
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · アニメ·コミックス
234 Chs

Octopus Monster Disaster Control Department

What was truly difficult to address were the damages caused by Hulk's actions and the dangerous impression he had left on the public's minds.

However, there were ways to resolve these issues as well.

All he needed to do was to have Hulk perform a few heroic actions to save people, and the public's perception of him would naturally improve over time.

The blonde female journalist in the audience seemed dissatisfied with Russell's explanation. She continued, "Mr. Bradley, as far as I know, not long ago, there was a similar green monster incident at Culver University, and there was a battle involving the military."

"A few students captured the scene on their phones, and the footage shows that you were present at the time, appearing as Serum."

"In light of this, how do you explain your presence in that situation?"

Russell knew that these journalists in the audience weren't easy to fool. However, he was prepared for this.

"That's right, the one at Culver University was also Hulk."

"Just like last night, he was out of control then too. The reason I went to Culver University was to prevent him from harming others."

After finishing his explanation, he didn't give the blonde female journalist a chance to ask any more questions and continued, "Hulk's superpowers have only recently awakened. He's still in the adaptation phase, so sometimes he exhibits uncontrollable behavior."

"I understand your concerns and the potential harm caused by Hulk's outbursts. But I want to say that superhumans are also people, and they have the right to breathe freely."

"Just as drunk driving and drug addiction can cause harm to people, we have corresponding laws to restrict them and protect everyone's safety."

"Compared to more common occurrences like drunk driving and addiction, instances of superhumans losing control are clearly rare events."

"We offer the chance for drunk drivers and addicts to reform, so shouldn't we also provide the same opportunity for newly awakened superhumans?"

"Should superhumans inherently face discrimination?"

"Shouldn't superhumans be able to live freely and equally in this country?"

"Should superhumans never be allowed to make mistakes?"

"Hulk did make a mistake, and if the law demands that he pay for it, I will fully support the judgment given by the law."

"However, until a verdict is reached, I firmly stand behind Hulk's right to the various freedoms he should possess!"

In a country like the United States, where political correctness had reached an extreme, using political correctness as a strategy was tried and true. Sometimes, you had to fight fire with fire!

Indeed, after hearing his response, the journalists in attendance fell silent.

Of course, they knew that Russell was playing with words, but no one dared to directly challenge him.

Being labeled as engaging in racial discrimination wasn't a light matter.

Once that label stuck, losing their jobs would be a minor issue.

In more serious cases, they might not be able to find employment in the future.

Even if this racial category was only nominal for superhumans, no journalist at the scene dared to touch this taboo.

Seeing the reactions of the journalists, Russell nodded in satisfaction.

Under the gaze of the crowd, he continued, "In light of the various disasters caused by the out-of-control superhumans, Octopus Monster Industries will establish the Disaster Control Department from today onwards. This department will be responsible for handling various disaster incidents caused by out-of-control superhumans."

"If necessary, the Octopus Monster Disaster Control Department will also provide economic assistance and support to affected individuals."

Establishing the Disaster Control Department was a decision Russell had made spontaneously after returning to his apartment last night.

On the surface, establishing the Disaster Control Department was about compensating for the losses caused by Hulk's outbursts.

However, in reality, the Disaster Control Department was established to acquire certain official powers.

For a privately-owned company to establish a department that compensates for damages instead of the government, it didn't sit well with conventional logic.

Ensuring the safety of citizens' lives and property was the government's responsibility.

At the moment, Russell couldn't directly enter the official system of the United States.

However, by establishing this Disaster Control Department, he could indirectly obtain some of the rights that should have belonged to government agencies.

He drew inspiration from the joint venture "Disaster Control Department" he had co-founded with the federal government after the Stark Industries incident in New York.

Not only did he draw from the plan that should have belonged to Stark Industries, but he even directly used the name Disaster Control Department.

With Russell's self-disclosure and Hulk's identity explanation as precedent, Octopus Monster Industries establishing a new department seemed quite ordinary.

However, soon Russell revealed another bombshell announcement.

"To address the increasingly frequent incidents involving superhumans, in addition to establishing the Octopus Monster Disaster Control Department, I will also create a new superhero team. This team will unite the powers of various superheroes to do our best to protect the lives of everyone."

"This new superhero team will be called the Justice League. Apart from Hulk and me, I will also invite Spider-Woman to join."

"In addition to invitations, the Justice League welcomes the participation of other superheroes and like-minded individuals!"

Upon hearing that Russell was planning to form the Justice League, the journalists at the scene suddenly became extremely active, posing question after question.

Russell answered each question with a smile, one by one.

Fantastic Four Headquarters.

Baxter Building.

Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, the Invisible Woman Susan Storm, and the Thing Ben Grimm sat on the living room sofa, watching the live broadcast of Russell's press conference.

"See, I told you, this guy is definitely not someone who will just keep a low profile. Now he's creating his own superhero team!"

Johnny pointed at the TV screen where Russell was speaking.

Although Russell appeared very refined on TV, Johnny grew increasingly displeased as he watched.

"The Disaster Control Department, that's actually a pretty good idea!" Susan Storm, the Invisible Woman, commented slowly.

"I'm quite interested in that suit he was wearing yesterday. I've never seen that kind of technological creation before!"

"If we could thoroughly understand that peculiar metal, it would definitely drive rapid technological advancement!"

Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, with his face filled with anticipation, paid no attention to Johnny's dissatisfaction.

"I'm not interested in that Disaster Control Department or his suit. I don't like that he's lumping me and Hulk together. I'm not some guy who loses control easily, like Hulk."

Ben Grimm, the Thing, took a gulp from the can of Cola in his hand and grumbled in a barrel-like voice.

Upon hearing the words of Mr. Fantastic and the others, Johnny's displeasure became even more evident on his face.

"What's gotten into all of you? Aren't you supposed to be concerned about that damn Justice League?"

"After the Justice League is established, we won't be the only superhero team in New York anymore."

"We'll lose that unique label, and those sponsors might immediately jump ship to join them."

"Do you know how much damage that would do to us?"

Johnny spoke in an almost roaring tone, trying to make Mr. Fantastic and the others understand the crux of the matter.

However, clearly, this crux that he spoke of wasn't something Mr. Fantastic and the others cared about.

Even his own sister, Susan Storm, didn't pay any attention to his plans.

Except for Johnny, Mr. Fantastic and the others weren't particularly fond of sponsorship.

Although it would bring in significant income, just the thought of plastering their uniforms with brand labels made them uncomfortable.


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