
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · アニメ·コミックス
235 Chs

Branding Superheroes

"Which company is producing the movie, and what's the movie called?"

For safety reasons, Russell decided to ask a few more questions.

"It's 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, and the movie is called 'Rise of the Apes,'" Kara quickly replied.

"'Rise of the Apes'? What's that movie about?"

"No, I got it wrong. It's 'Planet of the Apes,' a science fiction movie where chimpanzees have reached human-level intelligence."

Kara finally mentioned the correct movie title.

Upon hearing "Planet of the Apes," Russell understood what the movie was about. He had seen this movie, or more precisely, he had watched it before he was transported to this world.

"What role does Hulk play in it? The big green ape?" Russell continued to inquire.

"Of course not! Uh, explaining it would be a bit complicated, and there's a confidentiality agreement."

"If you want to know, you should come over in person. The director and people from the movie company really want to meet you," Kara said excitedly.

"Just meeting them is fine, as long as Hulk doesn't play a villain," Russell replied.

Russell didn't mind Hulk gaining more recognition in other ways. If Hulk's popularity increased, so would the visibility of the Justice League, and as its leader, he would become more widely known.

"Don't worry, he's definitely not a villain. I'm not as dumb as you think; I'm pretty smart!" came Kara's proud response.

"Of course, you're the smartest!"

"Alright, that's it. Finish the movie and come back early!"

Russell said helplessly.

"Okay, okay!"

After saying that, Kara hung up the phone.

In the moments before the call ended, Russell heard what sounded like Hulk loudly delivering lines.

After hanging up the phone, he had originally intended to play the new series of the Asassins's Creed game. However, just as he picked up the game controller, he suddenly thought of something.

"No. 3, look up which movie and game companies are currently in poor financial situations, and calculate the funds required for acquisition."

"Sure, sir!" No. 3 responded immediately.

After giving his orders to No. 3, Russell didn't start playing the game immediately. Instead, he began to contemplate seriously.

Since the establishment of the Justice League, he had used somewhat simplistic methods for promoting the league and its members. Apart from some self-media on the internet, he mainly relied on occasional newspaper articles or headline news in offline media.

While the matter of Kara and Hulk being cast in a movie wasn't part of his plan, it gave him an idea. If regular individuals could become A-list celebrities through movies and expand their fame globally, then superheroes could do the same!

Moreover, it wasn't limited to just movies; other forms of media, such as animation and games, were also viable options.

Thinking about this, he quickly remembered how Vought International marketed its superheroes in The Boys' world. They had developed and monetized superhero images from every angle. While this wasn't The Boys' world, there was no reason he couldn't borrow a page from Vought International's playbook.

What was more important was that, if he followed in Vought International's footsteps, he didn't have to worry about his superheroes refusing to cooperate or even rebelling against the company. After all, he was the most powerful superhero in the Justice League, if not including Diana.

Diana still hadn't officially joined the Justice League using her Wonder Woman identity. Strictly speaking, he was currently the most powerful superhero in the league.

Movies, advertisements, endorsements, games… Anything that regular actors could do, superheroes could do better.

Once this idea took root, Russell lost interest in playing the game and started seriously considering adopting Vought International's approach.

Although Vought International wasn't a morally upright company, he couldn't deny that it had successfully commercialized superheroes.

No. 3 quickly finished the investigation and projected the results in front of Russell.

Looking at the holographic screen displaying the names of movie and game companies, Russell instructed, "Have representatives contact the top five movie and game companies on the list and discuss the possibility of acquisition."

"Furthermore, establish a subsidiary company dedicated to superhero brand management. Recruit professionals from other advertising and brand management companies to help expand the visibility and economic value of Justice League members from different perspectives."

"Understood, sir!"

After giving these orders to No. 3, Russell checked the time and contacted Grendel, who was still in the Undersea Temple in the Atlantic Ocean.

After briefly informing Grendel about the Monarch Organization, he instructed Grendel to create a Second-Generation Symbiote.

Since he had already reached a preliminary cooperation agreement with Norman Osborn, he certainly wouldn't forget to provide Norman Osborn with a Second-Generation Symbiote.

After discussing the Monarch Organization and Second-Generation Symbiote with Grendel, Russell stood up and approached the massive floor-to-ceiling window.

As the window opened like a sensor-activated door, he flew out and began his return to the apartment.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, a week had passed. Although there hadn't been any particularly urgent matters to attend to during the week, Russell still hadn't visited the Sorcerer Supreme, Ancient One.

It wasn't that he didn't want to see the Ancient One, but rather he hadn't figured out how to face the Ancient One yet.

Despite the Ancient One's current polite behavior and apparent lack of malice, Russell couldn't predict what the Ancient One's true intentions were until they actually met.

For safety's sake, he decided to enjoy the sun for a few more days before going.

After spending half a month in Los Angeles, Kara and Hulk finally returned to New York. When they came back, Russell didn't let them continue their vigilante activities but instead handed them over to the newly established Octopus Monster Media Company.

Moreover, he applied for image copyright patents on behalf of Kara, Hulk, and Gwen.

Even the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor and the red-colored No. 02 were not exempt; he also applied for image copyright patents for them.

What's more, he directly applied for the copyright of Iron Man.

Although Tony had already created the Mark III and possibly started researching new elements based on Howard's models to address his palladium poisoning issue, he had not yet become a widely known superhero as Iron Man due to the lack of corresponding crisis events.

While Tony was likely to become Iron Man in the future, this didn't stop Russell from securing the copyright for Iron Man in advance.

Image copyright for the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor, coupled with the copyright for Iron Man, Russell intended to milk this fat sheep for all it was worth!

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