
Preparations before the first act ~pt1~

So now that the future Iron-man is kidnapped, I only have a few months to study my absorbtion ability. Does it work with blood only? Or cerebral type of mutation like wheelchair use need brain matter too? I will need more experiments, I also want to be able to block mutations like leech did in the original time-line... It can be very useful for me, some mutants that don't want power will be very thankful for a vaccin and I can maybe inject it into enemies...

I will need to attack more mutants research facility. That means that some normal mutants that only want to live will need help to integrate society. Maybe I can make some mutants work for me. For the kids I can build a school like the bald one. With that I will be able to study a lot of mutations, and my good reputation will remain. I think that I will be able to have 2 différents personalities. One with my armor and the other without.

I will need to keep the killing at the minimum, the last lab was an exception.

So here I am, flying from lab to lab, I visited Asia, America, Europe, even Africa and Australia, I saw a lot of beautiful things, but a lot of ugly things too. I saw mutant slavery sometimes, even children were not spared. They are our future and they are beaten up, starved, killed. I will not let them at the hands of the government or with Xavier, my decision is finale, I will build a school for the children, teach them everything they need to do the work they want to do. The best teacher will be chosen and I will personally supervise the students and teacher.

For the adults, it's more complicated. The ones that have useful power for my company will be a great addition to my staff, the one that don't will have to study for months or even years before integrating the company.

All the necessary things to do before installing all the people took a lot of time. I even asked mom for help because it was not very legal but she has contacts so it was easier.

I now have a very large database of different mutations. There are close to 120 mutants for the moment. I'm quite proud of myself. There are not any omega level mutant but if they were not rare, the earth would have already been destroyed.

So before the avengers come, I only need to have more powers. For now I will try to absorb another interesting mutation, the control of your body. The man that possesses that mutation is 40 years old and was used as a miner because he could enhanced his muscles. But I think that he can do much more, and that's why he doesn't have education, the slavers knew that he could be very hard to beat if he knew the extend of his ability.

For the moment I will try to absorb his ability with one of his hair. I take the hair between my fingers and use absorbtion. Only a little bit of dust come on my hand, it's quickly integrated in my body. I feel a little bit of pain but no blacklight like last time. I try to use the new ability but, big deception, nothing changes.

And if you have idea for power, mutation, allies, even love interest, don't hesitate I read all the comments

pierreleloupcreators' thoughts