
In The Gray (Teen Titan/DC Fanfic)

Kevin Grant is a veteran from WW2... WW1, the War of 1812 & pretty much every other American conflict after 1812. He’s also kinda a dick. However something is brewing and Batman, Lex Luthor, and Ozymandias don’t know what. Grant’s brothers, consumed with their demonic powers, are looking for the Orb that has given them their curse. Also, guess what? Kevin’s been procrastinating on finding the stupid thing for two hundred years. Being turned down help from the Justice League Kevin is forced to his last resort: Raven. However, things don’t go according to plan because... let’s be honest: Kevin never has a plan. (Writing this as creative release I’m also taking creative liberties with writing. I may keep this as a serial that ends when it ends. Story arcs are strongly inspired by DC comics/Teen Titan comics as well as DC games and media. Kevin’s lack of care for triggers do not reflect the views of the author.) *** Arc 2 (cue classic narrator voice) After the deaths of two Titans, Deathstroke’s loved ones, and Black Adam’s family, things are amping up. Framed for the deaths of Osiris and Isis, the Titans, America and her allies are sworn enemies of Black Adam. The omnipotent tyrants rage is hotter than it has been in centuries and he is quickly pooling his allies and preparing for WW3. The Titans struggle to grieve their dead in the midst of all their responsibilities. They struggle to cope, and unlikely relationships bloom. Despite the spy in their midst. Deathstroke has a bone to pick with the world as well. After the death of his son at the perceived hand of the Titans he’s not an assassin for money at the moment. No, no this is personal. The only payment he’s taking is Vengeance, even if he has to form a team himself to do it. Kevin is still after the Heart and cancer-like tumors have shaped some of Gotham’s supervillains hideously. Does this have something to do with Raven’s cough and Ozymandias’ cancer and dreams? Read and find out! For any martial artist fans out there I TRY to go out of my way to develop ALMOST each character’s fighting style. Kevin uses a now forbidden Canadian style called combato. Dick Grayson uses a mix of Wing Chun, Arnis/Escrima and others of course. Batman uses a non-lethal Keysi as a foundation (he also used it in the 2008 movies). Deathstroke uses Krav Maga, LINE, Vale Tudo, Silat and Sambo. This is a bold challenge to do with justice but I will try my best. For any gun nuts, I went all out on gear and guns for Deathstoke’s scenes to give a little bit of some John Wick-style stuff thrown in. I post updates below so make sure to check from time to time! Without further ado: 05/05/23 Happy Cinco de Mayo~

xWandererx · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Trojan Horse (End of Arc 1)

Last Chapter of Arc 1 "Jackal in The Grass"

Tara Markov's pov

In the past I had walked into galas with the stares and the whispers. There I was, they must've said, my father's mistake. The Markov's bastard daughter born to an American mistress. I wasn't welcome in Markovia; but I wasn't welcome in the States either. My accent. My diet. My suffocating mother and the suffocating fear of the press.

I was locked up in a proverbial tower and the only escape was when I went down to the canyon. Here I could let it out a little. Not too much, someone would notice trees and destruction. Then ghost, cryptid or other whack hunters would bring their cameras to the area to see if they can find the cause of the anomalies. I had to stop shifting the landscape for an entire year because of Bigfoot hunters looking to find something else in my hills and valleys. The view of the stars and the sound of the creek always brought me peace at night.

No one had found me… until HE did.

Not Batman.


He had come to me with an offer. Slade worried me with how he knew who I was and just what to offer. I never thought I could have been read like a book so easily. I hated my father, and hated Markovia and America.

Deathstroke needed a team and, despite being rather capable himself, he claimed he needed me. Going into the no-tell motel at the foot of the canyon out of curiosity I was soon in a room full of others like me. Supers.

A one armed man going by the alias of "Risk" let me inside. Stepping into the threshold a metal skinned girl by the alias of Bombshell glared me down. A speedster by the alias of Inertia zipped behind me and closed the door.

(OC) A man was sitting at a table with a yin-yang symbol on the back of his jacket who they code named "The Landlord". He was playing five-finger-filet with himself with a , a game where one jabs a knife close to one's fingers as fast as possible, until I entered. He groaned, swiveled in his chair as a white tentacle came out of his hand and grabbed a soda from the nearby fridge. However, I noted that the knife disappeared from the table and he never put it in his pocket or a sheathe.

Arsenal and a woman by the name of Chersire watched me from the loveseat they shared.

"There's more to come." Deathstroke said after he saw me looking at everyone. "Your mission, however, is going to be much different."


Kevin's pov

Finally a bob-cut blonde I didn't recognize from the funeral stepped forward. I could hear her footsteps on the tile. With what I've been seeing lately I guess that's a sign that she hasn't been trained. She's green, as my old friends would say in the army. It was all over her face as well. At least until she regained her composure and stated professionally,

"I am Tara Markov, representative of the Royal Family and Parliament of Markovia. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

(A/N: Looking at her "names" Terra seems to be her alias rather than her name.)

The silence just hung in the air like the times people wore *Texas Neck Ties in the 1890's. To be honest, I was getting sick of this situation. I just wanted to be left alone for five seconds. With an exasperated groan, I spat, "Ma'am you're fine, and I'm sorry, but are we done now? Am I excused Batman?"

(A/N: *That's slang for lynching or execution by hanging.)

"Now that everyone is here," he continued, not even paying me any mind, "you can explain how you defeated Osiris."

"And if I don't want to?"

"It's alright comrade," Red Star interjected, "what's done is done. We won't judge."

"I'm sure those back in Markovia will be happy to know we're getting along." Tara added, "Please don't go quite yet."

"Does it relate to when you touched your cursed nail to the ring I gifted you?"

Everyone's gaze shifted to Arisia, she was so quiet many probably forgot she was there. By her tone, she wasn't happy and possibly didn't trust me. No, she didn't trust me. The other's might have doubts as well now. With a sigh, I relented but had a way to take Batman down a notch with me.

"I'll demonstrate," I open my palm towards Batman, "give me the ring in your pocket."

He arched his brow, the temptation to lie flitting through his eyes for only half a second, "How do you know about that?"

"I'm pretty good at recon when I'm serious. Most of the time I'm not or a bit unhinged."

Reluctantly he took out the kryptonite ring he always had in his pocket and slid it down to me. I elongated my thumb and flipped it back; only touching it for a fraction of a second.

"This works for most physical objects. Even if they are complex gadgets… or hardlight like Arisia's ring."

I faked a school kid's magic trick, swiping my hand over the other as I summoned the kryptonite ring onto my finger. It was different in design however; more spiked than Batman's. I tossed it to him.

"I can even alter the design but can't get rid of them sadly."

Orphan typed out, "And the other part?"

"By injecting this nail into someone with magical powers from angels, gods or demons I can make a similar duplication of their ability. With Osiris, I temporarily stripped him of his connection with Black Adam and rendered him powerless."

Troia's tone was taut with emotion when she asked, "Can you duplicate the Silent Armor that Cass wore?"

By the look on her face, she felt that question hanging in the room and thought she should be the one to ask it. We would have to divide Cass' things soon and the Silent Armor is her single most powerful artifact. If the entire team were to be boosted by duplicates forged by me we'd be nigh unstoppable.

"I can't. The Silent Armor was designed by a higher power to resist people cursed as I."

"Makes sense," she said, "the Armor also has a will of its own."

"So are you suggesting," Tara asked, "that you can take on the powers of Black Adam; a god, but can't affect whatever this armor is?"

"I'm an effective anti-magic and anti-god unit. Not trying to be sacrilegious but I'm positive that the Greek gods and Egyptian pantheon are affected."

"No offense taken," Donna monotonously replied, drifting away in her thoughts.

"So if your powers affected Osiris," Batman thought aloud, "then your abilities should be able to do the same to Black Adam."

"Possibly," I shrugged, "might not depower him but I know I can weaken him at least." I added, "Assuming we aren't using diplomatic strategies."

"We're using everything we got, just taking inventory." Batman replied. There was a pause and no one spoke further. "Any questions?"

"Can we get waffles?" Raven hesitantly asked and Donna stifled a laugh, covering her mouth as she did so. Raven just came in from so far out of the blue that I almost laughed as well. Batman couldn't help but smirk and sigh, adding,

"Then on that note, you all are dismissed."

***End of Arc 1***

Quote for Arc 2 "World War Jericho"

"In my attempt to protect our HOMELAND, I turned my back on the rest of the world. And I suffered for it. I witnessed the true evil that lives within so many and I realized that Kahndaq must teach the world how to deal with it…"

—Black Adam



"A Team"

Robin/Dick Grayson

Starfire/Koriand'r (Kory)

Raven/ Rachel Roth

Beastboy/ Garfield (Logan)

Cyborg/ Victor Stone

Donna Troy/Wonder Girl II/ Troia

Kevin Grant (MC)


"B Team"

Jericho/Joseph Wilson

Arisia Rrab/ "Cynella"

Miss Martian/ M'gann M'orzz (Megan Morse)


New Members:

Red Star/ Leonid Kovar

Tara Markov/ Terra (SPY)

Oracle/Barbara Gordon as Batgirl

Cassandra Cain/ Orphan

Danny Chase/ Phantasm

& more to come~


Hosun (with alternating help from Oracle and Chase)


Osiris/Amon Tomaz

Wonder Girl III/ Cassandra Sandmark


Deathstroke's Titans East remake:

Deathstroke & Terra

Bombshell/ Amy Allen

Enigma/ (Name Unknown)

Risk/ Cody Driscoll

Arsenal/ Roy Harper

Chersire/ Jade Nguyen

Inertia/ Thaddeus Thawne

The Landlord/??? (OC)

Match/ (No Name)

I’m going on a de facto hiatus. Been writing (or trying to write) a political book for here in America but I might surprise you again with chapters. Last time I said I was going on break I wrote the climax to this book. I have a few intermission chapters planned but my life has been crazy with 12+ hr days but I might be close to getting a better job and getting reset despite this de facto Depression going on. Stay safe and I’m always checking in if you wanna comment and chat. ;)

xWandererxcreators' thoughts