
In Marvel I can Evolve Infinitely (X-Men/Marvel)

When he woke up, Sam Caesar came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world, where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. But Alas, he was born extraordinary! His genes mutate and evolve all the time, and all the stimuli from the outside world and all the characteristics of the enemy’s attacks will prompt him to evolve corresponding restraint methods. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Even Sam Caesar himself knew that over time, he would become omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. By the way, this kind of existence seems to be called ‘OAA’ in this world. Only… Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. Not my novel, I am only translating.

Rex_Zatch · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 19 The Beginning Of All Collapse!

Chapter 19 The Beginning Of All Collapse!\

"It's a good show..." In a dimly lit basement, the figure of the Villainous Callisto appeared, and she watched the TV screen contentedly.

"...I can't imagine that hundreds of teachers and students are still in a collective coma in today's society. The cause of the incident is that the ability of a young mutant suddenly broke out of control... "

"... What I can't even imagine is that the whole thing was concealed unknowingly."

"....the person behind it remains at large and is currently investigating whether there were any real casualties."

The lens screen switches again.

This time, It came to Congressman Kelly's personal interview. The Congressman who has been promoting the mutant registration bill immediately started talking non-stop.

"It turns out that we simply can't ignore the harm mutants do to society."

"You can imagine that a mutant who lost control can cause so many people to fall into a coma, and you can imagine that there are mutants who can erase the memories of these victims with one flick of the finger."

"And all of this has actually happened. We need the Mutant Registration Act, to register them one by one, and investigate their harm! All harmful mutants should be imprisoned!!"

"And the X-Men needs to give an explanation for this incident."

At this moment, MP Kelly reiterated his bill and raised his fist.

"Very good." Villainous Callisto smiled. Satisfied, she turned off the TV.

That's right.....

All of this was led by her. After the outbreak of the community school, that day went out of control, she saw that most of the surveillance video had been damaged, so she directly carried a DV video for photography.

The original intention was just to make Magneto pay more attention to this young man.

In fact, Magneto also became interested in this young man after watching the photography-related clips and sent out his able The juggernaut.

The result... was such a disastrous ending.

One plan does not make another plan.

Seeing that the X-Men led by Professor X Charles has repeatedly opposed the Brotherhood of Mutants, and even tried to act as a bridge between humans and mutants, they let this bridge collapse first.



The same moment.

Xavier Academy for Gifted Children.

Every student felt extremely stunned. They didn't expect that one day they would become the target of all public criticism.


"If it wasn't for Sam, our academy wouldn't have become so targeted all of a sudden." Cyclops Scott said, grumblingly.

The X-Men is the No. 1 superhero group that is well-known and has always strived to build a world that lives in harmony with humans, so it has always been good in human prestige.

But now, Professor X was dragged into the water because of Sam, but it was a little troublesome.

However, there is a mind that dominates Charles Town, as long as Magneto doesn't come forward in person, these arrogant X-Men are just gonna complain and become worried too much.

Although Professor Charles is kind, he is not so pedantic enough to give up his force and let others be slaughtered. If this is the case, he will not have insisted on developing the X-Men, nor will he strive to develop the latest technology.

Moreover, as the most valuable psychic among of all human beings on earth, if they disagree with one word, he can even obliterate the terrifying existence of global human consciousness.

Even within S.H.I.E.L.D., Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood, can only be ranked behind Charles in terms of threat.


"This official report may be just a knock, but the real purpose is to find trouble with Sam." Beast McCoy said with great certainty.

He has always been in contact with the official agency, otherwise, he would not be the minister of the official mutant affairs department in the future, so he also guessed the intention of Congressman Kelly.

"What's more, do they still dare to cause trouble to Charles in front of the great enemy of Magneto?"

With that being said, everyone's ideas come through.

Their X-Men and mutant academies are absolutely safe.

The problem is..... Sam Caesar!

"he's gone."

At this time, Ororo, the Storm , brought a message.

Her face was a little lonely, in her opinion, the fault was not his.

"Count him acquainted, so as not to continue to drag us down." Scott was a little rude.

"Did you forget that when you awakened your ability, you almost cut a building in half? Didn't Professor X donate a building to settle this matter?" The storm couldn't help dismantling the stage.


This time, the laser eye boy on the top couldn't say a word.

However, there was still a hint of happiness on his face. At least this kid doesn't have to continue to be in the academy, and Jean doesn't have to stay by his side, giving him regular psychological evaluations.

"Where's the jean?"

At this moment, Cyclops Scott was immediately concerned about the whereabouts of Jean Grey, and she was the only one missing from the X-Men meeting.

"Gone after him!" The Storm was naturally aware of Cyclops' thoughts, so she couldn't help but add, "Jean doesn't accept him just running away, and insists on bringing him back."



Sam Caesar did leave the mutant academy.

Before that, he didn't have too many thoughts of leaving, because the environment was comfortable, he didn't have to worry about food and clothing himself, and he had the top scientific research materials and technologies for his own study and reference.


Things that I had been worried about in the past suddenly broke out, and I was suddenly wanted.

'Will he bring down us...'

When he heard such a sentence in the academy, Sam sighed silently, and he actually felt some blame for it.

Because he actually heard those words from a seven- or eight-year-old mutant kid.

Tony, is a seven- or eight-year-old mutant kid, so why blame them?

He is not so irresponsible, so he doesn't plan to live in the academy anymore.

The reason for accepting Professor X's olive branch before was nothing more than the helplessness after the first out-of-control outbreak, and the feeling of confusion in the world not long after passing through.

Now, self-protection is more than enough, and it is time to leave.


Sam clenched his fists slightly, and the anger in his heart rose up at this moment.

He knew who was behind the scenes.

When I met her before, I knew clearly that this woman had mastered her initial movements and understood what happened at the Queen's Community School.

Now, she must have put herself together.


After leaving the academy, Sam Caesar made it clear that the first purpose was to find that girl.



But the development of things is not as optimistic as the X-Men, including Sam Caesar.

When Professor X Charles tried to figure out the ins and outs and deliberately persuaded Sam Caesar back, he rushed to the brain wave instrument room for the first time.

After connecting the brainwave intensifier, Charles' consciousness will be able to cover more than half of the earth.

But not long after the instrument helmet was put on his head, a sudden pain emerged from the brain.

'Someone is hurting him secretly! '

As soon as this consciousness arose, Professor Charles lost his will and fell from the wheelchair.



AN: Sorry Everyone Late for the Update, a MAssive work load has been making me not have much time for any other extra curricular activities. This month is gonna be like this. i had to use my weekend to write this, hope you guys understand and i might have to stop or put on hiatus some work.