
21. When I Get Home(1)

Peering out the window Julia tried not to bounce on the seat of the bus that she was on as she could see they were pulling into the parking lot of the schools. Finally, the bus came to a stop and she did her best not to race out to see her family. It took a while but soon she and Peter were walking out into the aisle together and once they were outside and away enough from the bus she took off. "Mom!" she called eagerly.

Her arms spread for her daughter Beckett took her into her embrace, holding her tightly as they staggered back a bit before she kissed the top of her head. "Welcome home sweetie," she told her with a smile.

"Thanks, I'm glad to be back," Julia said, not wanting to let go of her yet but knowing she needed to. "Hi Dad," she said, going to Castle and hugging him as hard as she could too. "I missed you both so much."

"Like we said we missed you too," Castle said, rubbing her back a few times. "Your sisters especially."

Letting him go Julia went to the stroller that was next to him and smiled down at her sister. "Hey Josa, remember me?" she asked, crossing her eyes and making a face.

"She does," Beckett said, seeing the baby was soon smiling but only briefly.

"She's not doing that more?" Julia asked.

"It hasn't been that long since she first smiled," Beckett replied as her husband was going to the bus to grab Julia's carryon. "Give her time, but Eliza should be getting out soon."

"Cool," Julia said. She then noticed her mother was looking at her and she asked, "What?"

"Can you pick her up for us or as you too tired?" Beckett asked.

"I'm not, I was sitting on the bus for a long time," Julia replied. "And I'll go get her… Oh… Peter."

"Hold on," Beckett said, whistling to her husband. When Castle's attention turned to her she nodded to the boy who was standing with their daughter's teacher and watched him go over to him.

"Is that why you want me to get Lizzy? So his mom can come get him?" Julia asked as she'd been watching her parents.

"No," Beckett said. "He's coming with us until his mom gets off work."

"Oh really? Great!" Julia said happily. "I decided what I want to do… at the start."

"And what's that?" Beckett asked, smiling at her wording.

"Go on the beach," Julia said. "I think for the rest of the day." She glanced over at her father seeing he was talking on the phone and she then added hurriedly, "Can we go downtown for dinner now?"

"I think we can manage that," Beckett said, having been watching Castle too. "And we're letting you pick to have something made for dinner or lunch and the other meal go out."

"Have lunch? And I'm okay with just sandwiches," Julia said.

"Sounds good, hopefully Peter will like that too," Beckett said in slight amusement before her husband was coming over with the boy.

"His mom had to give her permission," Castle explained to his wife once they'd reached them. "And she did." He was about to say more when the bell rang for lunch and he looked over at the elementary school before he saw that Julia and Peter were taking off towards the main building to inside the academy. Turning to his wife he was going to ask her how they'd known when she held up her hand to stop him so she could answer his unasked question.

"I asked if she would go get her," Beckett said with a smile. "I guess he wanted to go with her."

"Should we have gone with them?" Castle commented.

"We can wait for them outside," Beckett said, nodding to the steps that lead to the main building.

"True," Castle said before he took Josie's stroller and they made their way to the bottom of those steps.

Inside the school compound Julia and Peter were heading over to the elementary school when the two stopped at the sight of the former's little sister racing outside as she squealed.

"Lizzy-" Julia began to say before the little girl was throwing her arms around her tightly. She laughed as she had to take a few steps backwards and hugged her back saying, "I missed you too."

"You get to come home now?" Eliza asked her.

"Yeah, we both do," Julia said. "Peter's coming with us," she told her sister, nodding to the boy next to her.

"Hi," Eliza said with a smile. "Did you have fun at camp too?"

"I did," Peter replied. "I did the same as your sister… almost everything."

"We better go, Mom and Dad are waiting for us with Josa," Julia said then. She took her sister's hand and they went with Peter back out to where Castle and Beckett were waiting for them. "Are we going to walk home?" she asked them while her sister was hugging them.

"We are," Castle said, putting Eliza up on his shoulders. "Are you guys okay with your backpacks?"

"I am," Eliza said eagerly though her father had been talking her sister and Peter.

Trying not to laugh Julia said, "I'm fine."

"Me too," Peter said, unable to help smiling.

"Then let's head back to the house," Beckett said, holding onto the stroller before she started pushing it so they could begin their walk.

When they were getting close to home Eliza said to her big sister, "The doggies missed you too."

"I hope so, I missed them being out by the lake," Julia said. When her mother glanced at her she explained, "I imagined they would run around and go in the water too; even Macca. Can we take them to the Adirondacks again?"

"I don't think so," Beckett said.

"LA?" Peter asked as he'd been listening to them talking.

"Oh… I keep forgetting," Julia said with a slight laugh. She watched as her father then opened the door in the wall around their house and she said to Peter, "I didn't tell you but we're gonna go down to the beach," including her sister as she realized she hadn't at the start.

"Really?" Peter asked.

"Do you mind?" Julia was quick to ask him.

"No, I have my trunks," Peter replied. "Too bad we couldn't invite everyone else to come too; like at the lake," he said at the end for her parents to understand.

"Another time," Beckett said before they walked into the front yard.

"Let me open the door and let them out," Castle said, setting Eliza down from his shoulders.

"Think they'll knock me over?" Julia asked her mother.

"Most likely," Beckett said in amusement before they turned to the front door that the dogs were coming out of at a run.

Julia tried to brace herself but was soon dissolving into laughter as JoJo and Molly ended up shooting past her. Luckily they went to Eliza and Peter and she was able to handle the rest more though she still ended up sitting on the grass around the tree in the middle of the driveway. She tried her best to pet Macca, Rita, Rose and Max but they were going a little crazy licking at her face. She gasped for air when they finally stopped and then realized she had heard her mother whistling. "Thanks Mom," she told her with a smile.

"You're welcome," Beckett said with a slight smile on her face. "Are you guys relaxed?"

"I think so, Rita went over to Eliza," Castle said. "And lucky they remember you," he told Peter last.

"I know," the boy said with a laugh.

"Let's go inside and get lunch ready, I know you guys are hungry," Beckett told the three. She had taken Josie's carrier and smiled as the baby lightly cooed while she led the way into the house.

After they had all washed their hands the family and Peter split up, Julia and Eliza going with their mother upstairs to change into their bathing suits while the boy stayed in the downstairs bathroom to get his trunks on.

Castle, on his own since Beckett had taken the baby upstairs, went over to the kitchen to start preparing sandwiches while he waited for the others to rejoin him so they could eat down on the beach.

Peter finished changing and walked down the hall to the kitchen where he could see Castle working on something. "Is that lunch?" he asked, slightly uncertainly as he felt shy.

About to answer Castle looked down the hall as he heard running down the stairs and he smiled when Julia appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "All set?" he asked her.

"Yep," Julia replied easily. "You too I hope."

"Your mom told you I'm wearing my trunks already," Castle said.

"Can we help you?" Julia asked.

"Sure, you know where the blankets are for the beach right?" Castle replied with a question of his own. When Julia nodded he told her, "Go ahead and take them and lay them out. But don't forget to weigh them down."

"Sure," Julia replied before she grabbed Peter's arm and went to the closet next to her parents' office.

"Go help them," Beckett said to Eliza as she'd come downstairs and saw what the two were doing at the closet. Once the kids were all outside she took Josie to her carrier on the kitchen table and said to her husband, "How much is left?"

"Not much, just Eliza's sandwich," Castle commented, leaving the smaller sandwich for last. He cut it in half while his wife was watching him, and he then went over to her with a covered plate that had their meal on it. "Drinks?" he asked his wife.

"Mind getting it?" Beckett said.

"No," Castle said, not surprised his wife wanted to stay with the kids. He followed her out to the beach and saw that the three were chasing the dogs around the breaking waves.

"Are we eating now?" Peter asked.

"Not yet," Beckett said. "We need our drinks so once Rick's back we'll go ahead and eat."

"What do we drink?" Eliza asked interestedly.

"Pineapple juice," Beckett answered as she made sure the little girl would watch Josie for her for a moment. "Make sure her head is covered for now," she told her. When Eliza nodded she then dug out at a hole for the umbrella in the sand before she set it in and made sure it would stay. Once she was she let Peter bring the carrier over to place next to her. "Thank you," she told him with a smile.

Peter nodded before he started to go over to the water when she was touching his arm, startling him.

"Your mother didn't want to work today," Beckett told him gently as she could tell he was missing her.

"I know, she said she would try and I hoped but…" Peter started to say. He then shook himself and said, "Thanks for letting me come over."

"We're glad to let you," Castle said before Beckett could reply. He smiled at his wife when she turned to him and he said, "Had to bring a tray."

"I'm not surprised," Beckett said, standing up quickly to take some of the cups.

"And hopefully you'll have fun the short time you're here," Castle commented with a smile.

"I will," Peter said, watching as Beckett called Julia and Eliza over to them.

When they were all sitting down Castle passed out the sandwiches before they ate together while Julia and Peter talked a little about camp.

"I missed the ocean still," Julia said while the meal was winding down.

"I'm not surprised," Beckett commented.

Though her mother was about to speak again Eliza couldn't help blurting out, "We didn't go in it yet."

"I didn't think so, thanks," Julia replied with a smile. "Tomorrow can we go there?" Something then came to her and she said, "When's Grandpapa coming home?"

"Around this time," Castle said.

"I think you need to adjust that love," Beckett said as her husband was putting their trash on the tray. "He'll be here a little bit before lunch maybe, it depends on the boat."

"Hopefully he'll come sooner," Julia mused. She then shook herself and said, "I missed him too, I still do."

"That would make sense," Beckett said. "But for now, you all can go ahead and get down to the water." She wasn't surprised when the three jumped up almost immediately and she was quick to tell them, "First you need to get sunscreen on." She laughed outright when they all groaned, and she said, "I really hope the counselors had you guys put that on before you went out."

"They did," Julia told her mother with a smile. "But we want to go right now."

"Humor us," Castle said as he rejoined them. "And don't go swimming just yet."

"Are you going to make us wait an hour?" Peter asked.

"No, just about ten or so," Castle answered.

"Just ten minutes," Beckett said, glancing at her husband. "Now go ahead and put that one yourselves but we'll help you with your backs."

After they were covered enough for her parents' approval Julia hurried ahead with Peter into the water, but they stopped at their knees before she looked back at the shore, seeing where her little sister was.

"Are you going to tell your mom about Dawn and Ava?" Peter asked.

"I don't know," Julia said honestly, turning her attention from her family to him. "She might figure out I'm keeping a secret. Then I'll have to tell her. But she won't care… well she might ask if they're girlfriends."

"She'll think they're too young?" Peter said.

Nodding Julia then said, "But I'll tell her they aren't. Here they come," she added so they would stop talking about it since her family was coming over to them. She was surprised when Beckett stopped at the breaking waves with Josie in her arms and she asked her father, "What's wrong with Mom?"

"Nothing, your sister might need to have her lunch soon," Castle said calmly. "Your mom wants to be ready for that."

Nodding Julia then glanced at her mother, wondering where she would nurse the baby. Before she could ask she was gasping as Eliza kicked a little water at her before she leaned down and picked up some water to splash her sister back.

Watching them Beckett walked up a little up the sand to get out of the way of the water, gently rocking Josie who was asleep at that moment. She was a little surprised the baby had fallen asleep as she'd thought she would need to feed her youngest soon after lunch. But when she turned her attention back to the others in front of her she wasn't surprised when she heard a noise from Josie. Very quickly she headed over to the house before she heard Julia calling to her. "What's wrong?" she asked, rocking the baby a little more to try to keep her from crying for a little longer.

"You can go here at the chairs," Julia said.

"I can't nurse her in the sun," Beckett said gently.

"Then at the blankets," Julia said quickly. When her mother looked like she was going to say no she said, "Dad said we could go swimming."

"And your sister?" Beckett asked.

"He's taking her on his back," Julia said.

"You don't want to go with them?" Beckett asked him as she went to sit on the blanket under the umbrella and her oldest was still with her.

"Not yet," Julia said. She smiled at her mother as she sat on her knees next to her and said, "I want to go swimming with you."

"When your dad gets back," Beckett replied with a smile as she was nursing Josie by then. She had a blanket over her shoulder so she could block the baby without covering her completely, not surprised when Julia held the other end up to help her. "Thank you, sweetie," she told her with a slightly wider smile.

"Welcome," the girl said, watching her little sister. "Did she get bigger?"

"Probably for you since you haven't see her for four days," Beckett said in a little amusement. "Now you don't have to tell me this second, but you'll let me know what happened to you at camp right?"

"What do you mean?" Julia asked, so surprised she nearly dropped the blanket.

"Two things happened to you I could tell," Beckett replied easily. "I hope you'll tell me."

"I will… maybe later," Julia replied easily. She was relieved when her mother didn't try to ask anything else before she just watched her nurse her baby sister.

"Alright," Castle said a while later after he took Eliza and Peter back to shallower water once he could see that Josie had been fed. "I'm going to stay with the baby so Kate can swim," he told the two. "And I'm sure you'll want to go with them."

"Does she want to go by herself?" Eliza asked as her father set her down. "With Mommy," she said hurriedly as she realized she'd forgotten her.

"I don't think she'd mind you going," Castle said. "That's more up to you."

"Kay," Eliza said thoughtfully. She then went up to her mother and knelt in front of Josie who was being held by Julia. "I told her you were gonna hold her a lot," she said with a smile at her big sister.

"Just really quick before I go swimming with Mom," Julia replied. "Are you gonna come with us?"

Shaking her head Eliza said, "I'm gonna stay with her and Daddy." She then looked behind her at Peter asking, "Are you going to go with them?"

"I'll stay for a little," the boy said quickly.

"You don't have to," Julia told him, wondering if he didn't want to because he thought she wanted to be with her mom alone. When he shrugged she knew he wasn't going to change his mind, so she looked at her mother.

"Ready?" Beckett asked since she wasn't sure if her daughter wanted to let go of Josie just yet.

"Yeah," Julia said with a quick nod before she gave the baby to her father who had dried off quickly so he would be able to do that. She stood up and let her mother take her hand before they hurried in the water. She ducked under once she needed to swim and when she resurfaced she said to her mother, "I liked the lake too."

"More than the ocean?" Beckett asked.

"Well… the salt water isn't fun, but I love the waves," Julia said.

"Then you love them both for different reasons," Beckett said simply before she went under the water herself. She then came back up immediately and said to her daughter, "And I do too. But how often did you swim?"

"Not too much, there was other stuff to do… oh I forgot to get your things," Julia said in annoyance.

"You can get them later," Beckett replied. "Why don't you wait until after Peter heads home; he made some things for his mother didn't he?"

"Oh… he did. Good idea Mom," Julia said. "Should we go back."

"That's it?" Beckett asked with a smile.

"Yeah," Julia replied. "I want to get to play with Peter before he has to go home," she told her. She then smiled when her mother ducked under the water before they swam together to the shore and to everyone else to find them all waiting at the breaking water. She was going to ask what was wrong when Peter spoke first and she smiled hearing what he wanted to do with them.

"Your sister was talking about making a sandcastle," the boy said. "We should do that now."

"Before you get picked up?" Julia asked.

"Yeah," Peter replied as he nodded his head.

"Okay," Julia said.

"I think we better let her take her nap inside love," Castle said to his wife.

Going over to her husband; grabbing her towel as she did; Beckett checked on their baby and she nodded saying, "Okay, we can do that. But you three," turning to the kids. "Need to stay on shore until we come back outside to you alright?"

"Sure," Julia said, not surprised both her sister and her friend were nodding a little solemnly. "But we can get a bucket of water, right?"

"You can but just that, no more than your knees," Castle said. "And the dogs will stay with you."

Watching them go up to the house Julia told her friend, "Except for Max and Molly, they'll stay with Josa."

"How did they know to do that?" Peter asked.

"We told them and took them to the room before Josa was here," Eliza said. "Let's start the castle so we can show Mommy and Daddy what we did by ourselves."

Julia wasn't surprised when Peter was eager to do that but she didn't say anything, interested to see what they could do with however long her parents were inside the house. She picked up a bucket and they began digging, talking all the while to try and plan how they wanted their sandcastle to look.

"She's ready," Castle commented inside the baby's room once he had set Josie in her crib. He turned the camera on the end of the bed on before he picked up his tablet that was on the coffee table. "Where's the mon-" he started to say as he looked around.

"I have it," Beckett interrupted him, holding it up in her hand. "Let's go." When he walked over to her she led the way outside and was relieved to see that the kids were all on the sand. "How's it going?" she called out to them once she was close.

"Good," Julia said with a smile for her parents. "We're gonna make it square and then four layers… levels?"

"Levels is good," Castle said, looking at the screen of the tablet as he was checking on Josie and making sure the camera worked. "You're making the Gardens of Babylon." He was startled after a moment to realize that things were quiet and looked away from the device to ask, "What?"

"They don't know what you're talking about," Beckett told him in amusement as she took the bucket that Eliza handed her.

"Oh well those were gardens that they created in layers," Castle began, setting aside his tablet.

As her husband went on into a more detailed description Beckett couldn't help smiling as the three had stopped their work and were listening attentively to him. When he'd finished she said, "They don't have to look like that though."

"We could put grass," Julia said slowly.

"Why don't you wait until you finish to decide how you'll decorate it?" Castle suggested. "If you think about the details now you're going to slow down in making it."

"He's right; build first and decorate later," Beckett told them with a smile. She got some water for the hole they'd dug to hold it and then said, "Do you mind if we swim really quick?"

"Will you?" Julia asked.

"What about Josa?" Eliza asked in surprise.

"The monitor is on and you'll be able to hear her if she starts crying," Castle told them. "And we're not going out too far." He saw his wife was looking at him and he said, "I guessed."

"Good guess," Beckett said. She kissed their daughters' cheeks telling all three, "We'll be back soon, wave if something happens we'll keep looking back."

Though she wanted to say they'd be fine Julia nodded and took the kiss her father gave her on the top of her head. As they were watching them head out she felt her friend nudge her side and she looked at him saying, "They won't."

"How'd you know I was going ask?" Peter asked in surprise.

"A lucky guess," Julia replied. "And no, they're not gonna kiss. I know they're really worried about leaving us on our own so they'll be back soon." She then looked at her sister and said, "They did that when we were in Jamaica."

"When I was still a baby?" Eliza asked in surprise.

"Yeah," Julia said. "I could take care of you, just like I am now." She smiled when the little girl stuck her tongue playfully out at her and she repeated the same to her sister before she said, "Let's get back to work." As the others were doing that she glanced over at her parents, seeing that they had stopped and were treading the water. She smiled at the sight of them, wondering what they were talking about as she went back to the sandcastle with Eliza and Peter as they began to finish their construction.

"What time do you think his mom will get here?" Castle asked.

"As soon as she can possibly finish," Beckett replied. "If she's feeling like I was wanting to see Julia then she'll come sooner."

Castle smiled and told his wife, "I was the same."

Nodding Beckett glanced again to the shore and seeing the kids there walking around she said, "I wonder if Genevieve or Mari will get here first."

"I was thinking that too," Castle told her. "Want to go back?"

"I didn't want to stay too long," Beckett replied.

"I know, and we'll have other chances," Castle said with the best shrug he could do in the water. He let her start before he was hurriedly following, ducking under a wave as they swam rapidly to the point where they could stand up. "How's it going?" he called to the kids when they were close enough for them to hear.

"We're ready to decorate," Julia said as she went over to them. "What do you think?" she asked them.

"It looks very nice," Castle said with a nod.

"It does… who made the extra tiers?" Beckett asked as she'd quickly noticed three extra steps.

"I did," Peter said. "My uncle taught me how to do that."

"He taught you very well," Castle told the boy. "What're you going to use to decorate it?"

"Shells and grass," Eliza said, coming back over to them from where she'd walked down the beach a little with Rita and JoJo.

"Did you get some?" Julia asked, watching their mother going to the blankets and picking up the tablet after a towel was draped around her. "Is Josa awake?"

"No, still asleep," Beckett said with a smile as she heard a slight whine in the background, knowing that was one of the dogs yawning.

"Can I ask something?" Peter then said as Julia and Eliza left them.

"Go ahead," Castle said as he kept an eye on the two though they were only going to where there was some beach grass on the sand.

"How come those two dogs stay?" Peter asked. "I mean I know they're Josie's but why do they stay now instead of being out here?"

"We don't think they mind," Beckett answered first. "They probably want to stay with her, Macca stays with Julia a lot."

Nodding, as he usually noticed the Wolfhound sticking with his dance partner, Peter said, "I never saw that before."

"Neither have we but we didn't have a dog for a while," Castle said with a nod. The girls were coming back over to them and he said, "How much grass are you going to use?"

"Not too much but Lizzy wanted to find the perfect strands," Julia said wryly.

"Are you gonna help us?" Eliza said eagerly as she was showing her mother the long, thin strands in her hand.

"If you really want us to," Castle told them.

"Of course, we do," Julia said.

"Then we should get started," Castle said as seriously as he could.

With the girls laughing everyone went to the sandcastle and decorated it until the kids were satisfied it was done. As soon as they were finished, and Beckett had taken a few pictures, the three hurried down to the water for their chance to swim again until Peter's mother arrived.

"He's been waiting for you," Beckett said with a slight smile as the woman approached her on the porch.

"Even though I'm early?" Genevieve asked.

"He still has," Beckett said simply. "He's missed you."

"Is he out on the beach?" the woman said.

Shaking her head simply Beckett led Peter's mother into the house and then to the family room. "Peter," she said to the boy as he was looking at a book on the shelf next to the TV with Julia.

Seeing his mother behind his friend's mother the boy gasped out, "Mom!" and ran over to her.

Hugging her son tightly once he'd reached her Genevieve said to the family who'd smiled at their reunion, "Thank you so much for letting him stay until now."

"It wasn't a problem," Castle said first.

"He's right, the girls enjoyed having him over," Beckett added.

"We did," Julia said. She wanted to add that her friend had been missing his mother for a long time but held back as she could see how tightly the two were still hugging and figured they both knew how much they'd missed each other that week.

"Are you ready to go home?" Genevieve asked once she and her son had let each other go.

"Yeah," Peter said, nodding his head rapidly. He then looked at the family and said, "Thanks… I'll see you in school," directing the thanks to Castle and Beckett and the last to Julia and Eliza.

"You're welcome," Beckett said, Castle saying the same just after her.

"Have a fun weekend," Julia said.

"Yeah, really fun," Eliza said.

When they'd stopped laughing slightly Genevieve asked, "How's Josie?"

"She's here if you want to see her," Beckett said, leading the woman over to the bassinet.

"I held her Mom," Peter told her.

"I'm not surprised," Genevieve replied. "She's bigger already."

"She is," Beckett said, not surprised she'd said that as the woman hadn't seen the baby since a week after Josie had been born. "You don't have to leave if you don't want to," she commented.

"We could get you something to drink," Castle was quick to add.

"Oh no, I think Peter's ready to get home," Genevieve said, looking over at them from the baby. "But thank you for the offer of course."

After the woman had gotten her son they went with the family to the entry and she said goodbye to them with Peter before they were going out to her car she'd pulled into the driveway.

With the gate closed after the two Julia turned to her parents and asked, "What now?"

"Do you want to go back to the beach?" Beckett asked.

Thinking about that for a moment Julia nodded and said, "That would be fun. But what about Josa?"

"She can go out in her carrier," Beckett replied. "We should go back or else we won't have any time to go around downtown."

"Where will we go for dinner?" Castle asked.

"Are you hungry already?" Beckett said to him teasingly.

"Not quite yet," Castle said. He smiled at her when she just looked at him and then told her, "I'm just wondering."

"I don't know yet… can I wait to look at the restaurants first?" Julia asked as the others turned to her then.

"Better idea," Beckett replied. "For now, let's get some sunscreen on you two." She went to where the bottles were under the umbrella and with Castle's help again they got their daughters covered while Josie sat in her carrier.

When the girls were in the water again Castle glanced at his wife, seeing she was looking at her phone.

"I know, but I wanted to make sure I knew what time it was too," Beckett said with a smile when she noticed him watching her.

"Almost three?" Castle asked.

Beckett was about to tell him it was exactly three when she saw Macca sitting in front of them suddenly stand up and turn his head. She turned to look and then smiled before she called to Julia who was splashing her little sister, waiting with Castle for her to notice what they were trying to get her attention for.

"Mari!" Julia cried out in joy at the sight of her friend coming down the beach. She ran over the sand the best she could until they had reached each other, and she threw her arms around the little girl.

Castle looked at his wife as they'd stood up to watch the reunion and he was surprised she wasn't at the fact that the two girls weren't saying anything. When she glanced at him and then just smiled he nodded and turned his attention back to them as they were pulling apart.

"I missed you, recess and lunch were boring…" Mari told her friend as they held each other by the arms.

"I did too but I did have fun with the others," Julia said.

Mari smiled at the slight guilt in her friend's voice and she told her, "You should have, it was camp."

"Oh, and I'll tell you more later but we have more friends to stay with us at recess and lunch the rest of the year," Julia said hurriedly. "Natalie, April and Misty want to hang out with us."

"Cool… maybe Tristan will too," Mari said. She nearly giggled at the look her friend gave her and said hurriedly, "He likes April I think."

"Maybe," Julia said with a smile before she turned to look at her family as they were coming over to them.

"Thank you for making it over," Beckett said first to the girl.

"You have… are you spending the night?" Julia asked when she noticed her friend's overnight bag in her hand then.

"Yeah, your mom asked mine if I could," Mari replied.

Throwing her arms around her mother tightly Julia said, "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome," Beckett said with a smile. "Do you have your bathing suit on?"

"Yeah, under my sundress," Mari replied.

"Then set down your bag and you can head into the water," Castle told her.

Julia went with Mari and Eliza eagerly to the blankets and after her friend had her cover dress off she took her hand before they hurried to the water. Once they were in it she said, "There is a lake."

"It's not just called that?" Mari asked.

"Nope, a lake and we got to swim and canoe in there," Julia replied. "But let's swim now 'cause I missed getting to be in the waves."

"Me too," Mari said with a smile.

"And me!" Eliza said. "It snowed for a long time."

Watching the girls laughing together and then diving in Castle said to his wife, "Should someone go with them?"

"They're fine," Beckett said. She wasn't surprised when her husband glanced at her and she smiled before telling him, "Let them enjoy this, if they go too far I'll go out."

"You're lucky Josie already nursed," Castle said.

Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye Beckett turned her attention to Josie who was in her carrier in between then. Her husband had been carrying that when they'd gone to see Mari and the baby appeared to be alright. "So," she said, "How are we going to get them out of the water?"

"Easy, remind Julia where we're going and that she needs to pick out where to go for dinner," Castle said. "Hopefully wherever it is we can sit a little more apart from everyone."

"Why?" Beckett asked in confusion.

"No reason," Castle said simply. He laughed when his wife lightly smacked his chest and he told her, "I said that because I'm wondering if she'll tell Mari about camp."

"She has already in her letters," Beckett began. "But I think she'll tell her more details later."

"You're going to have to check on her," Castle commented. "Them," he corrected himself.

"Oh, I know already," Beckett said in amusement. "But before we get them to bed let them talk a little."

"Diary?" Castle asked.

"I'm not sure," Beckett said honestly. "That's more up to her." She glanced at the water again and said with a smile, "But don't go crazy at the stores."

"I was going to ask you," Castle said.

"Nothing at the toy store; they don't need anything," Beckett said firmly. "And as for a book… let's let them look because last time we went they both got one."

"It'll be hard to resist," Castle commented.

"Then you should go look for yourself," Beckett said. Before her husband could say anything, she stood and told him, "We should get Eliza in."

"She's had enough?" Castle asked.

"I don't want her to get too tired," Beckett replied. She went to the water and was soon going in, relieved her husband wasn't trying to stop her as she'd felt the urge to swim.

"Well Josie," Castle said to the baby. "It's just you and me. You aren't jealous of your sisters, are you?" He couldn't help smiling as the baby merely yawned before he told her, "As soon as we can we'll take you to the pool… probably really soon but now we need to get used to Julia being back home finally. Did you miss her?" It took a moment for the baby to make a cooing sound, but he still said, "I thought so."

"Are we stopping now Mommy?" Eliza asked her mother.

"No," Beckett said with a smile. "But you need to rest for a little."

"Don't wanna," Eliza said though they were walking on the sand by then.

"Eventually your sister and Mari will need to," Castle said as they were close enough to him to hear them. "And hey, your sister isn't able to swim yet so at least you have the chance."

"Yeah," Eliza said, starting to go over to the carrier.

"Hold on," Beckett said hurriedly, draping a towel over the little girl's shoulders. "Dry off a little and then you can see her."

Eliza pouted at her father, who made a playful face at her, and she giggled while her mother was drying her off.

As soon as the little girl was with the baby Beckett sat on the other side of her husband and in the little time they had left they divided their time watching Julia and Mari playing and swimming and Eliza with Josie. When the time came for them to go back to the house she and Castle got the girls to go with the promise of walking around downtown and dinner there as well. In the house, they helped the girls get ready until the four were together in the family room and she and her husband could go get ready themselves in their room. They went to the bathroom together and she made him stop by placing her hand to his chest. She was about to tell him they should take showers separately, but he quickly spoke about that before she could utter a word.

"We can take one you know," Castle said.

"I don't know if it's the best idea," Beckett replied hesitantly, wanting to say yes.

"I promise you I won't do anything," Castle told her seriously.

With a final struggle in her mind Beckett finally nodded and said, "Alright but we wash ourselves and dry ourselves off too."

With a brief nod of his head Castle started to undress as his wife was doing the same. Once they were finished he followed her into the shower, watching her as she turned on the water and allowing her to rinse off first.

Glancing over at her husband when she stepped away Beckett said, "Go ahead."

Though he hadn't wanted to stare at her Castle shook himself and got under the water before he paused and realized something. "You're ogling me, aren't you?" he asked though he had his eyes closed

"How would you know?" Beckett asked teasingly as she was rubbing her shampoo through her hair.

Since he was done rinsing himself off Castle playfully flicked some water off his fingers towards her before he began to wash his own hair. Though he missed being able to touch her he contented himself with keeping an eye on his wife and when they were stepping out after their shower he told her, "You were staring as much as I was at you."

"I think I'm allowed to," Beckett said as she wrapped her towel around herself.

Going over to her Castle leaned over and pressed his lips to the top of her shoulder before he murmured, "I'm allowed that right?"

"Yes," Beckett said with a slight laugh. She sighed as he kissed at the side of her neck and she told him, "Hopefully they'll be alright."

"They will," Castle said though as he carefully turned her around he reminded himself to not take too long so they could get back to the kids. When he kissed her every other thought flew out of his mind and he focused on his wife as their arms wound around each other in their passion that continued to rise.

"Sounds like it was really pretty," Mari said to Julia after her friend had told her a little more about the camp.

"Yep, I forgot I wrote what I did in my letters to you," the girl said with a smile. "But you'll like it too."

"I have to go too," Eliza said, looking at them from Josie who was laying on her back on her blanket.

"Everyone does," Julia said, turning her head to her. "Why?"

"What grade will you be?" Eliza asked.

Julia started to answer before she paused and then sighed saying, "I'll probably be in college… or Juilliard if I'm really lucky. But Josa is here so Mom and Dad won't be alone."

"Oh," Eliza said, looking down at their baby sister. "Yeah… how old will she be?"

"Six I think," Mari said suddenly, startling the two. She smiled and was going to speak when she looked at the baby and said, "Oh, she's drooling a little."

Moving quickly Julia reached for the bib that was around the baby's neck and wiped off the drool that was starting to go down her chin. She then picked her up carefully, cradling her as she told her friend, "Good thing you're so… good at math."

"To measure cloth?" Mari asked with a smile.

"Yeah," Julia said before the three of them started to laugh.

Watching her big sister walking around with Josie in her arms Eliza said, "I told Josa you were gonna carry her all day today remember?"

"Not all day," Beckett said as she was first inside the room. "But enough."

"Do you want her?" Julia asked with a smile as she went over to her.

"No, she's fine," Beckett assured her, checking the baby and wiping off a little more drool from her chin. "But we're going so she'll need to go in the stroller."

"We're going to walk?" Eliza said in surprise but with her voice slightly tinged with eagerness.

"We are," Castle said as he stayed in the doorway. "And you're ready right."

"Dad wants to go?" Julia said to her mother with a smile.

"I do," Castle answered before his wife could. He expected someone to joke about that but was surprised when the girls hurried out to the foyer. Following them he tried not to laugh as the three were talking excitedly about where to go have dinner. Since they only had to get Josie on her stroller they were walking out, and he and his wife followed the girls before she squeezed his arm.

"You should tell them we can only go to one restaurant," Beckett commented.

"And let them think I'm not that bright?" Castle said wryly though he was soon smiling.

"I'm wondering if she'll settle on something," Beckett said as they were both quiet for a moment to listen to the girls still talking.

When they needed to stop to cross a street Julia turned to her parents and asked, "Is that new restaurant open yet?"

"The Dim Sum one?" Castle asked. "It is."

"You don't need to pick that sweetie," Beckett said hurriedly.

"I want to try it," Julia said. "You too."

Beckett merely smiled and said, "Then thank you." She turned her attention to Eliza and Mari and asked them, "Do you girls mind?"

"Great but first we should head over there," Castle said when the two shook their heads, nodding to the light which they'd just missed.

"Someone press the button," Beckett said before Eliza hurried to her to take her hand. "Julia, Mari."

"Mom do we have to? We're almost tw- we're almost teenagers," Julia started to say in a slightly complaining tone.

"Yes you do, and your age doesn't matter yet," Beckett told her firmly.

"I don't mind holding your hand," Julia said hurriedly to Mari as they were doing that. "Just…"

"I know," the little girl replied with a smile. "I feel the same way." They crossed the street and she began to swing her arm, laughing softly as Julia giggled and they started to skip the rest of the way in the crosswalk together.

"Not going to stop them?" Castle asked his wife as they were watching the two.

Shaking her head in response Beckett let go of Eliza's hand and let her go after the other two before they were continuing on their way. When they had reached the downtown area, she glanced at her watch for a minute before she looked up at the three girls who'd come to stand in front of them. "We have an hour," she told them with a smile. "So, we can go around now to the shops."

"Let Jules pick," Eliza said then.

"No-" Julia started to say in protest.

"That's alright," Beckett interrupted her.

"She's right, next time we come here we'll decide together but for now…" Castle said.

"Then the art supply store," Julia immediately said.

"We don't need to," Mari said hurriedly, turning her head to look at her friend.

"Do you need to go?" Beckett asked.

"I do but I didn't say it so we'd go now, I'll go with my parents later," Mari told them.

"Did your parents give you money?" Castle asked. When the little girl nodded he smiled and said, "They wanted to give you a chance to buy something so let's go and see what you need."

With the girls leading the way they walked over to the store and went inside, looking around while Mari and Julia headed over to the colored pencils to peruse the selection together.

"How many do you need?" Julia asked her friend.

"Not too much, just some blues and a dark green," Mari said a little absently as she was looking at the color names. "Oh, and red too."

"What do you need red for?" Julia asked since she knew her friend favored blue, purple and black for her clothing more than other colors.

"My coloring books," Mari said seriously. She looked to her best friend and then she and Julia started to laugh together before they tried to calm down and go back to looking.

"Do they need anything?" Castle asked, having heard the girls laughing.

"Not really," Beckett said, reaching over to Josie and taking her hand off the side of her carrier. "Unless Eliza finished all her crayons the last time she colored," she added as their middle daughter was humming and shaking a box of those in front of them.

"No," the little girl said, stopping when she'd heard what her mother had said. She smiled and then told her parents, "I like the sound."

"I know one thing they need," Castle said as he glanced down the aisle.

"What does he see?" Eliza asked her mother while they watched him.

"For their cake and ice cream set," Castle told his wife as he held out the package of Play-Doh.

"Can we?" Eliza asked hopefully, watching her mother looking at the colors.

"Yes, but you need to ask your sister if she's okay with these colors too," Beckett told her, handing her the box.

"Now?" Eliza asked in surprise.

Nodding Beckett then said as she stopped the little girl from running off, "Walk please-"

"And tell her we're going to head over to pay now, we have a few more places to go," Castle added. "Before dinner," he finished as his wife was looking at him.

When they were alone Beckett asked, "A few more?"

"Yes," Castle said easily. Hearing his wife sigh he couldn't help smiling and said, "Don't worry, the toy store is last."

"Thank you," Beckett said, shaking her head. She saw the girls were making their way over to them and she turned her attention to them so they could pay and head back out to the street.

"Are you mad Mom?" Julia asked her mother as she sat down next to her.

"No," Beckett replied easily and with a slight smile on her face. "It's more your dad is a little predictable."

"That's not bad is it?" Eliza asked as she walked over to them.

"No, now where's Mari?" Beckett asked. "I let you three go through the store on your own but not alone."

"I'm here," the little girl said. "I was looking at a game."

"Go back," Beckett told the girls. "There's not a lot of time left until dinner." She watched them go and then looked down at Josie she'd just fed in the back of the toy store. She'd used a bottle but had still wanted privacy with the baby to do that while the girls were walking around on their own and her husband had left them momentarily. She smiled recalling him leaving them quickly at the smiles they'd given him, and she spotted him walking down one of the aisles to her. "All set?" she asked as he pulled his arm from around his back.

"It is," Castle replied as he handed her the flowers he'd gone to pick up.

Standing up Beckett took them and said, "I'm surprised."

"I thought you would be… just a little something," Castle commented.

"Thank you," Beckett said as she brought the posy of just five flowers to her nose.

"Okay?" Castle asked while he was watching her.

Setting down the posy on the seat she'd been on Beckett reached out for him and brought him closer to her so they could share a brief kiss. When they'd parted, she wasn't surprised when the girls were with them and she said to their daughters, "Did you know?"

"That he was gonna give you flowers," Eliza said with a wide smile on her face.

"But not the kind," Julia added. She then turned her attention to Castle and asked him, "Do they mean something?"

"They do but are you guys finished already?" he asked.

"Yep, tell us," Eliza said firmly.

"Let me tell you at dinner," Castle said as Beckett was putting Josie into her carrier. "Now?" he then asked her.

"Yes, let's go," Beckett said with a small smile on her face. She let her husband take the stroller and she picked up the posy before she trailed after the girls. The restaurant was on the next street over in the area so while they were walking she called to her husband, "Tell us now," wondering if he would or would wait as he'd said before.

Stopping Castle turned to the others and said, "Alright, since there are only five I can tell you now and fast. Those purple, bell shaped ones are Canterbury Bells, the white is gardenia, the tiny white ones are Lily of the Valley, the tricolored ones are pansy and the last ones are primrose."

"You did a good job with the colors," Beckett commented as they were mostly white with light purple though the pansy had some yellow on it.

"What do they mean?" Eliza said.

"Gratitude, joy and sweet love, returning happiness, thoughts and eternal love," Castle said. "In that order," he told the girls, tearing his gaze away from his wife.

"Keep going," Beckett said. When they were walking, she was with her husband again and she stated, "Smaointe."

Since she was repeating the meaning for the pansy Castle corrected her saying, "Leannán smaointe," which meant lover's thoughts. "Shakespeare."

"I remember now," Beckett said with a slight smile. "Thank you."

"You're more than welcome," Castle said, having to speak quickly as they had gotten to the restaurant. He reached over and squeezed her hand tightly before he hurried to hold open the door for them to head inside to dinner.

"How much for the cake?" Beckett asked Eliza with a smile.

"Two dollars," the little girl said as she looked down at what she was doing.

"That sounds like it's too much," Beckett replied, still smiling.

"But I have to make it," Eliza said with a firm protest.

"Special?" Beckett asked.

"Yeah," Eliza told her, nodding her head. She finished by putting her Play-Doh creation into a box that came with the set and presented it to her mother telling her, "It's ready."

Opening the top of the box Beckett told her daughter, "It's beautiful."

"We're back!" Julia said as she walked inside with Mari, Castle behind them.

"Do we have to stop?" Eliza asked her mother.

"You want to see her pictures, don't you?" Beckett replied.

"Yeah," Eliza said, thinking for a moment.

"I'll help you," Beckett said as the little girl looked at her play set and the Play-Doh she would need to put back.

"It's ready," Castle said then after he had set up the TV so Julia could show them her pictures from camp.

"Me too," the girl said.

"And me," Mari added before her friend nudged her side to her laugh.

"We're not," Beckett said, standing up. "And we'll be back."

"Hey Dad," Julia said when her mother and sister had left the room. "Where's the posy?"

"In our room," Castle said with a smile as he'd looked over at her in time to see that Macca was licking her chin. "He missed you."

"I can tell," Julia said, laughing heavily at the dog. She stopped him and then hugged him tightly around the neck saying to Mari, "I really missed the dogs."

"I bet I'll miss my dogs too," the little girl said.

"You don't need to worry about that now," Castle said, watching his wife walking in with Eliza. "The pictures?"

"Yes," Beckett said, looking at him in slight confusion. "What happened to your voice?"

"Do you want me to say that word aloud?" Castle responded with a question.

"Daddy we know there's dessert," Eliza said.

"Then is it time for that?" Castle asked his wife.

"For both," Beckett told him with a smile. She kissed his cheek in passing and went to the couch to sit before Julia was starting the slideshow.

"I took this one when we started the tour," the girl explained. "It's the lake we were by and it was kinda big and really pretty. And see all the trees? I bet it's so pretty in the fall."

"It looks like it would be," Castle commented. He watched her go through some more pictures before she stopped at the stables and he looked over at his wife.

"I am a little jealous of you sweetie," Beckett told her daughter.

"I thought you would be," Julia replied, smiling as she knew her mother didn't mean that negatively. "What do you think of the building?"

"For a camp it's in good condition," Beckett said after studying it. "And the horses were in good shape?"

"Really good… Lake was happy," Julia said, nodding her head fervently. "And there's Lake," she said as she had gone to the next picture of the horse.

"He's pretty," Mari said.

"It's a she," Julia said quickly. "Which was good 'cause she was calm."

"Yeah, I don't think you'd have been riding if that was an angry horse," Castle said. "What?" he asked his wife when he saw that she was looking over at him.

"Angry?" Beckett asked him.

Laughing slightly Castle said, "You know what I meant."

"There weren't any horses like that, I didn't hear about anyone getting hurt in any classes," Julia said before she continued with the pictures of the tour.

"Is that it for the first day?" Beckett asked when the girl stopped.

"That is," Julia said. "The next day we went out on the horses and after we went swimming, so I couldn't really take too many pictures. Then Wednesday we went on a hike and here are my pictures for that."

"Wait, eat your sesame seed balls girls before you need to get to bed," Beckett told them. When they all had the dessert they'd brought back from the restaurant she then said to Julia, "Go ahead."

Nodding the girl went through her pictures from the hike before she went quickly through the last ones. When she finished she said sheepishly, "I thought I had more."

"From what you told us we could tell that you were busy," Castle told her. "So of course you wouldn't have too many chances to take pictures."

"But what you did take was very nice and I think you did a great job," Beckett said.

"Thanks," Julia said. "Can I make a book?"

"You can but later," Beckett said. "For now, what would you like to do?"

Julia thought about that for a moment before she told them they should play a game. When her parents told her to choose she took Eliza's and Mari's hands, pulling them over to the games though in the end she did end up picking. She took out a box and went back to the coffee table to set it down there, her father very quickly commenting on her choice.

"I'm not surprised," Castle commented. "And luckily there are enough pieces for us all."

"Do we play this too much?" Julia asked as her parents were taking the game Life out of its box.

"I don't think so," Beckett said. "Lately we've been playing UNO more."

"And this game is fun of course," Castle said as he handed the blue car piece to Julia.

"Thanks," she said with a smile. She thought of something and said, "Do I need to take a shower Mom?"

"I'd like you to," Beckett replied. "Did you want a break?"

"Just wondering," Julia replied.

"Your diary?" Mari asked as Eliza spun so they could see who'd go first.

"No, I'm gonna wait until tomorrow," Julia answered. She spun after her friend had and then said, "Since I have to copy what I wrote when I was at camp."

"You're set love," Castle told his wife when she spun a ten.

"Go," Beckett replied, rolling her eyes.

Though he wanted to point out she was likely going to be going first Castle knew she didn't want him to waste time so he spun, getting a five. "Like I said," he told her simply.

Giving him a quick glance Beckett spun again and went forward to her next space before she was about to tease their daughters about not asking what they were going to do the next day. Before she could do that though Eliza was suddenly jumping up and rushing out, leaving them to stare after her.

"Is-" Julia started to say before her mother was running after the little girl. She went after her before Castle went by and she looked at Mari who'd come up behind her. "Think she was sick?" she asked.

Not surprised her friend's tone of voice was concerned Mari said, "I don't think so, she didn't look like she was gonna throw up." She thought for a moment and said, "Maybe she needed to use the bathroom."

"I hope," Julia said, looking down the hall and seeing her father was walking back to them. "Daddy-" she started to say.

"It's alright," Castle quickly told her, startled at her calling him daddy but not commenting on it. "She just needs to use the bathroom; like you said Mari."

"You heard me?" the girl said.

"I did," Castle replied. "But since they're going to be a minute why don't we clean up?"

"Alright," Julia said. She smiled when her father glanced at her and told him, "That way you don't have to clean up after we're in bed."

"I didn't suggest it for that reason but thank you for thinking of that," Castle told her with a smile. He kissed the top of her head quickly before he went to the coffee table and picked up the plate that was there. The two girls then picked up the glasses they and Eliza had had milk in before they went down to the kitchen.

Watching her father rinsing everything off Julia said, "Why aren't they coming back yet?"

"They went upstairs," Castle said. "Your mother told me to tell you Julia what we're going to do tomorrow."

Julia, though she wanted to ask why her mother couldn't say when she was back, said, "Okay… Grandpapa is coming back."

"He is and once he is you and your sisters can go with him to the park," Castle replied. "Or the beach or whatever you want to do."

"What about Josa? And you and Mom?" Julia asked.

"We're going to stay behind with your sister," Beckett said as she was walking down the hall with Eliza, in her pajamas, on her hip.

"Are you okay?" Julia said to her sister, going over to her and taking her hand.

"Yeah," Eliza said. "But did you hear?"

"About going with Grandpapa tomorrow? Yeah, I can't wait," Julia replied before their father finished and they could go back to their game. "Are you gonna ask what we should do?" she then said.

"Yeah," Eliza said with a giggle as they sat down together at the coffee table, Mari next to her sister.

"I think we should let Grandpapa pick," Julia said.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Beckett asked as she and Castle had been listening to them while Mari was spinning for her turn. When the three girls were looking at her she told them, "Decide all together."

Julia nodded and then said to Mari, "Could you go with us?"

"I have to ask my mom," the little girl said. "You don't mind if I go too? What about your grandpapa?"

"He doesn't care," Eliza said.

"Mind," Castle corrected her. "And he won't Mari, it's more your parents."

Mari nodded before she looked over at Julia questioningly though she didn't say anything.

"We don't mind either," Julia said with a slight laugh. "So hopefully you can come with us."

"I hope too!" Eliza cried out.

At her exuberance everyone was beginning to laugh until they calmed down and turned their attention back to the game to finish before Eliza's bed time that was fast approaching.

"That was fun," Julia said as she turned to look at her friend.

"Yeah, who won though?" Mari asked as they sat up.

After turning on the lamp on her nightstand; since she and Mari were supposed to be sleeping; Julia then turned to her and said, "I think Lizzy did, so funny she went to sleep before we finished."

"What's wrong?" Mari asked as she saw the slight frown on her face.

"No, I wanted to talk to my mom but there wasn't a chance for that," Julia said with a sigh.

"You could talk to her now," Beckett said at the doorway.

"Mom-" Julia said, she and Mari jumping at her voice.

With a slight smile on her face Beckett walked inside and closed the door asking, "I needed to check on Josie and I heard you." She paused in making her way over to the bed and then asked, "Did you want just us to talk?"

"Mari can hear," Julia said. "I want her to know. When I went on that hike," she said. "I accidentally saw Dawn and Ava kissing."

"You told me," Mari told her friend.

"Just a little kiss on the lips," Julia said, looking at her mother as she spoke. "But they like each other now."

"Do you not like them-" Mari started to say.

"No! I mean yes they're still my friends," Julia was quick to interrupt her. "I was just surprised 'cause I thought Dawn liked Peter a lot."

"You did say they'd kissed," Beckett commented.

"She said they just didn't like each other so much, more like friends," Julia said, relieved her mother had spoken. "Does that happen?"

"It does," Beckett replied. When she saw the way the two girls were looking at her she couldn't help smiling briefly before she told them, "Not so much me but it does happen."

"They're sweethearts now," Julia continued. "But that's it."

"What about what happened yesterday?" Beckett asked, tempted to ask Julia how she'd felt watching the two girls kissing but holding back.

"How… you knew?" Julia asked with a slight frown.

"I guessed but it was later at night," Beckett explained.

"Oh… it happened while we were taking showers," Julia said, feeling her cheeks starting to heat up. She took a moment to gather her courage and then told them what had happened though she left out what she'd asked Natalie about her chest. When she had finished, she was almost startled to see the smile on her mother's face but stopped from asking why she was doing that as she knew Beckett would explain.

"I'm not surprised it was that, but you realize that it was just her body right? Nothing to be embarrassed about," she told her daughter.

"I know… I didn't stare," Julia said, certain her face was completely aflame.

"I didn't think you did," Beckett replied. "I just don't want you to be ashamed of what's natural."

"We took showers together," Mari murmured. "And baths too," she added, speaking a little louder though she was blushing as Julia and Beckett looked to her. "Remember Japan?"

"I remember," the girl said with a smile. "You're right I guess it just surprised me 'cause…"

"Because…" Beckett prompted.

Biting her lower lip Julia finally told them about what she'd asked the girl before she finished by saying, "Sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Beckett said simply. "That's a natural question and I probably would have asked the same if I were the same age. And was Natalie mad you asked that?"

Since she had told them her new friend's reaction Julia smiled a little and said, "I guess not but I'm just glad I was nice to her."

"You wouldn't be mean," Mari said, hugging her friend tightly. "And now we have more people to…"

"I'm sure you girls will be together all the time at the middle school," Beckett commented as the two were looking at each other, thinking of the next year. "And you'll spend the first month or three months learning together."

Smiling at one another Julia and Mari said at the same time, "L.A.," before they started to laugh.

"Thanks Mom," the former told her. "But yeah… I guess I was just being silly."

"I don't think so," Beckett told her firmly. "But you two need to get some rest or you'll be tired."

Watching her mother hug Mari after she'd gotten off her bed Julia smiled and said, "Thanks for not getting mad either."

"It was a big day and busy too," Beckett told her with a smile. She then kissed and hugged Julia again telling her, "I love you again sweetie, sleep tight."

"I will," Julia replied, saying goodnight with Mari after her mother had said it to them. She watched her leave and then turned to her friend though it was dark saying, "Are you gonna be okay going with us?"

"Yeah, remember my mommy said she'll come as often as she can," Mari said. "And Daddy when he can too but he's always busy." She smiled a little when her friend wrapped her arms around her before she said, "But I'll be with my friends."

"Me too," Julia said. "Well… my family too." She was surprised when Mari didn't say anything in reply and she thought for a moment that she was upset at her mentioning her own family. But she was quiet for so long that she was about to ask what was wrong when the little girl spoke.

"Do you wonder what it would be like to have a sweetheart?" Mari whispered.

"Sorta, but I have a crush so I don't know if I want one," Julia said, keeping her voice low as well.

Turning her head to look at her friend in the dark Mari said softly, "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course," Julia said, turning onto her side to look at her friend a little better than when she'd been laying on her back.

"I have one too," Mari told her.

"A crush?" Julia asked. She faintly saw the little girl nodding her head and said, "Cool… you won't tell me?"

"Nope," Mari said before they giggled together. When they'd calmed down she said softly, "But they're very nice."

"That's good, you don't want to like someone who's gonna be mean," Julia said.

With a quick nod of her head Mari yawned and said, "But they can't know."

"No," Julia said in complete sympathy. She thought for a moment about something she wanted to ask her friend but hesitated for a while. Finally, she gathered her courage and said, "Think you'll miss your crush while we're gone?" When there was no answer she turned her head towards the little girl and saw that she was fast asleep. She smiled a little at the timing but then settled down herself, closing her eyes so she could get some sleep. But just before she nodded off she couldn't help thinking again that it was so nice being back home in her own bed with her friend and dogs with her. And with a slight smile on her face she fell asleep, relaxing and knowing the next day would be great as she would be with her family and friend.

"Hey," Castle said, looking over at the door of the bathroom as it opened. "You're lucky I'm dressed."

"It's just me," Beckett replied with a slight smile. "I was just watching Josie when I heard something down the hall."

"She's okay?" Castle asked though he knew the answer to that already.

"She is, Julia and Mari were up," Beckett said.

"Talking?" Castle asked.

"Her lamp was on and they were talking," Beckett replied.

"You stayed with them?" Castle guessed, looking over at her from drying off his hair.

"Yes… why did you take another shower?" Beckett asked him.

"You're deflecting," Castle commented. When she just looked at him he explained, "I needed to."

"Do you feel any better?" Beckett asked, knowing he hadn't used the shower to get clean.

"For the moment yes but we don't need to really go into that," Castle said.

"Alright," Beckett replied as she could easily hear how strained his voice was. "I'll be in bed," she told him.

Opening his mouth to protest Castle stopped himself and hurriedly combed his hair so he could join her. "Can you tell me, or should I ask her?" he asked as soon as he was next to the bed.

"I can tell you," Beckett replied, and she explained what she'd been told.

"Ah… so I guess that would have surprised her," Castle said before he shook his head as he realized what he'd said exactly. "I mean both things would have surprised her. But she seems fine."

"I know," Beckett replied. She then sighed and confessed to her husband, "I stayed by the door to make sure they would fall asleep and apparently Mari has a crush. But don't mention this to them."

"How'd Julia react to that?" Castle asked, surprised to hear that.

"She was fine with it," Beckett replied. "But she did ask Mari if she would miss her crush while we were in LA, she never got an answer since Mari was asleep."

"I wonder if Julia will miss hers," Castle mused.

"I think she'll be more focused on the show," Beckett told him. She smiled and said, "But she's happy to be home."

"I could tell too," Castle said with a nod.

"And me," Beckett said, giving him a look before she smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek as he'd joined her on the bed. She then leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around her and she murmured, "Tell me something Rick."

"Well," Castle said, not wasting time with asking her what since he knew already. "I think the best thing would be after Julia came home from summer camp when she was eleven…"

"So, 1933?" Beckett asked.

"Yeah, we could afford it," Castle replied a little absently. "We had all the girls with us and what I'm seeing is during the afternoon. It was mid-August so a bit warm and we were outside together."

When her husband didn't continue, Beckett smiled at him and told him, "Keep going, I'm all ears."

Castle leaned over and kissed his wife tenderly, slowly, before he took his time pulling away. "We were outside and blowing bubbles with our girls old enough to do that without trying to drink the soap they were using," he began with after they'd checked Josie next to their bed quickly. When his wife laughed softly he smiled and started to tell her what he was recalling in more detail as it came to him quickly.

"Try to blow harder or they'll never fly," Julia was telling her sister.

"I can't," the nearly six-year-old Elizabeth said in slight impatience.

"Give it some time honey," Rick told his daughter, gently ruffling her hair. "Let me give that a try."

"Why did we have slight accents?" Beckett asked suddenly.

"Yeah… I just noticed," Castle said. "Well your parents were full Irish, from Ireland so you grew up with that but what about me? I don't think my mother… she was first generation born in America; Boston," he said, saying the end rapidly as it came to him. "But since I was with you from seven on I guess I picked it up slightly."

"Julia was eleven," Beckett said, thinking that over. "And Eliza almost six."

"Alexis was almost five and Josie was already three," Castle added with a nod. "And we were very careful."

Beckett laughed and said, "We will be here now. Keep going now we have everything set."

With a nod Castle took a moment to recall what happened next before he did so quickly and then began to relate it again once he'd pressed a kiss to his wife's temple.

"Be careful," Kate said as she walked over to them with Alexandra on her hip.

"Mama," the toddler said, reaching out to the bubble pipes her big sisters were holding.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait to try those," Rick told her, taking her from her wife. "Best get Josephine from her pram."

"I planned on it," Kate said with a wry smile. She leaned over to her husband and pressed a kiss to his cheek before she went to where their youngest was in her pram. "Come on lass," she said with a smile as Josephine reached out for her. She took the toddler out and let her run over to the others as Julia and Elizabeth had managed to blow some bubbles together.

Turning to his wife as she had slipped her arm through his Rick said, "Could leave them alone," in Irish.

Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye; as she knew he wasn't serious; Kate said, "What do you want?" in the same language.

When her husband paused there Beckett said with a smile, "Filthy things?"

"I think so… I don't remember exactly what I told you I wanted," Castle said slowly. "But something along the lines of tasting you and… tasting you."

"So just oral sex?" Beckett asked in amusement.

"It does sound like it," Castle replied as he mused. "You said you wanted the same thing."

"Of course, I enjoyed… it," Beckett said laughing before she trailed off and became thoughtful herself.

Gently tugging on her hand Castle pulled his wife onto his lap and he told her, "You took to what we could do greatly."

"How far did we go?" Beckett asked him.

"We're the same as we are now we just played with positions," Castle answered after a moment to figure that out. "And with each other."

"Actual playing? Teasing?" Beckett inquired before she clarified what she meant.

"Yeah but we were serious in the end; you've seen," Castle said.

Leaning over Beckett gently brushed a kiss to his lips before she rubbed her thumb over his lower lip. She had been planning on saying she had seen but something made her pause. After a moment she finally gave in and wrapped both her arms around him tightly to kiss him harder. Luckily he was responding momentarily, and they were soon passionately dueling their tongues together in her mouth. She had no idea how long they were doing that; as usually happened; but when they parted slowly she breathed, "Tell me."

"Of course," Castle found he was somehow able to say. He had to wait a bit to regain his breath to speak again but once he was able to do so he paused and then told her, "Actually I'm jumping ahead to later that evening. She came back just after lunch, so the kids were playing for a while."

"Dinner?" Beckett asked.

"Yeah, you made it with me and we gathered around the table with our daughters and a lot like earlier tonight Julia told us about her camp," Castle replied. "Though without pictures. Where I'm picking up is at the end of the meal when we were cleaning up." At his wife's nod he couldn't stop himself from leaning over and kissing her again before he started the memory with Julia asking them a question about the radio.

"What did I miss on our shows?" the girl said.

"Will you tell her?" Rick asked his wife.

"Yes… what did you have in mind?" Kate told him, watching him.

"Your pie," Rick answered.

"Alright," Kate said after a slight moment of hesitation. With that she then went with their daughters to the front room and she told Julia, "Turn on the radio, we'll have it on until the shows start." She watched her oldest running to do so before she came back to her and she immediately pulled her to sit on the couch next to her. "I'm so glad you're home honey," she said before she leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Wait until your sisters get to bed before we let you know what you missed."

Julia was going to speak when her father was walking into the room, carrying a tray, and she forgot about her desire to know about her shows as the smell of her mother's pie was quick to reach her.

Kate, having been watching Julia, went over to Rick and kissed his cheek before Elizabeth was exclaiming as it was time for one of the shows for their children. The family gathered together around the radio, enjoying their dessert and the fact that they were all back together again.

"We seem so similar," Beckett told her husband.

"Want to make some apple pie tomorrow?" Castle asked.

Rolling her eyes, though she couldn't help fighting a smile that soon appeared on her face, Beckett said, "No, peach."

"That's right… your dad," Castle said as he recalled his father in law loved Beckett's peach pie. "You're sure you never got that recipe from your mom?"

"No," Beckett said with a slight smile. "His mom."

"Ah, that's why he likes it," Castle said.

"Partially," Beckett said. When he looked at her questioningly she said, "Grandma never used heavy whipping cream, that I added once when I was fifteen and he loved it so…"

"I do too," Castle said.

With a wider smile, as her husband had pressed a kiss to her temple, Beckett told him, "You have a sweet tooth." She was startled slightly when he clutched at her tightly suddenly and said, "Sorry," as she knew what he was thinking with the word sweet.

"Promise me when we start again I can do that again," Castle said, nuzzling at her temple.

"Yes, you can and just ask if you can eat me," Beckett told him. She smiled, that time at the way he shuddered hard against her, and told him, "As long as I can do the same with you." Something came to her and she said, "What about us later?"

"We did but do you want me to tell you?" Castle asked.

Beckett was going to tell him yes but stopped herself before she could speak, and she instead said, "Probably better you don't but…"

"You could try to see it but are you sure you should?" Castle asked.

Sighing Beckett shook her head before she said, "Then tell me up to that point like you've been doing. What about once the younger girls were in bed?"

"We listened to the radio with Julia," Castle replied. "After we updated her on her shows of course. But there I'm a little blank because I think I just made some coffee."

"I was with her when she was ready for bed," Beckett said then.

"I think here you take over," Castle said.

Giving him a quick glance out of the corner of her eye Beckett then said, "Alright but it wasn't like it was tonight."

"I still want to hear," Castle commented.

"Okay," Beckett said with a quick smile. She then told him about the memory, smiling again and wider as she related everything she and Julia had talked about in the girl's bedroom on their own.

"It was so much fun Ma," Julia was saying once she was on her bed. "And we did get to swim."

"Good thing you had your swimming clothes," Kate told her, sitting on the edge next to her. Though she was busy doing that she could still see the expression on her daughter's face and she asked, "What did you do?"

Julia looked at her mother with wide eyes and said, "How did you know?"

"I can tell," Kate said simply.

Breathing out a little hard Julia said, "I was with Emma and Lucy and we went to the pond further in the woods. We took off our swimming clothes."

"Is that all," Kate told her daughter with a smile. She wasn't surprised at Julia staring at her with wide eyes and she said, "Really, you don't think I did the same?"

"At camp?" Julia asked as she thought that over.

"No, when your grandda took us to Lake Tahoe," Kate replied. "Though your aunt and I went in the stream nearby."

"Oh… so it's alright?" Julia asked.

"Not exactly," Kate said slowly. "I wouldn't do that again but trying it once is alright."

Julia nodded and then said, "What did you do while I was gone?"

"Put on our glad rags and went to town," Kate said. She laughed softly when her daughter just looked at her and told her, "Nothing special. We stayed and spent time with your sisters… though your aunt did come by Tuesday night."

"Why?" Julia asked.

"To see us with you gone," Kate replied. "And to let me know that she wants to teach you how to fly. For sure this time."

Julia started to gasp before stopped herself and then said slowly to her mother, "Won't you let me Ma? I would love to fly just like Aunt Rose and Amelia Earhart."

Holding her hand up to stop her from continuing Kate said, "I agreed. But-" she added as the joy lit up the girl's face. "You will be as careful as you can and no attempting anything your aunt says you're not ready to do."

"I won't," Julia said. "Oh, Ma you're swell."

"And your da," Kate added.

"And Da… he'll let me do this too?" Julia asked.

"Oh of course," Kate replied before she stood up. "I'll be right back."

Watching her go Julia stood up and looked over at the window in her room, peering up at the sky though she couldn't see much. And her musings about flying were startled when she heard her mother gently calling her father's name at what she could tell was the top of the stairs. She turned to get back on her bed before her parents were walking in together. "Is that for me?" she asked a bit shyly as her father was holding a rather large box.

"Oh no, it's your mother's wedding dress," Rick replied before he was laughing as his wife pinched his arm. "It's for you honey."

Julia wanted to ask if her parents were sure, but she decided they would answer yes so instead she took the box and lifted the lid. Catching a glimpse of what was inside she gasped and said, "For me?"

"I don't know anyone else who's as crazy about Ms. Earhart as you are," Rick said first.

"And your aunt; when we asked her about getting these for you; said they would work well," Kate added.

"Oh Ma, Da thank you," Julia said, dropping the box and then hugging her parents as tightly as she could. "They're the cat's meow," she said once she was holding up the aviator's jacket, like what the famous female pilot wore.

"They are, those goggles will work for you whenever we go on to Tahoe in the winter," Rick added.

Beaming at her parents Julia put them on her head but didn't lower them; having seen Earhart wearing them that way in a picture in the paper. She threw on the jacket and then hugged her father first before doing the same with her mother. "Thank you," she told them both earnestly.

"We have one thing to say besides you're welcome," Rick said.

"Fly safely," Kate and Rick said at the same time.

Julia laughed with her parents and once they'd calmed down assured them that she would before she needed to set aside her jacket and goggles as her parents tucked her into bed.

"How did you know she was looking out the window?" Castle couldn't help asking when his wife had stopped talking.

"I had seen her… I think she was near the stairs like she is here," Beckett said, thinking that over for a moment. "So we know that's why she was flying."

"Yeah, both good role models," Castle said. "Do you know how she felt in '37?"

"I… don't think so," Beckett said as she slowly thought that over. She shook her head and said, "It's not coming to me. But if you're wondering how I knew she was thinking about flying-"

"I wasn't," Castle said, interrupting her. "I figured it was easy to guess." When she nodded he said, "Should we sleep?"

"You owe me now," Beckett told him firmly.

"I guess I do," Castle said slowly. "Alright," he began, squeezing her for a moment. "We put Julia to bed and then headed to our room. I stayed out reading the paper and you had gone to take a bath." He felt her lean against him and moved so her head would be under his chin before he continued with his memory.

"Well Roosevelt's trying to help things along, but it's not been easy," Rick commented as his wife had come out of the bathroom.

"Of course not," Kate said. "We'll have to try and listen to his speech tomorrow."

"We should," Rick said, nodding. He peered over the top of the newspaper and asked, "Will you be sleeping?"

"Not quite yet," Kate answered with a smile as she was on the bed by then. She picked up the book and glanced with her head kept down at her husband, watching him returning to the paper. Once he had she pulled another book from her nightstand and then proceeded to read that one.

With the room so quiet Rick soon felt a little uncomfortable, looking up at his wife and seeing that her book was not the one that she had started out with. "Kate?" he asked in confusion.

Looking up at him Kate snapped shut the book before nearly bounding to the armchair where he was sitting. Plopping down on his lap she said with a smile, "It's a fascinating book you should read it yourself." When she saw his still perplexed look she told him, "Oh don't be a sap it's wonderful."

A little startled at the way his wife was being so exuberant Rick took the tome and then opened it to the first page before he was snapping it shut. "What… what is this?" he asked huskily, stuttering a little.

"You've never heard of I Modi?" Kate asked with a smile.