

~Ryan pov~

For the moment, everything is fine. The scepter is in the lab and everyone is still calm. But this peace is broken by Natasha and Batman who, on Fury'sorder, interrogate Loki. At the beginning Batman hits Loki a little and tries to frighten him a bit but seeing that it doesn't work, Nat did her little comedy to Loki and he spilled the bill.

And the mess started, the lab is invaded by all the team and Captain comes with the news about the weapon. Stark confirms it, nobody is happy. Fury tries to justify the use of these weapons, Thor is not happy to be used as an excuse, and some distrust is shown with the whole Hulk problem. I can feel the scepter sending waves of emotions and my control over my body is currently doing its maximum to stop my rising anger. As I was about to just shoot a rocket at them, Banner takes the scepter and I remember that this is the cause of my emotions.

We all stopped bickering and try to stay calm. Suddenly Banner's computer shows results. We finally know the whereabouts of the Tesseract!!!

This joy is very short live because immediately after, an explosion rocks the plane. Me, Nat and Banner fell under the bridge. I quickly say to Nat that she needs to run if she wants to survive. I will hold Hulk a bit. But before that I need the team to do their job. I said to Alfred (my armor):

"Can you connect me to the radio of all the members of the team?"

"Yes, all members connected beside Dr. Bruce Banner."

"Okay, record my voice and send it to them"

"It's me, if we want the smallest casualties possible, we need to work together, so Rogers and Stark, see if you can repair the damage made to the Heloporter, Nat, please track and deal with Barton but don't kill him! Thor and Bat, can you check on our prisoner? If you can't hold him, let it flee, he is not the god of mischief for nothing, don't underestimate him!

And don't think that it will be holidays for me, I have a big greeny problem too, if things goes south, I will push him off the deck. I know it will not hurt him... much. Over"

The time I sent this little audio record, Banner finished his transformation. The greeniest bodybuilder is now in front of me.

I know that you can communicate fairly well with Hulk when he is not too angry... I tried the soft approach by engaging the conversation:

"Hello Hulk, I know that you can understand me, we are not in any danger here, so can you please calm down and let the doctor take your place for a bit??? It would be very helpful."


Okay. The diplomatic solution didn't go very well, so let's start the aggressive negociation.

Hulk punched me. Hard. Very hard. Without my armor I would have been dead. I destroyed a few walls and ended up stuck in on of the more resistant one. I'm now in a gigantic hangar, void of people. I quickly separate myself from the wall, leaving a hole with my body form. I walk a bit...

"It's too calm, I don't like it very much, I prefer when it's a little bit less calm..." And I took the second punch of the day... I prefered the first one, bit more rough, more in the spirit of Hulk. This one was more sneaky and less powerful. The first was more painful too.. Am I a mas...And the third punch came. I was so concentrated in my thinking that I didn't even see that coming. So let's stop thinking about my eventual sexual fetish, I'm too young for that. I think that my armor finally stored enough energy to be able to fight equally with Hulk.

"You know Hulk, I'm not your punching bag, so let me give you back some of your kinetic energy" I punch him in return, he broke a few containers, as I broke some walls before. I quickly follow the path left by the huge body and find Hulk lying on the deck. He tries to get up but I don't give him enough time and directly kick him at the stomach, and an uppercut to the chin follows the kick. This uppercut makes his body float in mid-air for a few seconds. His feet are not even touching the deck when I decide to elbow him in the solar plexus. I send Hulk flying a second time.

I'm quite proud of myself when suddenly a jet is in front of us. I don't even have the time to stop him before he fires at Hulk. It suffises to anger him more. He gets up, coughes one time because of my hit and directly jumpq at the jet. It's really a pity, I only needed more time before Hulk would transform back to Banner. The pilot of the jet uses the ejection chair and I see Hulk falling and disappearing from my view.

My job is done, I can only hope that everything went well for the others.

Sorry for not publishing the last 2 days, had a lot of work to do. Like always, thanks for reading, commenting, and voting for this story. I will try to publish extrachapter in the week. The fight scene was harder to write so tell me where I can improve. See you next chapter . It will be a totally different pov normally. ?

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