
In marvel as Aquaman

Arthur was accidentally thrown into the chaos of the Titanic, believing he only had to survive the shipwreck. However, it became apparent that escaping the sinking ship was not his sole challenge. Something far more daunting awaited him. Hey guys, I'm back with another fanfic that won't end after just a few chapters. Just a reminder, English isn't my first language.I'll be posting two to three chapters a week, but mostly two chapters."

Great_Sage_5302 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 20 : A New Ability

The sanctuary occupies an extensive area, nearly excavating the majority of the mountain; even if the colossal Godzilla were to enter, it wouldn't feel congested.

"Roar (these primates sure know how to construct shelters; I'll take a nap for a while, what's the fuss, wait until my sibling wakes up)~"

Listening to Godzilla's words, Arthur was somewhat speechless. Godzilla slumbers; unless there's external interference, it might not stir for a hundred years, or perhaps even ten thousand.

Upon awakening, it's uncertain how many times it's been reborn!

Arthur, seeing this, had no intention of disturbing Godzilla's dormancy.

Godzilla, the elder sibling, looks after its kin quite well.

"That's not a sibling, it's a servant!"

Mutual respect forms the foundation of friendship.

Arthur withdrew the trident and removed the crab claws from Godzilla's dorsal fin: "Rest peacefully, big sibling, I'll take a stroll alone."


Godzilla softly groaned, entered the sanctuary, randomly found a flat surface, and soon slumbered more profoundly than a pig. It's estimated that even firecrackers on its head might not rouse it.

"The quality of its sleep is remarkable!"

With a hint of emotion, Arthur glanced around the sanctuary.

There are evident signs of artificial craftsmanship. Positioned in the hall's center, a colossal stone chair stands with numerous immense stone pillars encircling it.

These stone pillars are remarkably flat, each boasting a diameter of no less than 30 meters. In the midst, there's a conveyor belt made of purple geocentric energy ore, presumably the so-called Titan Technology.

As for its precise use, it remains unknown.

Numerous purple energy ores also surround the adjacent mountains. Arthur speculated that these mines possibly contain a type of radioactive material.

However, it's much milder than nuclear radiation and won't cause significant harm to human beings.

Titan behemoths mostly subsist on radiant energy, and the intellect of King Kong equals that of humans. There's a rationale behind them selecting this as their ancestral site.

Godzilla chose to slumber here due to its convenient access to absorb energy.

It must be acknowledged that Godzilla reigns supreme in this realm. No worries about lodging or sustenance. Sleeping and evolving along the way is indeed admirable.


The sky rumbles and thunders.

The mountain peak is just a few hundred meters from the atmosphere. Above the stone bench in the temple hall, a panoramic skylight exists. Due to cloud refraction, the flickering thunder and lightning in the sky constantly change hues on the stone bench, producing unique lighting effects.

Walking down a ten-meter long ladder, below lies a vast platform. Part of it is recessed, revealing a seven- to eight-meter-wide pit emitting heat and red light, with lava below it.

Walking upon it, there's no sensation of hot feet.

Numerous fossilized bones still adorn the platform. From some relatively intact bones, diamonds and skeletal lizards are discernible.

In theory, the skeletal lizard shouldn't have been able to defeat Jin just now.

Possibly, in ancient times, the King Kong clan and the Godzilla clan engaged in conflict. Post-war, their strength waned considerably, and they were subjugated by the Skeleton Lizard clan.

Inserted into the skull of a colossal skeletal lizard fossil is a battle axe crafted from Godzilla's dorsal fin.

This battle axe spans nearly forty meters, with a handle polished from the leg bones of an unknown Titan creature, possessing the specialized refining technique of the King Kong lineage.

The battle axe is excessively large. Although Arthur could lift it, it's impractical to use and cumbersome to carry. With the trident in hand, he certainly wouldn't take this battle axe.

However, Godzilla could make use of it.

He recalls that the battle axe can become invincible by imbuing it with atomic breath.

In the film "Godzilla vs. King Kong," King Kong initially wielded the battle axe against the mechanical Godzilla, exhibiting output akin to scraping.

After Godzilla enchanted the battle axe with Atomic Breath, King Kong swung the axe, effortlessly dismantling the mechanical Godzilla into eight pieces, highlighting the disparity between standard and enhanced equipment.

Godzilla isn't a primate, but it possesses greater intelligence than humans, and its paws can grip the battle axe's handle, though it's not as dexterous as King Kong.

If Godzilla were to wield this legendary weapon, its combat prowess could significantly escalate.

Arthur glanced at the slumbering Godzilla and shook his head: "I'll address this later!"

With a halberd in one hand and a rock crab claw in the other, he approached the stone chair at the hall's center.

Arthur bent his legs and leaped suddenly. When he landed on a stone chair dozens of meters high, the clock-in system finally responded.

[Ding! The host is presently situated in the temple of the King Kong family in the heart of the earth. If it meets the check-in requirements, do you check-in?


"Check-in successful. Congratulations to the host for gaining control of Franklin Hall's gravity.

Control of gravity : You can apply gravity to any object, form gravitational fields, control gravitational force, and simultaneously enhance physical strength and endurance.

Do you wish to receive it?"

Arthur was taken aback when confronted with this opportunity.The ability to control gravity seemed like a rare gift. Among the four fundamental forces of the universe—strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and universal gravitation—gravity held a significant place.

While not as dominant as Magneto's electromagnetic force, it was still a remarkable superpower for Arthur.

Get it,Arthur uttered.

Inan instant, a black spot merged into Arthur's body from the void. The whole process occurred rapidly, and within a single breath, Arthur gained the power to control gravity.

The sensation was peculiar, as if his body could transform into a black hole, exerting a potent gravitational force and overwhelming objects until their collapse.

However, having just acquired this ability, Arthur felt unfamiliar with its application. Mastering the control of gravity and its ancillary powers would require practice and time."