrassing."

I said as my head looked down with blush on my face, i hope no one saw that. 

I was walking for ten minutes and was heading towards airship dock until one of city guards came up to me and with commanding voice told me to follow him. I sighed once again as i knew that Athena probably wants something from me where sadly i was right. Once again i knelled in front of Athena surrounded by her guards 

"You are obligated to listen to every my command, or else you will end up like everyone else who tried to act smart."

Entire room could feel spiteful tone coming out from her mouth as she spoke.

"You will start training tomorrow morning, close combat, range combat and most importantly."

She paused and continued.

"You will make use of that famous airship of yours."

My head turned fast up to her hearing that. Next moment i was hit by wind magic which slammed my head down the floor making my nose bleed in the process. 

"Don't ever raise your head like that on me without my command." 

She said fully angry, like boiling magma. 

Couple of guards picked me up and threw me like a trash out of palace while my head and nose hurted like a bitch. My teeth gritted out of anger and my fists slammed cold floor, hatred and desire for revenge grew day by day but this pushed it off much more. But even so i knew that i don't stand a chance now against Athena in close combat so i just stood up and started heading towards apartment.