
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · アニメ·コミックス
234 Chs

You Know Who I Am


You're just leaving like this?

Watching Russell's swiftly departing figure, George Stacy, who had just recovered, and the surrounding police officers all showed surprised expressions.

Especially the two police officers whose injuries weren't as severe and who weren't in mortal danger; they wore puzzled expressions.

Everyone was a police officer, and everyone was injured, so why did he only save George?

Russell was well aware that by saving only George, the other two police officers would feel annoyed. However, he still had no intention of healing those two officers.

George at least had a beautiful and superpowered daughter. Do you two have that?

More importantly, after living in this world for several years, he was well aware of a principle – being a helpful person who would assist anyone here often led to an unfavorable outcome.

Helping others was fine, but there had to be a limit.

If he didn't want to be inexplicably subjected to moral pressure, he better not act too much like a saint from the beginning.

Russell was currently just playing the role of a superhero; he had never thought of becoming a genuine superhero.

If he had healed all three of them this time...

The next time he encountered a similar situation, if he didn't save the other police officers, the news media would undoubtedly make a big deal out of it.

Moreover, if he happened to heal the other two officers, people would start getting the impression that he could heal anyone at will. Once that impression took hold in the public's mind, he knew he'd inevitably face various types of moral pressure.

Healing injured officers was one thing, but if he went too far, he might even be asked to heal patients in a hospital.

Though this seemed unlikely, in a politically correct nation like this country, it was highly probable.

After traveling through the skyscrapers with his tendrils for a while, Russell finally spotted Gwen's figure.

Upon seeing Gwen, he also noticed the fleeing robbery vehicle on the street.

It was evident that among the robbers, there was a skilled driver. In the flow of traffic, the black BMW raced like a sports car, leaving the police cars with sirens blaring far behind.

Seeing Gwen and the robbers' vehicle, Russell slightly accelerated his pace.

At the same time, Gwen sped up as well.

Gwen gracefully traced an arc in mid-air.

A few seconds later, she precisely landed on the roof of the escaping car.

After landing on the roof, Gwen deviated from her usual style. She seized the passenger-side door with a forceful grip.

Before the robbers inside the car could open fire, Gwen ripped the door off violently.

Clearly, Gwen was truly furious!

After forcefully tearing off the door, Gwen raised it in her hand and smashed it viciously against the windshield.


The windshield shattered, and the door hit the driver like a brick.

Watching this scene, Russell involuntarily took a sharp breath.

This was the consequence of angering a superpowered woman!

The driver was severely injured, causing the speeding car to lose control.

At the moment the robbers' car was about to flip over, Gwen shot a web towards a nearby building.

The robbers in the car couldn't have imagined that their meticulously planned robbery would ultimately fail at the hands of an enraged superpowered woman.

But at this point, they didn't need to ponder over this issue.

As the overturned car tumbled forward due to inertia, Russell mourned the robbers for a few seconds in his mind.

When the robbers' car came to a stop after rolling over, Gwen descended to the street again.

Before the robbers could crawl out of the car, Gwen roughly pulled the injured ones out.

It had to be said, these robbers were quite lucky.

Or perhaps it was better to say that wearing seatbelts saved their lives.

Although they were injured, they didn't die directly in the rolling car.

Just as Gwen was about to vent her anger on the robbers, Russell's voice echoed.

"If you want to teach them a lesson or even kill them, I suggest finding a less crowded place."

"By the way, he's fine now; I healed him!"

Upon hearing Russell's voice, Gwen finally realized that he had appeared behind her at some point.

Under normal circumstances, Russell wouldn't have been able to escape Gwen's spider sense to get behind her.

However, Gwen's anger had clearly clouded her senses.

Gwen stopped her intended punch and turned her head to look at Russell.

Though Gwen currently had her mask on, Russell couldn't see her expression.

However, he could roughly imagine what kind of expression Gwen had on her face.

Even though he hadn't mentioned George's name, he was certain that Gwen would understand his meaning.

As he expected, upon hearing his words, Gwen let go of the bloodied robber and went straight to Russell.

"Is he really okay?" There was a hint of disbelief in Gwen's tone.

"Of course. If you don't believe me, you can go check now!"

Russell said with complete assurance.

To be exact, not only was George okay now, but he was also healthier than before.

When Russell had pulled George back from the brink of death, he had simultaneously cured some lingering ailments from George's years as a police officer.

Gwen didn't say anything more. She glanced at Russell, then turned to look at the four injured robbers she had dragged out of the car with brute force.

With the sound of approaching sirens growing louder, Gwen finally made her decision.

She shot a web towards the adjacent building, swinging on it to return to where George was injured.

Watching Gwen's departing figure, Russell came to the four bloodied robbers.

After confirming that they hadn't sustained any fatal injuries, he collected all the weapons from the robbers and waited on the spot for the police to arrive.

Not long after, the police officers who had almost lost track of the robbers arrived at his location.

After handing the robbers over to the arriving police officers, he shot out tendrils and left the scene.

Five or six minutes later, he returned to the rooftop of the building where Gwen had been previously.

Gwen was still there, standing on the rooftop's edge, watching George command the other officers on the street to handle the robbery scene.

As Russell arrived beside Gwen, her voice sounded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Staying silent as they watched George for a few minutes, Gwen spoke again, "Do you know who I am?"


Russell replied directly.

"When did you figure it out? Before we first met or after?"

Gwen continued to inquire.

"Before we met."

Hearing Russell's response, Gwen, who had been focused on George until now, finally turned to look at Russell.

After observing Russell for nearly a minute, she spoke once more, "Follow me."

Though Gwen didn't specify where they were going, Russell paid no mind and nodded silently.

Seeing Russell's nod, Gwen shot her web towards the adjacent building.

Just as Gwen swung away on her web, Russell promptly shot out tendrils, following closely behind her.


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