
Briefing and realisation

~Ryan pov~

After Hulk fell down from the heliporter, I watch the agents running everywhere, the smoke that comes from the broken devices is filtered by my suit but all the others are with gaz masks. Some people are hurt, but if they are able to walk safely, they try to help the crew.

I ask if they need help but suddenly a new agent runs toward me and asks me to follow him. Apparently, Fury needs me.

We move in a small conference room. Natasha, Tony, Steve, Wayne, and Fury are already here. A dusty Thor rapidly joins us.

He quickly thanks batman who is not in his suit.

Captain starts the talk:

"So? What now?"

Fury : "Now nothing, the heliporter needs repair, a lot of agents are injured, Loki is on the loose, Clint too, Banner disappeared in the nature. The avengers initiative is dead.

Thor:" What are the avengers? "

Fury:" The avengers were a formation of people with powers that fight to save the world. They were meant to be superheroes."

Stark:"We are not superheroes, nobody can be superheroes, they don't exist."

Fury:"Coulson believed in them." He threw cards on the table. The cards are red because of the blood. "I suppose he didn't have the time to ask an autograph? Let's hope he survives. He is still on the intensive unit. His chances of survival are very low."

When Fury says that his chances of survival are low, I see differents reactions on the faces of everyone. Tony and Steve are sad, Wayne is surprised, Thor too, Natasha is scrutinizing Fury's face and Fury is impassible. Steve and Tony quickly leave the room, Thor follows them.

I send a vocal message to Wayne and ask him to follow me.

We leave Nat and Fury in the conference room.

We are on the now fully repaired deck, I ask him:

"Why were you surprised when Fury told us that Coulson has low chance of survival?"

"I saw the injury and patch him, I have few medical knowledge and I know that this injury can't be mortal because he was quickly in the medical staff hands. So it's very weird."

"Do you think Fury is manipulating us?"

" Yes I'm sure about that but I think it's for the best for now. The team needs some help to truly form. So let's leave it like that."

"So how did your fight happened? I saw Thor, he was very dusty, and I heard that Coulson was gravely injured, what happened?"

Wayne explained me how the encounter was.

I'm a bit disappointed but I can also comprehend him, Thor and Loki are gods, Batman is only human. He needs a better suit before he can fight against enemies of this caliber. He can only fight normal criminals for the moment, he is more at Natasha level I think. Speaking of her.

"And so do you know what happened with Natasha?"

"Not a lot, the bowman escaped in a jet."

"Oh shit, so we will surely encounter him another time?"

"Yes it's sure. And how was your fight with Banner?"

"He is very strong but my armor can resist him so it was okay... But as you know we don't know where he is. Let's hope that he will come for the final battle, we will need the green bodybuilder."

" Yes, Thor talked about the chitauri. I don't know what to expect about them. Will they be invincible, or just humanoid aliens? It's an alien civilization, with different technology, culture. It's a pity that they only want to fight. An exchange would have been very beneficial for both side. "

" Don't expect diplomatic relationship! They are more like mindless beast. "

We don't talk anymore because we see Thor, Steve, Tony and Natasha coming toward us.

They ask us :

" Are you ready to go? We know where Loki is."

Our answer is :

" Let's fight."

Firstly, one minute of silence for Stan Lee, we will miss him.

After that I'm sorry for all batman fans that I know cursed me for the last chapter. I know that he is strong but here with only his suit, and no preparations, I don't think it's possible for him to takedown Loki, so the best way to fight was to hide and help from the shadow.

But sorry to all the people that were not happy.

Now that it's done, thank you like always for reading, commenting, and voting for this story.

See you next time

pierreleloupcreators' thoughts