
In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · アニメ·コミックス
284 Chs

Chapter 229 : Madara Uchiha

"You are just like your father Namikaze brat," Onoki said while looking at the second Tsuchikage sealed in front of him. He in the end needed Kirito's help to seal his predecessor.

"I will take that as a compliment," Kirito replied while not even looking at the old man. His attention was on his template update as the only reason he fought those Kages alone was because his template was upgrading like crazy back then.

[Minato Template 90%]

[Ding, Congratulation Host on unlocking KCM 2]

A smile appeared on Kirito's face and he sighed with relief, he turned to the army which overwhelmed the white Zetsu and almost was over on their end.

Thanks to Kirito, there was no impersonation this time around, Kirito even sent clones to other Divisions to identify the Zetsu clones impersonating the shinobi from the alliance and helping other divisions.

"It was a compliment," Onoki said with a smile but then suddenly a massive chakra was spotted by many of the shinobi. This chakra just suddenly appeared and even Kirito was taken aback.

He looked back and noticed one single coffin appear out of nowhere and the one summoning the coffin was none other than the second Tsuchikage.

Kirito before even waiting for the coffin to open snapped his head to see where he just sealed the Tsuchikage but he found that the mummy put one of his clones in there. 

Some sort of advance replacement maybe?

"This, this can't be" He heard Onoki say this and he already had some idea of what the old man just saw.

He slowly turned his head towards where the Coffin was and saw the devil himself standing there.


He said like the words were venom, not like he didn't like Madara's character, in fact he was a fan but this bastard has cost much trouble in this world and he can't help but resent it.

"What is this, are you the one who summoned me here," Madara asked while looking at the army in front of him and the mummy standing beside him.

"Ku ku ku ku, Madara Uchiha I am Orochimaru and I am working with Obito. He asked me to revive you to help us," Orochimaru gave his best shady village talk in front of a badass villain.

Kirito saw this interaction happening and started to think of a solution to seal this guy up. He actually had a way. While Normal sealing would have worked, he created a way to seal Madara. The problem is that he had to summon Shinigami for that, not something he wanted to do,'

"Let's put that as the last resort," Kirito muttered to himself as he knew that he would not die but he would lose much of his life when he did that. 

But he still acted like he didn't know the person who came out. "Seems like you know the person," Orion asked not even thinking that there was literally a Godzilla-size statue of Hashirama and this man in the valley of the end.

Even Onoki didn't think much and replied with dread in his tone, "Of course, there is no way I can forget that man's face, he is Madara Uchiha," Onoki replied.

"Oh," That was Kirito's simple response before he said.

"Back off, this is gonna get troublesome real soon," Kirito shouted toward the army.

On the other side, Orochimaru was explaining the entire situation to Madara.

"That is Kirito Namikaze, He is the strongest shinobi of his generation and has spoiled many of our plans till now. He is also the chief Commander of the Shinobi Alliance as you can see," Orochimaru said using Mu's body.

"Really," Madara shifted his gaze towards Kirito and a dense pressure fell on him.

'Yup, he is in a different league altogether,' Kirito hmm and a smile appeared on his face, although he had Edo Tensei Hashirama to fight Madara but.

"But I too want a piece of this asshole before that,"

And then there came a time when both of their eyes met. And with that Kirito just said.

"Old man, you take care of that Mummy, I will handle Madara," Kirito was still staring at Madara while saying this.

"Don't be an idiot brat, you don't understand what Madara Uchiha represents. That man ruled an Era. You are no match against him." Onoki snorted and internally decided to help out Kirito.

But Kirito was having none of it.

"Maybe but you better remember this, that Era has long gone, and this Era can only be referred to by one name and one name alone,"

"This Era Is Kirito Namikaze," Kirito said and started to walk slowly towards Madara's direction.


-Shinobi Alliance Headquarters-

In the tense confines of the Shinobi Alliance headquarters, Hokage, Kazekage, Mizukage and Raikage—sat in a sombre meeting room.

The air was thick with apprehension as news reached them of the unexpected appearance of Madara on the battlefield, where Kirito and others were planning to confront him.

Tsunade stood at the head of the table, her expression a mix of concern and determination.

"This changes everything. Madara's presence on the battlefield could tip the scales. We need to act, Madara is just as dangerous as my grandfather, we can't underestimate him," Tsunade said with worry in his voice.

Chiyo, the Kazekage, leaned forward, her usually composed demeanour revealing a trace of urgency.

"We cannot underestimate the threat Madara poses. If Kirito and the others are facing him, we need to reinforce their efforts." Chiyuo too was an old lady and knew what the Name Madara Uchiha implies.

A tense silence hung in the room as the Kages contemplated the gravity of the situation. Mei voiced the collective unease.

"Madara Uchiha, I have only heard tales but if any of those are true then just sending forces will only add more casualties. Sending our forces might not be enough." Mei added

Raikage pounded his fist on the table.

"Then I'll go myself. We can't afford to hold back now. We are not useful here anyways," Raikage shouted.

Hiruzen was also standing here, but he was not in his true form but rather in a hinge and stroked his beard in contemplation.

"It's a risk, but we may have no other choice. If Madara is unchecked, the entire alliance could crumble, we need to do something about that Tsunade" He was standing beside Tsuande and slowly said to her.

As the Kages debated their course of action, Tsunade, with a firm resolve, made a decision.

"I'll go with you, Raikage. We need all the firepower we can muster." Tsunade added.

The Kages nodded in agreement. The urgency of the situation demanded unity, setting aside the usual politics and differences.

But they currently didn't have much way to get there on time, even if they departed right now it will take them some time to arrive there.


I'm sure many of you guys were waiting for this, didn't you? I sure to make this fight epic.

If you want to read more chapters!! Ahead go to


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