
In The Multiverse With Six Eyes

(I want to make it clear that English is not my mother tongue) Just before he dies, Elijah awakens his bloodline, which ends up preventing him from continuing in the earth's reincarnation cycle. having no other alternative, with God's help, he is sent to another world.

T_CHRONOS_T · アクション
1 Chs

The Beginning (Rewrite)

Somewhere located in an endless void, the translucent figure of a man can be seen, he wore white robes and had curly brown hair.

"..sigh'… why would a soul leave the cycle of reincarnation?…" In front of him was a small blue flame

"And why weren't you destroyed when you came into contact with the void?…"

He was extremely confused, and it was no wonder, after all, even though he has been alive for many millennia, this is the first time he has encountered a soul that has skipped the reincarnation cycle "and the worst thing is that even if I try, I can't do it. him come back..."

The soul wavered slightly, the man, realizing this, quickly pointed his hand towards the small flame and a semi-transparent dome formed around the two, the man heaved a relieved sigh as he noticed the soul stabilizing.

After a few seconds pondering what to do, he created a translucent armchair and sat down while patiently awaiting the awakening of the soul in front of him, he would make his decision after meeting him.









It was unknown how much time had passed, but that small blue flame was slowly taking shape, after reaching a humanoid form, the fire began to fade, and slowly the figure's appearance was shown.

Straight white hair, reaching her shoulders, her eyes were sky blue, and they shone intensely, her clothes were common, a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, both were black.

"Argh…" The apparently 18-year-old kneels down and brings his hands to his head in hopes of healing the sudden extreme pain he was feeling.

Quickly, memories began to flash through his head, memories of what his life was like until the moment of his death.

His name was Elijah and to sum it up, his life was…..a real hell, when he was 6 years old his mother decided to run away with a rich guy, having a child was never in her plans and when the opportunity arose, she left.

His father was an alcoholic, and this only intensified when his mother had run off with another man, from there, Elijah ended up being his stress reliever target through many, many scams, this lasted until he turned 15 and decided to run away from home.

Elijah was already 18 years old and had gotten used to living on the streets, he was still going through a lot of difficulties but certainly not as much as before.

It was supposed to be another ordinary day for him, looking for someone who needed some quick service, and ensuring the day's meal, but when he was passing on an avenue, he noticed that a little child running into the middle of the street to pick up a doll that had fallen. , Elijah noticed a truck approaching quickly and without thinking ran to save the little girl.

As Elijah regained his memories, the man stared at him a little shocked, the boy hadn't noticed but it couldn't escape his realization "Who could have imagined that this kind of bloodline exists, he unconsciously activated it to save the little girl, that also explains why he is out of the reincarnation cycle, as he has escaped the rules of this world"

After a few minutes, Elijah was breathing regularly and was able to calm down.

—so…I died huh…— he whispered to himself as he faced the void, saying that he wasn't sorry would be a lie, not saving the little girl, but the life he lived, I mean, he was only 18 years old, but did he really live? No, all he did was survive.

"Well…there's not much to do" with a last breath he looks around and immediately notices the man who was beside him, despite being surprised he felt a strange sacred aura coming from this man, and considering his situation, his identity shouldn't be a mystery—God?—

The man now known as God nods in confirmation. —Hello Elijah, I assume you should know why you're here…— he says politely while giving the young man a slight pitying look.

Elijah just sighs —sigh…yeah…so what happens now?..—

—Elijah…I'm sorry but…you ended up being kicked out of the reincarnation cycle,— God says apologetic, which causes confusion in the young man.

— Cast out?! But why?— he asks irritated, God couldn't even blame him, he saw how life was unfair to the young man in front of him, so he just explained patiently.

— Elijah, when you set out to save that little girl, you activated your bloodline — Which makes him even more confused, realizing this, God continued — In this world, there is magical energy, it's scarce but there is, it's very rare that someone awakens some kind of power, but sometimes it happens —

— but why would I be kicked out of the cycle of reincarnation?— he asks, still not understanding.

— Even if someone awakens some power, it would be extremely weak, but in your case it was different, this bloodline is strictly linked to your soul, it strengthened you to a much higher level than other people, this caused you to be kicked out of the cycle Now basically, you're outside the rules of this world,— God explained patiently. Elijah wasn't an idiot, he could understand, basically just like in some novels he'd read, he'd reached the "edge" of this world and would inevitably be kicked out.

Elijah could only sigh in exasperation—and then….what will happen to me? Am I going to disappear or something?—

God watched for a moment and made his decision —Elijah, you can't go back, I'm sorry about that, but that doesn't mean you have nowhere to go—

Elijah raised an eyebrow in confusion but quickly widened his eyes at the thought of a crazy possibility, God watched their expressions and grinned in amusement "Yeah I can't do much but that shouldn't be a problem"

—Just as you might be thinking, I can send you to another world.— Elijah immediately gets excited and

God smiled happy to see that the mood of this young man improved — there are many, many worlds out there, this emptiness that you see around us, is what separates us, however from time to time, there are tears in this emptiness, they are small but a little energy from these universes ends up passing through them, and even though mana is very scarce here, there are still some people with an extraordinary spiritual sense, these people end up connecting to this energy, and the main events of a certain world end up being transmitted in forms of thoughts or dreams —

— so you mean those stories I read and watched are real? – the young man asked in an excited tone to which the Deity smiled amusedly and replied – of course they are in the minority, but yes, some of these stories are real –

To say he was excited is an understatement, he's never had anything in his life and never had the opportunity to enjoy it, but now, he could do it in another world, without hiding his excitement he asked, —So I can choose a world to go?— but the excitement subsided a little on receiving a nod.

—I'm sorry Elijah, but my power is limited, all I can do is send you safely to one of the closest worlds— Elijah seemed to wither a little but he understood, he was already getting an opportunity that others would kill for, he no need to be greedy.

God nodded in approval seeing the rapid change in attitude, he then continued —I can't put you in another reincarnation cycle either, what I'm going to do is rebuild your body through your soul—

Elijah nodded excitedly, but soon noticed some problems and asked, —But wouldn't that be a problem? as you said you're the God of this universe, I imagine there's a God or Gods elsewhere, won't they notice?—

—Smart boy,—God nodded, smiling and continued, —it is true that in some worlds there are Gods, and most are stronger than me, however, even if I don't have much power in another universe, I can hide your presence until you arrive safely—

Elijah breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this, he definitely didn't want to be killed before starting his journey.

—Well, thanks for that….so which world do I go to?— Elijah hoped it was some world he was aware of, But soon his hopes were thrown to the ground and beaten violently. —You go to the world known as Danmachi—

Elijah quickly withered as he heard where he was going "Danmachi…I know almost nothing about this world, I've seen a few episodes of the anime and that's it…"

God seeing the young man's discouragement added —I chose this world precisely because you didn't know so much about it—

—What! Elijah exclaimed surprised and God continued — Elijah, I know you've been through a lot - seeing that he caught the young man's attention he continued — That's one of the reasons I send you to another world, the other reason is that I don't i can send you back to the cycle of reincarnation, at the moment you only have two options, either you disappear here, or you go on living, and the path you chose is obvious, but that path also has its dangers, knowing how little what I know about you, I know you will want to visit other worlds, and you cannot always count on your knowledge of them, as they are constantly changing and especially with your arrival, anything can happen —

Elijah widened his eyes and seriously thought about what God said "that's true, I'm being arrogant thinking that nothing would happen because I have the knowledge of the future, but there are many variables and the biggest one is me"

—Sorry about that God...I was...blown away— Elijah scratched his head embarrassed and gave an awkward smile, God just smiled and denied it Elijah just smiled and nodded.

—the other reason why I chose this world was that it will be the most suitable to start your journey, it is the best choice for you to get stronger and gain experience— Elijah felt grateful in his heart and God continued —Before I go , let's talk about your lineage, it is linked to your vision—

"My eyesight…" Elijah is surprised and finally realizing that his eyesight has improved by a large margin, he turns his attention to God who continues —Honestly, I've never seen this bloodline before, but from what I've noticed, it improves your perception by a big margin, for example say what you see in my hand— God holds out his hand with his palm up, his fingers are slightly curved as if to grasp something.

Elijah focuses his vision and is extremely surprised —Amazing! I see a whitish, almost transparent energy gathering in the palm of your hand, that's-—

—yes, this is the energy known as mana, for other people it may be difficult to perceive, but thanks to your lineage, you don't have any major difficulties— God lowered his hand and the mana dispersed. He then continued —She also gave you great instincts and got your brain working fast, that's how you were able to save that little girl, as to what else she can do, it's up to you to find out—

—Thank you so much God—Elijah was extremely grateful, he swore not to waste this new chance and live his new life with no regrets.

—don't need it boy, I already said that this is due to the circumstances, otherwise I wouldn't do it no matter how hard your life was— God put his hands together and Elijah noticed the mana gathering between them in a single point, slowly God separated his hands and that point expanded enough to swallow a person.

Elijah observed the fascinating way that the mana behaved, it was as if invisible lines joined each other creating different symbols, he didn't know but this sight would be very beneficial in the future.

Coming out of his stupor he starts walking and stops in front of the portal —Is there anything else I need to know?— God ponders for a moment and responds —I'm going to rebuild your body to a younger age so you have more time to develop….— Elijah nodded and soon he felt a suction force pulling at his "body" and his consciousness went completely blank.