
In My Arms Again

A princess named Ariadna who had her life obeying orders and responsibilities of a true princess had her fate intertwined from one of the most precious men in her life.

Marshies_qt · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 18: Aftermath

Ariadna POV

the sun greeted us with its warmth from the windows. Uncle Vard is being treated and taken care of. Father, Kabel and Uncle Legos went out in helping the townspeople who were affected by the fire. Me who is stressed from what is happening. I was looking through the windows deep in my thoughts and in such perfect timing Erden entered the room.

"My Lady, is something the matter?"

"No, nothing.. I just-"

"Because of last night's events?"

I scoffed from the frustration and stress thinking what happened last night. That incident really destroyed my memorable debut.

"I just can't believe my debut was ruined just because of that"

"I know it wasn't your ideal party My Lady"

"When are you gonna stop calling me that? You are older than me so be casual. Stop being so formal"

"In hierarchy, you are still my master that should be respected Milady"

He chuckled. I looked at his eyes as he jokingly smiled. I never knew he was tan and had purple eyes. Eyes just like an amethyst. I badly want to ask him why is it his appearance is different than before but I dont have the strength to ask.

"If you have questions you want to ask me. Just ask My Lady"

I stared at him and walked towards him. I touched his face and ruffled his hair. I stared straight into his eyes.

"How long has it that you have these eyes?"

"Since birth my lady, I was ashamed of my original appearance that is why I used things to cover it up"

"Your eyes, its beautiful like the night"

His eyes widened in surpise because of what I said and his ears are turning red. He coughed and covered his mouth.

"*Cough* My lady, Don't say such things"

"Im just kidding. I was just amazed by the color where it feels it somewhat familiar"

I turn around and walked towards the windows and watched Father. Then I felt something was behind me. I looked around and saw Erden leaning towards me. I can feel my face heating up.

"Erden, what are you doing?"

He laid his head on my shoulder while pinning me against the wall. He softly mumbled something which I cannot hear.

"If only you weren't a princess, or a child at that. I could've easily pursued you"

"What did you say Erden?"

"Nothing, My Lady"