
In Re:zero with nothing but The breathing styles from Demon slayer

What would happen if you’re just living your ordinary life when suddenly you get Transported to a different world, but not just any world, but the world of Re:zero. A very dangerous and dark Isekai where the main character Subaru dies in so many brutal ways it would drive any ordinary person insane. And this is the very same world our protagonist Jasper Got thrown into and his only saving Grace is in the form of the Breathing styles from Demon Slayer and the Rokushiki from One Piece. and even with that the only thing he could say is ,“ I’m going to die in this cruel world aren’t I?”.

Jawblade179 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Becoming a Bounty Hunter

{six months later}

"997, 998, 999, 1000, phew I can't believe I'm able to bench this, then again people in this world are way stronger than your average man." Said the highschooler after benching two boulders the size of full grown black bears.

After setting the bar down on the makeshift rack he made, got up began to wipe the sweat of on his brow with the palm of his hand.

"I really have gotten way stronger haven't I, but then again, I was basically benching 4 tons, not even the strongest human back in my old world could even accomplish something like that, and what was the world record again for the most weight ever bench pressed? I think it was like a little over 700 pounds which is not even half a ton." He said to himself with a bit of bewilderment of what he was able to accomplish so far.

Getting off the bench that he made for his workout routine got up, then he walked over to the boulder that he promised himself that he would split six months ago or could he?

"Well, here goes nothing." So he went and picked up the katana laying up against the boulder, then positioned it It over his head then filled up his lungs with air at the upmost capacity, and then breathing out which made a hissing sound with what looked like steam coming out between his teeth.


Then bringing down the katana in a forward motion so fast it shattered the sound barrier with a sonic boom, splitting the Massive boulder with one clean stroke causing a huge cracking sound like thunder.

After he was done, looked at his work and couldn't believe at what he did, but he was more amazed that the katana didn't break on him like he expected it to.

"Damn motherfucker, I was expecting it to split, but not like this, if I remember correctly when Tanjiro split his bolder in half it didn't make a sound and he didn't even realize it until after it happened." he took a quick pause before continuing on what he was saying.

"I'm surprised the sword didn't break on my ass and send Metal Shrapnel at my fucking face, That would've sucked."

After all the Katana he currently possessed didn't cost that much for it to be made by a blacksmith in Banan.

"Whatever it doesn't matter anymore, what does matter is I just fucking split this boulder like it was nothing, can you believe it? Like man I really wish I could've done this back on earth." He said this while examining the boulder He just cut and was Impressed at himself of what he was able to accomplish.

"Damn I cut it very cleanly and on the sidenote I didn't just cut the rock either." Jasper Mumbled to himself was he was done, examining the boulder he just cut.

There was a deep cut in the ground where the boulder was split, he couldn't exactly tell how deep it was because he couldn't see the bottom of it.

"How deep did I cut into the Earth? Maybe I underestimate my on strength?" It seems to be the most likely case, now I'm pretty sure I could've split it about six months ago but I didn't because I thought I didn't have the necessary strength to do it.

Maybe I'm just overthinking things but on the contrary, I've gotten pretty strong, but let's not get it over my head, after all I'm not some Overpowered Isekai Protagonist.

there is plenty of people out there that could easily crush me like a bug and I'm not kidding if you seen some of the people in this world are able to accomplish by Physical means or some ability like an Authority, Divine protection or Magic for that matter, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Now enough of that, let me get back on topic here, so after I was done with my little episode I packed up my things and headed out to find a job and you all know the reason why and if you don't It's because I ran out of money.

The Bag of coins I got from the carriage driver run out yesterday and I'm in the need of some funds and what better way to accomplish that is to get a job and I have the perfect one in mind.

Let's see if the life of a Bounty Hunter is the life for me yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

After I was done packing up all my stuff, I ran off into the wind so fast that a normal human wouldn't be able to see me and went off my merry way.


{Sometime later}

Here I was in the middle of town or city, what it's Properly called, anyways I'm looking for a Employment Agency, but I'm looking for the ones that are officially recognized by the City of Banan, the unofficial ones are a lot more shady and evolve criminal activity, like assassination and smuggling.

Which I don't wanna get involved in and who could blame me I'm not dealing with that shit, I want to do the stuff that is fucking legal I don't want my ass getting arrested then getting tortured and killed, which is the last thing I want.

I eventually found the place I was looking for, then went inside after going through the front entrance, I spotted a lizard man type Demihuman at the front desk.

So I walked up to the front desk and when I got there I began to ask If I was in the right place, after all I could've ended up at one of the unofficial Employment Agency's and that would be really bad, "Is this the employment agency that Is officially recognized by the City of Banan I've heard about Isn't it?"

The lizard man looked at me strangely Before Replying with a bit of attitude, "It is, are you looking for a job and If you are, you come to the right place so what kind of job you're looking for? Might I ask Kiddo?"

I responded to him with me being serious in my tone of voice, "Is bounty hunting a job because that's what exactly what I'm looking for."

The lizard man put his hand on his chin then tilted his head in a curious way, then spoke to the boy with a bit of confusion, "I wouldn't really call that a job but we do have a bunch of bounty posters sent to this establishment for anyone who is looking for that kind of work." The lizard man paused for moment, like he was thinking, then presumed on what Confused him.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is such a young Whippersnapper such as yourself looking for that kind of work?"

Jasper just shrugged his shoulders and replied with a bit of sarcasm, "Don't know, I thought it would be a bit fun."

The clerk of the employment establishment had a very serious look on his face, and was about to respond to his whippy remark but the Highschooler raised up his hand to stop him which caused the Lizard man to shut his mouth with a confused look on his face.

Trying not to make the situation more awkward he began to tell the real reason why he was looking for the kind of work that he was searching for, "Sorry about that, I was just joking, but Jokes aside I mainly doing it for battle experience and I'm running out of money to, so can you help this poor kid."

The Lizard man had a annoyed look on his face but it he changed back to normal just as quickly as it came, "Why didn't you say so from the beginning? You youngsters are all the same these days not respecting your elders." The beast man sighed for brief moment before facing the Highschooler again, "Well kid if you're looking to become a bounty hunter, you come to the right place now let me take you to the back we're we keep all the wanted posters."

So the Establishment clerk took me to back through a door that was right beside the front desk, down the hall and into a decent size room and there was a a bulletin board full of wanted posters.

But something got me curious, so I asked him what was on my mind, "This might sound like a dumb question but why do you keep the wanted posters back here if I mind asking."

The Lizard man gave me hump which followed by him blowing air out through his nostrils. "That is a dumb question, but to answer it, the main reason why we keep these back here is so none of the Mercenaries or Bounty Hunters can't just snatch them whenever they want for free, these Posters are only given out to only government official establishments so you won't just see anyone just walking around with them."

'That makes sense after all the Government Official Establishments need to make money to, and it also explains why I couldn't find any bounty posters anywhere until I asked around were I could find some.' Jasper thought to himself why it made perfect sense as to why he couldn't find any bounty posters hanging around the city of Banan.

But he paused a bit, thinking about what the other thing the Lizard man said, 'What did he say? It's not for free, do have to pay a fee or something?'

So Jasper asked the question That was bothering, "What do you mean by not free? Is there are like some kind of fee to pay or something."

"It is like that, and don't worry it isn't that much, The employment agency here only takes 10% of the wanted posters worth when the job is done, but unlike me the other Government Official Establishments would charge even more, so you're getting a deal here Kiddo." Said the Demihuman with a bit of attitude towards the highschooler.

Jasper passed for a moment before looking back at the bulletin board full of wanted posters then began to look for ones that was in his skill level.

Finding the one he wanted, went over to the board and took it off looking intently at it.

"I'll take this one."

In response to the Highschooler's choice, the lizard man leaned over and looked at the wanted poster in Jasper's hand and had a bit on concern on his face, "Are you sure about that kid, I wouldn't really recommend this for bounty hunters that are starting out."

He looked at the Lizard man with a smile on his face and pointed to himself with his thumb, "Don't worry about it old man I'm pretty strong so I can take care of this by myself."

The lizard man looked at him with a bit of suspicion but shrugged it off like he was used to it, "Whatever kiddo but I warn you if you die It's on you,"

"I accept your concern but I can take care of myself,"

After their little skirmish was done, Jasper filled out some paperwork registering him as a official bounty hunter and set off on his first Bounty Hunt not knowing what was awaiting for him.

"Well let's bag this guy and hopefully I don't die or I'm going straight to Cannon and that would really suck."

So Jasper went off into the Sewers looking for his attended target, but what he didn't know was that he would be fighting for his very life.


[To Be Continued]