
In The Gray (Teen Titan/DC Fanfic)

Kevin Grant is a veteran from WW2... WW1, the War of 1812 & pretty much every other American conflict after 1812. He’s also kinda a dick. However something is brewing and Batman, Lex Luthor, and Ozymandias don’t know what. Grant’s brothers, consumed with their demonic powers, are looking for the Orb that has given them their curse. Also, guess what? Kevin’s been procrastinating on finding the stupid thing for two hundred years. Being turned down help from the Justice League Kevin is forced to his last resort: Raven. However, things don’t go according to plan because... let’s be honest: Kevin never has a plan. (Writing this as creative release I’m also taking creative liberties with writing. I may keep this as a serial that ends when it ends. Story arcs are strongly inspired by DC comics/Teen Titan comics as well as DC games and media. Kevin’s lack of care for triggers do not reflect the views of the author.) *** Arc 2 (cue classic narrator voice) After the deaths of two Titans, Deathstroke’s loved ones, and Black Adam’s family, things are amping up. Framed for the deaths of Osiris and Isis, the Titans, America and her allies are sworn enemies of Black Adam. The omnipotent tyrants rage is hotter than it has been in centuries and he is quickly pooling his allies and preparing for WW3. The Titans struggle to grieve their dead in the midst of all their responsibilities. They struggle to cope, and unlikely relationships bloom. Despite the spy in their midst. Deathstroke has a bone to pick with the world as well. After the death of his son at the perceived hand of the Titans he’s not an assassin for money at the moment. No, no this is personal. The only payment he’s taking is Vengeance, even if he has to form a team himself to do it. Kevin is still after the Heart and cancer-like tumors have shaped some of Gotham’s supervillains hideously. Does this have something to do with Raven’s cough and Ozymandias’ cancer and dreams? Read and find out! For any martial artist fans out there I TRY to go out of my way to develop ALMOST each character’s fighting style. Kevin uses a now forbidden Canadian style called combato. Dick Grayson uses a mix of Wing Chun, Arnis/Escrima and others of course. Batman uses a non-lethal Keysi as a foundation (he also used it in the 2008 movies). Deathstroke uses Krav Maga, LINE, Vale Tudo, Silat and Sambo. This is a bold challenge to do with justice but I will try my best. For any gun nuts, I went all out on gear and guns for Deathstoke’s scenes to give a little bit of some John Wick-style stuff thrown in. I post updates below so make sure to check from time to time! Without further ado: 05/05/23 Happy Cinco de Mayo~

xWandererx · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Trust and News

<Tell no one.> Orphan wrote on the magnetic eraser board with various princesses from Disney. After erasing that with a swipe, she wrote,

<The others are in pursuit.>

She erased it again because the board was too small. Next she tried to use symbols, or emoji's I guess, to save room,

<*Batman symbol* thinks *Pighead* has help.>

She erased it again and wrote big,


"What if there's more traps that incapacitate Batman and the others?" I asked, trying not to get worked up into a frenzy.

<It's likely they already bit off more than they can chew.>

"What does that mean?!"

Starfire put her hand on my shoulder, "Look, I think I know what she's getting to. Have faith in the others, Kevin. Think about it, Megan can phase through walls. Raven can implode the entire planet if she lost control. Beast Boy can turn into a Try-try ugh what is it? Try-anno -saurus Rex. Yeah Tyrannosaurus Rex. Do you seriously think that mere walls and cuffs can hold them?"

<You need to trust your team.> Swipe. <We're the best.>

She gave me a wink and thumbs up since I couldn't see the smile behind her ninja-like mask. Then she leaned as if peering over my shoulder and pointed before writing,

<What's that *TV symbol* say? My dyslexia is acting up.>

I turned and squinted my eyes at the images and recognized the Russian tearing out a cloaked Dollotron from a driver's seat and throwing them into a parked truck. Looks like a news chopper was catching the scene. Immediately looking around, Orphan already was pointing at the chopper in the air.

Looking back at the screen I smiled to see everyone climbing out of the vehicle. Dazed but otherwise fine. Starfire was right, I had been letting my emotions get the best of me and I needed to trust the team more. That was harder said than done with memories of death and defeat so close to mind.

Now a news person was talking to Terra and Oracle somewhere affected by the carnage.

"So Batgirl and Terra are on the scene at the moment. Can you give us an update on the mastermind behind this chaos in broad daylight? Will he, she, or they be captured?"

"We have reason to believe that the culprit has an accomplice of some sort helping them."

She had dodged the question. The reporter noticed as well but let it slide. It's likely Pyg "kidnapped" everyone, who had trackers on them, to lead us away as he tactically retreated.

"That's not good, we can't pan the camera right now due to several bodies in frame for children at home but some of these on the scene beg the question… what are they?"

Oracle smiled diplomatically and replied, "We have been on the tail of this Mr. Pyg-case for a while now. The MO is usually kidnapping people and turning them into what we call AniMen. Above that were Pyg's "perfected" what he called: Dollotrons."

"Can you give us an idea of what those are?"

"It's hard to stay air friendly but basically lobotmized Nazi-like experiments. That's the most vague and accurate way to frame it."

"What about the bigger sensation surrounding Kevin Grant?"

My brain, heart and lungs plunged into my stomach.

"What about it?"

The reporter scowled for a split second before recomposing herself, most people wouldn't have noticed, "Black Adam had wrote some message attributed to him on the US flag taken from the Kahndaqi Embassy. I mean, there's quite some controversy swirling around about him."

"Kevin Grant stopped former Titan Osiris from going on a rampage and turning this city into the world's largest mirror. He also saved my life and the lives of my team. Anyone trying to get to him would have to go through the might of the Titans to do it."

Seeing that Oracle was a lost cause the reporter tried to prey on Terra, "And you ma'am? What do you think of Kevin Grant? You do know that it was he who also impaled poor Carol Skaldy on a machete in an accident right?"

Oracle boiled red in rage but stayed composed while Terra fumbled, "Is that-is that even air safe?!"

She noticed the accent and smiled, "Oh are you Markovian by chance? Are you here on diplomatic errands?"

"I'm here for the Crown of Markovia, yes. As for the question, even if it was improper of you, Kevin Grant is passionate about the team. Zealous about his work. While I do not know him, I trust in the Titan's judgment."

"Thank you Titan, my final question is this. Do either of you know when Kevin Grant will get interviewed about the events that lead Black Adam to do this?"

"We do not." Oracle spat, "And there will be no more comments."

While seemingly uneventful, such a chapter is necessary for proper team building. The others were also needing a little bit of redemption after getting clapped on. I actually had a corny plan to let them all get kidnapped but thought better of it. This is one of the best teams on the planet and these villains are smart. Crazy. But smart. I’m actually happy the writing juices are flowing again and making sense. I do have more in store (as always) it’s just GETTING there that’s the hard part.

xWandererxcreators' thoughts