
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · アニメ·コミックス
234 Chs


It has to be said that Hulk's actions were still unexpected.

It seems that Serum left a very deep impression on him.

When Hulk escaped from the laboratory, Russell did not immediately pursue him. Instead, he came to Betty, who had broken ribs and severe internal bleeding, lying on the ground.

Getting pushed by an angry Hulk is not a pleasant experience.

Seeing Betty's face contorted in pain but still conscious, Russell squatted down, white tendrils surged from his right hand, and he began to heal Betty.

Betty, although not a genius like Tony or Banner, was still one of the experts in the field of cellular biology.

Otherwise, back then, she wouldn't have been able to collaborate with Banner on gamma energy research.

In simple terms, Betty was a talent worth recruiting.

When the white tendrils touched Betty's body, her pained expression disappeared in just two or three seconds.

A few seconds later, Betty, who had been lying on the ground, stood up again.

After completely healing Betty, Russell retracted the white tendrils from his right hand.

"Thank you, Pete!"

Betty thanked Russell earnestly.


When Russell heard this name, he was momentarily puzzled.

After a few seconds, he remembered that this was the alias he had used when fooling Alice.

"Doctor, I'm not called Pete, I'm Russell. Pete is a fake name!"

Russell corrected Betty.

After saying that, he turned around and went directly to Dr. Stern's side, who was also lying on the ground.

Just like healing Betty, he used the healing ability of serum to heal Dr. Stern's injuries.

Before Dr. Stern could say anything, Russell lifted up the now healed doctor and made him stand in front of him.

"I'm a bit interested in your research. Prepare all the research data and information related to Banner immediately!"

Upon hearing Russell's words, Dr. Stern instinctively nodded.

Although Russell healed the injuries on his body, he couldn't heal the damage to his psyche.

While Dr. Stern was a scientist with an excessive curiosity and ambition, he wasn't someone with a firm will.

Once he was sure that Dr. Stern understood his intention, Russell entered the storage room next to the lab.

The storage room contained various experimental materials.

Among them, the most abundant were the vials of Banner's blood that Dr. Stern had condensed and replicated.

These vials of blood were categorized in different cabinets based on their concentration.

Russell searched inside and found the vial labeled "Mr. Green, Effectiveness 14.56%."

This vial of blood didn't look particularly special, but Russell vividly remembered that this vial of blood was the key to Dr. Stern becoming the supervillain.

After taking it out of the cabinet, he placed the vial of blood into the system space.

To maintain the freshness of the blood, the right temperature and environment were needed.

However, for Russell, who had the system space, this wasn't a problem at all.

The state of things placed into the system space remained the same when taken out.

Even if a bowl of freshly cooked beef noodle soup was placed in the system space for a month, when taken out, it would be just as it was when freshly cooked.

Although Russell didn't know the underlying principle, judging from the effect, the system space seemed to be a space where time was frozen, and it had excellent preservation effects.

After placing the vial of blood in the system space, he returned to the chaotic laboratory and said to Dr. Stern and Betty, who were copying data, "Destroy all the samples of Banner's blood inside, don't leave a single drop!"

Upon hearing Russell's words, Dr. Stern showed a troubled expression.

However, when he saw Russell looking at him again, he quickly replied, "No problem, I'll destroy them right away!"

Although Dr. Stern had read reports about the superhuman serum in newspapers and on TV, he never thought that serum, which appeared so benevolent in the news, would bring him such tremendous pressure.

When Russell, in his superhero serum form, looked at him, Dr. Stern felt like he was being stared at by a hungry tiger that hadn't eaten for a week.

Without any hesitation, Dr. Stern hurried into the storage room and began destroying Banner's blood samples.

Unlike Dr. Stern, Betty didn't enter the storage room to destroy Banner's blood samples. Instead, she came to Russell and said with a complicated expression, "Aren't you going to stop Banner... that monster?"

Seeing Betty's current expression, Russell smiled and said, "Monster? Is that what you call your boyfriend?"

"That green monster isn't my boyfriend; Banner is my boyfriend!"

Betty quickly replied.

"That green monster is Banner. Whether you like it or not, that's still a part of Banner."

"If you really love Banner, you'll have to accept both his strengths and weaknesses, no matter what."

Russell had no intention of explaining to Betty the differences between Banner and Hulk.

Although Betty and Banner seemed inseparable now, they would break up sooner or later.

In other universes, they were a couple, but in this universe, they probably wouldn't have a chance.

Betty didn't say anything more. She entered the adjacent storage room and began destroying Banner's blood samples together with Dr. Stern.

When all the samples of Banner's blood were destroyed, and Russell received all of Dr. Stern's research findings about Banner, he left the laboratory that had been smashed open by Hulk.

He hadn't left the laboratory for long when he saw a convoy of military Humvees racing down the street.

In addition to these Humvees, he also saw military helicopters.

General Ross had finally brought people here, but unfortunately, he was too late.

At this moment, Hulk was running wild in the streets of Manhattan, like a mad rhinoceros.

Behind him followed one police car after another.

Russell didn't exert much effort to find Hulk, who was causing havoc on the streets.

Just as he was about to jump down from the top of a building to quickly deal with the rampaging Hulk, his phone suddenly rang.

As expected, it was a call from General Ross.

When he answered the call, General Ross quickly said, "Banner is currently causing massive destruction in Manhattan. Isn't the Superhero Serum planning to intervene?"

"I'm already on the scene!"

After saying that, Russell hung up the call from General Ross.

However, as soon as he hung up, his phone rang again.

This time, the caller wasn't General Ross; it was Tony.

After pressing the answer button, Tony's voice came through.

"There's a green monster in Manhattan. I might not be able to stop him alone. Are you interested in coming over in your battle armor?"

Tony didn't know that Russell was the Superhero Serum.

He only knew that Russell was the ace assassin of the Continental Hotel, possessing a high-tech battle armor that even he admired.

Upon hearing Tony's words, Russell said with a smile, "Is the famous Tony Stark about to become a superhero?"

"Enough with the chatter! Are you coming or not? If you're not, I'll handle it alone!"

Tony quickly replied.


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