
In The Gray (Teen Titan/DC Fanfic)

Kevin Grant is a veteran from WW2... WW1, the War of 1812 & pretty much every other American conflict after 1812. He’s also kinda a dick. However something is brewing and Batman, Lex Luthor, and Ozymandias don’t know what. Grant’s brothers, consumed with their demonic powers, are looking for the Orb that has given them their curse. Also, guess what? Kevin’s been procrastinating on finding the stupid thing for two hundred years. Being turned down help from the Justice League Kevin is forced to his last resort: Raven. However, things don’t go according to plan because... let’s be honest: Kevin never has a plan. (Writing this as creative release I’m also taking creative liberties with writing. I may keep this as a serial that ends when it ends. Story arcs are strongly inspired by DC comics/Teen Titan comics as well as DC games and media. Kevin’s lack of care for triggers do not reflect the views of the author.) *** Arc 2 (cue classic narrator voice) After the deaths of two Titans, Deathstroke’s loved ones, and Black Adam’s family, things are amping up. Framed for the deaths of Osiris and Isis, the Titans, America and her allies are sworn enemies of Black Adam. The omnipotent tyrants rage is hotter than it has been in centuries and he is quickly pooling his allies and preparing for WW3. The Titans struggle to grieve their dead in the midst of all their responsibilities. They struggle to cope, and unlikely relationships bloom. Despite the spy in their midst. Deathstroke has a bone to pick with the world as well. After the death of his son at the perceived hand of the Titans he’s not an assassin for money at the moment. No, no this is personal. The only payment he’s taking is Vengeance, even if he has to form a team himself to do it. Kevin is still after the Heart and cancer-like tumors have shaped some of Gotham’s supervillains hideously. Does this have something to do with Raven’s cough and Ozymandias’ cancer and dreams? Read and find out! For any martial artist fans out there I TRY to go out of my way to develop ALMOST each character’s fighting style. Kevin uses a now forbidden Canadian style called combato. Dick Grayson uses a mix of Wing Chun, Arnis/Escrima and others of course. Batman uses a non-lethal Keysi as a foundation (he also used it in the 2008 movies). Deathstroke uses Krav Maga, LINE, Vale Tudo, Silat and Sambo. This is a bold challenge to do with justice but I will try my best. For any gun nuts, I went all out on gear and guns for Deathstoke’s scenes to give a little bit of some John Wick-style stuff thrown in. I post updates below so make sure to check from time to time! Without further ado: 05/05/23 Happy Cinco de Mayo~

xWandererx · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Satan Himself

Kevin Grant's pov

I was surprised by the amount of people that came. Not that I doubted that Cass was a loved person but by the fact that they got security clearance for all these people. I was half-listening to a Russian by the name of Red Star recount the last time he and the Titans teamed up.

He lacked tact and the ability to read the room but he was sincere and had good intentions. Just by the way he talked he was a proud Socialist and made me tense whenever he said "struck them down with the fist of Stalin" or something like that. I watched Communism rise. I wasn't there during the 1850's when Marx penned his Manifesto but I did read some old articles by him and Engel's published with the help of Horace Greeley. I was there when Eugene V. Debs ran for President five times. I was there when Stalin proclaimed the Holodomor, killing millions while the world kept their mouths shut. I was there when he planned to team up with Hitler who later likewise killed millions. I have actually been to Berlin between 1961 and 1989 when the Berlin Wall was in effect. I was there when it fell.

Let's just say I'm not a fan of Communism or all it's ideological children.

But this guy? He'd be fun to have a friendly debate with on a better day. A friend of the Titans is a friend of mine I guess. No one in our group were really talking to each other. Shame, embarrassment and disbelief were awash on their faces. Donna had a red spot on her cheek that anyone would assume was a mark from Diana hitting her since the Blue Lanterns healed everyone rather completely.

Respectfully dismissing myself from Red Star, I went to check on everyone. Starfire, Oracle and Robin all sat at tables near the casket. They were talking and I thought it best not to disturb them. Cyborg and Beast Boy stood with what looked like Cyborg's father as they talked. Garfield was silent and listening for once. I didn't take that as a good sign.

Arisia and Megan were at the foot of Cass' casket. Having been the closest, it seemed like they refused to leave her side. I didn't want to disturb them.

"Well, well, well," a familiar voice said evenly behind me, "if it isn't Kevin Grant."

I turned to see Zatanna in a fedora and tailed suit; befitting her magician occupation.

"If it isn't Zatanna. How's that seaweed and monkey?"

Instead of answering, she just gave me a hug. My whole body tensed but I accepted it. Well, to be honest, I didn't know what to do with it. She said in my ear, "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Th-thanks," I cleared my throat and regained my composure as she ended the embrace, "I'd like to apologize for what I said and how I acted. It was… uncouth."

"Oh please Baron Grant," she said, "no need for antiquated gala talk for me."

"Blow me, I'm trying to apologize here and don't call me 'Baron'."

"There's the Kevin I know. I'd also like to-"

"You don't need to reiterate yourself. I understand why you did what you did to Abraham. You are forgiven." She listened as I added, "But I had wished hell upon you and I don't wish that upon my worst enemies…" my eyes drifted to Cass' casket, "well maybe one now. But definitely not you."

"You are forgiven as well… how are they? If I may ask?"

"You can't," I growled, "but I gouged out the eyes of Judah and it felt good. He'll be back though. Abraham was taken to an isolated island by the others last I heard."

She nodded her head and we drifted into an awkward silence. I rubbed my neck sheepishly and I said, "Well, I'm really glad we got the chance to talk."

"If-" she struggled to offer, "if you ever need someone to talk to. With all this going on. Find me at Shadowcrest if you need me."

"Aww, see me as a friend?"

"My views of you really haven't changed." She buzz killed coldly.

"You're desperate and despicable Zatanna." I growled, "You really came to dig me for information and ask for my help in your experiments at the viewing of my DEAD FRIEND?!"

Onlookers glanced over at us as I seethed.

She stammered, eyes clearly shocked, "I didn't! I swear!"

"I'll just answer your question: there's only one thing, maybe two, that can kill a Baron for good; and it's nothing any magician—even Raven—could conjure. Now get out of my sight!"

Rage boiled in her eyes again and she spat, "You are unbelievable, Kevin Grant!"

She pushed her shoulder past me and if I wasn't at the viewing in borrowed clothes I would have fought her again. The nerve of that woman. I sighed, some apology on my part. It really did seem like she was snooping though. I'm sure she's already assumed that removing the cursed arm is one way to kill a Baron but that's never been done. If my entire body blew up I'd regenerate at the arm. Actually, none of us had died ever since the curse started so it's all theoretical when I get down to it.

A fellow friend in black came up on my flank and commented, "I don't think I've ever seen her that upset."

By the voice I knew it was Raven and I replied,

"I could have been wrong again, I don't know."

"Maybe," she replied, adding, "um, my mother was wanting to meet you. Want me to take you to her on the roof?"

"Like as in teleport?"

"Too many people to take the stairs." She said, an almost horrified look on her face. Ever the introvert, I kinda find it cute and hilarious.

"I'm fine with that I guess."

"Close your eyes, it can be a little disorienting."

"I've teleported before." I spat stubbornly and she rolled her eyes.

"Have it your way."

Without further warning we were on the rooftop patio overlooking the gardens of the estate. I saw Raven's mother looking to be in her early thirties or later twenties despite having a daughter nearly twenty so she had to be at least forty. Despite the simple black dress she was a stunning blue-eyed brunette. I tried to step forward but I stumbled flat out on my face. I felt dizzy and like the world was spinning as I tried to get up.

"Tried to warn you, feel like your equilibrium is off?"

"Shut up Raven." I said, "I got it."

I pushed myself up and hadn't noticed that Raven's mom had swirled around on me when I hit the floor. Startled, she recomposed herself and sighed, "Raven, couldn't you have just taken the stairs? You can't just avoid everyone."

"I don't want to talk." She replied.

At this moment my dizziness faded a little bit and I was able to extend a hand.

"Ms. Roth? It's a pleasure."

"You know my name," she said, taking my hand, "did Raven tell you about me?"

"No, why?"

"Well she's best friends with Jericho and she hasn't told him."

"Moooom-" Raven groaned.

"No," I chuckled, "Raven wanted to cut my head off with her forcefields or something the first day we met. After," I dramatically looked at my proverbial watch, "less than two weeks everyone got used to me."

"Well that's good," she pulled her hand away and intertwined them in her middle, "first, let me wish you best in light of current events. Second, I'm sure you know this isn't exactly a social call."

"I assumed it wasn't. I got a lot of talking coming in a few hours anyways."

"My daughter says that you also might have some connection to… her father?"

"I don't, the Heart came from Satan."

"Kevin," Raven said, "there is no Satan. Only Trigon."

"I'm not exactly Jesus, but there's a God, Satan; Heaven, and Hell."

"Kevin-" she tried to protest.

"Shhh," her mother cooed softly, "he's held onto those beliefs for a long time. You'll just have to respect that. Do you remember the mental fortification rituals in Azerath?"

"Of course I do, I do them every morning."

Every morning? When? Does she get up before Jesus even gets up in the morning?

"Now if your theory is true, imagine what a human mind would have to do alone to survive the torment from your father for longer than you have?"

I glanced back and forth between them, "What theory?"

Ms. Roth sighed and focused on Raven, "Do you want to tell him?"

Raven bore her eyes into me in deep thought for a second before saying, "I've only trusted Robin with this. It's more embarrassing than a pertinent threat… right now. So, can I trust you like you did on the beach?"

I couldn't help but smile, "A little quid pro quo never hurts among friends."

(A/N: "quid pro quo" is a Latin term for "this for that" and is sometimes used in English. A famous/infamous example of this was the first Impeachment of then-President Donald Trump as he was accused of asking a favor of the Ukrainian President. Latin phases like this are popular in legal jargon, occasionally Old English and older literature.)

I kinda dumped a lot of me out there, I'm glad she's giving me back an even amount of trust.

"Well," she started, tucking some hair behind her ear, "as I'm sure you are aware. I'm the daughter of Trigon." Her composure faltered for a moment and I asked,

"That's it?"

"No moron listen," she cleared her throat, "the real shocker is, as his daughter, I am a medium he could use to enter our world." She stopped, letting that sink in, but I still was a little confused on how that tied to me. So I stated the obvious hoping she'd get to the point,

"Annnnd he would kill us all?"

"Nah," she replied in annoyed sarcasm, "he would get everyone chicken and waffles."

"You're hungry aren't you?" She always talks about waffles when hungry.

"Kevin, you do get it do you?"


"What my daughter was trying to say is, it's possible that you could also be a medium for Trigon's invasion due to your connection to the Heart."

My blood cooled and my eyes widened. I never even thought about that. I'm not sure if my brothers thought of that either. Knowing them as they were the last time I met most of them, they were probably plotting what to do with the Heart for world domination. They didn't seem guided by some unseen force… but what if I couldn't see it because it's blinding me?!

"Oh Jesus Christ."

"My mother has… obviously had intimate moments with Trigon's avatar. As an empath trained by the monks of Azerath, it would be safer for her to check for an avatar's presence in you."

"Why is it safer for her to do it?" I asked.

"If one isn't careful- actually, if I'm not careful, I could hypothetically pass my condition to you and alert Trigon of your presence."

"Lovely." I groaned sarcastically.

"Just close your eyes and it will only take a second."

I did so bracing myself this time, and taking a breath. Her hand felt my head and then the air grew dense. My whole body tensed, I was overwhelmed with the very pressure of power on the air. Nigh-Omnipotence. I opened my eyes only to see an odd looking woman behind a bar. The red neon sign above her read "The Lux".

We looked at each other, both blinking awkwardly as the air tightened down. Despite a silver mask covering half of her face I knew this was an incredibly powerful demon just by the currents emanating from her. I elongated my nail but almost shivered in fear helplessly.

Crap! Did Raven's mom accidentally drop me in a Hell?!

A hand gripped my shoulder and I stopped. I shivered and shook. The stranger cooed in a charismatic voice, "Mazikeen, you should know better."

The hand on my shoulder was HIM.

"You're not Trigon."

"Nice to meet you as well, stranger." He said, "My name is Sameal."

"No, no it isn't."

"You wound me, lying is beneath me."

"You cursed me." I yelled, "You did this to me and my brothers!"

"I did nothing," the devil said, still behind me, "the Heart creates its own voices for those touched by it to hear. I merely misplaced it."

"Why?! Why did you do this?!" I turned and shook his hand off my shoulder and looked at him in his blonde hair and amber eyes.

The humanoid demon, Mazikeen, seemed to almost pounce onto me but the man held up a stopping hand. He laughed, and bemoaned to himself,

"Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The Devil made me do it.' I have never made any one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them."

Then he addressed me, "I never made anyone do anything. I only convinced one woman to eat a fig. You all think it was an apple but I assure you that I know it was a fig."

"Why am I in Hell?! Send me back!"

"You're not in Hell, kid." He said, picking up a shot glass with whiskey on the rocks in it, "You're in Los Angeles and the other half is wherever you came from. That dumb girl should just be about to stop touching you now and send you back." He sipped and waved dismissively, "Ta-ta."

Next thing I knew I opened my eyes and Raven's mother leaned heavily back on the railing. I was back in Gotham as Raven braced both of us up. She and I were both pale and clammy. Worry grew onto Raven's face and she asked,

"Did you see Trigon? Or his avatar?"

Her mother shook her head but couldn't bring herself to speak. I asked,

"Did you feel that… power from that man?"

Raven's mother nodded.

"Did you see Trigon?" Raven asked again.

"No, Raven… we didn't." I answered, "I'm telling you, it was Satan himself."

Writing is still slow and work is crazy, but thanks to American Thanksgiving I have had a little more time to write lately.

xWandererxcreators' thoughts