
In Naruto With Minato Template (Complete)

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Chapter 203 : After Pain

After the Pain attack, the village was in a complete restoration phase.

The good thing about this time compared to the cannon was that the village was not completely ruined.

Kirito was currently in Konoha's hospital.

Ino just won't let him leave.

He actually once tried to even replace himself with a clone but for some reason, Ino was able to find him.

After he realized that Haku was working with Ino and put a tracking seal on him.

That Traitor.

Kirito could not help but sigh.

After 4 days of torturous boredom, he faces while lying down in the hospital bed, staring down the boring white ceiling of the room.

Kirito finally was about to get discharged.

"Haku are we done yet." Kirito could not help but ask this.

"Yes yes, we are almost done. All the reports are fine. Beside your left arm. You are totally intact and fine." Ino replied from the sideline.

Kirito just rolled his eyes. Saying internally that he hardly cares about it.

Just let me go you mad women. Or I might become mad if I have to stare at this white ceiling anymore.

But Before Kirito can really try launching his Hiraishin and try once again to run away, only for Ino or Haku to somehow finds him and drag him back to the hospital.

He heard a familiar voice suddenly.

"Now enough you too. I can't let one of my best Shinobi to lie around here while the entire Village demands to see their hero." Tsunade had a snickering smile on her face.

"HERO". Kirito narrowed his eyes.

And then he started to have a very bad feeling about this.

"Oh no, no no no no no. You did not." Kirito asked.

"Haha, why you are reacting like this. It's a good thing." Tsunade said but the smirk on his face was widening.

'Fuck good thing women. Naruto was supposed to be that hero. Without this, the story progression will be even more different.'

Kirito wanted to complain but there was nothing that he could do about it.

But what he can do about it. Tell her that you are going against the wishes of the almighty creator Kishimoto Sama.

He just signed.

No, he will not give this woman the satisfaction of asking why she did it. 

He already knows why. Because she knew that Kirito didn't like public exposure.

It started after the Konoha Crush.

After that incident, he single-handedly saved the village. He was nothing less than a hero for the villagers for a short time.

However, after that incident, he was not in the village for long as he went after Tsunade to bring her back and also the entire time travel drama.

But then he was able to see the true horror of Fan girls.

And those were not the only problems he had to face.

Kirito just shook his head a little and then sighed.

He really did not want to talk with this girl anymore.

He needs something good to eat. Eating Sakura's food for the past 4 days was a bigger battle than fighting pain for him.

The only grace of mercy he found was Haku. Her good is quite delicious.

Ino wasn't there as she immediately had a mission to complete.

"So, I am off. And dont come after me. It's pointless, I have already found that micro seal you put on my forehead protector." Kirito said and vanished from his place.

"I am even surprised that you both even able to keep him here for this long." Tsunade genuinely was proud of her two disciples.

Kirito's first mission after getting out of that damn hospital was to rade Ichiraku Ramen.

30 minutes was more than enough to devour the entire food stock they had for an entire week.

He was damn hungry.

After that, he went out to find Jiraiya.

He wanted to know what exactly happened.

But after sensing that Jiraiya is not in the village for some reason. He had to settle for Naruto.

"YO". Kirito appears in front of Naruto out of nowhere like a ghost.

Naruto who was balancing on top of a wire immediately lost his foot and fell down.

10 minutes later.

After doing some makeshift bandaging. Kirito finally asked Naruto what exactly happened after he and Jiraiya went to find Nagato.

Kirito was honestly surprised by just how much what Naruto said to him was similar to the cannon.

After that, the entire day just went on. He had nothing better to do anyway.

He just kept on wasting his time with Naruto.

But that did not last long.

On the next day itself. Kirito was summoned by the Hokage.

Kirito had no idea what going on now.

Not only he doesn't remember much after the pain arc but at the same time, right now the story is totally messed up.

Enter the Hokage Office he notices something.

The situation was not looking much better right now.

'Something surely has happened.' Kirito mutters to himself.

He looked at Tsunade who was frowning hard and even Jiraiya was back by this time.

"What's going on? Tell us already or just call us later when you are ready to talk." All this silence was making Kirito irritated.

Tsunade glare at Kirito. Kirito just glared back.

After spending so much time with Kirito. Everyone knows that after a particular glare which ironically matches Minato's, ' I am gonna kill you look'. It's better not to mess with Kirito.

The last fight with Pain was a really good reminder for everyone.

Even Tsunade is not an exception to this.

In the past, Once Kirito gave this looked to her and sadly she did not realise what it meant.

Well, let's say that after that, sitting was really hard for her for one day.

And that's after her became a super doctor in this world.

And no, he did not bang her you perverts.


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