
In The Abyss As A Toon Character

After dying, I learned there was nothing on the other side. The only thing that awaits me is emptiness, with nothing to keep me company but my thoughts. ...by a sheer stroke of luck, fate gave me an opportunity. Another chance was granted to me, and I wouldn't let it slip away. Even if I am just a mere "show" of whatever sent me here, I will strive to make the best shot with every fiber of my being... ¿¿¿even if I need to turn into an MLP character??? (Disclaimer: Don't expect something good; it's decent at best, unlike you really like his ability, English isn't my first language, and it is my first time writing, I do it for fun, " so yeah this is my journey into learning how to write a novel, the first chapters are going to be bad but But they get better and better As I learn ALSO! this novel contains HIGH LEVELS OF MY LITTLE PONY!) Note 2 You can read my review and understand the theme of the novel/fanfic quickly

HeyItsMrOof · アニメ·コミックス
108 Chs

Chapter 21 The Game Had Begun

I stood there, gazing at the fancy equipment that Daniel bought. The armor looked new, and the materials seemed quite light, but as my hooves brushed its surface, I realized it was really rough.

The armor covered almost every inch of Daniel's body. It was adorned with intricate engravings that seemed to glow in the light.

"That seems expensive," I said, with my eyes still fixed on the equipment.

He replied, "At difference of someone, I need equipment to survive. You should search for ones, too."

"I'm already out of gold just for this transformation, even though I had a discount thanks to an upgrade."

Unlike Dante, who spends his money on better transformations, typical players need to spend money on their equipment and artifacts to close the gap, becoming stronger the more expensive their equipment is.

Nervously hovering mid-air, I questioned, "Did you manage to get everything we need?"

Daniel responded, slightly exasperated. "Yes, but could you stop circling me?"

Anxiously, I reply, "But it's nothing bad; I'm just a bit nervous. What if the system actually put a barrier in the sky?"

Daniel tried to calm me down for the mess he had just made. "I already told you it's just a theory."

Calming myself down, I declared, determined, "Alright, no more spinning. Let's head out. Those points won't gather themselves."

Daniel warned me, "Don't try anything reckless."

I shrug him off. "Me? I mean, what could go wrong? appart from that barrier."

"Don't jinx us," Daniel remarked, his voice laced with a faint tone of concern. Inside of his mind, he was quite concerned about this game. It could go extremely wrong.

With everything covered, we departed towards the place. As we reached our destination, I couldn't help but notice that the place had the fashion of a giant office, with hundreds of players completely crowding the area.

I sighed, "Such a thing as easy money doesn't exist."

The system's monotonous voice echoed, "996 players found, initializing."

I felt a surge of adrenaline as I waited for the countdown to begin. My hooves trembled slightly in anticipation as the system's voice droned on.



1... "

"The game had begun."

As soon as the countdown ended, the surroundings transformed into a ruined modern city that fought a war against the passage of time. A few players materialized nearby, but I gnored them.

A pleasant breeze brushed against my face, carrying with it the scent of fresh plants that had taken over the ruins. The structures were so damaged that they allowed the breeze to pass through their remains. Filling the air with a sense of tranquility.

Squinting my eyes, I looked up at the beautiful blue sky. "I prognosticate that It's going to rain soon, maybe even snow."

Daniel didn't waste any time and began planning for the worst-case scenario. After all, they might not be able to fly if a storm hit this place. "Did your senses tell you that?" he asked.

"Kinda like that, anyway. Get ready." I grabbed him tightly. Daniel already had an omen of what was going to happen.

My wings start moving, propelling us to the sky, high above the city. After some seconds, we reached the clouds.

It was then that I noticed Daniel had covered his body with aura. I asked, curious, "Why did you do that?"

Daniel explained, "Do you know my body isn't equipped to go at this speed, right? The last time, I had to do it mid-flight because I nearly passed out."

"Fair enough!" I redirected my attention to the breathtaking scenery. "Pretty, isn't it? Everything is small from here... Now I gotta work, so stay in the clouds for a few hours," I dropped him onto a nearby cloud.

My hooves got to work and started making a place to pass the night. "Hey, do you want a simple house or a complex one? Clouds are really malleable. I might pull something funny with them."

5 seconds passed, and he didn't answer

"Daniel?" I quickly turned backward, puzzled by "why didn't he respond?" only to find the spot empty.

Panic urged me, "SHIT! DANIEL!" as soon as I saw the hole in the clouds. I connected the dots and realized that he must have fallen through.

My wings snapped into action, propelling me downward. The rush of wind surrounded me as I descended. "DAMMIT, I FORGOT HE CAN'T WALK IN CLOUDS."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as my eyes scanned the place. "A black dot falling, a black dot falling, a black dot falling. THERE!" My focus honed in on the rapidly falling black dot.

I kept going faster until my hooves were able to snatch him out of the air.

Catching him in my forearms, I felt awkward as I apologized, "Sorry, I forgot about that tiny detail." 

"..." Daniel didn't respond and just kept looking at me.

I tried to reassure him. "Oh, common, it wasn't that bad. I just dropped you for a few seconds."

Still, he remained silent, with his eyes boring into mine. I couldn't help but feel a little unnerved. "Are you gonna ignore me seriously? look, you could have fallen for like."

My gaze turned to the ground, trying to calculate how much time

"Eh... 1 minute? even if I took 30 seconds to realize it, nothing bad would happened."

Daniel, clearly irritated, calmly said to him, "I just saw my life passing through my eyes and wondered if I was about to die in one of the most stupid ways."

Feeling a bit guilty, I apologized again. "My bad, My bad. It won't happen again," we flew upwards above the clouds. I bit down on his clothes and signaled for him to hold on tight.

Daniel inquired, "Why don't you just carry me?"

I hardly babble, "I need both of my forelegs to work, why? becuase I don't want to babysit you the entire event."

Daniel retorted, "That didn't answer my question."

"I'm going to compress the clouds until you can walk in them." I start to spin in circles until the pile of clouds compresses enough until I feel it's enough.

The white cloud slowly turned into a blue one. For some reason, was I charging them, or it's normal?

Dante didn't know how his weather manipulation works. From his perspective, he just needs to touch the clouds, and that's it.

I carefully put Daniel in the cloud and got ready to catch him, but this time, he didn't fall.

I shouted excitedly, "It's working! IT WORKS!" Although he doubted it at first, he's now relieved that he won't have to charge with Daniel throughout the entire game.

But Daniel looked baffled, and I could tell he wasn't convinced. "That doesn't make sense," he said.

"The point is that it just works. Now, as I said before, I have to work to because I like to sleep in a roof."

With everything finished, the work began again.




For a moment, I couldn't resist procrastinating and playfully poked at the condensed clouds. "Hehe." The color began to change from white to blue, then swiftly changed to black.

"I wonder what happen if I." Instinctively, my senses urged me to kick the cloud, and without thinking twice, I kicked it.

It started a thunderstorm. "Oh, so that's how." Amused, Dante continued playing with the clouds until in a chain reaction all the clouds in the city began to rain intensely.

After hours of heavy rain, Dante, by a slight 'miscalculation,' unintentionally changed the weather to a more freezing one. All the clouds started snowing, and the place filled with delicate snowflakes, blanketing the area.

He didn't mind it. Right now, he was happily wreaking havoc and trying his new abilities. The system didn't explain much about his pegasus physiology1 and his new passive magic.

The players below were having a hard time. Recently, it started to rain heavily, almost drowning them, and now the climate has changed to a snowy one.

Dante let the snow, not caring much about it until a message popped up.

+250 gold (minor assistance)

Seconds later, the same message popped up.

+250 gold (minor assistance)

"Huh?" I was quite confused. What does it mean minor assistance? Did I kill someone by letting them freeze to death?

A few minutes later, I got another 2

+250 gold (minor assistance)

+250gold (minor assistance)

Dante was actually quite happy about this outcome. "Hey, is free, and who doesn't like free things?" he is making money by technically doing absolutely nothing.

He kept building the terrain for the house, and finally, Daniel had terrain to extend his legs. He had to stay in that small cloud Dante made at the start.

Curious, Daniel asked, "What are you doing?"

I replied, "Our house cuz this event probably will last a few days."

Daniel remarked, "But it doesn't need to be that fancy."

The reason for his question? I literally was making a garden to delimit the terrain where I'd build our house. While it wasn't anything extravagant, I made a pair of cloud sculptures with some cloud-shaped plants to decorate the area.

Moments later, I completed the garden, so I shifted my focus to the house. Encarving a sketch in a cloud of how the final design will be.

As I condensed clouds to form the structure's skeleton, a little insect visited me. The insect had a moth-like appearance. One remarkable feature was its white color.

My wings got ready to strike it at any moment. Typical insects can't survive at this height, even if we are in another world. The rain and snow should make it impossible to fly this high.

The mysterious moth spoke, "My name is Su Yuan. I came here to propose an alliance that will benefit both of us."

Authors note:

Note 1

I was getting a bit worried because I lost the plot ("The plot" RN is in chapter 32). I was thinking about what to do next now that I learned how to write a bit. Perhaps I could start my own original work. (In the end, I decided to finish this first. After all, there are a lot of things that I could learn)

I never thought I would come this far.

It was just the silly idea of MLP characters fighting against other characters, but like a snowball, It got bigger and bigger until I ended up with the conviction to learn "how to write" tho AI is kinda of un-motivating me, what I'm doing probably in 5 years could be automatized and just in simple clicks a history of similar fashion will be born.

Anyway, enough of me.

Note 2

I can't resist it anymore. I'm gonna publish a spoiler. (it's a big one, so don't click it unless you want to spoil yourself. This is mainly for two friends who reads this work.)

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓


Note 3

no chapter the last friday, IK IK... I forgot to write the chapter because I played TFT the whole night (Srry)

Note 4

Quick story (you can skip it if you aren't interested)

Anyway, I wrote a fan-fic out of my fan-fic because... let's say I was a bit bored and thought it would be funny (Side-story / unexplored things...)

Anyway, I said it to a friend, and he told me, "isn't that just a spin-off?"

I remember freezing for about 3 seconds and thinking.



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

HeyItsMrOofcreators' thoughts