
In the MCU with Anime Powers

I do not own property such as Naruto, Marvel, etc. A random guy from our world gets reincarnated in the MCU/ Agents of Shield world with anime powers( mostly naruto but a few others). This is my first time genuinely trying to write a good story so the advice is welcome, I hope you enjoy it.

AbyssalKin · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

First mission

{Mission: find out where and when you are}

{Reward: 3000 SC(Shop Coins), 1PP(Perk Point), SP (Stat Points) Unlocked, and 1 gacha ticket}

{Failure results: no rewards and only being able to increase stats through training and rare items}

{Time Limit: 1 day}

POV: Sora

Directly after waking up the system bombards me with these notifications, I skim through them all while getting ready for breakfast so I can come up with a plan to find out where and when I am cause I still don't have a definite date there's no snow outside and leaves arent falling so I know it is between summer and spring.

While thinking this I head to the office of Ms.Dorthy, I quickly ask her if we're allowed to travel outside the orphanage grounds by ourselves, and she tells me "no you are not able to go outside the grounds on your own until you 12, but we'll all be going to the park later in the day".

I ask if there's a library near the park I could go to instead, she gives me an odd look probably cause most 8-year-olds aren't choosing a library over a park but she still tells me there is and she'd let me go there instead and pick me up when they are on there way back, I say thanks and carry myself out.

Deciding to see if I can find out the date while I'm here I ask another boy who looks to be the same age as me if there's a calendar here, and he points me in the direction by the front doors, I don't know how I missed it yesterday but there's a calendar right next to it, the date on it is May/2000 I still don't know if this is accurate but it's fine for now I'll just confirm this later.

I go outside and practice chakra strings because I have an idea for what to do with them later, chakra control for obvious reasons, once I'm low on chakra I just run around the forest to build up my stamina since it would only make me stand out more if someone saw me doing push-ups or sit-ups, or whatever else I could be doing to build muscle.

While I was taking a break I hear it is time to go so I get up sore but get up nonetheless.

On the walk ms. Dorthy asks me if ill be ok in the library alone, my first instinct is to give a snarky response about how I was ok in a forest alone just 2 days ago but I don't, if I did she might start to dislike me and I wouldn't gain as much, so I let out an inner sigh but nod my head anyway.

Going inside I ask the lady at the front desk for recent newspapers, she hands me one and I go find a seat, as soon as I take a look at the new's paper I have a pretty good idea of where and when I am, the newspapers headline is

Tony Stark throws a massive party in malibu for his 30th Birthday.

So seeing this I decided to do some mental math, tony was born on May 29 1970 in the MCU (not sure if in the comics it's the same)This fact lets me know how I'm at least in some iteration of the MCU, since it's the most recent I figure it was sometime this week, I go back up to the front desk and hand her back the newspaper and ask for a computer she gets up and brings me over to 1, when she leaves I search up today's date and its June 1st meaning I got hear the day after tony's Birthday finally getting a sloid timeline to where I am done I get a system notification.

{Mission complete}

{rewards have been given)

Seeing the quest done I go straight to the perks wanting to see the current perks I could get.

{No hand signs no Jutsu (ice addition): you no longer need hands signs for ice-related Jutsu but you will for all others until a certain level}

{Potency: your chakra is more potent and compressed than others with enough training and controls you could make your chakra solid}

{True Breather: allows for Concentration breathing to affect your chakra regen +15 chakra regen per second}

Seeing as there are only 3 choices I give myself some time to think about what these could do for me right now, True breather isn't an option right now because I cant use concentration breathing currently, so that leaves the other 2 I know exactly what it'd use both for(*cough * cough) but I don't have enough chakra to make Potency worthwhile right now, so I will have to choose, No hands no Jutsu so that I can start training with my ice without learning hand signs cause as much as I was an otaku in my last life I could never remember how to do them or what they were called, so that was how I spend my 1 PP.

Moving over to the shop I do a quick look over the sections they had weapons, potions, skills, etc I can't decide what to get so I decided to save up for something in the future, my original plan was to buy the shadow clone Jutsu as soon as possible until I quickly remembered that I also don't have the reserves for that either, making me realize ill have to fix that problem as soon as possible.

I quickly check the time and realize that I only have 30 minutes before Ms. Dorthy comes to get me, but since I'm done with the quest I might as well pull my gacha roll too.

{You've gotten Gentle Fist fighting style( includes pressure points)}

Looking at what I got, I try my hardest not to scream, this was 1 of the skills I was planning on buying in the future anyway for my plans as a mercenary, and seeing that I got it for basically free means I won't have to buy it later and will just have to get the byakugan.

Concluding I have nothing left but to go back "home" and train for the next few years I close down the computer and go to sit by the front door to wait for Ms.Dorthy.

I've been getting the comment that my grammar suck(not their words) and I know I'm using Grammarly to fix it as much as possible, but I still hope you can look past it as much as possible, I hope you continue to enjoy reading my story.

AbyssalKincreators' thoughts