
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · アニメ·コミックス
234 Chs

Stealthy Multi-Snake Fist

The nearly three-meter-tall Hulk made Russell, in his serum agent form, look like an adolescent.

Looking at the Hulk's arms, which were thicker than his thighs, and the muscular body resembling rocks, several strange thoughts suddenly flashed through Russell's mind.

First came to mind a well-known meme, one involving Hulk and Black Widow Natasha.

With this meme in mind, Russell's gaze involuntarily drifted towards Hulk's lower body.


Following the meme, another reference about the Hulk emerged.

In the Marvel universe, there were many powerful artifacts that couldn't be explained scientifically.

Hulk's pants were said to possess the magical properties of never tearing or falling off.

No matter the brand or material of the pants, once worn by Hulk, they gained the miraculous effects of never being damaged or coming off.

Hulk's appearance triggered a jumble of odd thoughts in Russell's mind.

In Betty's mind, disbelief filled her with shock.

As Banner's ex-girlfriend, Betty understood Banner better than anyone else.

She was present on the day of the lab accident, but she hadn't seen Banner transform.

More accurately, she had already passed out before Banner transformed into the Hulk.

When she woke up again, she found herself lying in a hospital bed under observation.

Since that day, she hadn't seen Banner again.

Until today!

Seeing Banner transform into the Hulk, Betty, held by Russell, covered her mouth in disbelief, struggling to comprehend what she was witnessing.

Although Banner had transformed into the Hulk, he didn't immediately attack Russell.

Hulk was synonymous with anger, indeed.

However, this didn't mean he had no rationality.

Although his heart was filled with fury, he understood that attacking Russell now could very likely harm Betty.

Whether Russell got hurt or not, he didn't care.

But Betty absolutely couldn't be harmed.

Hulk stood still, his chest heaving, breathing heavily like a beast.

Although he didn't speak, Russell understood his intent clearly.

Under his gaze, Russell released his right hand from around Betty's waist.

"Doctor, you better keep your distance."

After Russell let go, Betty instinctively wanted to approach Hulk.

However, just as she took a step, Russell teleported right in front of Hulk.


Russell lightly jumped, exerting his full strength as he threw a white fist that landed squarely on Hulk's head.

Caught off guard, Hulk was sent flying like a green ball, rolling away.

Under normal circumstances, it wasn't easy to knock the Hulk back with a single punch.

However, the Hulk wasn't in a normal state now.

Although he had some rationality at the moment, he clearly hadn't anticipated Russell's sudden attack.

Although Hulk had been sent flying by Russell's punch, Russell didn't feel pleased at all.

Is he this tough?

After landing, Russell looked at his right fist, slightly furrowing his brows.

He hadn't held back with that punch, but the effect wasn't as good as he had expected.

Hulk quickly got up from being thrown, his expression becoming incredibly ferocious. His green eyes were fixed on Russell.

Suddenly, he let out a deafening roar that echoed in the air.

The next moment, like a heavy tank, he charged straight towards Russell.

Although Russell's punch hadn't inflicted heavy damage, it had shattered what little rationality Hulk had left.

Right now, Hulk had only one thought in his mind.

He wanted to tear Russell apart!

Seeing Hulk charging towards him, Russell didn't hesitate; he turned and ran!

Hulk's advantages were clear: incredible strength and physique akin to cheats.

However, his shortcomings were equally evident—his speed wasn't all that remarkable.

Of course, for ordinary people, Hulk's speed wouldn't be slower than a car at full speed.

But for superhuman abilities, Hulk's speed was just average.

Especially when compared to his strength and physique, his speed was a clear weakness.

Physique-wise, he was no match for the Hulk.

Speed-wise, the Hulk couldn't keep up with him.

Before venom evolved into Anti-Venom Serum, his speed could reach over Mach 2, supersonic speeds.

After the venom evolved into Anti-Venom Serum, his speed had further improved.

The Hulk's speed hadn't even reached Mach 1.

While strolling around the school with Alice, Russell had found a suitable place for battle.

It was a lawn behind the school, just behind the library.

Russell dashed forth like a white whirlwind, with the furious Hulk hot on his heels.

Before long, he arrived at a wide and empty lawn.

Turning to face the charging Hulk, Russell's legs exerted force, propelling him towards Hulk at full speed.

Here, he didn't have to worry about accidentally harming others; he could go all out without reservation.


The white Russell and the green Hulk collided with a tremendous impact, creating a deafening crash.


This guy's strength is a bit excessive!

Although Russell hadn't been thrown back by the Hulk, he had to admit that Hulk's massive size gave him a significant advantage.

He caught Hulk's incoming fists, and the two wrestled like sumo wrestlers, contesting their strength.

The ground beneath them sank, and their legs were like nails driven into the earth.

Compared to Hulk's arms, Russell's were "slim" to say the least.

Yet, these seemingly unexaggerated arms were withstanding Hulk's strength.

Realizing he couldn't push Russell away, Hulk roared and exerted his legs' power, attempting to shove Russell away entirely.

With renewed force, Hulk managed to push Russell back a few steps.

However, what Russell cared about at the moment wasn't Hulk's increasing strength, but his roaring.

Due to their face-to-face position, he could clearly see Hulk's wide-open mouth and throat.

Although Hulk's roar might have been instinctual, to Russell, it wasn't much different from a sonic attack.

Shut up!

White tentacles emerged from Russell's back.

These white tendrils quickly coalesced into a hammer with a diameter of over one meter.

The moment the hammer took shape, Russell didn't hesitate. He controlled the colossal white hammer and fiercely swung it towards Hulk's head.

Caught by Russell's hands, Hulk could only watch as the massive white hammer descended onto his head.


The enormous white hammer struck Hulk's green head with immense force, sending him crashing to the ground for an intimate face-to-face meeting with the earth.

As Hulk fell, he created a deep pit in the grass, causing the entire ground to tremble violently.

At the moment Hulk hit the ground, Russell decisively released Hulk's right hand.

Simultaneously, Russell's right hand struck out like lightning towards Hulk.

The Stealthy Multi-Snake Fist!


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