
In The Multiverse With Sosuke Aizen's Power

A guy from our world died and met ROB and gained the ability to travel the Multiverse with powers of a fictional character. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *No Harem* The worlds he will be visiting:-(Not in order or confirmed) 1) Jujutsu Kaisen 2) Naruto 3) Mha 4) The Novel's Extra 5) Eleceed 6) The Author's POV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: The story will be slightly fast paced

Kayden_Break_ · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Sukuna's Vessel

"Have you dealt with the curse already?" Nitta asked as she saw me walk out of the ruins

"Yeah. You can take down the veil now."

"Alright. Let's go."

We got into the car and she started driving. On the way she suddenly asked if I wanted to go to the beach since we are in Okinawa and whatever but I refused. I can't go to a public place with a special grade cursed object with me.

"Hey Nitta-san. Do you know any sealing techniques."

"Huh? Well I do but it's a weak one though. Why so suddenly?"

"Well I picked up this cursed object from the site and want you to seal it." I showed her Sukuna's finger and she almost crashed the car due to shock.

"Please drive carefully." I said

"W-Wh-What?..ARE YOU INSANE?!!"


"That is a special grade cursed object!!"

"I know what it is and what dangers it has that is why I am asking you to put a sealing on it so we don't attract any powerful cursed spirits in a public area."

*Sigh* "Fine. I will obviously do that but you should have told me about that as soon as you got it."

"Yeah yeah." I said and laid back on the seat and relaxed.

The rest of the trip was just fine. We took the train back to Tokyo after Nitta-san was done with sealing the finger. I saw the process and memorised it. I am pretty sure I can do a better sealing now.

One annoying thing was that I had to sit through a meeting between the higher ups after they got the news of another finger of Sukuna showing up out of nowhere. I had to hand over that finger, not that that wasn't my intention in the first place. But the way they speak down to me as if they are so much more special than me made me not want to hand over the finger.

Anyway now I am just chilling in my room and started rewatching Modern Family.

'It is nice to be strong.'


Next day I woke up at 10 AM and headed out for breakfast after freshening up. I went out of room and ran into Megumi.

"Yo. What happened? I have seen you return uninjured from many missions that were tougher than this one. Did you end up fighting a First grade curse or something?"

*Sigh* Megumi conjured every bit of his social energy he had and replied, "Actually I did."

"Whoa! Really? You fought a first grade cursed spirit and still managed to survive huh. Looks like you have gotten a little stronger." I said genuinely surprised at his feats.

This world's Megumi was already a first-grade Jujutsu Sorcerer. Of course most of it has to be given credit to my spars with him and how I used to just throw in some tips here and there about how he could become stronger but still, there is a huge difference of strength between First and Second-grade Jujutsu Sorcerer.

'Was Gojo-Sensei not training him in the canon or what? This guy is indeed very talented.'

If only Megumi had gone through the sudden growth he showed at the end of season 1, he could have been a special grade sorcerer.

'Truly a waste of talent.'

"I did fight the first grade curse but I wasn't the one who exorcised it."

"Oh? Then who did?" I asked

"You will meet him soon. He is going to join as a first year as well."

"Oh is that so. Another first year huh. Looks like your social life will be a lot more lively." I snickered while looking at Megumi's annoyed expression as he went back inside of his room.


Walking through the forest, Gojo Satoru and Itadori Yuji arrived at the entrance of the Jujutsu High.

"Is this place really Tokyo? Forest is all around us."

"Hehe. Even Tokyo is like this on the outskirts."

"I see."

"You are about to have an interview with the principal. Make sure to impress him otherwise he could reject your admission."

"Huh?! What then?! Immediate Execution?!" Itadori yelled but was cut off in the middle as Sukuna's mouth emerged on Itadori's cheek.

"What? You aren't the boss here?"

Gojo stopped walking as he heard this.

"A hierarchy based on anything else than strength is just meaningless."


Itadori slapped his cheek and closed Sukuna's mouth

"Sorry sensei. He just pops out sometimes."

"What an interesting body you have now~" Gojo said with his playful voice

"When I make this brat's body my own, you will be the first one I kill!" Sukuna's mouth emerged again but this time on top of Itadori's hand.

"Aghh! Again?!" Itadori exclaimed and slapped his hand

"Haha. It's an honour to be targeted by Sukuna." Gojo saud as the two of them began walking again.

"Is this guy really that famous?" Itadori asked

"Ryoumen Sukuna is an imaginary god with 4 arms and 2 faces. Truth is that he was a human that actually existed, but that was over a thousand years ago. In the golden age of jujutsu, sorcerers gathered all their might to challenge him and failed. Crowned with the title of King of Curses, he traversed the ages after his death as a cursed object...we couldn't even destroy his remains."

"Who is stronger, You or him? I mean you said that you are the strongest but you also just said that that guy is basically a god."

"Well if he is to gain back all of his powers then it might be a little taxing."

"You will lose?" Itadori asked though he expected the answer to be a 'Yes' but the answer he expected was wrong.

"I will win."

"What?! Didn't you say that he is a god? Are you saying that you will win in a fight against a god?" Itadori asked suspiciously as he felt that the blindfolded man in front of him was just making empty claims

"I am not even scared to go up against a real god. What can an imaginary one do to me?" Gojo said, "We are here." he said as he entered the room.

Itadori followed behind him but was seriously questioning the credibility of the blindfolded guy.


After the interview, Gojo guided Itadori to the student dorms.

"Gojo Sensei! You are back!" the two of them turned around as they heard a crisp voice calling Gojo out.

"Yo!" Gojo replied, "How have you been? This is Itadori Yuji. He is going to be a first year alongside you guys so make sure to get along okay? How was the mission by the way? I heard you encountered a strong special grade cursed spirit but since it was you I guess it doesn't really matter much anyway but still I can't help but feel worried about my favourite student so I just had to ask. Anyway, I was just showing Itadori his room and was planning to give him a tour of this place. Feel free to tag along."

Gojo said all of that in a single breadth and began walking away to the dormitory not even giving a chance to the-already-bowing Itadori to complete his introduction.

"He is as carefree as always." Aizen commented with a light chuckle

"He is a little annoying though." Itadori complained

"You will get used to it." Aizen said

"Come on! Let's go already!!" Gojo yelled from across the hallway.

"Let's go" Aizen said and the two of them walked over to their Sensei.

"So Yuji. Do you mind answering a question?"

"Oh. Not at all." Itadori said as the two of them reached Gojo

"Megumi said that you are the one who defeated the first-grade cursed spirit. So how come you have just the regular amount of cursed energy?" Aizen asked


Itadori was caught off guard as he had expected more of a personal question with the way Aizen framed the whole thing. Not only that, he also did not understand many words in his question.

First-grade? Cursed Energy?

Those are the words Itadori is not familiar with.

He was simply living an ordinary life of a high schooler in Japan until he swallowed a thousand year old finger of a dangerous and pedophile imaginary god.


Since Itadori did not knew how to answer that, Gojo stepped in and explained the whole situation to Aizen while Itadori was thinking whether all of the Jujutsu Sorcerers are weirdos.

His first conversation was with a guy who could not decide whether he wanted Spikes or Bangs so he just went with both. Not to mention, he interrupted him during his mourning and began talking about curses and kidnappings and said that his only two friends will die. Which was a really weird conversation to have with a stranger.

Second was the blindfolded man-child who was now his sensei and had a huge superiority complex. He also almost kissed him the first night they met when Itadori was half naked which was very weird. Also, he talks a lot, is very annoying and a lot more carefree than one should be.

Third was the Principal of this school who was making cute stuffed toys but commanded them to beat the shit out of him. And he also said pretty hurtful things.

And this was the fourth person who he thought was normal but was still having suspicions after witnessing the weird expression on his face as he found out that he is now Sukuna's host. Itadori was pretty sure he heard him mutter, "What a unique specimen" with a dangerous smile on his face. Which caused Itadori to take a step back unconsciously.

Later the three of them met up with Megumi and went to meet the fourth first year and the only female in the group, Kugisaki Nobara.