
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · アニメ·コミックス
235 Chs


There's a saying that goes like this: Ever since the invention of the Gatling gun, the grassland nomads have become good at singing and dancing.

Although Daredevil isn't a grassland nomad, he's currently showing off his singing and dancing skills just the same.

With his heightened senses, Daredevil evaded the initial hail of bullets from the Gatling gun.

However, he soon encountered a new problem.

The place they were in wasn't a spacious area; it was a dark and damp alley.

Little did Daredevil and the others know that when Russell led them into the alley, he was already prepared to use the Gatling gun to harass them.

In their view, Russell arrogantly chose a battlefield that wasn't suitable for escape.

But in reality, this was the graveyard Russell had chosen for them.

Utilizing his heightened senses and exceptional agility to dodge the initial gunfire from the Gatling gun, Daredevil quickly realized he didn't have enough space to maneuver. In response, he made a move that Russell hadn't anticipated.

He suddenly gave up on evasion, swung the staff in his hand, and attempted to charge toward Russell.

The red staff spun like the rotors of a helicopter.

What was this guy thinking?

Did he plan to use the staff to block the bullets?

Blocking bullets with a blade is something Russell had seen in movies and animations.

However, in reality, he hadn't seen anyone actually make such a crazy move.

Blocking bullets with a blade might look cool!

But it's highly likely to lead to a gruesome death!

Unless one is truly gifted, possessing lightning-fast reflexes or an invincible body, this kind of flashy scene would probably never happen.

What Daredevil was thinking, Russell didn't know.

However, he didn't stop firing the Gatling gun.

Not only that, he manipulated another Gatling gun and unleashed a barrage of shots towards Iron Fist.

He had no intentions of sparing either Daredevil or Iron Fist.

Extermination without mercy!

That had always been his style!

For whatever inexplicable reason, sparing enemies and subsequently having them come back for revenge after they grow stronger wasn't something Russell would ever consider.

Even if his brain malfunctioned, he wouldn't do such a thing.

No, even if his brain malfunctioned, he still wouldn't do it!

Though Daredevil had already given his all, reality wasn't going to change due to his determined will.

Though his staff did manage to block a small portion of the bullets, creating sparks where the bullets struck the staff, more bullets directly hit his body, turning him into a sieve.

All of this might sound prolonged, but from the moment Russell manipulated the Gatling gun until Daredevil collapsed like a sieve, only three or four seconds had passed.

Iron Fist and Jessica Jones didn't have the chance to mourn Daredevil, for their situation wasn't any better than Daredevil's before his demise.

After taking care of Daredevil, both Gatling guns simultaneously unleashed a hail of bullets towards Iron Fist.

The continuous roaring gunfire and the clattering sound of expended shell casings hitting the ground formed a unique and strange symphony.

However, for Iron Fist, this beautiful symphony didn't differ much from the welcoming music of hell.

His fists kept pounding, emitting an increasingly dazzling light.

The visible energy swirling around him attempted to shield him from the incoming bullets.

Yet, faced with an overwhelming barrage of firepower, the relatively weak energy defense he possessed couldn't match the bullet resistance of even the most ordinary superhuman physique among his extraordinary abilities.

As someone who transmigrated to this world, Russell had enough information about K'un-Lun.

Especially the current Iron Fist, Danny Rand.

The current Iron Fist is still very weak compared to the potential he might have, whatever K'un-Lun did in teaching this man.

What a waste of potential, whether this was intentional from the people who taught him or not, he didn't care anymore, the people of K'un-Lun always had bad judgment.

Centuries ago, they had educated five ungrateful disciples.

And now, they had produced Danny Rand, the very weak Iron Fist.

If there's a chance in the future, Russell must pay a visit to K'un-Lun and prevent their teachings from continuing to squander their ancestral heritage.

Under the continuous gunfire from the two Gatling guns, Iron Fist's persistence didn't exceed Daredevil's by much. He, too, was turned into a sieve.

Once Iron Fist joined Daredevil on his final journey, Russell finally ceased pulling the trigger, allowing the frenziedly rotating Gatling guns to come to a stop.

Glancing at the bodies of Iron Fist and Daredevil, he stowed the overheated Gatling gun back into his system space.

At this point, only Jessica Jones from the renowned Defenders Alliance remained.

When Russell opened fire with the Gatling guns against Iron Fist and Daredevil, the berserk Jessica Jones regained some of her composure.

When Daredevil fell without a fight, she did consider retreating.

However, Russell didn't give her that chance.

Though juggling multiple tasks was somewhat troublesome, it had become more and more familiar to Russell with the rewards of his venom symbiote, making it second nature.

Even if it meant both combat and writing a novel using the same set of tentacles, it wasn't a challenge for him.

Of course, the speed at which he could write novels couldn't be expected to be particularly fast.

To become a tentacle monster, the most critical factor wasn't hand speed, but rather the speed at which his brain processed thoughts.

Hand speed could be improved through practice.

But getting his brain to process thoughts at the same pace as hand speed was the key to becoming a tentacle monster.

Seeing the two Gatling guns disappear from the other two tentacles, Jessica Jones knew she likely didn't have much chance of leaving this place alive tonight.

Or rather, given her current abilities, there wasn't much chance of survival.

With this thought in mind, she abruptly stopped resisting the attacking tentacles and raised her hands.

"You win. I'm no match for you."

Jessica Jones held up her hands and spoke to Russell.

"Surrendering already? It seems the willpower of you superheroes isn't particularly strong, huh?"

Though she wasn't sure why Jessica Jones would make such an unusual move, Russell still had the tentacles cease their assault on her.

"The enormous gap in strength won't significantly change due to willpower."

Seeming to recognize that Russell had also stopped, Jessica Jones lowered her hands and calmly continued speaking.

Her tone was calm, sounding like she was having a chat with an old friend.

There was no anger, no malice, not even a trace of emotional fluctuation.

What was she up to?

Sensing Jessica Jones' unusual behavior, Russell's mind quickly raced through several thoughts.

"If you're trying to beg for your life, you might as well save your breath."

"Since you knew to ambush me near my office, you must've gathered information about me in advance."

"Sparring enemies isn't the Traveler's style."

Russell slowly responded.

"Mad Traveler, settling debts wherever they go!"

"I've heard that before, but I still want to give it a shot."

"Continuing to resist will lead to certain death, and begging might offer some chance of survival."

As she spoke, Jessica Jones purposely straightened her posture and flicked her hair.

So that's what she's up to!

Though Jessica Jones didn't explicitly state it, Russell wasn't exactly a fledgling when it came to social dynamics.

He could easily infer what she had in mind just by observing her current actions.

"I remember you're a detective too, so in a sense, we're colleagues."

Russell examined Jessica Jones carefully.

Although she wasn't of Asian descent, her current appearance featured black hair.

Her petite figure had a certain Asian elegance to it.

Though her looks weren't strikingly stunning, they were delicate enough to qualify her as a beauty.

In terms of her physique, she was just a little bit lacking, but for her petite frame, it was still quite suitable.

While Russell was evaluating Jessica Jones' appearance and physique, he stepped closer to her.

Looking at the now apparently surrendered Jessica Jones, he spoke in a calm tone, "What are you willing to offer to buy back your life?"

Upon hearing Russell's words, Jessica Jones flashed a charming smile, gazing up at him, and said, "Everything! Everything I have is yours!"

"Everything? Does that include your body?"

"Of course!"

Jessica Jones replied without any hesitation, her voice resolute.

However, right after she answered, the black tentacles behind Russell coiled around her neck like a predatory python.

"You're indeed generous, but unfortunately, both your body and your life aren't worth much!"


With those words, Russell wasted no time and manipulated the tentacles to snap Jessica Jones' neck.


Seduction? You not even going to check who my girlfriend is!

Do you think I'm that easily swayed by seduction?'


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