Currently being rewritten
(9314 Word's!)
(An: "Sorry for the late release. I've just returned home from college a few days ago and have been touching alot of grass since then that I didn't find the necessary energy to finish writing. Chapters for both ff will go as usual. The Anos ff might be late though. TQ)
(3rd Person Pov)
It was six am and Rimuru was seen in his kitchen preparing breakfast since he normally rests for an hour or two before waking up completely refreshed. And then, he would spend the rest of his time till six am meditating before he prepares breakfast and head's out to UA for his work.
As Rimuru continued making the necessary preparations for breakfast, he looked outside the kitchen window witnessing the sight of white snow falling to the ground.
Rimuru: "Man. I can't believe it's already the twenty fifth of December. *Sigh* How time flies when you least pay attention to it. I know! Since its Christmas, why don't I hold a celebration at my house?! Thanks to the upgrade made to the bounded field, this house is alot bigger inside afterall..."
As Rimuru began Mixing the batter for baking pancakes for, a soft yawn was heard as Rimuru turned his head seeing a groggy looking Eri entering the kitchen. She rubbed her eye's adorably as she muttered.
Eri: "*Yawn*Good Morning."
Rimuru smiled in amusement as he approached Eri before getting down to his knees as he stroked her hair and replied.
Rimuru: "Good Morning Eri. Give me a few minutes to finish cooking breakfast, and then we'll go take a shower to prepare ourselves for the day."
Eri nodded her head still slightly tired as Rimuru hoisted her into his arms before sitting her on one of the chairs as he spread butter on the pan allowing it to heat slightly before he poured the batter. After a few minute's, Rimuru flipped the pancake allowing the pancake to cook nicely.
He made a total of four pancakes, before separating them into two plates as he took out a jar of jam, a tub of butter, and maple syrup.
He placed them all on the dining room table before lifting Eri off her seat and placing her on his shoulder's causing her to giggle as he walked to the bathroom. Once inside, Eri took off her clothes as Rimuru wrapped her body in a towel before bringing her to the bathtub.
Rimuru: "We'll go with a warm shower alright Eri?"
Eri nodded her head as she took off her towel handing it over to Rimuru who placed it on a towel the towel holder as Eri sat on the small chair infront of the shower.
Rimuru took the shower head and turned on the water first. After making sure that the temperature of the water wasn't too hot nor too cold, Rimuru began rinsing Eri.
After rinsing her, he poured shampoo into the palms of his hands before he began gently scrubbing Eri's hair and scalp. Rimuru nodded his head proudly as he took notice that Eri is still wearing the necklace he gave her that was a special kind of Mystic Code designed in the shape of the sheath of excalibur to help keep her quirk suppressed and only allow Eri to activate it when himself, or several others gave the command. He had named the mystic code Avalon.
Rimuru: 'I still remember how it took me over a month of studying the various mystic code's Archer has seen in his lifetime, as well as studying the nature of enchantments from various caster class servant's. And then the process of making the mystic code wasn't that difficult thanks to all the knowledge and wisdom I got from the various casters. And with my large mana pool, I didn't really suffer at all other than having my brain crammed with alot of magecraft.'
Rimuru soon finished showering Eri as he dried her up, and made her brush her teeth. Once she was done, Rimuru wrapped her up in the towel like a burrito and led her out of the bathroom where she questioned.
Eri: "Will we be going to that Hero school again?"
Rimuru: "Yup. You'll be under the care of Eraserhead while I'm out doing my work. I'll only be gone for around an hour or two then I'll return to teach the classes I have for the day. Once we're done, we can go shopping for Christmas gifts."
Rimuru head to his closet and pulled out two Christmas outfit's. One that looked like it would suspiciously fit Rimuru's frame, and the other small enough to fit Eri.
Till this day Rimuru always gets unnerved whenever he scours through his closet for clothes, and find multiple outfits that suspiciously fits anyone in the same house.
Rimuru: "Since its Christmas, the best way to celebrate it is by dressing up as Santa Clause during my Hero patrol!"
Eri blinked in confusion as she asked.
Eri: "Who is Santa Clause?"
Rimuru: "He is said to be a man that would bring presents to good children all around the world, and charcoal to bad children."
Eri: "Is santa real?"
Rimuru: "Of course he is! Did you know that it was Santa that sent all those heroes to save you?"
Eri: "He did?"
Rimuru: "Absolutely! Santa sent us all to save you because you have always been a good child, but because of the bad men he couldn't give you any gifts. So, Santa sent all of us heroes to give you the greatest gift he could give you with all our help. Your freedom."
Eri's eyes lit up in joy at Rimuru's story as she spoke.
Eri: "Do you think I'll be able to meet Santa?"
Rimuru: "I'm not sure. I'll try and get into contact with Santa and see if he's available. In the meantime, let's get you dressed and then we go eat our breakfast before it gets cold alright."
Eri: "Alright."
Rimuru then dressed Eri up in the mini santa outfit before the two walked to the kitchen where Rimuru sat Eri on a rather tall chair as he gave her some plastic utensils before picking up both the jam and butter as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Jam? Or butter?"
Eri's face scrunched up adorably in focus contemplating what she wanted on her pancakes before she ultimately chose the jam. Rimuru spread the jam on her pancakes until she told him it was enough.
As Eri began digging into her meal, Rimuru went to shower himself. After several minute's, Rimuru came out of the shower drying his hair as he put on the santa outfit and took a comb and headed to the kitchen where he combed Eri's hair, then his own.
Rimuru sat down next to Eri as he dug into the pancakes he made as Eri asked him.
Eri: "Rimuru-San. Can I have something else to eat please?"
Rimuru: "Sure. Are you alright with oatmeal with fruits?"
Eri nodded her head enthusiastically as Rimuru went on to prepare for her a bowl of Oats, milk, and fruits as Eri dug into the bowl with delight at how the cold milk and fruits made everything taste fresher.
Once they were done Rimuru washed the frying pan, the spoons, forks, and knives used before he dried his hands and then they both left the house. Rimuru also texted the UA Staff in advance about the event he's holding tonight. He even invited the student's of the class he teaches, as well as their families. He also didn't forget to invite that strange old man Nakiri Senzaimon an invite alongside his family. Once they all responded positively, Rimuru and Eri left the bounded field.
The moment Rimuru and Eri had left the bounded fielded home, many civilians recognised Rimuru as they approached him and Eri and gave the two their wishes to. Eri hid behind Rimuru, still not comfortable being around so many people. Rimuru shook his head in exasperation as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Come on now guys, just because I'm dressing up as Santa Clause doesn't mean I am him you know?"
The civilians laughed at Rimuru's word's joking around and bantering going on between everyone as Rimuru addressed the civilians.
Rimuru: "Sorry to interrupt the fun your all having, but both myself and Eri must be on our way to UA now."
The civilians understood that Rimuru still had a job to do as they all wished him and Eri a happy holiday. As Rimuru walked down the streets heading to UA with Eri besides him holding his hand with her mitten covered ones. Eri apologised to him.
Eri: "I'm sorry..."
Rimuru already knew why she was apologising. Since the day he officially adopted her, she's been in the spotlight for she was the victim of the Shie Hassakai. But that's all they know. They don't know who her parents are, or even what her quirk was.
That's not even considering the few times that they were ambushed by villains trying to get their hands on Eri. Rimuru was certain that if not for the Mystic Code he made Eri's quirk would've gone out of control several times already.
Rimuru: "Don't be. It's completely normal to still not like the publics attention being focused on you. And we'll, after several ambushes even I would be scared of the public if I were you."
Eri: "But your really famous. Everywhere you go people recognise you. And yet whenever people try to talk to me I always need you to talk to them instead."
Rimuru stopped walking as he got to eye level with Eri who looked down and she looked like she was about to cry
Rimuru: "As I said. Everything is alright. Take as much time as you need to get used to being in public. And you don't have to worry about any villain's trying to capture you. Afterall, I'm the strongest. So come on, I'll have lunch rush prepare you some candy apple's alright?"
Eri: "O-Ok."
As Rimuru prepared to continue walking, he felt a tug as he saw Eri looking at him with her arms raised. Rimuru chuckled as he carried her and placed her on his shoulders ignoring the cooes of the civilians as Rimuru spoke.
Rimuru: "Hold on tight Eri, we're running to the school to make things quicker. Avalon. Engage defensive mode."
Eri's necklace glowed before seven thin layers of pink surrounded Eri as Rimuru ran towards UA completely vanishing from the sights of the common civilians. After a few minute's, Rimuru and Eri arrived at gates of UA as they both entered the school.
Rimuru got lots of deadpanned looks from both the staff and students for coming to school to teach in a santa outfit.
Rimuru gently placed Eri down as she faced the many students looking at her as she softly whispered.
Eri: "H-Happy Halloween..."
(Crtical Hit!)
All the students still managed to hear what Eri said. And though she said the wrong thing out of shyness, the sheer adorableness of her attempt struck their hearts as Rimuru cackled at their expressions.
Rimuru: "We'll be taking our leave for now. Bye~"
Rimuru grabbed Eri's hand as they walked away as Eri looked embarrassed that she said the wrong thing.
Rimuru: "Don't be embarrassed. Saying the wrong thing is quite common when your nervous. But I am glad to see you feel secure enough to wish the students of UA. That's a big improvement. I'm proud of you."
Rimuru gave Eri a proud smile as he ruffled her hair causing Eri to smile as a familiar voice called out to the two of them. Both Rimuru and Eri turned around to see the UA Big Three. Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, and Nejire Hado. Eri's eyes sparkled in excitement seeing the three of them as she spoke.
Eri: "Cartoon-Onii chan! Tamaki-Onii chan! Nejire-Onee Chan!"
Rimuru, Tamaki and Nejire all giggled in amusement at Mirio's frozen expression as he blankly looked at Rimuru who looked away whistling.
Nejire giggled as she stroked Eri's head and spoke.
Nejire: "Your costume is adorable Eri-Chan~. Dressing up as Santa I see."
Eri nodded her head as she enthusiastically spoke.
Eri: "Me-Merry Christmas!"
Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio all felt their hearts pierced by the sheer adorableness of Eri. Nejire soon captured the adorable little girl in her embrace as she praised Eri.
Nejire: "Your so adorable! I'm so proud to see you've begin coming out of your reclusive shell."
Eri smiled at Nejire's word's as Rimuru spoke.
Rimuru: "I'm off for hero work temporarily. Can I have you guys bring her to Aizawa for her quirk training?"
Nejire: "Of course! Leave her to us!"
Rimuru approached Mirio and Tamaki as he whispered.
Rimuru: "Listen, if Eri asks if its true that Santa helped save her by providing the heroes info, then just roll with it alright?"
The two student's looked at Eri, then to Rimuru as they nodded their heads. Rimuru gave them a thankful nod before he dashed out of the school entering his spirit form.
-(Scene Break!)-
Rimuru roamed the city street's in spirit form as he enjoyed the peacefulness of the holiday season.
Rimuru: "Wow. It's already been over 25 minutes now and still no signs of any villains. Did they give up for the holidays?"
Rimuru went into an alleyway, and went out if spirit form as he wandered the streets greeting fan's who complimented his outfit. As Rimuru continued patrolling, someone called out to him.
???: "Excuse Sir Rimuru!"
Rimuru: "Hrrm?"
Across the street were a few people who were holding Christmas decorations.
Heading to where they were, Rimuru asked them if they needed any help. To which they replied they did.
Rimuru: "What do you need help with sir?"
???: "Ah! Please call me Jin. The people around are some of my friends. We need help hanging these Christmas lights. Our ladder won't stay still because of the ice. So we were hoping you could help us hang these."
Rimuru: "Alright."
Rimuru then helped Jin and his friends hang the Christmas decorations. After they were done, Jin and his friends thanked Rimuru for his help and wished him a merry Christmas, and even complimented his looks. They then left to continue their work.
Rimuru continued with his hero work, and after an entire hour, Rimuru headed to Jakku city to check on the situation there. Surprisingly enough, the city has become many times more peaceful ever since Rimuru started coming over to the city for his patrols as well. Villains became horrified when they saw Rimuru, that the majority of the time they surrendered.
Rimuru continued roaming around when he spotted a man trying to break into a store from the back. Appearing behind him, Rimuru spoke up
Rimuru: "Excuse me, sir, what do you think you're doing?"
Small Thug: "Gah!"
The thug trembled in fear witnessing Rimuru as he thought in horror.
Small Thug: 'Oh no! It's Rimuru!'
Rimuru crossed his arm's and raised an eyebrow as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Well?"
The thug quickly dropped any kind of weapon he might have had on his person as he spoke.
Thug: "I'm sorry! I just wanted to get my daughter a gift for Christmas. I have no money and I cant seem to keep any of my decent job's! So, I thought to just steal a small item for her as a Christmas gift. I swear I had no intention of harming anyone!"
Rimuru was surprised at the thugs words as he pondered to himself.
Rimuru: 'Hrrm. I guess there are also these types of villains.'
Rimuru cane out of his thoughts as he glanced at the man and spoke.
Rimuru: "Tell you what. Remove that mask you are wearing and tell me your name, and I will purchase some things for yourself and your daughter."
Thug: "Really?"
Rimuru: "Of course. However! If I learn that you are lying to me, I hope you are ready to face the consequences."
The thug nodded quickly as he replied
Thug: "Yes Sir!"
The thug took off his mask, and he told me his name was Kurosu Tachibana. He looked to be a normal man in his forties.
Rimuru: "Alright Tachibana-San, tell you what. Since its the season of giving, I want you to go bring your daughter and I will purchase everything you might need to celebrate this Christmas, and any toys your daughter might fancy and any household appliances that might help yourself and your daughter."
The thug now named Tachibana blinked in surprise at Rimuru's words as he questioned in surprise.
Tachibana: "Are you sure you will be purchasing anything we need?"
Rimuru: "As long as you're not asking for something ridiculous like a car or a house, it's ok. Since I'm wearing this Christmas outfit, why not spread a little joy. And besides, if you really do have a daughter, I can understand slightly where you are coming from. You wish to allow them to grow up living a happy life. You push yourself everyday to make sure you have money to allow them to experience joy."
Tachibana began crying as he thanked Rimuru.
Tachibana: "Thank you so much! But, where exactly do we meet?"
Rimuru: "The nearby mall of course! I will wait for the two of you there. Ah, do you perhaps live far away from here?"
Tachibana: "Not really. It's actually quite nearby to my place. I'll go fetch my daughter and I promise to meet you at the mall!"
Rimuru then saw the man leave after being thanked. He left the scene of the potential break in, and left to the mall to wait for Tachibana. A few minutes after Rimuru arrived at the mall, many people took pictures with himself. And soon enough, Rimuru took notice of Kurosu arriving with his daughter.
Rimuru: 'So he was speaking the truth huh.'
Rimuru bid the people farewell and entered the mall with Kurosu and his daughter. While they were heading to the massive shop in the mall, Rimuru made small talk with Kurosu Tachibana.
Rimuru: "This is your daughter I presume?"
Tachibana: "Indeed. Her name is Sakura."
Rimuru: "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
Tachibana: "Thank you!"
Rimuru crouched down to be eye level with Tachibana-San's daughter as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Sakura-Chan right? How old are you?"
The young girl Sakura had pink hair and pink eye's as she spoke.
Sakura: "Umm. Five! Sakura is five years old!"
Rimuru: "I see. Your already so smart despite being five, increadible!"
The little girl named Sakura giggled at Rimuru's word's as she nodded her head in agreement.
Rimuru stood back up as he questioned Tachibana-San curiously.
Rimuru: "How did you usually spend Christmas with her?"
Kurosu: "I'd usually manage to scrap enough money from the various job's I work to take her to the onsen for a hot bath, and allow her to eat a proper meal instead of bread and spread, and cup noodles."
Rimuru: "I see. Then let's head in and begin shopping."
Tachibana: "Um sir Rimuru, is it alright to be here?"
Tachibana was worried, because it was clear to the people of the mall that himself and Sakura were quite poor just based off their clothing. They look old and with several holes as Rimuru spoke.
Rimuru: "Don't worry. Just go get everything you need. Don't worry about how much you can get. It's all on me, so don't worry about the price."
Tachibana was moved by Rimuru's word's as he thanked him
Kurosu: "*Hic*All right. Thank you so very much!"
Kurosu then looked to his daughter who was smiling in excitement and anticipation as he spoke.
Kurosu: "Sakura dear, say thank you to the hero."
Sakura: "Thank you, Mr.Hero!"
Rimuru smiled as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Don't mention it. Think of me as a temporary Santa. From what your papa has told me, Sakura has been a very good girl for the past five years, so it's only fair that santa gives you your reward."
Rimuru blinked in surprise when Sakura suddenly walked up to him asking him to crouch down. He did as she gestured, and Sakura hugged him as she spoke joyously.
Sakura: "Thank you so much Santa Hero!"
Rimuru chuckled softly before ruffeling Sakura's hair as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Your very welcome. Now go on then, enjoy your shopping trip."
Sakura nodded enthusiastically as she began running around full of the unending energy every child possessed.
They then went around purchasing many things, Rimuru witnessing the joy and excitement on Sakura's face sighed deeply in his heart as he felt his wallet becoming lighter as he scrolled through the web searching for nearby orphanages as he called a few orphanages asking if they needed anything and if the Kids wanted anything as well.
Rimuru: 'I know all to well the feeling of being an orphan. But unlike myself who had others to be there for me, they don't. So just this once I'll use as much of the money that I've earned to let them experience a happy Christmas.'
Many of them were surprised by the offer, but after explaining that he wanted to let the kids and the caretaker's enjoy Christmas even if it's a once in a lifetime event. He informed them that he was already at the mall, so he can get things they needed as a Christmas present. In the end, some hesitated and agreed, while others didn't even hesitate to accept.
They asked for a bunch of things, such as groceries, utensils, diapers, and many more. And the kids wanted a bunch of hero toys. Mainly All Might though. After getting their locations and everything, Rimuru saw Kurosu and his daughter walking to his side with a Trolley filled to the brim with household items, many different clothes, and a few toys.
Rimuru: "Is that everything you need?"
Kurosu: "I ordered a new fridge and a washing machine if that's alright with you? The fridge I chose wasnt that expensive since alot of the things I prioritised is canned food. The sane thing goes for the washing machine. The one I ordered wasn't the expensive expensive one's because they'd be costly on our electricity bill. I also ordered a new bed and mattress and other furniture. I hope I'm not going too overboard with your generosity."
Rimuru: "That's fine. I said I'd buy you everything you needed, and I wasn't lying."
Soon, everyone in the store watched in awe as Rimuru began heading to the counter. The cashier was surprised to see Rimuru purchasing so many items, but after informing him that he was acting as a temporary Santa delivering gifts and some things some orphanages needed, he simply smiled and started scanning everything.
After scanning everything that Rimuru had bought and the things that Kurosu and his daughter bought, the total was around 7,119,525 Yen or 50k USD. I simply paid for it and watched the extremely long receipt that was printed out. Rimuru soon had the help of the staff member's of the store they were in bring everything into different trucks and sending them off to the orphanages.
Rimuru also called Detective Naomasa to make sure that none of the orphanages would take advantage of his kindness and not give the kids the gift's he'd bought.
In the end, when the payment was confirmed to go through, Kurosu kept thanking Rimuru with tears in his eyes, as Rimuru spoke.
Rimuru: "Make sure you never try and steal again. I'll try and help you find a suitable job, and make sure you don't die from overworking, you don't want to leave your daughter behind afterall."
Rimuru then wrote him a check worth 142,248 Yen or 1000 USD to help him for a bit. I got a taxi for them and paid the driver.
Rimuru: "I have more or less twenty more minute's until my two hour mark time limit I set for myself ends. Guess I'll be a bit later than expected huh?"
After all that, Rimuru visited a nearby orphanage and even made them all a Santa and Reindeer pancake with syrup and whipped cream alongside some strawberries and blueberries which he bought before heading over to the orphanage.
The kids devoured everything and kept asking for more. After they were full, one of the trucks arrived outside the orphanage. The owners were surprised with the number of things being given and after confirming that everything was exactly as ordered, they went ahead and thanked Rimuru.
Rimuru simply smiled and then helped the managers wrap the gifts and then Rimuru spoke to all the kid's.
Rimuru: "Alright kid's, who wants their presents?"
All the kids cheered excitedly as Rimuru continued.
Rimuru: "You will all receive your presents, only if you promise me to never fight for the toys you've all received. You will share with other's, and be good kid's. Do you all think you can promise me that?"
All The Kid's: "We promise Rimuru-San."
Rimuru sat on the floor as he took out one of the gifts as he spoke.
Rimuru: "When I call your name, come forward to receive your gifts alright?"
The children all nodded their heads as Rimuru called out.
Rimuru: "Akira."
The young boy named Akira walked to Rimuru as Rimuru raised his pinky and gave the boy a smile as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Pinky promise you will be good?"
The child giggled before locking his pinky with Rimuru's as he received his present as he thanked Rimuru and ran away. Looking alot happier than when Rimuru entered the orphanage at the beginning.
And in this way, Rimuru continued giving gifts and making pinky promises with each of the kids until the presents were all given away as Rimuru stood up and prepared himself to leave. Surprisingly when the kids heard that Rimuru was going to leave they began crying asking him not to leave.
Rimuru: "It's alright kid's. This won't be our last goodbyes. I promise to come visit you all from time to time during my patrols. I can't guarentee I'll always be bringing food though."
The kid's who had all grown teary eyed, looked to Rimuru before raising their pinky as they all spoke at the same time.
All The Kid's: "Pinky promise?"
Rimuru chuckled in exasperation as he locked pinky's with each of the kids as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Pinky promise."
Rimuru then bid them goodbye. The managers of the orphanages had the kids all thank him.
All The Kids: "Thank you for helping us Mr.Rimuru!"
Rimuru: "Hahaha. Don't forget to be good kids."
All The Kids: "We Will!"
Rimuru then left the orphanage and went to a retirement home, where he helped them decorate the house.
Rimuru even went to a few of the Elderly people and ask them what they wished they could have for Christmas.
Old Man1: "I wish I could have a massage chair. It would help me out with my poor aching back."
Old Man2: "I wish to meet All Might. It was quite a few years ago, but I still remember how he saved me and my granddaughter from a villain. I never got a chance to thank him. I would like if it is possible to meet him again and thank him."
Old Women1: "I wish I could meet my children once more at their home. Sadly, they're in Tokyo currently."
Old Women2: "I simply wish for a chance to go visit the hot springs once more. I haven't had the chance to visit one in so long."
After listening to their wishes, Rimuru ordered a massage chair online and asked for it to be wrapped. He then called Toshinori and explained the situation. After listening to what Rimuru said, Toshinori immediately agreed and told me that he was on his way after getting the address.
Rimuru walked to the receptionist lady at the front, and asked her about the old women's family. She explained that they are quite busy so they don't get to come over a lot. Rimuru hummed before he asked for the number of her family.
The lady at the counter frowned as she questioned Rimuru.
Receptionist lady: "Why are you doing all this?"
Rimuru: "You mean everything I've done so far?"
Receptionist Lady: "Exactly. Whilst I'm glad seeing you making people's lives better, why are you doing all of it? Is it some sort of stunt to boost your popularity?"
Rimuru: "Not at all. You know that I have an adopted daughter right? Well, when I saw the sheer joy in Tachibana-San and his daughters eye's, it reminded me of just how much a father is willing to risk for the happiness of his child. When I saw Tachibana-San daughter, she reminded me of my own adopted daughter. Just how far am I willing to go for the sake of her happiness? To me that answer is a simple one. I'd be willing to go against the world for her."
Rimuru was looked at in disbelief by the receptionist lady. She shook her head in disbelief at his answer, but she seemed rather proud of his word's and decided to give him the number. Rimuru nearly gave the old lady's family a heart attack when they heard that it was Rimuru who called them. But after explaining the situation, they understand why he was calling them, but when they told Rimuru that they were too busy, he spoke.
Rimuru: "I see. I have no rights to say anything as I'm unaware of whatever happens in your family, so I have no rights to judge you. However, at the very least can you all take the time out of your day to make a video call to her?"
In the end, it took a bit of convincing, but Rimuru manage to get them to agree. Rimuru then gave the old lady his phone and explained what her family said, and then he started a video call. The old lady seemed happy to see her family again.
Rimuru then went outside and saw All Might. He escorted him to the old man that wanted to meet him. When the old man saw All Might, he started crying tears of joy. He started to thank All Might for saving him and his granddaughter all those years ago. The old man and All Might soon started talking with each other. Rimuru then approached the receptionist lady who seemed to be a different worker as he asked her if it was ok for him to take the old lady to the hot springs.
Receptionist Lady: "Excuse me Rimuru-San, why are you helping them?"
Rimuru: "Do I need a reason to help?"
Receptionist Lady: "No. I'm happy seeing the elderly looking so joyful. But, why are you doing it? Why help them? Do you get any benefits from helping them?"
Rimuru: "I guess it's simpler to say that Santa decided to gift not just the children, but the elderly for this year's Christmas."
The receptionist lady deadpanned before sighing exasperatedly as she spoke.
Receptionist Lady: "Sigh. Well, I guess Santa must feel bored seeing the children and decided to meet with people more of his age."
Rimuru: "Hahahaha. Maybe so."
Receptionist Lady: "Alright. I will allow you to take the elderly miss Lily to the hot springs. However! She must have one of our workers with her."
Rimuru: "That's alright with me."
Rimuru then took the old lady miss Lily and one of the female helpers to the hot springs by taxi. He told the helper that he would return within an hour. When she asked where he was going. He simply told her
Rimuru: "Well. Santa has already fulfilled this lady's wish. But there are still many others that Santa needs to visit."
She looked dumbfounded. And Rimuru simply laughed and left after paying for their entry.
Rimuru then returned to UA where he spoke to Nezu.
Rimuru: "I'm sorry Principal, I think I'll be a bit late to teach my classes today."
P.Nezu: "That's quite alright. Your unexpected generosity has been a major benefit to UA. Don't forget, even if you don't record the actions you take, others certainly will."
Principal Nezu showed various clips online of Rimuru in his santa outfit spending large sums of money to help a homeless man and his daughter, him at the orphanage, and even him at the retirement home.
P.Nezu: "Your actions has even inspired others to help the homeless, and other people in need as well. So as a Christmas present from me to you, UA will pay you back all the money you spent so far."
Rimuru: "Thank you very much then. I didn't really pay much attention to the civilians, so I never expected such an outcome."
P.Nezu: "Just send in the receipt of all your purchases to me."
Rimuru: "But the hot springs don't give you any receipts."
P.Nezu: "That's fine. I'll count it anyways."
Rimuru then handed Nezu all the receipt he has gotten, as well as showing the online receipt for the purchase of the massage chair. Principal Nezu wrote a check totalling everything he spent so far.
Rimuru soon left UA once more after explaining the situation to Aizawa who grumbled in annoyance, but was still understanding of his situation. After that, Rimuru simply continued with his patrol. Still being able to capture quite a few villains. After turning them in, he took a look at the time and notice that he only had around around 5 minutes before he needed to return to the hot springs.
Rimuru proceeded to buy himself a cup of hot green tea then he returned to the hot springs, where he saw the helper and miss Lilly. He called a taxi and returned to the retirement home.
Receptionist Lady: "Well miss Lily, how do you feel?"
Miss Lilly: "I feel a hundred years younger. Thank you, young man. No, I guess I should say thank you young Santa."
Rimuru: "Hahahaha. No problem. It was my pleasure to make your wish come true this Christmas.
Rimuru returned to UA, greeting a few students, before he knocked on the door to the principals office and entered.
Rimuru: "Principal Nezu merry Christmas!"
P.Nezu: "Ah yes. Merry Christmas to you too Rimuru."
Rimuru then gave him a metal container.
P.Nezu: "And this is?"
Rimuru: "My gift to you. A container with many different rare tea herbs."
P.Nezu: "Wow. What a delightful present. Thank you Rimuru, no I guess Santa is better. But don't believe that I'll be refunding your money for this."
Rimuru: "It's alright. I'll be taking my leave now to head to the class I'll be teaching today. Goodbye Principal Nezu."
P.Nezu: "Goodbye."
Rimuru then gave Aizawa a call where he asked where he was at the moment. He informed Rimuru that he was at the cafeteria with both Eri and Rappa. Rimuru thanked him before he walked to the cafeteria and spotted the three of them. Rimuru then called out to them.
Rimuru: "Yo guys!"
Turning around, the three of them saw Rimuru in his Santa outfit.
Eri: "Rimuru-San!"
Rimuru: "I take it you finished your training for today Eri?"
Eri: "Yes! I can now control my quirk for five seconds!"
Rimuru lifted her into the air with a proud expression as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Congratulations on learning to control your power for longer than before! This is practically your best results by far! Congratulations Eri, your hard work paid off! To celebrate your monumental achievement, let's go Christmas shopping later once I'm done with teaching my classes for today."
Eri: "Un!"
Aizawa and Rappa watched from the sidelines, both with deadpanned expressions as Rappa spoke.
Rappa: "Oi! What's with the outfit?"
Rimuru: "I'm simply trying to get into the festive mood."
Rappa simply rolled his eyes before going back to his meal.
Aizawa: "So anything for me?"
Rimuru: "Of course."
Rimuru then took a wrapped-up gift from inside hius outfit and handed it to Aizawa.
Aizawa: "And this is?"
Rimuru: "You're gift duh."
Rappa: "Oi if he gets a gift, then what about me?"
Rimuru: "I will get you a fight with All Might. Is that a good enough gift for you?"
Rappa: "Hell yes!"
Rimuru: "Then, we'll be on our way now."
Eri waved her hand too the two adults ss she exclaimed.
Eri: "Bye-bye you two!"
Aizawa and Rappa simply nodded their heads and went back to whatever they were doing. And soon enough, when Rimuru was done teaching for the day, he took Eri on a train to Tokyo. They went to Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall where Rimuru and Eri went and bought a lot of groceries, and Christmas decorations for a party that was being held at his house.
Rimuru even bought a few books and toys that he thought Eri would like. He even bought gifts and present wrappers that he would arrange for the guests later.
While roaming the shopping mall, Rimuru and Eri met a lot of fans and their kids. Rimuru ended up having to hold onto Eri as she felt uncomfortable with all the attention. After the people took lots of pictures with Rimuru, they left when he told them that he'll be late to celebrate Christmas with Eri.
-(Scene Break!)-
(3rd Person Pov)
Arriving back home, Rimuru immediately went ahead and started cooking and baking a bunch of things. From turkey, salads, rice, cookies, gingerbread men, and so much more, Rimuru also made a few drinks like egg nog, Green tea, cold water, and a few other drinks.
Rimuru was cooking, cleaning up the place, setting up a table and chairs he created with projection magecraft and even decorating all at the same time. By the time he was finished, it was already close to 7.00 pm.
Rimuru let out a slight breath of fatigue as he then proceeded to arrange the trays with the food. After preparing everything, Rimuru went to take a shower.
After coming out from the shower, Rimuru then changed back to his Christmas outfit. He altered the bounded field to allow only specific people to take notice of the home, and after several more minute's, he heard the doorbell ringing. Opening his door, he saw Izuku and his mother alongside Katsuki and both his parents at the gate.
Rimuru: "Merry Christmas to all of you!"
Izuku and Inko: "Merry Christmas to you as well."
Rimuru then walked to the grill and opened it.
Rimuru: "Please come in."
Izuku: "Thank you Rimuru-Sensei! *
Rimuru: "It's alright. The more the merrier after all."
Mitsuki: "Thanks for allowing us to join."
Rimuru: "No problem. Make yourselves at home."
Entering the house, the adults looked rather impressed with how clean everything was. And they were surprised by how delicious everything smelled. But what truly surprised everyone was how ridiculously large the interior of the house was in comparison to the exterior.
Katsuki: "This place is extremely huge inside but rather bland looking considering your reputation. And the sheer size of the inside doesn't match with how small the outside was."
Mitsuki: (Wham!) "Oi Katsuki! Be more polite would ya?!"
Katsuki: "What you say old hag!"
Rimuru: "Well after you are done, feel free to look around. Help yourselves to any of the drinks. Food will be served when the rest arrive."
Inko: "Thank you."
Rimuru: "It's ok."
Rimuru saw Eri hiding in the corner as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Eri! We have guests! Come greet them! It's the students of 1-A and their parents."
Eri: "O-Ok!"
Eri then came out of the corner she was hiding wearing her mini Santa outfit causing the two adult women to exclaim in shock and admiration.
Inko & Mitsuki: "She looks so cute!"
Rimuru: "Well, introduce yourself."
Eri: "It's nice to meet you. My name is Eri!"
Eri said all this with a big and beautiful smile.
Inko & Mitsuki: "Guh!!! Too cute!!!"
Before they could do anything though, the doorbell rang once more.
Rimuru: "I got it!"
Going outside, Rimuru saw the UA big 3, and their families.
Nejire: "Rimuru-Sensei! Merry Christmas!"
Mirio: "Merry Christmas Rimuru-Sensei."
Tamaki: "M-m-merry Christmas Rimuru-Sensei."
Rimuru: "Merry Christmas to all of you and your families."
Mr & Miss Hado: "Merry Christmas."
Mr & Miss Togata: "Merry Christmas."
Mr & Miss Amajiki: "Merry Christmas."
Opening the door, I let them all in before closing the door as he guided them all to the inside the house where they all greeted each other enthusiastically.
Midoriya: "Togata-Senpai! Amajiki-Senpai! Hado-Senpai! It's nice too see you all again
Mirio smoked with enthusiasm as he spoke.
Mirio: "Midoriya-Kun! How you've been buddy? I see Bakugo is here as well."
Bakugo: "*Tch* Go to hell."
Meanwhile, Tamaki had already long since retreated to the juice stands as Nejire captured Eri in her embrace as she spoke.
Nejire: "Eri-Chan! Ah, I miss you already!"
Eri giggled at Nejires acting as she spoke.
Eri: "Ehehehe. I missed you too Nejire-Onee Chan."
As everyone began chatting with one another, Rimuru spoke up grabbing everyone's attention.
Rimuru: "Anyway, while your all here, go help yourselves to any of the drinks except the egg nog. Unless you have your parent's permission."
Izuku: "Alright sensei!"
(Ding Dong)
Rimuru: "Apologies, I must go greet the rest of the guest's."
Rimuru excused himself before heading to the front door and opening it seeing Principal Nezu and the other Teachers of UA, Toshinori, Detective Tsukauchi, Gran Torino, Nakiri Senzaemon, and his family, Lunch Rush, and Oreki Hotaro. He opened up the door and let them in as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Welcome to my home. Feel free to enjoy the party."
Everyone: "Right!"
After walking them inside, Rimuru couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as he thought to himself.
Rimuru: 'increasing the space inside of the house using bounded field's was the wise choice it seems. Witnessing their shocked expressions is always fun to watch.'
As everyone made their way inside, Izuku called out to a familiar face.
Izuku: "Mr.Toshinori!"
Toshinori: "Ah. Young Midoriya. It's great to see you."
Katsuki: "Oi nerd! Who the hell is the walking skeleton?"
Rimuru: "That my friend is Toshinori Yagi. Izuku's personal trainer."
Katsuki: "Personal trainer?"
Rimuru: "That's right."
Katsuki: "Why the hell would the nerd need a personal trainer?"
Rimuru: "Toshinori is someone who had seen how Izuku had rushed in to save you during the sludge villain incident. He saw potential in him and decided to train him."
Katsuki: "Potential you say? *Tsk*"
Katsuki clicked his tounge in annoyance as he walked away earning a relieved sigh from Izuku. Rimuru then heard his doorbell ringing and made his way to the door where upon opening it, was Rappa alongside the students of class 1-B, Mei Hatsume from the support course, and Yuyu Haya.
Rimuru: "Welcome everyone! Please, enjoy yourselves with the food and beverages prepared."
Everyone entered Rimuru's home where they looked on in disbelief. As Shinso spoke.
Shinso: "What the hell?! Why is the inside so much more bigger than the outside?!"
Rimuru: "Who knows~"
And finally, a few minutes later, Rimuru heard his doorbell ringing as he made his way to the door. When he opened it, his eyes met the rest of the class 1-A students who greeted him as he welcomed them all into his house.
After a few minutes of allowing everyone to socialise for a bit, Rimuru called out to the crowd as everyone turned to see Rimuru.
Rimuru: "I would like to thank everyone for joining us today. Not that everyone is here feel free to eat! Cheers!"
Everyone: "CHEERS!"
Everyone then started to grab a plate and grab their food to eat. The moment they took a bite, they started devouring the food as if their life depended on it.
They ate and drank until they saw Rimuru bringing out a karaoke machine as he spoke.
Rimuru: "It wouldn't be Christmas without a proper Christmas choir. So... anyone up for a little christmas singing?"
Immediately everyone went silent as Rimuru nodded in understanding as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Since it seems like no one's volunteering themselves, I shall pick one out in random."
Rimuru smiled proudly seeing the tense expression everyone had as he began his round of choosing.
Rimuru: "Let's see now~ Kyoukai Jirou if you will please come to me."
Jirou: "Why me?!"
Rimuru: "Because I know that of almost everyone here, you are the best singer."
Jirou blushed at Rimuru's compliment as she sighed reluctantly before making her way next to him as Rimuru spoke.
Rimuru: "Don't worry ~ I'm a pretty ok singer, so you'll definitely shine brightly."
Jirou: "You'll be singing as well?"
Rimuru: "Yup~"
Soon, the music began playing as Rimuru began singing.
Rimuru: "We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year."
Jiro: 'He's actually serious?!
Soon enough, Jiro joined Rimuru in singing as the two earned a round of applause from the audience before eventually finishing the song.
Rimuru & Jiro: "We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year."
The audience cheered and Rimuru bowed exaggeratedly. Soon everyone went back to chatting with one another as Rimuru was approached by Nakiri Senzaemon who spoke.
Nakiri Senzaemon: "Rimuru. Myself and my family will be leaving now. I was wondering if you could gather everyone outside for a group photo."
Rimuru: "Alright. But whose gonna be the cameraman?"
Nakiri Senzaemon: "Myself of course. I may look old, but I know how to take a mean picture."
Rimuru shrugged as he called out to the other's.
Rimuru: "Guys! Come on, let's take a picture together!"
Nejire: "Oh! Oh! Are we going to take a group picture?"
Rimuru: "Yes."
After everyone gathered around outside, Nakiri Senzaemon pulled out a camera stand, as well as a camera as he set a timer and he spoke.
Nakiri Senzaemon: "Alright. Let's get this picture taken!"
Rimuru: "Come on let's get this picture taken!"
Everyone: "Yeah!"
Nakiri Senzaemon: "Ready?!"
Nakiri Senzaemon clicked the button on his camera as he appeared instantly at the back as he was the tallest amongst everyone present. Everyone soon heard the sound of snapping as Nakiri Senzaemon took the camera and showed everyone the image.
Everyone looked happy at the picture taken as they all laughed. After the Nakiri's left, Rimuru and the others all returned inside and finished the rest of the food and drinks. By 10.00 pm, Rimuru took Eri and brushed her teeth, then tucked Eri to sleep.
Rimuru kissed her on the forehead and wished her goodnight and then closed the room and returned to the downstairs party. He then saw everyone already cleaning up, so he helped them out.
Inko, Mitsuki, and Nejire were all washing the dishes and talking with each other.
Mitsuki: "I will be honest. I feel like this might just be the best Christmas party I've ever been to."
Inko: "The food was delicious, the people were kind, and the picture we had at the end was truly one of the most memorable scenes today."
Nejire: "It was so much fun! Meeting new people, making new friends, and even taking a beautiful group picture! I wish this day would never end!"
Mitsuki & Inko: "Same"
Meanwhile with Rimuru and the others:
Mirio: "I will be honest with you Rimuru-Sensei, I have never had so much fun at a Christmas party before. The picture will be one of the most memorable ones."
Rimuru: "I'm glad. Truth be told, I wasn't expecting things to go as smoothly as they were. I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves."
Izuku: "It was a great day. I'm afraid that next year's Christmas will be a lot duller than this year."
Toshinori: "To me, the group picture was the best part of today."
Everyone: "Agreed."
Izuku: "By the way Rimuru-San, how did you make the inside of the house so large? When compared to how the outside looks, it's definitely not logical how the space inside of the house is so much bigger."
Rimuru simply placed his index finger on his lips with a smile as he answered Izuku.
Rimuru: "That's a secret."
Izuku: "Sigh. Why did I even expect you to answer my question."
Mirio: "Hahahahaha! Rimuru-sensei is the same even when teaching us."
Izuku: "But still. Today was truly an exciting and memorable day."
Mirio: "I agree. When I see everyone smiling, laughing and enjoying themselves, it makes me all the more determined to see the dream I want to accomplish come true."
Toshinori: "And what exactly is your dream if you don't mind me asking?"
Mirio: "My dream is to be able to save a million people!"
Toshinori: "That's a great dream for a great hero."
Mirio: "Thanks!"
Tamaki: "By the way Rimuru-sensei. While we're on the topic of dreams, since no one has asked you before, but what exactly is your dream?"
Everyone who heard what Tamaki said turned to look at Rimuru curious what will be his answer.
Rimuru: "My dream huh?"
Rimuru pondered this question deeply. Afterall, even after becoming a hero. Becoming rich, and even adopting Eri, he still can't help but wish that he could see how his friend's are doing. Have they moved on and forgotten about him?
Have they all graduated and become adults? So many things that he still misses about his old world. However.
Rimuru: "My dream is to become the strongest and enjoy my current life."
Everyone: "Huh? The strongest?"
Rimuru: "That's right. I want to become so strong, that just the thought of going after me or anyone I care for will cause villains to instantly give up."
Cementos: "That's quite the big dream."
Rimuru: "There is only 1 problem to this dream."
P.Nezu: "And that is?"
Rimuru: "After becoming the strongest, will I change?"
Everyone: "...."
Rimuru: "But, I will simply leave that to the future. After all, a wise turtle once said (The past is history, the future a mystery, but the present is a gift. That's why it's called the present.)"
Afterward, everyone started leaving the place. Rimuru gave them each a present and they all thanked him while leaving. As Rimuru was walking around, he noticed Nejire sitting in front of the garden. Approaching her, he sat next to her and spoke
Rimuru: "You alright?"
Nejire: "I am."
Rimuru: "You look like something is on your mind. If you have something you wish to talk about, then feel free to talk to me."
Nejire: "I guess I'm just curious. Will we still be like this in the future?"
Rimuru: "It doesn't sound like you to suddenly get all curious about something we don't know anything about."
Nejire: "I have this strange feeling. This felling I have... It feels like you are desperately searching for something or someone. And at the same time your conflicted about something else."
Rimuru: "Hrrm. I must admit, women do have terrifying intuition."
Nejire: "What do you mean?"
Rimuru: "I'm sure your aware that I'm an orphan right? And that I also once told you and others all about my friends that stood with me through thick and thin?"
Nejire: "Yeah. Ichigo, Kyojuro, Sasaki, Uiharu, and Maria am I right?"
Rimuru: "That's right. That feeling you have... That I'm in desperate search of something is true, but it isn't as severe as you might imagine. One day, I was seperated from them, and now I just look out for the day I meet them again. However, I'm not desperately looking for them as I know one day I'll meet them all again."
Rimuru lied. He dearly misses his friends back in the real world. But the genuine connection he's made in this world has caused him to become conflicted. Should the day he finds a way to return home appear, can he really leave this world behind?
Rimuru was brought out of his thoughts as Nejire spoke.
Nejire: "I see. Rimuru-sensei, will you ever come to forget us?"
Rimuru: "How can I forget people as unique as all of you? Don't worry about it too much. Just because your soon to graduate doesn't mean that our friendship ends there. As a friend and teacher, I'll never forget my students."
Nejire: "....."
Rimuru: "Well then, just keep this picture. It will serve as a window to a memory of the past when you didn't have a lot of responsibilities. You never know, this picture might be a source of strength to you."
Rimuru got up and ruffled Nejire's hair.
Nejire: "Hey!"
Smiling Rimuru spoke
Rimuru: "Don't you worry, no matter what the future holds, all of you will forever be my lovely and troubling student's. Besides, I will always make sure to never worry people that genuinely care for me. So stop moping around. You're much cuter when your smiling."
Rimuru gave Nejire his hand.
Rimuru: "Come on, your parents might be searching for you."
Nejire: "Rimuru-Sensei."
Rimuru: "Yes?"
Nejire: "Are you sure my parents aren't your parents?"
Rimuru slipped and fell on his face in surprise.
Rimuru: "Again?! I've told you hundreds of times already, I ain't your sibling!"
Nejire chuckled at Rimuru's reaction as she swiped his hat.
Nejire: "Got your hat!"
Nejire then ran away with his hat.
Rimuru: "Huh? Oi! give it back."
While Rimuru was chasing Nejire, her parents who heard and watched everything from inside couldn't help but smile seeing their daughter.
Mr.Hado: "I wonder when Rimuru eventually finds someone how will Nejire feel?"
Ms.Hado: "*Sigh.* She has feelings for him, but she isn't aware. And I feel like Mr.Rimuru is just as stupid and dense."
Nejire: "Sensei you're so slow!"
Rimuru: "I'm simply giving you time to run."
Nejire: "Right~"
Rimuru: "By the way, I forgot to give Mirio and Tamaki their gifts. Could you take them with you and give them tomorrow?"
Nejire: "You got them a gift but not me? Rimuru-sensei, don't you know that's just favoritism showing?!"
Rimuru simply rolled his eyes at what Nejire said.
Rimuru: "I already gave a gift to everyone but you and the other two. Follow me."
Rimuru took Nejire to a Christmas tree. Then picked up a wrapped gift and handed it to Nejire.
Rimuru: "Merry Christmas"
Nejire: "What's inside?"
Rimuru: "Open it. I'm sure it will benefit you greatly"
Nejire then opened the gift and saw it was a textbook with the title Mathematics for dummies.
Nejire: ".... What is this?"
Rimuru: "A math textbook. After all, math is your weakest sub-Gah! My head woman!
Nejire: "Are you saying I'm dumb?!"
Rimuru: "You're not dumb! You simply find the subject not interesting. So I got you a book I thought would help!"
Nejire: "Hrrm. Alright, I'm sorry. But could I get another gift?"
Rimuru: "Any specific reason why you want a second wish?"
Nejire: "As Santa Claus, It's your responsibility to grant the wishes of your students as long as it's something possible."
Rimuru: "Fine, fine. Then tell me this Nejire Hado what is it that you desire? More than anything in this world?"
Nejire: "When you get a job to model for the new year, I want to be able to choose your outfit!"
Rimuru: "That's It?"
Nejire: "I guess?"
Rimuru: "Then you have a deal."
Rimuru, Nejire, and her parents who were hiding looked into the sky watching the fireworks explode as Nejires eye's sparkled with childlike wonder watching it as she turned to Rimuru with a bright and innocent smile as she spoke.
Nejire: "Merry Christmas Rimuru-sensei!"
Rimuru sighed softly in exasperation as a joyful smile was adorned on his face as he spoke.
Rimuru: "Merry Christmas to you too Nejire-Chan..."
-(Scene End)-