
In Naruto World With Instant Mastery Cheat

An anime fanboy is suddenly transported in Naruto world with Cheat System. This does not in anyway follow cannon. This fanfic is what you say ‘fuck you’ canon and is based on my ideas. Basically if you know what my name is then it will be like those Hentai games but with semi-crack plot.

HentaiGod · その他
82 Chs

Meeting my In-laws

I open my eyes instantly checking my surrounding only to see that I seem to have frightened a sexy nurse with my outburst.

"Hehehe… sorry about that." Rubbing the back of my head sheepishly I apologize to her. Glaring at me for who knows what (probably scaring the crap out of her), she calls for Tsunade. SERIOUSLY! Isn't Tsunade supposed to be a snotty, gambling and a drunk old hag hiding her age with illusion who refuses to return to Konoha blaming the death of her precious people?

I shouldn't really be surprised anymore knowing that Minato and Kushina are still alive. Hell! The bastard even married Uchiha Mikoto that sexy brunette, god damn lucky bastard.

By the way, didn't I complete my quest? I did see the glimpse of the notification stating that I completed the quest. Let's see my reward.

[Name - Haruno Akira

Title - Gamer (Gives skills Gamer Mind and Gamer Body)

Age - 5

Lvl - 28

Exp – 1,000/17,000

HP - 360/360

CP - 220/220

STR - 41

DEX - 43

VIT - 36

INT - 22

CHA - 25

Stats points - 75

Cheat Code

Instant Mastery - Any skill learned will instantly be max lvl.


Gamer Mind Lvl Max (Passive) - Grants total calmness in any kind of situation and also immunity to mental status effects.

Gamer Body Lvl Max (Passive) - Grants body that will let you live in that of a video game world.

Absolute Chakra Control Lvl Max (Passive) - Allows you to have absolute control over your chakra.

All chakra related skills cost 75% less chakra.

Chakra Enhancement Lvl Max (Active) - Allows you to enhance your body through chakra.

X3.5 STR and DEX when active.

Sense Presence Lvl Max (Passive) - Allows you to have detect and recognize all living being in the radius of 6.5 kilometers.

Killing Intent Lvl Max (Active) - Allows you to project your killing intent to your target to cause devastating effects.

Mental status Fear is applied to your target causing 55% of all Stats drop.

Killing Intent won't work on people who is 40 levels higher than the user.

Drunken Fist Taijutsu Lvl Max (Passive) - A fighting style based on a drunk martial artist. Many might not think highly of this fighting style but it is one of the most fearsome and unpredictable fighting style out there.

25 VIT 30 DEX 25 STR

Lightning Affinity Lvl Max (Passive) – Grants natural affinity towards lightning making it stronger.

X10 Lightning based attacks

Lightning Resistance Lvl Max (Passive) - Reduces lightning based damage by 75%.

Limit Breaker Fist Lvl Max (Active) - An attack that uses all the chakra as a final resort to cause devastating strike. Warning! Will lose consciousness after using it due to chakra exhaustion.

CP x STR x DEX plus 1000 Damage.]

So, I know that the quest gave me 15 levels worth exp and Lightning affinity but what about the unknown reward? Dammit, I can't even check out what my reward was… must have been something amazing like what might be the chance of having to be engaged to the girl I saved? I know that she is just a little girl for now but once she grows up… Damn! With that beautiful red hair and cute round face matching with those soul sucking deep blue eyes and not to mention she was already developing in those areas if you know what I mean.

Sadly… I don't think that the quest would provide me with a fiancée. In order to get my dream girl, I have been extensively putting my points in CHA meaning my charisma. I don't really know what my current charisma points represent since I put all my previous point in it as my Drunken Fist Taijutsu gave me 25 VIT 30 DEX 25 STR.

CHA AKA my charisma represents how I look to other people. If my charisma is too low then I might as well be regarded as the village pariah like Naruto was treated in anime. I should spend my points seriously now since I only get 5 points each level and now that I have leveled up quite a bit I can't recklessly spend my points.

STR, my strength defines how much damage I can do with my bare fist or specific weapon and how much load I can carry.

DEX, my dexterity defines how agile and fast I am. It also represents some damage with bare fist and specific weapon just like STR but not by too much.

VIT, my vitality defines how much HP I have and how much physical damage I can endure. Each point of vitality gives 10 HP.

Lastly my INT, my intelligence. It doesn't really make me smart though it only defines how much CP I have and how much chakra based damage I can deal or endure. Each point of intelligence gives 10 CP.

Let's put 25 points in charisma making it 50 that should be enough to make me fabulous, right? And 10 points in each of the remaining stats saving 10 points later in case of emergency.


For raising your CHA to 50, you learned

Charming aura Lvl Max (Passive) – The opposite sex will always have favorable impression of you.]

YES! Harem here I come. Badass people like me always have harem since a single girl will never be able to handle a guy like me who's worth thousands of other guys put together. But it seems I didn't get any skills from getting my STR and DEX to 50 points.

[Name - Haruno Akira

Title - Gamer (Gives skills Gamer Mind and Gamer Body)

Age - 5

Lvl - 28

Exp – 1,000/17,000

HP - 460/460

CP - 320/320

STR - 51

DEX - 53

VIT - 46

INT - 32

CHA - 50

Stats points – 10]

Well, whatever… no point in worrying about it.

BANG! The door of room is kicked open by a blond woman and behind her I can see the cute little damsel I saved. She must have come to thank me and who is this blond woman? Is she Tsunade? Damn she is hot but sadly she must be using her illusion to hide her original appearance so I won't get excited about it. I wonder where Jiraya is though he is always pestering her with his perverted antics.

"So, brat you are finally awake huh? You caused a lot of trouble but thanks for saving my god daughter." Tsunade gives me a warm smile and behind her the cute red headed girl is actually fidgeting nervously. I stare at both of them gob smacked.

Senju Tsunade Lvl 270 (God Mother-in-law)

Namikaze Uzumaki Naruko Lvl 22 (Fiancee)

If it wasn't for my Gamer Mind I would've lost my mind. The girl I saved was actually the female version of Naruto with red hair! Blasphemy! No… wait! The game shows that she's my fiancée and Tsunade my God Mother-in-law. This… this must be the greatest thing that has happened in my life. My road for badass ninja career has only begun, every badass person has a badass lover and what better choice than the female version of Uzumaki Fucking Naruto and she's going to be hot I can already see the future.

Calm down… right now it might only be my fantasy talk right now but love is not something you feel right away and as a man I will make her completely in love with me and maybe I too will but that's for the future I guess.

"Ano… thank you for saving me. My name is Namikaze Uzumaki Naruko. You can call me just Naruko or maybe… Naruko-chan." I must have been staring at them for too long. She's pretty shy, I thought she would be like a certain hyperactive blond blabbering non-stop. She a little bit like Hinata… maybe she has Hinata's personality. I gotta play it right.

"Yo! Haruno Akira pleasure to meet ya, Naruko-chan." I call her Naruko-chan to deepen our relationship. But still it's weird since she is practically 3 years older than me.

"Aaah! Akira-kunnn!" Naruko excitedly hugs me leaving me dumbfounded. I thought her personality was similar to Hinata.

"Hahaha… how about that? Our little hero is already getting some love from our princess." Tsunade laughs teasing the both of us. It didn't bother me much because of my skill but Naruko is almost ready to blow some steam seeing how red her face is.

"Baa-chan! He's my fiancée. Of course, I will love him and always will, dattebane." Wow… such declaration of love. It makes me feel less of a man being confessed like this.

Looking at my face after such a bold confession she starts getting flustered. Gotta make a comeback, my pride as a badass man will not allow me to become like those wimpy protagonists with no action. I pull Naruko towards me making her look deep into my eyes.

"Naruko, thank you for loving me." With those words I give her a French kiss.


Having your first kiss with your lover 1 CHA]

Damn… didn't expect that. When I looked at Naruko again she had collapsed with blood pouring out of her nose… Yup, she has a little bit of Hinata in her. I wonder if Hinata is here in this multiverse. Oh, her status seems to have changed from fiancée to lover. Isn't that the same? Anyway Tsunade seems to be amused by our interaction and actually happy that I kissed Naruko. Still, does this make me a lolicon? Probably but who says I wasn't already to begin with. Muhahaha… as a guy you must be willing to love all kinds of girl (not the ugly ones though).

"Kid we have something important to discuss." Signaling an ANBU to escort Naruko away she looks at me with serious yet gentle expression. I don't know, this Tsunade is different or is it because of my charming aura skill.

"I am glad you are awake, we were worried especially Naruko." Without any warning Namikaze Minato appears in front of me with a yellow flash. Damn him for his cool entrance, still blond hair with blue eyes and girly face… he doesn't really look badass, he gives more of a mascot character aura. I can see Minato twitching his eyebrow.

"Akira-kun you wouldn't be happening to think something bad about me, right?" He must be some kind of mind reader.

"Umm… how did you know?" Tsunade burst out laughing and I can feel another people's presence as well coming behind the door. And when they appeared I feel really… I don't know how to explain my feeling.

Namikaze Minato Lvl 420 (Girly Badass Father-in-law)

Namikaze Uzumaki Kushina Lvl 301 (Overprotective Mother-in-law)

Namikaze Uchiha Mikoto Lvl 280 (Gentle Mother-in-law)

Uchiha Itachi Lvl 299 (Kind Brother-in-law)

Damn they are overpowered and here I thought I was OP. Though I did defeat a Lvl 76 ninja while being only Lvl 3, if that's not OP then I don't know what is. But still Girly Badass Father-in-law… hahahaha so funny.

"Is something funny, AKIRA-KUN?" oops… I seem to have laughing loudly without meaning to.

"Minato-kun can you blame him? You look so girly so of course it's funny." Minato seems like he's on verge of crying. Poor guy. Even his own wife calls him girly, Kushina sure is blunt though.

"Haruno-kun, we would like to discuss to you about your engagement. I would like to be direct. Will you be willing to marry my little imouto and if you are, can you promise to love her not because of her lineage but for who she is?" Itachi always so serious yet very kind at the same time, now that's what I call a badass character. Just his way of talking is cool, but I won't be outpaced by him.

"Brother-in-law I will be blunt with you. I don't care if she's the daughter of Hokage or heck the daughter of Kami himself. And right now, I only like her since she's cute and beautiful though I guess having a girly father with a beautiful mother does that to you (Minato is almost on the verge of fainting). But as a man I will not back down in trying to whole heartedly devote myself to a girl who has confessed to me of her love." I look at them with determined eyes. They seem to have gone quiet for a while and suddenly I am being squeezed the life out of me by Kushina.

"See I told you he's the perfect guy for our Naru-chan. He's so adorable and serious. Kyaa… makes me want to eat him alive." I look at the others for help but they all seems to be smiling at me and Minato is actually crackling madly at my misfortune… damn him. So, you wanna play it that way huh Father-in-law?

Oh shit! my HP is decreasing.


Status Effect – Suffocation

You have fainted.]

Might take a bit longer time for next few chapter.

HentaiGodcreators' thoughts