
Chapter - 02

I've trained with dad since I was 10. I am probably be on the level of a seasoned mixed martial artist and even with my heavy bone structure, which provides me more power, I still can't hold my own against my old man... let alone win.

Having regeneration is not as fun as you would imagine it to be, especially when mine grows with constant use, meaning it's no way near Wolverine level or even just a Nomu level, yet. See when I heal even the pain receptors are built anew meaning that I would feel pain no matter what and I won't grow tolerant of it ever but it has its perks. It is the reason I can constantly participate in such unhealthy training regimes and improve so drastically.

Though I can't train like a madman or even to the extent of Pro boxers or MMA fighters (of this world) cause of my young age and a very scary mother, it's still more than enough to outclass most of the children my age, leaving aside those who have power enhancement quirks.

10 months passed by rather quickly as dad drilled in numerous fighting styles that complemented our animalistic fighting styles and strategies whether they be infiltration or guerrilla warfare in my head.

"I'm leaving guys. I'm already running late." I said while checking my watch.

—"Just wait second you impatient boy." my lovely mother came running down the hallway, "Tell me do you have your handkerchief, your water bottle-"

"Yes mom, I have everything." I replied in an eager and hurried voice, mom suddenly jerked my hand causing me to focus my attention towards her.

—"Be careful, don't be nervous and do your best. Best of luck my little Jimmy." her eyes were filled with love, her smile so peaceful that it soothed the anxiousness in my heart which I didn't know I had.

"Sure Mom.", I kissed her on the forehead and walked out door, down towards our car. My dad was in the car waiting for me.





P.O.V. James

—"Jimmy.... why do want to be a Hero?", Logan asked "The Question" seemingly out of the blue. He took out a box of cigarettes from the glove compartment and offered one to Jimmy.

"What brought about this question all of a sudden?", Jimmy asked, taking the cigarette and lighting it, "And why suddenly so generous?"

—"Well smoking really does no damage to our body due to our 'physique' and especially your regeneration. The only reason I allow you to smoke is because it calms us down, which is quite necessary for given our 'Animalistic Nature'.", Logan replied smirking a bit.

"So what about alcohol, huh. That's gotta be quite... relaxing.", Jimmy replied with sarcasm lacing his words.

—"Well for one it's quite addictive, and I don't trust you just yet to handle such addiction. Second, it's a rather "destructive" drug, always remember... anything that messes with your judgement is bad for you.", Logan replied to his son with a regretful look in his eyes... as if he remembered something from the past, —"Anyways... you didn't answer my question. Why become a Hero?"

"Well it's not like I became a Hero to be 'a Hero'. I've no heroic or self sacrificial bone in my body... which is rather ironic if you think about it, No I want the Hero license so that I can use my quirk freely.", Jimmy answered.

—"Is that so? Well if we were still in Canada I could've had you join the millitary, climb a few ranks and have you retire. That would have been much more efficient and quick."

**Present Mic— "The Millitary:- In a time before Quirks became common, almost all of the Countries had there own Millitary which was meant to protect the country and fight wars.

However, once Quirks started popping up and society fell into a 'Dark Age'. This institute became 'unnecessary' as infighting became more of a problem than a possible invasion.

Slowly however as a bit of peace and stability started arising and governments started coming back up again the world had already changed so much. But Canada was the nation that suffered the least infrastructure damage and it's social and governmental structure is still reminiscent of an 'Era without Quirks'.

Thus it is one of the handful nations and the only major nation to still have a millitary, while the others embraced the 'Superhero' structured society with Hero industry at their cores.

'Accomplished' retired military men and women were allowed the permission to use their Quirks in public, within reasonable limits."**

"We'll have to make do with these arrangements.", Jimmy replied looking outside the window, seeing that he has arrived at his destination.


—"Hey Jimmy... Tear them apart.", Logan said as Jimmy was stepping out the car.

"Down to the last atom.", Jimmy replied as walked towards the entrance.

On his way, he saw Midoriya "talking" to Ochaco. His eyes momentarily meet with Midoriya but Jimmy ignored him and went inside.






2 Hours Later.

-Written Exam has been conducted-

'So it's for the practical exam. It would seem that me, Bakugo and Midoriya will attend the exam in different locations.', I think as I'm walking towards the giant door of the facility holding the practical exam.

"So all I've gotta do is tear some robots up and my spot is secured. Then let's get started shall we."





P.O.V. Teachers

"Ahh. It's quite the rambunctious group this time isn't it.", said the little mouse? The principal.

"Yeah, that Bakugo kid has got the gift of toughness. It's like he was born to be a fighter.", Vlad replied.

"True true, but when it's comes to natural affinity for fighting I think Logan's got the upper hand. What do you think All Might?", Nezu said as a glint of interest passed through his eyes.

"I have the same assessment, his movements are so animalistic and his reflexes so fast that they might just rival mine.", hearing such praise from the mouth of the WORLD's strongest Hero called for a lot of attention and interest in the young student.

"He's enjoying himself too much and in his indulgence he's ignoring everything around him. He's too reckless.", a sharp critique brought the teacher's out of their enamoured thoughts about Logan.

"Ah Aizawa-kun. You are right but then again not everyone is perfect. If they were what's the point of a School.", Nezu replied, dismissing Aizawa's usual pessimism.

*tch*"The practical exam exam is not rational enough.", Aizawa said as he stared right on the screen where a broken, green haired boy was lying passed out.

His focus on Midoriya's screen drew everyone's attention to him.

"This kid has got quite the strong quirk but the backlash is just too much and restricts the Quirk's practicality.", Midnight remarked on the state Midoriya was in.

"If you don't control your power, the power controls you. But still there might be a chance he can improve. We can't after all let such a powerful Quirk user just go to waste. And especially when his lack of control will cause quite the disaster." Nezu replied in quite a serious and caring manner though his eyes were cold and calculating.

"Anyways let's alot the rescue points.", No.13 said wanting to get the work done as quick as possible so she can take a day off.


A/n:- Yo my readers, new chapter's here. Some information, the mc has growth type regeneration meaning that it'll grow stronger at an absurd rate given the fact it's push to its limits. And yes He will have a "Awakening" but I'll save it for when it's time.

Give your feedback, suggestions and critiques in the comments and do leave a review. Pls plot hole and fact check the novel for me.
