
In The Meantime

"You are no different from them, I guess you were right from the start that not every person who walks into your life is meant to stay." The story of fleeting love, Destined to meet but not meant to be.

lightndarkness_ · 都市
12 Chs

Her Point Of View

Amelia's PoV:

I have to transfer back to my mom's house for my short vacation. As I walked toward the bus station I can feel someone following me.

I breathed heavily trying my best not to get to not be noticed that I am aware of his existence, I sat down and plugged my earphones on. I close my eyes, everything will be fine.

For a moment, I forgot that I am being stalked. When I am silent, lots of voices are in my mind, dark past, unknown future, my nightmares, and all my struggles are fighting in my mind, it was so loud. I wanted it to stop, I wanted it to stop, I wanted it to stop but every time it gets louder and clearer.

No one will be able to fully understand the internal battles that I had to endure just to heal there is so much pressure that I had to endure, to be unaffected. I don't know what's worse drowning beneath the waves or dying in these thoughts.

My heart skip a little bit, and I can't breathe for a moment, I hold my chest as it began to tighten. I opened my eyes as I stared blankly at the window, I breathed heavily. "You need to calm yourself," I whispered to myself.

The guy who was wearing a black hat suddenly appeared in my sight, he was staring at me, and it bothers me a lot. "You are staring at me, I can see your reflection in the window." I stood up, you have nowhere to go.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" I raise my voice drawing some attention to all the passengers

"If you don't I will call a poliㅡ" the guy revealed himself.

"Amelia." Why is he here?

"Jacob." The bus stops, and I went back to my seat, as he sits beside me. "Hey," he said with a low tone. "Don't talk to me, I'm not in the mood."

He holds my hand as I looked at him. "I'm really sorry Amelia for scaring you earlier I just wanted you to be safe."

"For what?" I asked him, "...Amelia, we've talked about this and you know that it is really important for me to go to Los Angeles,"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, so you think that I am the one causing you a delay, then go," I told him he made me face him. "I'll come back really soon and then we'll get married." He said.

"I don't believe you, I don't believe your words, we're done."

I can't believe this man, after finding out about my secret he just turned his back on me, he canceled our wedding which is understandable and now he wants us to get married, for what?

"I will marry you and we'll live there, I heard that there are a lot of skilled doctors in there, we'll make it work, I promise."

I shake my head. "Please, stop," I told him. "...don't follow me anymore," I said before I stand up and went out off the bus. I saw him looking at me.

I'm sorry, Jacob. I just love you so much it hurts, I wanted you to move on, and live a happy life like you used to, this is the burden that I must carry alone, you have a lot of potential in life and more opportunities to come.

"Oh my, Amy." I heard my mother's voice, she places a huge smile on her lips before she runs to hug me. "I miss you so much, my dear." She places some kisses on my cheeks.

"Me too, mom." She wipes my tears as I wipe hers too. "We're being emotional right now," she says which makes me laugh. "Come inside, I've prepared you your favorite food and also, your room." She said.

I walked around the house reminiscing the memories that I had when I was a child. "How was your day, mom?" I asked her before I sat down to eat the food that she had prepared. "Oh Goodness, I miss your cook," I said.

"I'm having a great day, especially since my child is with me right now spending her whole vacation with her mom, I couldn't be any more grateful." She says before she sits beside me.

She looked at me as she starts tearing up. "Are you sure about your decision?" She asked me, "Mom, you are just like Uncle Felipe...I'm sure about this,"

"Money is not the problem here, Amy." She says, oh right, she will start to convince me again and again about getting the operation. "Mom,"

I hold her hands, "...I just want to enjoy my life for now I've always been in the hospital throughout my life." Her tears started to fall. "I just can't let you go, is there any other way to convince you to get an operation?" She asked.

"Mom...I just want to spend the rest of the days with you."


"Let's go to the hospital."

I shake my head. "No mom, I-Its just feels weird that my legs are shaking like this, I used to go mountain climb before but why do I feel like I'm getting weaker now?"

She holds my hand to guide me, "it's because you stop visiting your doctor, I told you, Amelia, we should go and talk to a doctor."

I shake my head once again. "No mom, I don't want to stay longer at the hospital," I said, I don't want to stay there anymore, I want to be free for once, Why is it so hard for me to live?