
18. Under The Skies Of Blue(2)

"No," Beckett said in amusement. She reached over to him and gently cupped his cheek with her hand before drawing him to her so they could kiss. As they were busy doing that she ran her hands down his chest before she paused and they parted.

"I would stay away from that area," Castle said with a slight smile.

"I was going to try to start something," Beckett said. When he looked a little unsure she quickly told him, "Not to apologize to you, I just wanted to."

"Now you're a pervert," Castle said jokingly. When she gave him a look he said, "Maybe not."

Beckett wrapped her arms around his neck tightly before they began to kiss, and she pressed herself against him as they fought together with their tongues. They kept that up for some time until finally they were pulling apart and she wasn't taken aback when he murmured to her but was at what he said exactly.

"Tell me more," Castle told her.

"Did he have a car?" Beckett asked. She wasn't surprised when he pulled away at that and they began to laugh together before she said, "Sorry."

"Don't worry," Castle said once he'd calmed down enough to speak. "I set that up for you. And at least I wasn't singing."

"That would have been interesting," Beckett said with a smile. When he shook his head and mouthed the word no she kissed his cheek and moved to climb onto his lap.

"Are you sure you should?" Castle said though he wasn't trying to stop her.

"I won't stay too, too long," Beckett replied as she wrapped her arms around him. She nuzzled his temple with her lips and said, "There wasn't much to the soda fountain. The girls got lime rickies except for Josie and Alexandra and we got a banana split."

"Apropos," Castle commented. He kissed her then but kept it short before he asked her, "How would we divide it?"

"You preferred chocolate to the other two flavors, but you'd share that with me. And I would make you eat the strawberry with me and we'd share the vanilla though it wasn't our favorite. You'd take one banana, I'd take the other and you would feed me the cherry before we got started," Beckett explained. She wasn't surprised when her husband kissed her passionately and she held onto him as tightly as possible when he began to play with her tongue, using his own to do so. After they'd parted she murmured, "You could see it?"

"Yeah, it was a nice moment," Castle replied. They kissed again, much more briefly, and he told her, "Is breá liom a bheith in éineacht leat," which meant he loved being with her. "Ar aon bhealach," telling her any way. He brushed his lips over hers gently and then breathed out, "Am ar bith."

Beckett was tempted to pinch him; as he'd said any time; but instead she leaned over, kissing him lovingly on the lips. "Dom freisin mo grá," she whispered, telling him she did too and adding the words my love. As she pressed her forehead against the side of his head she was startled when he froze and she said, "What's… get off?"

"Yeah," Castle said, not saying an apology though he was tempted to. He reluctantly let go of his wife and watched her move to sit next to him. "Was there anything else?"

"After the soda fountain it was getting three very tired girls to bed," Beckett replied. She wasn't surprised when her husband nuzzled her neck through her hair at that idea and she then continued telling him, "And once we got Julia to bed we went up to our room, Rose was in the room my- our mom would stay in." She was going to say more but stopped herself from doing so before she said, "We did some things."

"I had a feeling," Castle said, hugging her tightly before she was embracing him and reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. "We better get to bed," he said once they'd finally let go of each other.

"Let me check on Josie before that," Beckett said, letting go of him before she grabbed the tablet on her nightstand. She swiftly opened the app for the camera and seeing the baby sleeping she said, "Let's hope she'll stay asleep a little longer."

"She might," Castle said before he watched her setting the tablet back. After they had laid down he held her to his side and said, "Why are we touching so much?"

Beckett laughed softly and said, "You don't realize why?"

"I do, I just wanted you to say why," Castle replied. He laughed when she let out an exasperated sigh and then told her, "I know you feel the same way."

"You're right but it makes the waiting harder," Beckett replied. When her husband nodded she was relieved when he didn't add to that and they were quiet for a moment before she said, "Are you disappointed?"

"Slightly," Castle replied. "Though really since she put the house for sale first on the internet it makes sense someone got to it before I did. And the fact they paid full price of course… they're being ripped off to be honest."

"Obviously they really want the house," Beckett told him. "But I wonder if they'll try to fix it up."

"Who knows…" Castle replied, trailing off as he wasn't sure what else he could say to comment on the fact that someone had bought Veronica's home before he and Brennan could offer for it. He was disappointed; as he'd loved the idea of Alexis living next door; but he and Beckett's cousin had talked it over with their wives and they'd decided to find a better townhouse for the pair instead. "I was thinking of those townhouses on East Island Boulevard," he said suddenly into the silence of the room.

"I had a feeling," Beckett said. She smiled when her husband looked at her in surprise and she told him, "I thought you might want to get a townhouse closer to us."

"And they are the best in the city without being over the top," Castle told her.

"I know, but again ask Alexis what she thinks since she'll be living there," Beckett replied. She raised her head slightly so she could look at her husband and they kissed each other hungrily for some time. When they needed to breathe and had parted she said with a smile, "I love you Rick."

"I love you too Kate," Castle told her with a brief smile before he was pulling her down to him for a kiss. It was deep again, and he slipped his hand underneath her pajama top to caress her bare back a little before they stopped. "Night?" he asked her.

"Night love," Beckett told him, brushing her lips to his before she lay down against his side again and closed her eyes to sleep.

Castle joined her quickly after since they didn't know when Josie would wake up again and wondered if he'd have the chance to dream of their past life as he had before. He wasn't surprised when he didn't really and was waking up to the sound of Josie crying. "Any time at all?" he asked groggily as he sat up.

"It's almost two thirty," Beckett said, forcing herself up. She saw her husband was moving to follow her and she told him, "You don't need to."

"I want to," Castle said simply.

With a slight smile Beckett wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and kissed him. She wanted to make that linger but Josie was still crying and she needed to go. But she didn't mind the kiss they had gotten to share and leaned over to pick up the baby.

As soon as she had Josie against her breast Castle brushed her hair from her cheek and murmured that he loved her. He was going to lean back against the headboard when she brushed her lips against his and said the same back to him.

With that Beckett turned her attention to the baby and they sat in silence until Josie was asleep again. They soon went sleep, getting themselves ready to care for their daughter together again.