
in marvel with gacha

The story is under rewrite so you can start from start to get idea or start after the skip part. Mc got transmigrated in marvel au and got gacha any character other than mc belong to their original owner this is a fanfiction

gacha927 · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

darkweb 2

David pov

Of course more tough the mission more risk,

Like for example there is a mission of killing tony stark ,but to killing him it is needed to know about his real time location and pass his security, don't think that there is only happy or his real time location is known to everyone, he is an arm dealer, you don't think that he is living in his house with one happy at the door, no it's not like that , his house is heavily guarded ,his food is checked ,all those who get close to him has to go for proper inspection, you didn't think like a billionaire don't care about his life right? And it's not like stark is not on dark web , if somewhere can be upload my real time location I will definitely be on guard.

Remember this is not a fairy tail, real world is far more complex than it seems .

Oh the man punched himself to remove the dizziness, looks like the match is already over. I am leaving

I have decided to take my first mission and am on my way to complete it , it is to kill the maacc medicals ceo ,a third rate company, the only information provided by the contractor is his real time location and security team position , I have requested for a sniper rifle which I will be provided, don't look at new ID at darkweb ,it may be possible to have same person with multiple id's,so nobody will dout you and people usually Don't do fraud here to not provoke unknown enemy.

On a room of a hotel -

I can here by using Intangibility and camouflage I can see a guitar case on the bed, looks like the rifle is already placed , according to agreement At same time and place , after checking the rifle I left the hotel with guitar case from the window.

According to the information he will be arriving at his office at the night again, l am standing in a building opposite to his building with the sniper ready to take shot.i can see a car coming and stopping outside the building , the bodyguard is opening the door and the rest are guarding ,ok the target is here and moving towards the building , and I shoot, bullet leaves My rifle and passes through his head ,he falls and blood start flowing, I left the rifle there and left with my camouflage,while the bodyguards are dealing with situation.

After login the account from the mobile of a gang members ,I found that my account has showing ten thousand points which was initially zero, looks like contractor has already confirmed the news.

In this website you can convert one million dollars to 1000 points and can use points in transaction, can also be converted back into money if needed, darkweb provide money laundering service, means you can transfer the illegal money and it will change into white money with some cut off charge.

I found in mutant section, that there is no more than seven with proper telephaty ,

But there are still many with incomplete abilities like saying your thoughts to others but can't get response, or increasing the attributes of your body part but one at a time.

I am going to slav*s section and check the mutants here.

When I thought there were slav*s I didn't thought there this many , there number is ten times of mercenaries, it varies from gender, age and abilities. Although I am not a good person but it still feels weird, forget it let's check it afterwards. I am not a hero ,I will not try to change anything unless I have the ability and need .

I need a base ,a base for future companions of this world , a base for summons and my private base.

Forget it let's check today's news

There is news about a new spider man but his dress code is white and black, and he is seen in Manhattan but the original one in Brooklyn weird

Peter and gwen together being spider man,

Shield must be trying to identity both of them or already done looks like meeting with spiderman should be done soon . I don't know which supervillian our heros will face first , they must have already known the identity of each other if both are in midtown highschool . I am going to see them tomorrow.

One night later.

Gwen while sitting on a border of building "Peter you should not ignore yourself while saving others,you will die if you are careless"

Peter standing against wall" but I can't ignore them , if I can I should save them , uncle ben died because I didn't catch the robber"

Gwen says " I know peter" suddenly then both see backwards

Gwen " did you feel it"

Peter" yes like someone was watching us "

Gwen " let's leave, we have to do one more patrol, I also have to complete assignment too"she jumps down.

Peter again see in

They both jump down

David pov

Coming from the darkness I stand where they were both , looks like uncle ben died like

In classic spider man movie and also Gwen did not have camouflage .

My spider Senses react with meeting them at first time , I don't know if I will be in list of spider man of multiverse.

Character assimilation :

Character assimiliated:

[Deadshot][Phil coulson][Taskmaster]

In progress:

[Necrofiggian 31% ][spider man 93%]

My spider man assimilation will be completed today,

After that diedara as I also want to shout art is explosion.

There is only one week left in halloween, I also have to submit next part of naruto and pokemon, from then I will be update pokemon weekly and Naruto at every half months. Let's leave.

Next morning at David apartment

Waking up i feel that I have additional memory , I now know all materials to make web shooter and also of various types but it's for afterwards now let's start diedara assimilation.

Character assimilation

Character assimiliated:

[Deadshot][Phil coulson][Taskmaster][spider man]

In progress:

[Necrofiggian 39% ][diedara 7%]

I can feeling Chakra flowing inside me

Now lets try shadow clone ,yes all village have shadow clone which is looted during previous ninja war , other than blood-type abilities and forbidden jutsu , almost all jutsu can be find in all villages, being varying in quantity and quality.

Boom and another me is infront of me.

After nodding me he start walking towards the wall and try Intangibility and passes through the wall, looks like I was right like madara shadow clone uses susanoo , my clones can also use my abilities and skills , I already have this dout when I used necrofiggian ability, gacha Gave me template and made it adapt to me and also follow the rules of it's original world .

I am thinking about doing a experiment.

Since Chakra is combination of physical and mental strength I have more Chakra than kakashi .

After I said something to my clone he left with camouflage.

Some time later At Brooklyn bridge.

Clone pov

The main body wants to create some chaos

To have some fun , I started to use cryo phasing on the bridge starting from the bottom , I start cryo phasing on bridge to have it completely freeze.

Now this look good , let's go back ,and then a cloud burst and the clone cease to exist.

David pov

Memory keep coming , like I have actually experienced all this , now I will see what action shield will take.


S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters

Maria hill knocks the door and enter after seeing green light on status screen at side of door.she enter the room to see a black bald man sitting on chair and seeing the documents with his only eye.

Nick fury pov

Maria says" sir there is a situation. "

Fury ask"what happened, Did you find the spider man identity ?"

Maria says" no sir we didn't find his identity, but something else happened , you should see this" and shows the latest news of frozen Brooklyn bridge .

Fury ask "any casualties?"

Maria responding "no sir ,the bridge was cleared Before this happened "

Fury "did we know who is responsible for this"

Maria " no sir , according to people bridge suddenly start freezing starting from bottom , but bridge was blocked before it"

Fury " so what do you think it is a provocation, accident, testing of technology

Maria "I think testing , if it's provocation or accident there will be casualties. "

Nick " but there's no need to test on front of public, we have to find the originator of this, send coulson here"

Maria responds" ok sir" and left.

Nick" as no of mutants increase, the battle between man and human is coming closer, we should be ready for any situation "

Another place

A agent walk in a room and said "sir someone freeze the Brooklyn bridge"

The man on chair ask" did shield know the one responsible for this"

Agent"no sir , but we believe some mutant was testing his powers"

Man" find out and Bring that person here"

Agent" yes sir "

Man "hail hydra"

Agent" hail hydra "


X academy

Hank In his beast form with lab coat enter the room and says

Professor" what happened Hank?"

Hank "someone froze the Brooklyn bridge"

Professor " let's check with cerebro"


Professor use cerebro to check for mutant

And stopped at hell's kitchen but stopped searching as storm came and says "Hank Mike passed out "

Hank " I am coming "

Professor "let's go ,I already know his current location "

Hank" should I send cyclops "

Professor " no need they have just completed the mission, let them go tomorrow "

Hank "ok".


I know many will think this was immature but mc wants everybody to think his abilities are related to ice .

In next chapter there will be gacha .

Some may be happy while some may be sad, maybe I will add your choice gacha in future but for now I have already decided.

Also which world should mc go first?

Also what reason I should give for ancient one to not attack him after summoning grafia as she is devil.

Should mc attack a mutant experiment Base now or wait ?