
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · ファンタジー
32 Chs


Next day as I was waking up from my deep slumber, i noticed wet windows as rain poured down from the sky. I took blanket off from me and slowly managed to stand up and check out outside world. Rain was falling calmly and streets were empty of any people, i turned around and went straight into bathroom who was just next to my room.

 After completing my usual morning routine i put on my clothes, left apartment and then locked the door behind me checking it in the process.

Streets were empty with only cats roaming around looking for food and doing usual cat stuff, shops were closed for to me unknown reason and airships weren't to be seen in the sky.

Since Shane and Grumpy were on the mission i was left alone with currently nothing to do, only i could maybe visit a library and check if Ameri is still there.

"Yep, definitely should check up on her"

I thought and started heading towards library.

Library is located right next to main academic building which now sadly is only a palace for that murderer of a woman. I again climbed steps up to hill while using my cloak to cover my head from the rain, steps were bit slippery and i almost fell once but fortunately there was little fence for me to hold on.

I looked around quickly to see if anyone saw me embarrassed but thankfully city was pretty dead today. I continued my path until i was in front of library, it looked nearly the same as palace but only it was smaller in height but just wider. On top of the roof there was glass dome in middle of it covered with pretty blue glass, i approached big wooden double doors and opened them using bit of my strength.

As I entered the library i could seen that nothing pretty much changed and that made me little bit relieved. Looking around i was in main hall which led to main section of the library, floor was covered with red rug while walls were decorated with to me unknown red banners with flower in the middle of it.

I looked at them a bit before continuing my walk to the main section, before main section there is a archway with academy symbol at top of it. I stood there even more confused now until a voice was spoke out from distance.

"Is that you Sparrow?"

A voice could be heard coming from the main section of library, then I saw tall female figure standing in front of me. Woman in her 30s with long orange hair and orange eyes with pretty face, wearing white shirt and black cloak and pants with academic symbols on them.

"Oh Hello Ameri long time no see heh." 

I said with gentle smile on my face, while she was staring at me like a ghost for a moment there. 

"I Knew that you would eventually come back"

Ameri said with happiness in her voice, she extended her arm and grabbed my hand leading me to deeper into library. 

Blush on my face appeared as she grabbed my arm and i just gave up and followed her, not like I had any choice.

"So how have you been Sparrow?"

Ameri asked with smile on her face.

"I've been good until i came here."

 She guided me to sit in the chair next to her and she knew good why i'm not feeling good since i came here. 

"It's sad to hear that but it's reality sadly." 

She turned her gaze on me and grabbed my arm again which made me blush even more now. 

"When Athena murdered our principal, entire academy feared possible collapse but we managed to survive despite having tyrant for principal."

Her face turned stale while i still haven't managed to get blush off my face.

"But since you arrived here that means that Athena seek interest in your abilities, even though she hates men."

My eyes looked down at floor when she said that.

"That's troublesome"

I spoke out quietly thinking why is this happening to me. My blush faded when i remembered that i have plenty of questions i need answers for.


 I called out to her.

"Do you know anything about family of Tsugikuna?"

 Her head titled in confusion

"I don't think i've heard of the, why?"

I was little bit confused on how she doesn't know about them as librarian who's read many books and learned many things.

"Apparently Athena is from family of Tsugikuna, that's what Eris told me." 

"Hmm how can Ervis know anything like that? Isn't he a inn keeper who likes to drink more than he likes to sleep?"

Ameri said laughing a bit.

"Well Old Man told him once that people from Tsugikuna family can use shouts and that they are very secretive"

Silence emerged in the library once again.

"Well since Old Man told him that, then that must be true, but sorry Sparrow i really don't know anything about them." 

She said with little sadness in her voice.

"It's okay Ameri don't worry about it, but i have more on my mind to tell you."

Before i could speak once again she stood up and went for cookies and coffee. She put both cookies and coffee on the table and signalized me to serve myself. I took one cookie and it was pretty good, coffee added extra flavor with it and it wakened me up even more now. 

"You see on the trip from my home to academy i had very vivid and weird dream."

She nodded with her head signalizing me that she listens to each of my word.

"I was on some battlefield where both Sereptis and Reptis army fought against Sky Elves and at top of the hill i've seen tall Elf with eyes like ocean looking at me full of hatred."

I took a breath before speaking again.

"He then signalized something to someone and bombs started to fall from i assume Elven Airships and whole battlefield was covered in flames even the elves. And then he shot a fireball at me and that's where my dream ended."

Ameri's eyes widened a little bit and she grabbed my hand again this time holding it tighter.

"Sparrow i think you had a vision of past."

Ameri spoke while blush reappeared on my face as she was holding my hand again, it started annoying me a bit.

 "Vision of a past? What could that mean i mean i'm coming from family of simple farmers who never had any powers like that."

I thought to myself

"That battle is called Battle of Bleven, where Snake and Lizard Folk fought Sky Elves and lost. That day sky elven commander Tanyl sacrificed many of his men in order to stop Sereptis and Reptis further advance and he succeeded but with a cost."

We both looked at each other with both worry and confusion on our faces, Ameri spoke first.

"I don't know how you got that vision since i know that you come from family of farmers but it happened and it has some meaning to it."

I was even more worried now, even since my trip started things started happening to me. I suddenly got tired like and was completely out of energy, Athena noticed this and she grabbed me by the shoulders.

"It's best for you to rest here, I have a spare rooms here since most of librarians left since Athena came." 

I was too tired to speak, she stood up and guided me to the room while holding my hand.

We climbed upstairs and she opened a door of a little bit dusty room, the room looked cozy but very different than other in the library.

"Here take rest here until you can think rationally again"

Ameri said putting me in bed and closing a door behind me. 

I closed my eyes for a bit a drifted into sleep.