
In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System

***** Beware! There is no proper logic in this story!!! The early chapters are very rocky since this is my first time but it gets better. I promise. ***** Akihiko, a person from Earth was reincarnated into the World of Naruto with his Slightly Perverted System although most of the missions the System gives are super perverted. ***** I'm just a amateur writer who wants to write fanfictions. So if my writing is a bit bad, sorry.

SupremeCookie · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

Sad News (This time, it's for real)

Hello, this is Supreme Cookie.

I got a life again now lol.

So I'm gonna go into an indefinite hiatus. When I'm in the mood, I might write again. I might not write ever again. I do not know. I gotta focus on other things.

I'm sorry for doing this. I said that i wouldn't drop this fanfic before it's ended and I kept my word. I just went into an indefinite hiatus.

Thank you for reading this fanfic and supporting me. I would have dropped this fanfic at the 6th chapter if it weren't for all of your support.

I'll be active sometimes in the discord server tho. Thank you for understanding and I love yall.

I hope you all are having a good day and bye bye.

[a/n: No proofreaders for this chapter.]