
In Once A Power

Be someone that don't take anything granted and be content on what you have.

Ellnlir · LGBT+
1 Chs


Deep inside the forest lies a cabin who owned by a family that consist of three people. The two elderly couple and their sickly daughter, the family weren't poor rather the cause was just unknown.

The girl was just waiting for her end as her parents watch her suffering from something unknown. If you can see her you'll describe her, a pale woman whose lips turned gray. She walk wobbly that why she's being assisted and if she grab something she can't even lift it nor snatch it as her arm have no strength apply in it.

Her senses are disrupted by the unknown cause of her body. If you yell at her she only hears a whisper, she can't smell anything, she don't feel a thing nor taste things and mostly she can't not see clearly in a dark and dim places.

That's why her parents want her last day to be as colorful and full of lifes, the green leaves of the tree and the small river at the front porch of the cabin. Makes her want to spend her remaining days as lovely as possible. Even she can't decipher the image into clear version but seeing a faded green doesn't make her lose hope.

As she was sitting on the chair at the porch, the bird chirp in melody as the wind touch the colorful leaves making a wonderful sound of waving wind in sync with the river flowing and those mini waterfalls it create.

She may lost her senses but it doesn't mean she forget the image of the terrain that was never touch by someone. She is strong for making it far but that doesn't mean she's not afraid, she's afraid of leaving the people she love.

As minute gone by she felt a pang on her chest but she ignore it, she know what it's meaning. The scenery was just the same a simple but full of live as she see it but this time her father talk to her endlessly but this time she hear him clearly as if the unknown cause was not their.

She blink once, twice, trice and the fourth one is when she heard something broke, her head turned to were it came it was her mother covering her mouth as tears fell on her cheeks and her father who was standing look blankly confused. How can the unknown cause disappeared like a wind when it was hurting her for a straight four years.

They hugged each other because no she was already cured it was gone the unknown cause was gone? Why know, why not before.

Her mom hurriedly go back inside to get another tray of food, and her father pull his chair closer to her and began to talk. She smiled and look at the scenery in front of her... But every second her vision is getting weaker and weaker.

She thought 'Ahh I see so for the last minute before I would be gone you gave me a meaningful gift to see the beauty of this world'. As she slowly lost her vision she wanted her parents to be the last image printed on her soul that is why she slowly turned back second after second and then landed on them.

She smiled happy but with longing as she look at her father stood quickly and calling her "Andrea!, Andrea,!" And her mother who was calling her father.

Her mother, Jewell Flordyes

Her Father, Andre Flordyes

Was the last figures she saw on her end. As the dark swallow her slowly into the abyss a flick can be heard.


Be strong for someone who make you strong and help you stood up high, because giving up is just a word of loneliness.


Ellnlircreators' thoughts