
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · アニメ·コミックス
235 Chs

Eating Soft Rice with Determination

Bakshi didn't directly answer Russell's question. He smiled and said, "I wonder, Russell, what are your thoughts on organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D., official institutions, and superheroes like Spider-Woman and Fantastic Four?"

Bakshi subtly changed his address, no longer calling him Mr. Bradley but addressing him by his name.

Although this was just a small linguistic trick, it was evident that Bakshi was skilled at building relationships with others.

"I'm an assassin. What do you expect me to think?"

Russell picked up the champagne glass on the table and took a sip.

Not whisky, but champagne.

"I can't tell you the name of our organization right now. However, I can assure you that we are definitely not an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D."

"In terms of behavior, we're more similar to the Continental Hotel you're cooperating with now."

Bakshi still didn't plan to reveal HYDRA's name to Russell, and he continued to smile.

"Mr. Bakshi, if your organization is so secretive that you can't even reveal its name, then forget about it."

"Though I'm not a good person, I don't like living a life of hiding."

"Thanks for the hospitality, but I'll take my leave!"

With that, Russell stood up directly, no longer paying attention to Bakshi, and walked straight towards the restaurant's exit.

The reason he had come tonight was to find out which organization was behind the anonymous call.

Although Bakshi hadn't mentioned HYDRA's name, it didn't affect Russell at all.

The moment he saw Bakshi, he already knew the answer.

Bakshi watched Russell leave, without any intention to stop him.

Just like Nick Fury, HYDRA wasn't truly interested in Russell; their target was his live-in girlfriend, Diana.

Russell did possess some extraordinary abilities, but at present, he was far less valuable than Diana.

What HYDRA desired wasn't just a killer with extraordinary capabilities; they wanted an invincible warrior with godlike power.

Four years ago, Diana wielding a sword and shield, sweeping through the S.H.I.E.L.D. capture team with unstoppable force, had left an indelible impression on Nick Fury. It had also made HYDRA realize what true high-end combat capability meant.

After leaving the restaurant, Russell took a taxi back to Continental Hotel, retrieved his car, and drove towards his apartment.

Although Bakshi had disguised himself well and hadn't even mentioned HYDRA's name, Russell still discerned what they were up to.


It wasn't him that Hydra was interested in; it was Diana.

After their candid conversation yesterday, he learned that when Diana had just arrived in this world, she had clashed with S.H.I.E.L.D. over some "minor" issues.

Knowing this and confirming that the anonymous call was orchestrated by HYDRA, it wasn't hard to deduce their intentions.

To put it simply, this was a test—to gauge how important he was to Diana.

Diana hadn't used her extraordinary abilities for over three years. But when she learned he was in "life-threatening danger," she didn't hesitate, immediately donning her armor to rescue him.

After confirming that Diana was willing to risk shattering her peaceful life to save him, HYDRA knew how to sway Diana.

Directly approaching Diana wasn't an option; S.H.I.E.L.D. had already proven that.

Four years ago, when Diana had just arrived, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s plan hadn't been to capture her but to absorb her into their ranks.

However, the negotiations broke down later, turning the plan from recruitment to capture.

Regrettably, the capture plan had also failed, even more spectacularly than the recruitment plan.

Taking a cue from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s experience, HYDRA certainly wouldn't directly approach Diana.

So, Russell became the bridge.

By swaying Russell, they could indirectly influence Diana.

HYDRA's approach aligned well with their cunning and devious nature.

One thing they didn't expect was that Russell was someone who had enough information about them.

Sky Apartments.

Diana, who had finished dinner, sat on the living room sofa, holding a tedious anthropological work.

Upon seeing Russell return, she put down her book, walked over to him, and embraced him.

"Finished your overtime?" Diana softly asked.

"Yeah. We traced the anonymous call back—it was HYDRA's doing."

Russell briefly recounted his meeting with Bakshi.

As soon as he finished, Diana's brows furrowed.

Clearly, she had also guessed HYDRA's intentions.

"The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. came to the museum today to see me. He said you've been a bit restless lately and wanted me to keep an eye on you."

Diana quickly summarized what had happened at the museum.

After listening to her account, Russell suddenly realized a problem.

In the underground world and among assassins, he was the infamous Traveler.

But in front of organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA, he had become Diana's soft spot, a weakness they exploited against her.

In terms of raw power, Diana was indeed much stronger than him right now.

In a legitimate battle, facing Diana, he wouldn't just lack the odds of winning; he would have an extremely slim chance of victory.

Slim to the extent that he might not win even one out of ten battles.

This won't do!

Continuing like this, he might be accused of living off Diana's success!

While living off others wasn't a bad skill per se, doing it too often wasn't good for one's reputation.

Sensing Russell's change in mood, Diana caressed his face and gently said, "Does this situation bother you?"

Although Diana normally projected a domineering and authoritative aura, that was just her image in front of others.

In front of Russell, she remained gentle and caring.

"Um... just a little. But don't worry, this situation won't last forever."

"Don't forget, my superpowers are constantly evolving and awakening!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Russell's right hand landed on Diana's well-rounded and perfectly-shaped peach-like rear.

Diana, in all her charm, shot him a look and showed no intention of moving his hand away.


The next morning.

After having breakfast prepared by Diana in the apartment, Russell, who hadn't engaged in detective work for over a week, drove to the office.

The original office was still under repair, so he went to the temporary office on the seventh floor.

Landlord Sean hadn't let him down for the money he paid.

Although the temporary office on the seventh floor couldn't compare to the original one, it was well-organized and had everything it needed.


Even the sign at the entrance, "Octopus Monster Private Detective Agency," had been custom-made by Sean.




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