
Time to fight

We are now above the stark tower. Thor, Nat and Tony leave me there. Thor will directly fight Loki, Tony will take the suits and Nat will do what she can to stop the activation of the portal.

I don't see Clint anywhere near me. I will just land the jet on a building near the Stark tower, if I remember well, there is a sniper on board. I take it, and go outside.

The tripod is set, I observe through the lense. I see Thor fighting Loki, and Nat and Tony are near the top of the building talking with doctor Selving. He is Thor's friend who was brainwashed, we theorize that he is the one who build the stabilizer.

Suddenly, Loki is thrown in their direction by Thor. He seems happy for someone whe just went through a wall. Under our surprised eyes, he throws his scepter in the direction of the engine in front of him. As soon as the scepter touch the machine, a purple, blue and black ray of light goes up and touch the clouds. At the end of the ray, a massive portal suddenly appears.

On the other side of the portal, massive spaceships are waiting. Some aliens on chariots are already passing in the portal.

The chitauri are here!!! To close the portal, my first attempt is to shoot at the machine, but a protective field stopped the bullet. I then try to find the scepter but in the confusion, Loki already retrieved it. He then jumps off the tower and fall in the direction of the ground. A chariot coming from nowhere and driven by Clint catch him.

I really want to ask him where he was hidden, because he didn't appear in the thermical vision and was not on any roof. But never mind, now that the chitauri are coming, I need to work. All the flying chitauri will not stay alive longer than necessary. But before all the fight, the priority is to close the portal.

"Nat, Stark, do you know how to close the portal?"

Nat:"Dr Selvig just said that the only way is to use Loki's scepter."

"Tony, please, can you go after Loki? He flew away on a chariot direction north. Be careful Clint can be with him."

Tony:"Yes of course I can catch him, all the other armors made for combat will fight with you and the ones without weapons will help in the protection of the citizens."

"Okay very good. Nat can you stay with Dr. Selvig and see if you can make the portal smaller, or close it with another way?"

Natasha:"Of course!"

"Thor, I don't see what you can do, just do your best, kill some chitauri, find Loki if you can."

Batman:"What if he create a thunderstorm near the portal, this way a lot of chitauri will not be able to cross."

"Good idea! Can you do that Thor? "

Tho :"Yes sure!"

After all the roles are given, we only need to fight.

Thor side of the battlefield is filled with charred corpse, or crushed. It depends of the cause of death. Even heads are blown up because of the force behind each hit of hammer.

It's really the same with Captain and his shield, when he throws his shield, it crushes ribs, the trachea, or the skull of the opponent.

With Batman, it's really different. He throws his batarang and every hidden weapon he has is frighteningly sharp. He cuts the throat, or the sinew of the opponent. One of the chitauri couldn't even move when he was killed. After some time, both Captain and Batman take the chitauri weapon. After that, the chitauri do their utmost to avoid them.

On Tony's side, he can't see Loki anywhere, but Barton is on a roof and Tony hopes that he can incapacitate him for the day. As his suit is equipped with the fonction taser, it can be easy for him. But I don't think Clint will go down so quick.

And I was right, just when Tony landed on the roof, the elite soldier jumped down. He slowed down his fall with one of his special arrow, and enter a bank. Tony just realized that Clint was just on top of the sole building where a lot of humans where.

And now we have a hostage situation. This is the only black point for the moment otherwise, it's a slaughter.

I also killed my share of chitauri. After only 10 minutes of fight, at least 500 chitauri are dead. Maybe I can go and help Tony, Batman and Captain are already on the way but we are never too cautious. For the moment all is perfect. Loki is still hidden but we will find him soon, and the chitauri are just killed repeatedly. If that's all they have, the invasion will be just a big flop.

Yes, I just jinxed myself.

Even Thor thunder can't kill those gigantic flying fish.

It's now that we need a Hulk.

I have news that are not very good for you. I'm in my first year of of medical school (the worst year) and the exams are in less than a month. I will need to work a lot (13 to 14 hours a day) so that means less time to write. I will try to give you a daily chapter but I can't promise anything. Yesterday there were no chapter for this reason. As it will be more frequent, I prefer to inform you before the rush comes. Thanks for you comprehension, also thx for reading, voting, commenting. See you!

pierreleloupcreators' thoughts