
In My Arms Again

A princess named Ariadna who had her life obeying orders and responsibilities of a true princess had her fate intertwined from one of the most precious men in her life.

Marshies_qt · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 13: Dark

Erden POV

It has been 3 years since the attack and we knights with the help of Kazim we were rebuilding Sydonia under the command of Estefann.

"Erden where shall I put these blocks?"

I pointed out to where he would be putting them. As he put down the blocks he sighed and sat down, wiped all of his sweat and drank water.

"Thanks for the hard work, Eugene"

"Let's rest for a while"

I nodded in reply suddenly a strong wind gushed through us sand and dirt were everywhere I tried to cover my face but my eyes were hit. I rubbed my eyes. After that I saw Eugene having a shocked expression

"Y-your eye, Erden"

"What's wrong with my eyes except for being in pain"

"Your eye turned purple"

I was shocked and immediately covered my eye and signaled for taking a rest. I rushed to my tent ang checked my face in a mirror. My contacts was removed due to the rubbing. Still, my eyes were in pain because of the dirt that got inside my eye. So I quickly took a bath, changed clothes, and put new contacts back on. Then suddenly Eugene barged inside the tent.

"Erden, Sou is here"

"What?! what does he want ?"

"How would I know? you go ask him Sir"

I quickly walked out the tent and I was immediately greeted by Sou. Sydonia's illegitimate child, Esteffan's brother.

"What do you want?"

"I'm just visiting my kingdom of course"

"Sydonia is under Esteffan's rule you are not needed here. You were exiled by your father due to your crimes why are you here"

I draw my sword pointing at him. He chuckled. He sat down on the ground and was looking at me. I also sat down.

"Please, there's no need for bloodshed"


"I came here to reclaim my title as the Prince of Sydonia"

Why? is he plotting something when he takes again his crown as prince? I glared at him.

"You are no longer a Prince, a duke maybe but never a prince"

"I am taking back what was originally mine! You know that I was supposed to be the heir to the throne but that boy competed against me"

He was so angry that he shouted and punched the ground. I can only glare at him and sighed.

"It is impossible now, Ariadna is the crown princess and the heir to the throne. Unless, you do something bad"

"Yes, I was seeking for supporters when I was exiled. That's where I met your father, Erden"

My eyes widened from what he said. He knew who my father is? How? Still I'm not of importance. I am just the illegitimate child.

"Your father, He is looking for you"

After a few hours of conversation, Sou left with his men. Eugene ran towards me gasping for breath.

"What did that jerk talk about"

"I need to inform his majesty about his plan"

I walked back to my tent and packed everything. I removed my contacts and removed the temporary dye in my hair. I am ready to face reality and reveal the truth to everyone, especially to Ari. I rode my horse then immediately traveled to Kazimel. Ariadna I'm coming.